RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Out of the box it will enforce many of the guidelines outlined in the community Ruby Style Guide .
Most aspects of its behavior can be tweaked via various configuration options.
RuboCop 's installation is pretty standard:
$ gem install rubocop
If you'd rather install RuboCop using bundler
, don't require it in your Gemfile
: gem 'rubocop', require: false
Basic Usage
with no arguments will check all Ruby source files in the current directory: $ rubocop
Alternatively you can pass rubocop
a list of files and directories to check: $ rubocop app spec lib/something.rb
Here's RuboCop in action. Consider the following Ruby source code: def badName
if something
) would produce the following report: Inspecting 1 file
test.rb:1:5: C: Use snake_case for method names.
def badName
test.rb:2:3: C: Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
if something
test.rb:2:3: C: Favor modifier if usage when having a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
if something
test.rb:4:5: W: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2
1 file inspected, 4 offenses detected
For more details check the available command-line options: $ rubocop -h
Command flag | Description |
-v/--version | Displays the current version and exits. |
-V/--verbose-version | Displays the current version plus the version of Parser and Ruby. |
-L/--list-target-files | List all files RuboCop will inspect. |
-F/--fail-fast | Inspects in modification time order and stops after first file with offenses. |
-C/--cache | Store and reuse results for faster operation. |
-d/--debug | Displays some extra debug output. |
-D/--display-cop-names | Displays cop names in offense messages. |
-c/--config | Run with specified config file. |
-f/--format | Choose a formatter. |
-o/--out | Write output to a file instead of STDOUT. |
-r/--require | Require Ruby file (see Loading Extensions ). |
-R/--rails | Run extra Rails cops. |
-l/--lint | Run only lint cops. |
-a/--auto-correct | Auto-correct certain offenses. Note: Experimental - use with caution. |
--only | Run only the specified cop(s) and/or cops in the specified departments. |
--except | Run all cops enabled by configuration except the specified cop(s) and/or departments. |
--auto-gen-config | Generate a configuration file acting as a TODO list. |
--exclude-limit | Limit how many individual files --auto-gen-config can list in Exclude parameters, default is 15. |
--show-cops | Shows available cops and their configuration. |
--fail-level | Minimum severity for exit with error code. Full severity name or upper case initial can be given. Normally, auto-corrected offenses are ignored. Use A or autocorrect if you'd like them to trigger failure. |
-s/--stdin | Pipe source from STDIN. This is useful for editor integration. |
In RuboCop lingo the various checks performed on the code are called cops. There are several cop departments.
You can also load custom cops .
Most of the cops in RuboCop are so called style cops that check for stylistics problems in your code. Almost all of the them are based on the Ruby Style Guide. Many of the style cops have configurations options allowing them to support different popular coding conventions.
Lint cops check for possible errors and very bad practices in your code. RuboCop implements in a portable way all built-in MRI lint checks (
ruby -wc
) and adds a lot of extra lint checks of its own. You can run only the lint cops like this: $ rubocop -l
The -l
/ --lint
option can be used together with --only
to run all the enabled lint cops plus a selection of other cops. Disabling any of the lint cops is generally a bad idea.
Metrics cops deal with properties of the source code that can be measured, such as class length, method length, etc. Generally speaking, they have a configuration parameter called
and when running rubocop --auto-gen-config
, this parameter will be set to the highest value found for the inspected code. Rails
Rails cops are specific to the Ruby on Rails framework. Unlike style and lint cops they are not used by default and you have to request them specifically:
$ rubocop -R
or add the following directive to your .rubocop.yml
: AllCops:
RunRailsCops: true
The behavior of RuboCop can be controlled via the .rubocop.yml configuration file. It makes it possible to enable/disable certain cops (checks) and to alter their behavior if they accept any parameters. The file can be placed either in your home directory or in some project directory.
RuboCop will start looking for the configuration file in the directory where the inspected file is and continue its way up to the root directory.
The file has the following format:
inherit_from: ../.rubocop.yml
Enabled: false
Max: 99
, is recommended, but not necessary as long as the cop name is unique across all types. Inheritance
RuboCop supports inheriting configuration from one or more supplemental configuration files at runtime.
Inheriting from another configuration file in the project
The optional
directive is used to include configuration from one or more files. This makes it possible to have the common project settings in the .rubocop.yml
file at the project root, and then only the deviations from those rules in the subdirectories. The files can be given with absolute paths or paths relative to the file where they are referenced. The settings after an inherit_from
directive override any settings in the file(s) inherited from. When multiple files are included, the first file in the list has the lowest precedence and the last one has the highest. The format for multiple inheritance is: inherit_from:
- ../.rubocop.yml
- ../conf/.rubocop.yml
Inheriting configuration from a dependency gem
The optional
directive is used to include configuration from one or more gems external to the current project. This makes it possible to inherit a shared dependency's RuboCop configuration that can be used from multiple disparate projects. Configurations inherited in this way will be essentially prepended to the
directive, such that the inherit_gem
configurations will be loaded first, then the inherit_from
relative file paths will be loaded (overriding the configurations from the gems), and finally the remaining directives in the configuration file will supersede any of the inherited configurations. This means the configurations inherited from one or more gems have the lowest precedence of inheritance. The directive should be formatted as a YAML Hash using the gem name as the key and the relative path within the gem as the value:
rubocop: config/default.yml
my-shared-gem: .rubocop.yml
cucumber: conf/rubocop.yml
bundle install
, it would be necessary to also invoke RuboCop using Bundler in order to find the dependency's installation path at runtime: $ bundle exec rubocop <options...>
The file config/default.yml under the RuboCop home directory contains the default settings that all configurations inherit from. Project and personal
files need only make settings that are different from the default ones. If there is no .rubocop.yml
file in the project or home directory, config/default.yml
will be used. Including/Excluding files
RuboCop checks all files found by a recursive search starting from the directory it is run in, or directories given as command line arguments. However, it only recognizes files ending with
or extensionless files with a #!.*ruby
declaration as Ruby files. Hidden directories (i.e., directories whose names start with a dot) are not searched by default. If you'd like it to check files that are not included by default, you'll need to pass them in on the command line, or to add entries for them under AllCops
/ Include
. Files and directories can also be ignored through AllCops
/ Exclude
. Here is an example that might be used for a Rails project:
- '**/Rakefile'
- '**/'
- 'db/**/*'
- 'config/**/*'
- 'script/**/*'
- !ruby/regexp /old_and_unused\.rb$/
# other configuration
# ...
file. Note : Patterns that are just a file name, e.g.
, will match that file name in any directory, but this pattern style deprecated. The correct way to match the file in any directory, including the current, is **/Rakefile
. Note : The pattern
will match any file recursively under config
, but this pattern style is deprecated and should be replaced by config/**/*
. Note : The
and Exclude
parameters are special. They are valid for the directory tree starting where they are defined. They are not shadowed by the setting of Include
and Exclude
in other .rubocop.yml
files in subdirectories. This is different from all other parameters, who follow RuboCop's general principle that configuration for an inspected file is taken from the nearest .rubocop.yml
, searching upwards. Cops can be run only on specific sets of files when that's needed (for instance you might want to run some Rails model checks only on files whose paths match
). All cops support the Include
param. Rails/DefaultScope:
- app/models/*.rb
param. Rails/DefaultScope:
- app/models/problematic.rb
Generic configuration parameters
In addition to
and Exclude
, the following parameters are available for every cop. Enabled
Specific cops can be disabled by setting
to false
for that specific cop. Metrics/LineLength:
Enabled: false
to true
. AllCops:
DisabledByDefault: true
Enabled: true
does not have to be set for cops in user configuration. They will be enabled anyway. Severity
Each cop has a default severity level based on which department it belongs to. The level is
for Lint
and convention
for all the others. Cops can customize their severity level. Allowed params are refactor
, convention
, warning
, error
and fatal
. There is one exception from the general rule above and that is
, a special cop that checks for syntax errors before the other cops are invoked. It can not be disabled and its severity ( fatal
) can not be changed in configuration. Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
Severity: warning
Cops that support the
option can have that support disabled. For example: Style/PerlBackrefs:
AutoCorrect: false
Automatically Generated Configuration
If you have a code base with an overwhelming amount of offenses, it can be a good idea to use
rubocop --auto-gen-config
and add an inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml
in your .rubocop.yml
. The generated file .rubocop_todo.yml
contains configuration to disable cops that currently detect an offense in the code by excluding the offending files, or disabling the cop altogether once a file count limit has been reached. By adding the option
--exclude-limit COUNT
, e.g., rubocop --auto-gen-config --exclude-limit 5
, you can change how many files are excluded before the cop is entirely disabled. The default COUNT is 15. Then you can start removing the entries in the generated
file one by one as you work through all the offenses in the code. Disabling Cops within Source Code
One or more individual cops can be disabled locally in a section of a file by adding a comment such as
# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength, Style/StringLiterals
# rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength, Style/StringLiterals
# rubocop:disable all
# rubocop:enable all
for x in (0..19) # rubocop:disable Style/AvoidFor
You can change the output format of RuboCop by specifying formatters with the
option. RuboCop ships with several built-in formatters, and also you can create your custom formatter. Additionally the output can be redirected to a file instead of
with the -o/--out
option. Some of the built-in formatters produce machine-parsable output and they are considered public APIs. The rest of the formatters are for humans, so parsing their outputs is discouraged.
You can enable multiple formatters at the same time by specifying
multiple times. The -o/--out
option applies to the previously specified -f/--format
, or the default progress
format if no -f/--format
is specified before the -o/--out
option. # Simple format to $stdout.
$ rubocop --format simple
# Progress (default) format to the file result.txt.
$ rubocop --out result.txt
# Both progress and offense count formats to $stdout.
# The offense count formatter outputs only the final summary,
# so you'll mostly see the outputs from the progress formatter,
# and at the end the offense count summary will be outputted.
$ rubocop --format progress --format offenses
# Progress format to $stdout, and JSON format to the file rubocop.json.
$ rubocop --format progress --format json --out rubocop.json
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# | |_______________|
# $stdout
# Progress format to result.txt, and simple format to $stdout.
$ rubocop --output result.txt --format simple
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# | |
# default format $stdout
Progress Formatter (default)
The default
formatter outputs a character for each inspected file, and at the end it displays all detected offenses in the clang
format. A .
represents a clean file, and each of the capital letters means the severest offense (convention, warning, error or fatal) found in a file. $ rubocop
Inspecting 26 files
lib/foo.rb:6:5: C: Missing top-level class documentation comment.
class Foo
26 files inspected, 46 offenses detected
Clang Style Formatter
formatter displays the offenses in a manner similar to clang
: $ rubocop test.rb
Inspecting 1 file
test.rb:1:5: C: Use snake_case for method names.
def badName
test.rb:2:3: C: Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
if something
test.rb:2:3: C: Favor modifier if usage when having a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
if something
test.rb:4:5: W: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2
1 file inspected, 4 offenses detected
Fuubar Style Formatter
style formatter displays a progress bar and shows details of offenses in the clang
format as soon as they are detected. This is inspired by the Fuubar formatter for RSpec. $ rubocop --format fuubar
lib/foo.rb.rb:1:1: C: Use snake_case for methods and variables.
def badName
lib/bar.rb:13:14: W: File.exists? is deprecated in favor of File.exist?.
22/53 files |======== 43 ========> | ETA: 00:00:02
Emacs Style Formatter
formatter displays the offenses in a format suitable for consumption by Emacs
(and possibly other tools). $ rubocop --format emacs test.rb
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:1:1: C: Use snake_case for methods and variables.
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:2:3: C: Favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:4:5: W: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2
Simple Formatter
The name of the formatter says it all :-)
$ rubocop --format simple test.rb
== test.rb ==
C: 1: 5: Use snake_case for method names.
C: 2: 3: Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
C: 2: 3: Favor modifier if usage when having a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
W: 4: 5: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2
1 file inspected, 4 offenses detected
File List Formatter
Sometimes you might want to just open all files with offenses in your favorite editor. This formatter outputs just the names of the files with offenses in them and makes it possible to do something like:
$ rubocop --format files | xargs vim
JSON Formatter
You can get RuboCop's inspection result in JSON format by passing
--format json
option in command line. The JSON structure is like the following example: {
"metadata": {
"rubocop_version": "0.9.0",
"ruby_engine": "ruby",
"ruby_version": "2.0.0",
"ruby_patchlevel": "195",
"ruby_platform": "x86_64-darwin12.3.0"
"files": [{
"path": "lib/foo.rb",
"offenses": []
}, {
"path": "lib/bar.rb",
"offenses": [{
"severity": "convention",
"message": "Line is too long. [81/80]",
"cop_name": "LineLength",
"corrected": true,
"location": {
"line": 546,
"column": 80,
"length": 4
}, {
"severity": "warning",
"message": "Unreachable code detected.",
"cop_name": "UnreachableCode",
"corrected": false,
"location": {
"line": 15,
"column": 9,
"length": 10
"summary": {
"offense_count": 2,
"target_file_count": 2,
"inspected_file_count": 2
Offense Count Formatter
Sometimes when first applying RuboCop to a codebase, it's nice to be able to see where most of your style cleanup is going to be spent.
With this in mind, you can use the offense count formatter to outline the offended cops and the number of offenses found for each by running:
$ rubocop --format offenses
87 Documentation
12 DotPosition
8 AvoidGlobalVars
7 EmptyLines
6 AssignmentInCondition
4 Blocks
4 CommentAnnotation
3 BlockAlignment
1 IndentationWidth
1 AvoidPerlBackrefs
1 ColonMethodCall
134 Total
HTML Formatter
Useful for CI environments. It will create an HTML report like this .
$ rubocop --format html -o rubocop.html
RuboCop supports the following Ruby implementations:
- MRI 1.9.3
- MRI 2.0
- MRI 2.1
- MRI 2.2
- JRuby in 1.9 mode
- Rubinius 2.0+
Editor integration
rubocop.el is a simple Emacs interface for RuboCop. It allows you to run RuboCop inside Emacs and quickly jump between problems in your code.
flycheck > 0.9 also supports RuboCop and uses it by default when available.
The vim-rubocop plugin runs RuboCop and displays the results in Vim.
There's also a RuboCop checker in syntastic .
Sublime Text
If you're a ST user you might find the Sublime RuboCop plugin useful.
The brackets-rubocop extension displays RuboCop results in Brackets. It can be installed via the extension manager in Brackets.
The textmate2-rubocop bundle displays formatted RuboCop results in a new window. Installation instructions can be found here .
The atom-lint package runs RuboCop and highlights the offenses in Atom.
You can also use the linter-rubocop plugin for Atom's linter .
The lt-rubocop plugin provides LightTable integration.
The rubocop-for-rubymine plugin provides basic RuboCop integration for RubyMine/IntelliJ IDEA.
Other Editors
Here's one great opportunity to contribute to RuboCop - implement RuboCop integration for your favorite editor.
Git pre-commit hook integration
overcommit is a fully configurable and extendable Git commit hook manager. To use RuboCop with overcommit, add the following to your
file: PreCommit:
enabled: true
Guard integration
If you're fond of Guard you might like guard-rubocop . It allows you to automatically check Ruby code style with RuboCop when files are modified.
Rake integration
To use RuboCop in your
add the following: require 'rubocop/rake_task'
rake -T
, the following two RuboCop tasks should show up: rake rubocop # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:auto_correct # Auto-correct RuboCop offenses
require 'rubocop/rake_task'
desc 'Run RuboCop on the lib directory' do |task|
task.patterns = ['lib/**/*.rb']
# only show the files with failures
task.formatters = ['files']
# don't abort rake on failure
task.fail_on_error = false
Large projects containing hundreds or even thousands of files can take a really long time to inspect, but RuboCop has functionality to mitigate this problem. There's a caching mechanism that stores information about offenses found in inspected files.
Cache Validity
Later runs will be able to retrieve this information and present the stored information instead of inspecting the file again. This will be done if the cache for the file is still valid, which it is if there are no changes in:
- the contents of the inspected file
- RuboCop configuration for the file
- the options given to
, with some exceptions that have no bearing on which offenses are reported - the Ruby version used to invoke
- version of the
program (or to be precise, anything in the source code of the invokedrubocop
Enabling and Disabling the Cache
The caching functionality is enabled if the configuration parameter
AllCops: UseCache
is true
, which it is by default. The command line option --cache false
can be used to turn off caching, thus overriding the configuration parameter. If AllCops: UseCache
is set to false
in the local .rubocop.yml
, then it's --cache true
that overrides the setting. Cache Path
By default, the cache is stored in in a subdirectory of the temporary directory,
on Unix-like systems. The configuration parameter AllCops: CacheRootDirectory
can be used to set it to a different path. One reason to use this option could be that there's a network disk where users on different machines want to have a common RuboCop cache. Another could be that a Continuous Integration system allows directories, but not a temporary directory, to be saved between runs. Cache Pruning
Each time a file has changed, its offenses will be stored under a new key in the cache. This means that the cache will continue to grow until we do something to stop it. The configuration parameter
AllCops: MaxFilesInCache
sets a limit, and when the number of files in the cache exceeds that limit, the oldest files will be automatially removed from the cache. Extensions
It's possible to extend RuboCop with custom cops and formatters.
Loading Extensions
Besides the
command line option you can also specify ruby files that should be loaded with the optional require
directive in the .rubocop.yml
file: require:
- ../my/custom/file.rb
- rubocop-extension
. If your extension file is not in $LOAD_PATH
, you need to specify the path as relative path prefixed with ./
explicitly, or absolute path. Custom Cops
You can configure the custom cops in your
just like any other cop. Known Custom Cops
- rubocop-rspec - RSpec-specific analysis
Custom Formatters
You can customize RuboCop's output format with custom formatters.
Creating Custom Formatter
To implement a custom formatter, you need to subclass
and override some methods, or implement all formatter API methods by duck typing. Please see the documents below for more formatter API details.
Using Custom Formatter in Command Line
You can tell RuboCop to use your custom formatter with a combination of
and --require
option. For example, when you have defined MyCustomFormatter
in ./path/to/my_custom_formatter.rb
, you would type this command: $ rubocop --require ./path/to/my_custom_formatter --format MyCustomFormatter