Rustcat is a port listener that can be used for different purposes.
It is basically like netcat but with fewer options
Why use Rustcat?
- Serves it purpose of listening to ports
- Has command history
- It is easy to use
- Supports udp
- Uses colors
wget https://github.com/robiot/rustcat/releases/latest/download/rustcat_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./rustcat_amd64.deb
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/rustcat.git
cd rustcat
makepkg -si
Or with yay:
yay -S rustcat
Other Distributions
To install from crates.io:
cargo install rustcat
To install the latest github release without compiling yourself:
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robiot/rustcat/main/install.sh)
If you want it on windows you need to remove everything related to termion and rustyline from the source
Compiling yourself
To compile yourself
- Download the source
- Cd into the dir and run...
cargo build --release
rc [options] [destination] [port]
Usage Examples
Help :
rc --help
Listen to port 55660 on localhost :
rc -lp 55660
Listen to port 55660 on localhost with command history :
rc -lpH 55660
Listen to port 55660 on localhost udp :
rc -lpu 55660
Listen to port 55660 on specified ip ( :
rc -l 55660