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RouterCheck - Android app for ensure the safety of your Router


RouterCheck is a system for ensuring the well-being of your router and home network. It’s offered as a smartphone app, but is far more than just a simple smartphone app. RouterCheck communicates with a powerful server that helps to check whether your router is vulnerable to any of the latest attacks that hackers are launching.

RouterCheck is Security for Your Home Router

RouterCheck is so easy to use, yet performs some very advanced tests to ensure the safety of your home network. Simply start RouterCheck and the following things will automatically be tested for:

Check your configuration

Routers are complex devices and their configuration is sometimes difficult to understand. The configuration screens have many options, and it isn’t always clear what the effects of choosing an option will have on your network’s security. RouterCheck makes sure that you haven’t accidentally enabled something dangerous.


RouterCheck will check to see whether you’ve changed your router’s default password (very dangerous) or are using a password that’s on hackers’ lists of common passwords to try. To learn more about password danger click Passwords.

Dangerous things enabled

RouterCheck will see whether you’ve enabled things that are “dangerous” such as UPnP or Remote Administration. If you have, RouterCheck will explain the security implications of this so that you can make an informed decision on what to do.

Running the latest firmware

RouterCheck checks that your router is updated with the latest firmware for your model, and if not, what steps you can take to update it.

Vulnerabilities in your router

RouterCheck will look through several lists of known vulnerabilities for your router model/firmware to see whether there are any known problems. It will also perform some of the same tests that hackers use to see how your router will respond.

Open Ports

RouterCheck will see if your network has any ports opened to the internet as a result of Port Forwarding. If there are and you have good reason to have the port opened, you can configure RouterCheck so that it will not flag this situation as an issue in the future.

DNS is set up properly

It’s well understood that when hackers attack home networks, the DNS configuration is the first thing they target. It’s very important that your DNS is reliable and trustworthy, otherwise all of the computers on your network are at risk.
RouterCheck has several ways to check and ensure that the DNS servers that you’re using are reliable.

Has the router been tampered with?

RouterCheck will run some tests on your router to help determine if other things in the router have been tampered with by hackers.

Are you a target?

RouterCheck will look to see whether you’re on any of the common lists of targets that hackers typically use when looking for devices on the internet that are poorly secured and at risk.


When RouterCheck finds that there are any problems with your router, it will help guide you towards the steps you must take to solve the problem.

Checking public WiFi hotspots

Do you ever use WiFi at a coffeeshop, restaurant or other public place? The dangers of using public WiFi are well understood and one of the issues is the reliability of the system’s DNS server. If a hacker were successful in compromising a coffeeshop router’s DNS settings, everyone who used the service would unknowingly become innocent victims.

RouterCheck allows you to quickly scan a public WiFi hotspot to ensure that the system is safe to use.

WS-Attacker - Modular Framework for Web Services Penetration Testing


XML-based SOAP Web Services are a widely used technology, which allows the users to execute remote operations and transport arbitrary data. It is currently adapted in Service Oriented Architectures, cloud interfaces, management of federated identities, eGovernment, or millitary services. The wide adoption of this technology has resulted in an emergence of numerous - mostly complex - extension specifications. Naturally, this has been followed by a rise in large number of Web Services attacks. 

By implementing common web applications, the developers evaluate the security of their systems by applying different penetration testing tools. However, in comparison to the well-known attacks as SQL injection or Cross Site Scripting, there exist no penetration testing tools for Web Services specific attacks. With WS-Attacker we intend to close this gap and provide developers and penetration testers automatic methods for detecting Web Services specific attacks. The tool currently supports the following attacks:
  • SOAPAction Spoofing
  • WS-Addressing Spoofing
  • Various XML Denial of Service variants
  • XML Signature Wrapping

INURLBR - Advanced Search in Multiple Search Engines


Advanced search in search engines, enables analysis provided to exploit GET / POST capturing emails & urls, with an internal custom validation junction for each target / url found.

INURLBR scanner was developed by Cleiton Pinheiro, owner and founder of INURL - BRASIL.

Tool made ​​in PHP that can run on different Linux distributions helps hackers / security professionals in their specific searches.

With several options are automated methods of exploration, AND SCANNER is known for its ease of use and performasse.

The inspiration to create the inurlbr scanner, was the XROOT Scan 5.2 application.

Long desription

The INURLBR tool was developed aiming to meet the need of Hacking community.
Purpose: Make advanced searches to find potential vulnerabilities in web applications known as Google Hacking with various options and search filters, this tool has an absurd power of search engines available with (24) + 6 engines special(deep web)
  •   - Possibility generate IP ranges or random_ip and analyze their targets.
  •   - Customization of  HTTP-HEADER, USER-AGET, URL-REFERENCE.
  •   - Execution external to exploit certain targets.
  •   - Generator dorks random or set file dork.
  •   - Option to set proxy, file proxy list, http proxy, file http proxy.
  •   - Set time random proxy.
  •   - It is possible to use TOR ip Random.
  •   - Debug processes urls, http request, process irc.
  •   - Server communication irc sending vulns urls for chat room.
  •   - Possibility injection exploit GET / POST => SQLI, LFI, LFD.
  •   - Filter and validation based regular expression.
  •   - Extraction of email and url.
  •   - Validation using http-code.
  •   - Search pages based on strings file.
  •   - Exploits commands manager.
  •   - Paging limiter on search engines.
  •   - Beep sound when trigger vulnerability note.
  •   - Use text file as a data source for urls tests.
  •   - Find personalized strings in return values of the tests.
  •   - Validation vulnerability shellshock.
  •   - File validation values wordpress wp-config.php.
  •   - Execution sub validation processes.
  •   - Validation syntax errors database and programmin.
  •   - Data encryption as native parameter.
  •   - Random google host.
  •   - Scan port.
  •   - Error Checking & values​​:
  • PHP Version         5.4.7
  • php5-curl           LIB
  • php5-cli            LIB  
  • cURL support        enabled
  • cURL Information    7.24.0
  • allow_url_fopen     On
  • permission          Reading & Writing
  • User                root privilege, or is in the sudoers group
  • Operating system    LINUX
  • Proxy random        TOR
  • PERMISSION EXECUTION: chmod +x inurlbr.php
  • INSTALLING LIB CURL: sudo apt-get install php5-curl
  • INSTALLING LIB CLI: sudo apt-get install php5-cli
  • INSTALLING PROXY TOR https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en
resume: apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5 php5-cli php5-curl

--help Alternative long length help command.
--ajuda Command to specify Help.
--info Information script.
--update Code update.
-q Choose which search engine you want through [1...24] / [e1..6]]:
2 - BING
4 - ASK
5 - HAO123 BR
8 - UOL BR
10 - SAPO
11 - DMOZ
13 - NEVER
16 - ZOO
21 - SOGOU
e5 - OTN
all - All search engines / not special motors
Default: 1
Example: -q {op}
Usage: -q 1
-q 5
Using more than one engine: -q 1,2,5,6,11,24
Using all engines: -q all

--proxy Choose which proxy you want to use through the search engine:
Example: --proxy {proxy:port}
Usage: --proxy localhost:8118
--proxy socks5://googleinurl@localhost:9050
--proxy http://admin:12334@

--proxy-file Set font file to randomize your proxy to each search engine.
Example: --proxy-file {proxys}
Usage: --proxy-file proxys_list.txt

--time-proxy Set the time how often the proxy will be exchanged.
Example: --time-proxy {second}
Usage: --time-proxy 10

--proxy-http-file Set file with urls http proxy,
are used to bular capch search engines
Example: --proxy-http-file {youfilehttp}
Usage: --proxy-http-file http_proxys.txt

--tor-random Enables the TOR function, each usage links an unique IP.

-t Choose the validation type: op 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1 - The first type uses default errors considering the script:
It establishes connection with the exploit through the get method.
Demo: www.alvo.com.br/pasta/index.php?id={exploit}

2 - The second type tries to valid the error defined by: -a='VALUE_INSIDE_THE _TARGET'
It also establishes connection with the exploit through the get method
Demo: www.alvo.com.br/pasta/index.php?id={exploit}

3 - The third type combine both first and second types:
Then, of course, it also establishes connection with the exploit through the get method
Demo: www.target.com.br{exploit}
Default: 1
Example: -t {op}
Usage: -t 1

4 - The fourth type a validation based on source file and will be enabled scanner standard functions.
The source file their values are concatenated with target url.
- Set your target with command --target {http://target}
- Set your file with command -o {file}
Source file values:

5 - (FIND PAGE) The fifth type of validation based on the source file,
Will be enabled only one validation code 200 on the target server, or if the url submit such code will be considered vulnerable.
- Set your target with command --target {http://target}
- Set your file with command -o {file}
Source file values:
Observation: If it shows the code 200 will be separated in the output file



--dork Defines which dork the search engine will use.
Example: --dork {dork}
Usage: --dork 'site:.gov.br inurl:php? id'
- Using multiples dorks:
Example: --dork {[DORK]dork1[DORK]dork2[DORK]dork3}
Usage: --dork '[DORK]site:br[DORK]site:ar inurl:php[DORK]site:il inurl:asp'

--dork-file Set font file with your search dorks.
Example: --dork-file {dork_file}
Usage: --dork-file 'dorks.txt'

--exploit-get Defines which exploit will be injected through the GET method to each URL found.
Example: --exploit-get {exploit_get}
Usage: --exploit-get "?'´%270x27;"

--exploit-post Defines which exploit will be injected through the POST method to each URL found.
Example: --exploit-post {exploit_post}
Usage: --exploit-post 'field1=valor1&field2=valor2&field3=?´0x273exploit;&botao=ok'

--exploit-command Defines which exploit/parameter will be executed in the options: --command-vul/ --command-all.
The exploit-command will be identified by the paramaters: --command-vul/ --command-all as _EXPLOIT_
Ex --exploit-command '/admin/config.conf' --command-all 'curl -v _TARGET__EXPLOIT_'
_TARGET_ is the specified URL/TARGET obtained by the process
_EXPLOIT_ is the exploit/parameter defined by the option --exploit-command.
Example: --exploit-command {exploit-command}
Usage: --exploit-command '/admin/config.conf'

-a Specify the string that will be used on the search script:
Example: -a {string}
Usage: -a '<title>hello world</title>'

-d Specify the script usage op 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Example: -d {op}
Usage: -d 1 /URL of the search engine.
-d 2 /Show all the url.
-d 3 /Detailed request of every URL.
-d 4 /Shows the HTML of every URL.
-d 5 /Detailed request of all URLs.
-d 6 /Detailed PING - PONG irc.

-s Specify the output file where it will be saved the vulnerable URLs.

Example: -s {file}
Usage: -s your_file.txt

-o Manually manage the vulnerable URLs you want to use from a file, without using a search engine.
Example: -o {file_where_my_urls_are}
Usage: -o tests.txt

--persist Attempts when Google blocks your search.
The script tries to another google host / default = 4
Example: --persist {number_attempts}
Usage: --persist 7

--ifredirect Return validation method post REDIRECT_URL
Example: --ifredirect {string_validation}
Usage: --ifredirect '/admin/painel.php'

-m Enable the search for emails on the urls specified.

-u Enables the search for URL lists on the url specified.

--gc Enable validation of values ​​with google webcache.

--pr Progressive scan, used to set operators (dorks),
makes the search of a dork and valid results, then goes a dork at a time.

--file-cookie Open cookie file.

--save-as Save results in a certain place.

--shellshock Explore shellshock vulnerability by setting a malicious user-agent.

--popup Run --command all or vuln in a parallel terminal.

--cms-check Enable simple check if the url / target is using CMS.

--no-banner Remove the script presentation banner.

--unique Filter results in unique domains.

--beep Beep sound when a vulnerability is found.

--alexa-rank Show alexa positioning in the results.

--robots Show values file robots.

--range Set range IP.
Example: --range {range_start,rage_end}
Usage: --range ''

--range-rand Set amount of random ips.
Example: --range-rand {rand}
Usage: --range-rand '50'

--irc Sending vulnerable to IRC / server channel.
Example: --irc {server#channel}
Usage: --irc 'irc.rizon.net#inurlbrasil'

--http-header Set HTTP header.
Example: --http-header {youemail}
Usage: --http-header 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized,WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Top Secret"'

--sedmail Sending vulnerable to email.
Example: --sedmail {youemail}
Usage: --sedmail youemail@inurl.com.br

--delay Delay between research processes.
Example: --delay {second}
Usage: --delay 10

--time-out Timeout to exit the process.
Example: --time-out {second}
Usage: --time-out 10

--ifurl Filter URLs based on their argument.
Example: --ifurl {ifurl}
Usage: --ifurl index.php?id=

--ifcode Valid results based on your return http code.
Example: --ifcode {ifcode}
Usage: --ifcode 200

--ifemail Filter E-mails based on their argument.
Example: --ifemail {file_where_my_emails_are}
Usage: --ifemail sp.gov.br

--url-reference Define referring URL in the request to send him against the target.
Example: --url-reference {url}
Usage: --url-reference http://target.com/admin/user/valid.php

--mp Limits the number of pages in the search engines.
Example: --mp {limit}
Usage: --mp 50

--user-agent Define the user agent used in its request against the target.
Example: --user-agent {agent}
Usage: --user-agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686) Gecko/20071127 Firefox/'
Usage-exploit / SHELLSHOCK:
--user-agent '() { foo;};echo; /bin/bash -c "expr 299663299665 / 3; echo CMD:;id; echo END_CMD:;"'
Complete command:
php inurlbr.php --dork '_YOU_DORK_' -s shellshock.txt --user-agent '_YOU_AGENT_XPL_SHELLSHOCK' -t 2 -a '99887766555'

--sall Saves all urls found by the scanner.
Example: --sall {file}
Usage: --sall your_file.txt

--command-vul Every vulnerable URL found will execute this command parameters.
Example: --command-vul {command}
Usage: --command-vul 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'
--command-vul './exploit.sh _TARGET_ output.txt'
--command-vul 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'

--command-all Use this commmand to specify a single command to EVERY URL found.
Example: --command-all {command}
Usage: --command-all 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'
--command-all './exploit.sh _TARGET_ output.txt'
--command-all 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'
[!] Observation:

_TARGET_ will be replaced by the URL/target found, although if the user
doesn't input the get, only the domain will be executed.

_TARGETFULL_ will be replaced by the original URL / target found.

_TARGETXPL_ will be replaced by the original URL / target found + EXPLOIT --exploit-get.

_TARGETIP_ return of ip URL / target found.

_URI_ Back URL set of folders / target found.

_RANDOM_ Random strings.

_PORT_ Capture port of the current test, within the --port-scan process.

_EXPLOIT_ will be replaced by the specified command argument --exploit-command.
The exploit-command will be identified by the parameters --command-vul/ --command-all as _EXPLOIT_

--replace Replace values ​​in the target URL.
Example: --replace {value_old[INURL]value_new}
Usage: --replace 'index.php?id=[INURL]index.php?id=1666+and+(SELECT+user,Password+from+mysql.user+limit+0,1)=1'
--replace 'main.php?id=[INURL]main.php?id=1+and+substring(@@version,1,1)=1'
--replace 'index.aspx?id=[INURL]index.aspx?id=1%27´'

--remove Remove values ​​in the target URL.
Example: --remove {string}
Usage: --remove '/admin.php?id=0'

--regexp Using regular expression to validate his research, the value of the
Expression will be sought within the target/URL.
Example: --regexp {regular_expression}
All Major Credit Cards:
Usage: --regexp '(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6011[0-9]{12}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|3[47][0-9]{13})'

IP Addresses:
Usage: --regexp '((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))'

Usage: --regexp '([\w\d\.\-\_]+)@([\w\d\.\_\-]+)'

---regexp-filter Using regular expression to filter his research, the value of the
Expression will be sought within the target/URL.
Example: ---regexp-filter {regular_expression}
Usage: ---regexp-filter '([\w\d\.\-\_]+)@([\w\d\.\_\-]+)'

[!] Small commands manager:

--exploit-cad Command register for use within the scanner.
Example Format: NMAP::nmap -sV _TARGET_
Example Format: EXPLOIT1::php xpl.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt
Usage: --exploit-cad 'NMAP::nmap -sV _TARGET_'
Observation: Each registered command is identified by an id of your array.
Commands are logged in exploits.conf file.

--exploit-all-id Execute commands, exploits based on id of use,
(all) is run for each target found by the engine.
Example: --exploit-all-id {id,id}
Usage: --exploit-all-id 1,2,8,22

--exploit-vul-id Execute commands, exploits based on id of use,
(vull) run command only if the target was considered vulnerable.
Example: --exploit-vul-id {id,id}
Usage: --exploit-vul-id 1,2,8,22

--exploit-list List all entries command in exploits.conf file.

[!] Running subprocesses:

--sub-file Subprocess performs an injection
strings in URLs found by the engine, via GET or POST.
Example: --sub-file {youfile}
Usage: --sub-file exploits_get.txt

--sub-get defines whether the strings coming from
--sub-file will be injected via GET.
Usage: --sub-get

--sub-post defines whether the strings coming from
--sub-file will be injected via POST.
Usage: --sub-get

--sub-cmd-vul Each vulnerable URL found within the sub-process
will execute the parameters of this command.
Example: --sub-cmd-vul {command}
Usage: --sub-cmd-vul 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'
--sub-cmd-vul './exploit.sh _TARGET_ output.txt'
--sub-cmd-vul 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'

--sub-cmd-all Run command to each target found within the sub-process scope.
Example: --sub-cmd-all {command}
Usage: --sub-cmd-all 'nmap sV -p 22,80,21 _TARGET_'
--sub-cmd-all './exploit.sh _TARGET_ output.txt'
--sub-cmd-all 'php miniexploit.php -t _TARGET_ -s output.txt'

--port-scan Defines ports that will be validated as open.
Example: --port-scan {ports}
Usage: --port-scan '22,21,23,3306'

--port-cmd Define command that runs when finding an open door.
Example: --port-cmd {command}
Usage: --port-cmd './xpl _TARGETIP_:_PORT_'
--port-cmd './xpl _TARGETIP_/file.php?sqli=1'

--port-write Send values for door.
Example: --port-write {'value0','value1','value3'}
Usage: --port-write "'NICK nk_test','USER nk_test 8 * :_ola','JOIN #inurlbrasil','PRIVMSG #inurlbrasil : minha_msg'"

[!] Modifying values used within script parameters:

md5 Encrypt values in md5.
Example: md5({value})
Usage: md5(102030)
Usage: --exploit-get 'user?id=md5(102030)'

base64 Encrypt values in base64.
Example: base64({value})
Usage: base64(102030)
Usage: --exploit-get 'user?id=base64(102030)'

hex Encrypt values in hex.
Example: hex({value})
Usage: hex(102030)
Usage: --exploit-get 'user?id=hex(102030)'

Generate random values.
Example: random({character_counter})
Usage: random(8)
Usage: --exploit-get 'user?id=random(8)'

To get a list of basic options and switches use:
php inurlbr.php -h

To get a list of all options and switches use:
python inurlbr.php --help

YASUO - Scans for Vulnerable & Exploitable 3rd-party Web Applications


Yasuo is a ruby script that scans for vulnerable 3rd-party web applications.

While working on a network security assessment (internal, external, redteam gigs etc.), we often come across vulnerable 3rd-party web applications or web front-ends that allow us to compromise the remote server by exploiting publicly known vulnerabilities. Some of the common & favorite applications are Apache Tomcat administrative interface, JBoss jmx-console, Hudson Jenkins and so on.

If you search through Exploit-db, there are over 10,000 remotely exploitable vulnerabilities that exist in tons of web applications/front-ends and could allow an attacker to completely compromise the back-end server. These vulnerabilities range from RCE to malicious file uploads to SQL injection to RFI/LFI etc.

Yasuo is built to quickly scan the network for such vulnerable applications thus serving pwnable targets on a silver platter.

Setup / Install

You would need to install the following gems:
gem install ruby-nmap net-http-persistent mechanize colorize text-table


Yasuo provides following command-line options:
-r :: If you want Yasuo to perform port scan, use this switch to provide an IP address or IP range or an input file with new-line separated IP addresses
-s :: Provide custom signature file. [./yasuo.rb -s mysignatures.yaml -f nmap.xml] [Default - signatures.yaml]
-f :: If you do not want Yasuo to perform port scan and already have an nmap output in xml format, use this switch to feed the nmap output
-n :: Tells Yasuo to not ping the host while performing the port scan. Standard nmap option.
-p :: Use this switch to provide port number(s)/range
-A :: Use this switch to scan all the 65535 ports. Standard nmap option.
-b [all/form/basic] :: If the discovered application implements authentication, use this switch to brute-force the auth. "all" will brute-force both form & http basic auth. "form" will only brute-force form-based auth. "basic" will only brute-force http basic auth.
-t :: Specify maximum number of threads
-h :: Well, take a guess


./yasuo -r -p 80,8080,443,8443 -b form
The above command will perform port scan against on ports 80, 8080, 443 and 8443 and will brute-force login for all the applications that implement form-based authentication.
./yasuo -f my_nmap_output.xml -b all
The above command will parse the nmap output file "my_nmap_output.xml" and will brute-force login for all the applications that implement form-based and http basic authentication.

Plecost - Wordpress Vulnerabilities Finder


Plecost is a vulnerability fingerprinting and vulnerability finder for Wordpress blog engine.

There are a huge number of Wordpress around the world. Most of them are exposed to be attacked and be converted into a virus, malware or illegal porn provider, without the knowledge of the blog owner.
This project try to help sysadmins and blog's owners to make a bit secure their Wordpress.

What's new?
This Plecost 3 version, add a lot of new features and fixes, like:
  • Fixed a lot of bugs.
  • New engine: without threads or any dependencies, but run more faster. We'll used python 3 asyncio and non-blocking connections. Also consume less memory. Incredible, right? :)
  • Changed CVE update system and storage: Now Plecost get vulnerabilities directly from NIST and create a local SQLite data base with filtered information for Wordpress and theirs plugins.
  • Wordpress vulnerabilities: Now Plecost also manage Wordpress Vulnerabilities (not only for the Plugins).
  • Add local vulnerability database are queryable. You can consult the vulnerabilities for a concrete wordpress or plugins without, using the local database.
You can read entire list in CHANGELOG file.

Install Plecost is so easy:
$ python3 -m pip install plecost
Remember that Plecost3 only runs in Python 3.

Quick start
Scan a web site si so simple:
$ plecost http://SITE.com
A bit complex scan: increasing verbosity exporting results in JSON format and XML:
$ plecost -v http://SITE.com -o results.json
$ plecost -v http://SITE.com -o results.xml

Advanced scan options
No check WordPress version, only for plugins:
$ plecost -nc http://SITE.com 
Force scan, even if not Wordpress was detected:
$ plecost -f http://SITE.com
Display only the short banner:
$ plecost -nb http://SITE.com
List available wordlists:
$ plecost -nb -l 

// Plecost - Wordpress finger printer Tool - v1.0.0

Available word lists:
1 - plugin_list_10.txt
2 - plugin_list_100.txt
3 - plugin_list_1000.txt
4 - plugin_list_250.txt
5 - plugin_list_50.txt
6 - plugin_list_huge.txt
Select a wordlist in the list:
$ plecost -nb -w plugin_list_10.txt http://SITE.com
$ plecost --concurrency 10 http://SITE.com
$ plecost -c 10 http://SITE.com
For more options, consult the --help command:
$ plecost -h

New versions and vulnerabilities are released diary, you can upload the local database writing:
Updating vulnerability database:
$ plecost --update-cve
Updating plugin list:

$ plecost --update-plugins


AsHttp - Shell Command to Expose any other Command as HTTP


ashttp provide a simple way to expose any shell command by HTTP. For example, to expose top by HTTP, try : ashttp -p8080 top ; then try http://localhost:8080.


ashttp depends on hl_vt100, a headless VT100 emulator.
To get and compile hl_vt100 :
$ git clone https://github.com/JulienPalard/vt100-emulator.git
$ aptitude install python-dev
$ make python_module
$ python setup.py install


ashttp can serve any text application over HTTP, like :
$ ashttp -p 8080 top
to serve a top on port 8080
$ ashttp -p 8080 watch -n 1 ls -lah /tmp

to serve an actualized directory listing of /tmp

PyPhisher - A Simple Python Tool for Phishing

If you are looking to make a phishing testing or demonstration you can check PyPhisher. This tool was created for the purpose of phishing during a penetration test. This tool is python based that provide user a way to send emails with a customized template that he design. you can have an html format that is similar to any organization and replace the links that you want to send.

This was inspired by SpearPhiser beta by Dave Kennedy from Trustedsec and a feature found in Cobalt Strike by Rapheal Mudge from Strategic Cyber

PyPhisher.py --server mail.server.com --port 25 --username user --password password --html phish.txt --url_replace phishlink.com --subject Read!! --sender important@phish.com --sendto target@company.com

Available options:
--server          The SMTP server that you are going to be using to send the email
--port The port number that is setup for SMTP
--html The pre-crafted html that will be used in the email
--url_replace The url that will be used to replace all links in the email
--subject The subject that will appear in the email message
--sender The sender that will appear on the email example
--sendto Who you would like to send the email to

Wireless Network Watcher v1.81 - Show Who is Connected to your Wireless Network


Wireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers and devices that are currently connected to your network.

For every computer or device that is connected to your network, the following information is displayed: IP address, MAC address, the company that manufactured the network card, and optionally the computer name.

You can also export the connected devices list into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the list to the clipboard and then paste into Excel or other spreadsheet application.

Using Wireless Network Watcher

Wireless Network Watcher doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply extract the executable file (WNetWatcher.exe) from the zip file, and run it.

If you want, you can also download WNetWatcher with full install/uninstall support (wnetwatcher_setup.exe), so a shortcut for running WNetWatcher will be automatically added into your start menu.

After running WNetWatcher, it automatically locates your wireless adapter, and scans your network. After a few seconds, you should start see the list of computers that are currently connected to your network.

If from some reason, WNetWatcher failed to locate and scan your network, you can try to manually choosing the correct network adapter, by pressing F9 (Advanced Options) and choosing the right network adapter.

Columns Description
  • IP Address: IP Address of the device or computer.
  • Device Name: The name of the device or computer. This field may remain empty if the computer or the device doesn't provide its name.
  • MAC Address: The MAC address of the network adapter.
  • Network Adapter Company:The company that manufactured the network adapter, according to the MAC Address. This column can help you to detect the type of the device or computer. For example, if the company name is Apple, the device is probably a Mac computer, iPhone, or iPad. 
    if the company name is Nokia, the device is probably a cellular phone of Nokia.

    By default, this utility uses an internal MAC addresses database stored inside the .exe file, but it's not always updated with the latest MAC address assignments. 
    You can manually download the latest MAC addresses file from http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txtand then put oui.txt in the same folder where WNetWatcher.exe is located. When you run WNetWatcher.exe, it'll automatically load and use the external oui.txt instead of the internal MAC addresses database.
  • Device Information:This column displays 'Your Computer' if the device is the computer that you currently use. This column displays 'Your Router' if the device is the wireless router.
  • User Text:You can assign your own text to any device detected by WNetWatcher. By default, this field is filled with the device name. In order to change the User Text, simply double-click the item and type the desired text.
  • Active:Specifies whether this device is currently active. When a device is not detected anymore, the 'Active' value is turned from 'Yes' to 'No'

Background Scan

Starting from version 1.15, there is a new option under the Options menu - 'Background Scan'.

When it's turned on, Wireless Network Watcher first make the regular fast network scan to discover all current connected devices. After that, a continuous background scan is activated to discover when new devices are connected to your network. The background scan is slower and less intensive then the regular scan, so it won't overload your computer and you can leave it to run in the background while using other programs.

When the background scan is running, a counter of the scan process is displayed in the second section of the bottom status bar.

When the background scan is used, you can use the 'Beep On New Device' option to get a beep sound when a new device is detected.

Command-Line Options
/cfg <Filename> Start Wireless Network Watcher with the specified configuration file. For example:
WNetWatcher.exe /cfg "c:\config\wnw.cfg"
WNetWatcher.exe /cfg "%AppData%\WNetWatcher.cfg"
/stext <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into a comma-delimited text file (csv).
/stabular <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename> Scan your network, and save the network devices list into XML file.    

Pixiewps - Bruteforce Offline the WPS Pin (Pixie Dust Attack)


Pixiewps is a tool written in C used to bruteforce offline the WPS pin exploiting the low or non-existing entropy of some APs (pixie dust attack). It is meant for educational purposes only. All credits for the research go to Dominique Bongard.

Pixiewps requires libssl. To install it:
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Pixiewps can be built and installed by running:
    ~/pixiewps$ cd src
~/pixiewps/src$ make
~/pixiewps/src$ sudo make install

 Usage: pixiewps <arguments>

Required Arguments:

-e, --pke : Enrollee public key
-r, --pkr : Registrar public key
-s, --e-hash1 : Enrollee Hash1
-z, --e-hash2 : Enrollee Hash2
-a, --authkey : Authentication session key

Optional Arguments:

-n, --e-nonce : Enrollee nonce
-m, --r-nonce : Registrar nonce
-b, --e-bssid : Enrollee BSSID
-S, --dh-small : Small Diffie-Hellman keys (PKr not needed) [No]
-f, --force : Bruteforce the whole keyspace [No]
-v, --verbosity : Verbosity level 1-3, 1 is quietest [3]

-h, --help : Display this usage screen

A common usage example is:
    pixiewps --pke <pke> --pkr <pkr> --e-hash1 <e-hash1> --e-hash2 <e-hash2> --authkey <authkey> --e-nonce <e-nonce>
which requires a modified version of Reaver or Bully which prints AuthKey. The recommended version is reaver-wps-fork-t6x.
If the following message is shown:
[!] The AP /might be/ vulnerable. Try again with --force or with another (newer) set of data.
then the AP might be vulnerable and Pixiewps should be run again with the same set of data along with the option --force or alternatively with a newer set of data.

    -e, --pke

Enrollee's DH public key, found in M1.

-r, --pkr

Registrar's DH public key, found in M2 or can be avoided by specifying
--dh-small in both Reaver and Pixiewps.

-s, --e-hash1

Enrollee Hash-1, found in M3.

-z, --e-hash2

Enrollee Hash-2, found in M3.

-a, --authkey

Registration Protocol authentication session key. Although for this parameter a
modified version of Reaver or Bully is needed, it can be avoided by specifying
small Diffie-Hellman keys in both Reaver and Pixiewps and supplying --e-nonce,
--r-nonce and --e-bssid.

-n, --e-nonce

Enrollee's nonce, found in M1.

-m, --r-nonce

Registrar's nonce, found in M2.

-b, --e-bssid

Enrollee's BSSID.

-S, --dh-small

Small Diffie-Hellman keys. The same option MUST be specified in Reaver
(1.3 or later versions) too. This option should be avoided when possible.

-f, --force

Force Pixiewps to bruteforce the whole keyspace (only for one type of PRNG).
It could take up to several minutes to complete.

-v, --verbosity

Verbosity level (1-3). Level 3 displays the most information.

-h, --help

Display usage screen.

NoPo - NoSQL Honeypot Framework


NoSQL-Honeypot-Framework (NoPo) is an open source honeypot for nosql databases that automates the process of detecting attackers,logging attack incidents. The simulation engines are deployed using the twisted framework.Currently the framework holds support for redis.

N.B : The framework is under development and is prone to bugs

You can download NoPo by cloning the Git repository:
git clone https://github.com/torque59/nosqlpot.git

pip install -r requirements.txt
NoPo works out of the box with Python version 2.6.x and 2.7.x on any platform.

Added Features:
  • First Ever Honeypot for NoSQL Databases
  • Support For Config Files
  • Simulates Protocol Specification as of Servers
  • Support for Redis

Get a list of basic options :
python nopo.py -h
Deploy an nosql engine:
python nopo.py -deploy redis
Deploy an nosql engine with a configuration file:
python nopo.py -deploy redis -config filename
Log commands,session to file :
python nopo.py -deploy redis -out log.out

Web Security Dojo - Training Environment for Web Application Security Penetration Testing


A free open-source self-contained training environment for Web Application Security penetration testing. Tools + Targets = Dojo

Various web application security testing tools and vulnerable web applications were added to a clean install of Ubuntu v10.04.2, which is patched with the appropriate updates and VM additions for easy use.

The Web Security Dojo is for learning and practicing web app security testing techniques. It is ideal for self-teaching and skill assessment, as well as training classes and conferences since it does not need a network connection. The Dojo contains everything needed to get started – tools, targets, and documentation.

Feature Overview
Targets include:
  • OWASP’s WebGoat
  • Google’s Gruyere
  • Damn Vulnerable Web App
  • Hacme Casino
  • OWASP InsecureWebApp
  • w3af’s test website
  • simple training targets by Maven Security (including REST and JSON)

Tools: (starred = new this version)
  • Burp Suite (free version)
  • w3af
  • sqlmap
  • arachni *
  • metasploit
  • Zed Attack Proxy *
  • OWASP Skavenger
  • OWASP Dirbuster
  • Paros
  • Webscarab
  • Ratproxy
  • skipfish
  • websecurify
  • davtest
  • J-Baah
  • JBroFuzz
  • Watobo *
  • RATS
  • helpful Firefox add-ons

Damn Vulnerable Web App - PHP/MySQL Training Web Application that is Damn Vulnerable


Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.


Damn Vulnerable Web App is damn vulnerable! Do not upload it to your hosting provider's public html folder or any working web server as it will be hacked. I recommend downloading and installing XAMPP onto a local machine inside your LAN which is used solely for testing.

We do not take responsibility for the way in which any one uses Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA). We have made the purposes of the application clear and it should not be used maliciously. We have given warnings and taken measures to prevent users from installing DVWA on to live web servers. If your web server is compromised via an installation of DVWA it is not our responsibility it is the responsibility of the person/s who uploaded and installed it.

PentestBox - Portable Penetration Testing Distribution for Windows Environments


PentestBox is not like other Penetration Testing Distributions which runs on virtual machines. It is created because more than 50% of penetration testing distributions users uses windows.

So it provides an efficient platform for Penetration Testing on windows platform.
Check out demo video:

Easy To Use

It is a commandline utility which is all what you want.

Awesome Design

It is the same green font on black terminal but in an modern way. I am pretty sure you will like it.

Best Performance

PentestBox directly runs on host machine instead of virtual machines, so performance is obvious.

No Dependencies Needed

All the dependencies required by tools are inside PentestBox, so you can even run PentestBox on freshly installed windows without any hassle.


PentestBox is entirely portbale, so now you can carry your own Penetration Testing Environment on a USB stick. It will take care of dependencies required to run tools which are inside it.

Linux Environment

PentestBox contains nearly all linux utilities like bash, cat, chmod, curl, git, gzip, ls, mv, ps, ssh, sh, uname and others. 

Tools category

How to include your own Tool

If you want to include a tool which is not currently present in PentestBox then below are the ways to include it.
  • If it is Python based program
    • Place that folder in PentestBox_Directory/bin or in any folder inside bin.
    • As Python is configured inside PentestBox, you can directly go to that directory and then run that program by prepending python to the filename.
    • But if you want to set an alias for that program then please follow How to add an alias
  • If it is Ruby Based Program
    • Place that folder in PentestBox_Directory/bin or in any folder inside bin.
    • As Ruby is configured inside PentestBox, you can directly go to that directory and then run that program by prepending ruby to the filename.
    • But if you want to set an alias for that program then please follow How to add an alias
  • It it is Executable file
    • Place that folder in PentestBox_Directory/bin or in any folder inside bin.
    • You can directly access by moving to that folder and typing the filename.
    • But if you want to set an alias for that program then please follow How to add an alias

WAIDPS - Wireless Auditing, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System


WAIDPS is an open source wireless swissknife written in Python and work on Linux environment. This is a multipurpose tools designed for audit (penetration testing) networks, detect wireless intrusion (WEP/WPA/WPS attacks) and also intrusion prevention (stopping station from associating to access point). Apart from these, it will harvest all WiFi information in the surrounding and store in databases. This will be useful when it comes to auditing a network if the access point is ‘MAC filtered’ or ‘hidden SSID’ and there isn’t any existing client at that moment.

WAIDS may be useful to penetration testers, wireless trainers, law enforcement agencies and those who is interested to know more about wireless auditing and protection. The primarily purpose for this script is to detect intrusion. Once wireless detect is found, it display on screen and also log to file on the attack. Additional features are added to current script where previous WIDS does not have are :
  • automatically save the attack packets into a file
  • interactive mode where users are allow to perform many functions
  • allow user to analyse captured packets
  • load previously saved pcap file or any other pcap file to be examine
  • customizing filters
  • customize detection threshold (sensitivity of IDS in detection)

At present, WAIDS is able to detect the following wireless attacks and will subsequently add other detection found in the previous WIDS.
  • Association / Authentication flooding
  • Detect mass deauthentication which may indicate a possible WPA attack for handshake
  • Detect possible WEP attack using the ARP request replay method
  • Detect possible WEP attack using chopchop method
  • Detect possible WPS pin bruteforce attack by Reaver, Bully, etc.
  • Detection of Evil-Twin
  • Detection of Rogue Access Point

The whole structure of the Wireless Auditing, Intrusion Detection & Prevention System will comprise of
Harvesting WiFi Information         [Done]
Intrusion Detection                         [Partially Done]
Intrusion Prevention                       [Partially Done]
Auditing (Testing network)            [Coming Soon]
Other additional item include analyzing of packets, display of captured dump, display network barchart and much more.

No special equipment is required to use this script as long as you have the following :
  1. Root access (admin)
  2. Wireless interface which is capable of monitoring and injection
  3. Python 2.7 installed
  4. Aircrack-NG suite installed
  5. TShark installed
  6. TCPDump installed
  7. Mergecap installed (for joining pcap files)
  8. xterm  installed

I2P - The Invisible Internet Project


I2P is an anonymous network, exposing a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other. The network itself is strictly message based (a la IP), but there is a library available to allow reliable streaming communication on top of it (a la TCP). All communication is end to end encrypted (in total there are four layers of encryption used when sending a message), and even the end points ("destinations") are cryptographic identifiers (essentially a pair of public keys).

How does it work?

To anonymize the messages sent, each client application has their I2P "router" build a few inbound and outbound "tunnels" - a sequence of peers that pass messages in one direction (to and from the client, respectively). In turn, when a client wants to send a message to another client, the client passes that message out one of their outbound tunnels targeting one of the other client's inbound tunnels, eventually reaching the destination. Every participant in the network chooses the length of these tunnels, and in doing so, makes a tradeoff between anonymity, latency, and throughput according to their own needs. The result is that the number of peers relaying each end to end message is the absolute minimum necessary to meet both the sender's and the receiver's threat model.

The first time a client wants to contact another client, they make a query against the fully distributed "network database" - a custom structured distributed hash table (DHT) based off the Kademlia algorithm. This is done to find the other client's inbound tunnels efficiently, but subsequent messages between them usually includes that data so no further network database lookups are required.

What can you do with it?

Within the I2P network, applications are not restricted in how they can communicate - those that typically use UDP can make use of the base I2P functionality, and those that typically use TCP can use the TCP-like streaming library. We have a generic TCP/I2P bridge application ("I2PTunnel") that enables people to forward TCP streams into the I2P network as well as to receive streams out of the network and forward them towards a specific TCP/IP address.

I2PTunnel is currently used to let people run their own anonymous website ("eepsite") by running a normal webserver and pointing an I2PTunnel 'server' at it, which people can access anonymously over I2P with a normal web browser by running an I2PTunnel HTTP proxy ("eepproxy"). In addition, we use the same technique to run an anonymous IRC network (where the IRC server is hosted anonymously, and standard IRC clients use an I2PTunnel to contact it). There are other application development efforts going on as well, such as one to build an optimized swarming file transfer application (a la BitTorrent), a distributed data store (a la Freenet / MNet), and a blogging system (a fully distributed LiveJournal), but those are not ready for use yet.

I2P is not inherently an "outproxy" network - the client you send a message to is the cryptographic identifier, not some IP address, so the message must be addressed to someone running I2P. However, it is possible for that client to be an outproxy, allowing you to anonymously make use of their Internet connection. To demonstrate this, the "eepproxy" will accept normal non-I2P URLs (e.g. "http://www.i2p.net") and forward them to a specific destination that runs a squid HTTP proxy, allowing simple anonymous browsing of the normal web. Simple outproxies like that are not viable in the long run for several reasons (including the cost of running one as well as the anonymity and security issues they introduce), but in certain circumstances the technique could be appropriate.

The I2P development team is an open group, welcome to all who are interested in getting involved, and all of the code is open source. The core I2P SDK and the current router implementation is done in Java (currently working with both sun and kaffe, gcj support planned for later), and there is a simple socket based API for accessing the network from other languages (with a C library available, and both Python and Perl in development). The network is actively being developed and has not yet reached the 1.0 release, but the current roadmap describes our schedule.

SQLiPy - Plugin for Burp Suite that integrates SQLMap using the SQLMap API


SQLiPy is a Python plugin for Burp Suite that integrates SQLMap using the SQLMap API.

SQLMap comes with a RESTful based server that will execute SQLMap scans. This plugin can start the API for you or connect to an already running API to perform a scan.


Jython 2.7 beta, due to the use of json
Java 1.7 or 1.8 (the beta version of Jython 2.7 requires this)


SQLiPy relies on a running instance of the SQLMap API server. You can manually start the server with:
  python sqlmapapi.py -s -H <ip> -p <port>
Or, you can use the SQLMap API tab to select the IP/Port on which to run, as well as the path to python and sqlmapapi.py on your system.

Once the SQLMap API is running, it is just a matter of right mouse clicking in the 'Request' sub tab of either the Target or Proxy main tabs and choosing 'SQLiPy Scan'.

This will populate the SQLMap Scanner tab of the plugin with information about that request. Clicking the 'Start Scan' button will execute a scan.

If the page is vulnerable to SQL injection, then a thread from the plugin will poll the results and add them to the Scanner Results tab.

Read more here.

BypassWAF - Burp Plugin to Bypass Some WAF Devices


Add headers to all Burp requests to bypass some WAF products. This extension will automatically add the following headers to all requests.


Steps include:
  1. Add extension to burp
  2. Create a session handling rule in Burp that invokes this extension
  3. Modify the scope to include applicable tools and URLs
  4. Configure the bypass options on the "Bypass WAF" tab
  5. Test away
Read more here.


All of the features are based on Jason Haddix's work found here, and Ivan Ristic's WAF bypass work found here and here.

Bypass WAF contains the following features:

A description of each feature follows:
  1. Users can modify the X-Originating-IP, X-Forwarded-For, X-Remote-IP, X-Remote-Addr headers sent in each request. This is probably the top bypass technique i the tool. It isn't unusual for a WAF to be configured to trust itself ( or an upstream proxy device, which is what this bypass targets.
  2. The "Content-Type" header can remain unchanged in each request, removed from all requests, or by modified to one of the many other options for each request. Some WAFs will only decode/evaluate requests based on known content types, this feature targets that weakness.
  3. The "Host" header can also be modified. Poorly configured WAFs might be configured to only evaluate requests based on the correct FQDN of the host found in this header, which is what this bypass targets.
  4. The request type option allows the Burp user to only use the remaining bypass techniques on the given request method of "GET" or "POST", or to apply them on all requests.
  5. The path injection feature can leave a request unmodified, inject random path info information (/path/to/example.php/randomvalue?restofquery), or inject a random path parameter (/path/to/example.php;randomparam=randomvalue?resetofquery). This can be used to bypass poorly written rules that rely on path information.
  6. The path obfuscation feature modifies the last forward slash in the path to a random value, or by default does nothing. The last slash can be modified to one of many values that in many cases results in a still valid request but can bypass poorly written WAF rules that rely on path information.
  7. The parameter obfuscation feature is language specific. PHP will discard a + at the beginning of each parameter, but a poorly written WAF rule might be written for specific parameter names, thus ignoring parameters with a + at the beginning. Similarly, ASP discards a % at the beginning of each parameter.
  8. The "Set Configuration" button activates all the settings that you have chosen.
All of these features can be combined to provide multiple bypass options.

ChromePass - Chrome Browser Password Recovery Tool


ChromePass is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password, and Created Time.

You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file or copy them to the clipboard.

Using ChromePass

ChromePass doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using ChromePass, simply run the executable file - ChromePass.exe After running it, the main window will display all passwords that are currently stored in your Google Chrome browser.

Reading ChromePass passwords from external drive

Starting from version 1.05, you can also read the passwords stored by Chrome Web browser from an external profile in your current operating system or from another external drive (For example: from a dead system that cannot boot anymore). In order to use this feature, you must know the last logged-on password used for this profile, because the passwords are encrypted with the SHA hash of the log-on password, and without that hash, the passwords cannot be decrypted.

You can use this feature from the UI, by selecting the 'Advanced Options' in the File menu, or from command-line, by using /external parameter. The user profile path should be something like "C:\Documents and Settings\admin" in Windows XP/2003 or "C:\users\myuser" in Windows Vista/2008.

Command-Line Options
/stext <Filename> Save the list of passwords into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> Save the list of passwords into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename> Save the list of passwords into a comma-delimited text file.
/stabular <Filename> Save the list of passwords into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename> Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename> Save the list of passwords into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename> Save the list of passwords to XML file.
/skeepass <Filename> Save the list of passwords to KeePass csv file.
/external <User Profile Path> <Last Log-On Password> Load the Chrome passwords from external drive/profile. For example:
chromepass.exe /external "C:\Documents and Settings\admin" "MyPassword"

Firefox Autocomplete Spy - Tool to View or Delete Autofill Data from Mozilla Firefox


Firefox Autocomplete Spy is the free tool to easily view and delete all your autocomplete data from Firefox browser.

Firefox stores Autocomplete entries (typically form fields) such as login name, email, address, phone, credit/debit card number, search history etc in an internal database file.

'Firefox Autocomplete Spy' helps you to automatically find and view all the Autocomplete history data from Firefox profile location. For each of the entry, it display following details,
  • Field Name
  • Value
  • Total Used Count
  • First Used Date
  • Last Used Date

You can also use it to view from history file belonging to another user on same or remote system. It also provides one click solution to delete all the displayed Autocomplete data from the history file.

It is very simple to use for everyone, especially makes it handy tool for Forensic investigators.

Firefox Autocomplete Spy is fully portable and works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

  • Instantly view all the autocomplete data from Firefox form history file
  • On startup, it auto detects Autocomplete file from default profile location
  • Sort feature to arrange the data in various order to make it easier to search through 100's of entries.
  • Delete all the Autocomplete data with just a click of button
  • Save the displayed autocomplete list to HTML/XML/TEXT/CSV file
  • Easier and faster to use with its enhanced user friendly GUI interface
  • Fully Portable, does not require any third party components like JAVA, .NET etc
  • Support for local Installation and uninstallation of the software

How to Use

Firefox Autocomplete Spy is easy to use with its simple GUI interface.

Here are the brief usage details
  • Launch FirefoxAutocompleteSpy on your system
  • By default it will automatically find and display the autocomplete file from default profile location. You can also select the desired file manually.
  • Next click on 'Show All' button and all stored Autocomplete data will be displayed in the list as shown in screenshot 1 below.
  • If you want to remove all the entries, click on 'Delete All' button below.
  • Finally you can save all displayed entries to HTML/XML/TEXT/CSV file by clicking on 'Export' button and then select the type of file from the drop down box of 'Save File Dialog'.

The Exploit-Database Git Repository


This is the official repository of The Exploit Database, a project sponsored by Offensive Security.

The Exploit Database is an archive of public exploits and corresponding vulnerable software, developed for use by penetration testers and vulnerability researchers. Its aim is to serve as the most comprehensive collection of exploits gathered through direct submissions, mailing lists, and other public sources, and present them in a freely-available and easy-to-navigate database. The Exploit Database is a repository for exploits and proof-of-concepts rather than advisories, making it a valuable resource for those who need actionable data right away.

This repository is updated daily with the most recently added submissions.

Included with this repository is the searchsploit utility, which will allow you to search through the exploits using one or more terms.

root@kali:~# searchsploit -h
Usage : searchsploit [OPTIONS] term1 [term2] ... [termN]
Example: searchsploit oracle windows local

-c - Perform case-sensitive searches; by default,
searches will try to be greedy
-v - By setting verbose output, description lines
are allowed to overflow their columns
-h, --help - Show help screen

- Use any number of search terms you would like (minimum: 1)
- Search terms are not case sensitive, and order is irrelevant

root@kali:~# searchsploit afd windows local
Description | Path
MS Windows XP/2003 AFD.sys Privilege Escalation Exploit (K-plug | /windows/local/6757.txt
Microsoft Windows xp AFD.sys Local Kernel DoS Exploit | /windows/dos/17133.c
Windows XP/2003 Afd.sys - Local Privilege Escalation Exploit (M | /windows/local/18176.py
Windows - AfdJoinLeaf Privilege Escalation (MS11-080) | /windows/local/21844.rb

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