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Phantom Evasion - Python AV Evasion Tool Capable To Generate FUD Executable Even With The Most Common 32 Bit Metasploit Payload (Exe/Elf/Dmg/Apk)


Phantom-Evasion is an interactive antivirus evasion tool written in python capable to generate (almost) FUD executable even with the most common 32 bit msfvenom payload (lower detection ratio with 64 bit payloads). The aim of this tool is to make antivirus evasion an easy task for pentesters through the use of modules focused on polymorphic code and antivirus sandbox detection techniques. Since version 1.0 Phantom-Evasion also include a post-exploitation section dedicated to persistence and auxiliary modules.

The following OSs officialy support automatic setup:
  1. Kali Linux Rolling 2018.1+ (64 bit)
  2. Parrot Security (64 bit)
The following OSs are likely able to run Phantom Evasion through manual setup:
  1. Arch Linux (64 bit)
  2. BlackArch Linux (64 bit)
  3. Elementary (64 bit)
  4. Linux Mint (64 bit)
  5. Ubuntu 15.10+ (64 bit)
  6. Windows 7/8/10 (64 bit)

Special thanks to:
phra https://github.com/phra
stefano118 https://github.com/stefano118

Getting Started
Simply git clone or download and unzip Phantom-Evasion folder

Kali Linux:
Automatic setup officially supported, open a terminal and execute phantom-evasion:
sudo python phantom-evasion.py 
sudo chmod +x ./phantom-evasion.py

sudo ./phantom-evasion.py

Dependencies (only for manual setup)
  1. metasploit-framework
  2. mingw-w64 (cygwin on windows)
  3. gcc
  4. apktool
  5. strip
  6. wine (not necessary on windows)
  7. apksigner
  8. pyinstaller
require libc6-dev-i386 (linux only)


Windows Shellcode Injection Modules (C)
Msfvenom windows payloads and custom shellcodes supported
(>) Randomized junkcode and windows antivirus evasion techniques
(>) Multibyte Xor encoders availables (see Multibyte Xor encoders readme section)
(>) Decoy Processes Spawner available (see Decoy Process Spawner section)
(>) Strip executable available (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_(Unix))
(>) Execution time range:35-60 second
  1. Windows Shellcode Injection VirtualAlloc: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using VirtualAlloc,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API.
  2. Windows Shellcode Injection VirtualAlloc NoDirectCall LL/GPA: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using VirtualAlloc,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress API.
  3. Windows Shellcode Injection VirtualAlloc NoDirectCall GPA/GMH: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using VirtualAlloc,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress API.
  4. Windows Shellcode Injection HeapAlloc: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using HeapAlloc,HeapCreate,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API.
  5. Windows Shellcode Injection HeapAlloc NoDirectCall LL/GPA: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using HeapCreate,HeapAlloc,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress API.
  6. Windows Shellcode Injection HeapAlloc NoDirectCall GPA/GMH: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using HeapCreate,HeapAlloc,CreateThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress API.
  7. Windows Shellcode Injection Process inject: Inject and Execute shellcode into remote process memory (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,CreateRemoteThread,WaitForSingleObject API.
  8. Windows Shellcode Injection Process inject NoDirectCall LL/GPA: Inject and Execute shellcode into remote process memory (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,CreateRemoteThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress API.
  9. Windows Shellcode Injection Process inject NoDirectCall GPA/GMH: Inject and Execute shellcode into remote process memory (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,CreateRemoteThread,WaitForSingleObject API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress API.
  10. Windows Shellcode Injection Thread Hijack: Inject shellcode into remote process memory and execute it performing thread execution hijack (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,Get/SetThreadContext,Suspend/ResumeThread API.
  11. Windows Shellcode Injection Thread Hijack LL/GPA: Inject shellcode into remote process memory and execute it performing thread execution hijack (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,Get/SetThreadContext,Suspend/ResumeThread API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress API.
  12. Windows Shellcode Injection Thread Hijack GPA/GMH: Inject shellcode into remote process memory and execute it performing thread execution hijack (default: OneDrive.exe (x86) , explorer.exe (x64)) using VirtualAllocEx,WriteProcessMemory,Get/SetThreadContext,Suspend/ResumeThread API. Critical API are dinamically loaded (No Direct Call) using GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress API.

Windows Pure C meterpreter stager
Pure C polymorphic meterpreter stagers compatible with msfconsole and cobalt strike beacon.(reverse_tcp/reverse_http)
(>) Randomized junkcode and windows antivirus evasion techniques (>) Phantom evasion decoy process spawner available (see phantom evasion decoy process spawner section) (>) Strip executable available (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_(Unix)) (>) Execution time range:35-60 second
  1. C meterpreter/reverse_TCP VirtualAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x64) , memory:Virtual)
  2. C meterpreter/reverse_TCP HeapAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x64) , memory:Heap)
  3. C meterpreter/reverse_TCP VirtualAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp polymorphic stager written in c (rrequire multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x64) , memory:Virtual , API loaded at runtime)
  4. C meterpreter/reverse_TCP HeapAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (if x64) , memory:Heap , API loaded at runtime)
  5. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTP VirtualAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x64) , memory:Virtual)
  6. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTP HeapAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x64) , memory:Heap)
  7. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTP VirtualAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x64) , API loaded at runtime)
  8. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTP HeapAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http (if x64) , memory:Heap , API loaded at runtime)
  9. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTPS VirtualAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x64) , memory:Virtual)
  10. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTPS HeapAlloc (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x64) , memory:Heap)
  11. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTPS VirtualAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x64) , API loaded at runtime)
  12. C meterpreter/reverse_HTTPS HeapAlloc NoDirectCall GPAGMH (x86/x64): 32/64 bit windows/meterpreter/reverse_http polymorphic stager written in c (require multi/handler listener with payload set to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x86) -- windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https (if x64) , memory:Heap , API loaded at runtime)

Powershell / Wine-Pyinstaller modules
Powershell modules:
(>) Randomized junkcode and windows antivirus evasion techniques (>) Decoy Process Spawner available (see phantom evasion decoy process spawner section) (>) Strip executable available (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_(Unix)) (>) Execution time range:35-60 second
  1. Windows Powershell/Cmd Oneliner Dropper: Require user-supplied Powershell/Cmd oneliner payload (example Empire oneliner payload). Generate Windows powershell/Cmd oneliner dropper written in c. Powershell/Cmd oneliner payload is executed using system() function.
  2. Windows Powershell Script Dropper: Both msfvenom and custom powershell payloads supported. (32 bit powershell payloads are not compatible with 64 bit powershell target and vice versa.) Generate Windows powershell script (.ps1) dropper written in c. Powershell script payload is executed using system() function (powershell -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -Noexit -File "PathTops1script").
Wine-Pyinstaller modules:
(>) Randomized junkcode and windows antivirus evasion techniques (>) Execution time range:5-25 second (>) Require python and pyinstaller installed in wine.
  1. Windows WinePyinstaller Python Meterpreter
Pure python meterpreter payload.
  1. WinePyinstaller Oneline payload dropper
Pure python powershell/cmd oneliner dropper.
Powershell/cmd payload executed using os.system().


Linux Shellcode Injection Module (C)
Msfvenom linux payloads and custom shellcodes supported.
(>) Randomized junkcode and C antivirus evasion techniques (>) Multibyte Xor encoders availables (see Multibyte Xor encoders readme section) (>) Strip executable available (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_(Unix)) (>) Execution time range:20-45 second
  1. Linux Shellcode Injection HeapAlloc: Inject and Execute shellcode in memory using mmap and memcpy.
  2. Linux Bash Oneliner Dropper: Execute custom oneliner payload using system() function.

  1. OSX 32bit multi-encoded:
Pure msfvenom multi-encoded OSX payloads.

  1. Android Msfvenom Apk smali/baksmali:
(>) Fake loop injection (>) Goto loop
Android msfvenom payloads modified an rebuilded with apktool (Also capable of apk backdoor injection).

Generate executable compatible with the OSs used to run Phantom-Evasion.
  1. Universal Meterpreter increments-trick
  2. Universal Polymorphic Meterpreter
  3. Universal Polymorphic Oneliner dropper

  1. Windows Persistence RegCreateKeyExW Add Registry Key (C) This modules generate executables which needs to be uploaded to the target machine and excuted specifing the fullpath to file to add to startup as arguments.
  2. Windows Persistence REG Add Registry Key (CMD) This module generate persistence cmdline payloads (Add Registry Key via REG.exe).
  3. Windows Persistence Keep Process Alive This module generate executable which need to be uploaded to the target machine and executed. Use CreateToolSnapshoot ProcessFirst and ProcessNext to check if specified process is alive every X seconds. Usefull combined with Persistence N.1 or N.2 (persistence start Keep process alive file which then start and keep alive the specified process)
  4. Windows Persistence Schtasks cmdline
This modules generate persistence cmdline payloads (using Schtasks.exe).
  1. Windows Set Files Attribute Hidden
hide file through commandline or with compiled executable (SetFileAttributes API)


Decoy Processes Spawner:
During target-side execution this will cause to spawn (Using WinExec or CreateProcess API) a maximum of 4 processes consequentialy. The last spawned process will reach the malicious section of code while the other decoy processes spawned before will executes only random junk code.
PRO: Longer execution time,Lower rate of detection. CONS: Higher resource consumption.

Multibyte Xor Encoder:
C xor encoders with three pure c decoding stub available with Shellcode Injection modules.
  1. MultibyteKey xor:
Shellcode xored with one multibyte (variable lenght) random key. Polymorphic C decoder stub.
  1. Double Multibyte-key xor:
Shellcode xored with the result of xor between two multibyte (variable lenght) random keys Polymorphic C decoder stub.
  1. Triple Multibyte-key xor:
Shellcode xored with the result of xor between two multibyte (variable lenght) random keys xored with a third multibyte random key. Polymorphic C decoder stub.

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