jSQL Injection is a lightweight application used to find database information from a distant server.
It's is free , open source and cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
jSQL Injection is also part of the official penetration testing distribution Kali Linux and is included in distributions like Pentest Box , Parrot Security OS , ArchStrike and BlackArch Linux.
Install Java , then download the latest release of jSQL and double-click on the .jar to launch the software.
You can also type
java -jar jsql-injection-v0.77.jar
in your terminal to start the program. Screenshots
WAF tamper, HTTP Auth Bruteforce, Translation, SOAP injection, Command line interface, Databases: Access Cassandra MongoDb and Neo4j
Change log
Czech translation, 17 Database flavors: SQLite
URI injection point, Mavenify, Upgrade to Java 7, Optimized UI
Authentication: Basic Digest Negotiate NTLM and Kerberos, Database flavor selection
Scan multiple URLs, Github Issue reporter, 16 Database flavors: Cubrid Derby H2 HSQLDB MariaDB and Teradata, Optimized UI
Speed x2: No hex encoding, 10 Database flavors: MySQL Oracle SQLServer PostgreSQL DB2 Firebird Informix Ingres MaxDb and Sybase, JUnit tests, Log4j, Translation
SQL Shell, Uploader
Admin page, Hash bruteforce like MD5 and MySQL, Text encoder/decoder like Base64, Hex and MD5
File injection, Web Shell, Integrated terminal, Configuration backup, Update checker
Algorithm Time, Multi-thread control: Start Pause Resume and Stop, Log URL calls
Method GET POST Header and Cookie, Algorithm Normal Error and Blind, Best algorithm selection, Progression bars, Simple evasion, Proxy settings, MySQL only