A project written in Python to twitter tracking and analysis without using Twitter API.
- This project is a Python 3.x application.
- The package dependencies are in the file requirements.txt. Run that command to install the dependencies.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- SQLite is used as the database.
- Tweet data are stored on the Tweet, User, Location, Hashtag, HashtagTweet tables.
- The database is created automically.
Usage Example
Get help
python3 tracking.py -h
Get tweets by username
python3 tracking.py --username "HaberSau"
Get tweets by query
python3 tracking.py --query "sakarya"
Get tweet at a specific date range
python3 tracking.py --username "HaberSau" --since 2015-09-10 --until 2015-09-12 --maxtweets 10
If you get location of tweets, add --location "True" param but application will be slower due to new response times.
python3 tracking.py --query "sakarya" --location "True"
analysis.py performs analysis processing. User, hashtag and location analyzes are performed.
Get help:
python3 analysis.py -h
for location analysis
python3 analysis py --location
location analysis runs through address http://localhost:5000/locations
You must write Google Map Api Key in setting.py to display google map.
Runs hashtag analysis.
python3 analysis.py --hashtag
Runs user analysis.
python3 analysis.py --user
Graphical User Interface
socialgui.py used for gui application