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stickyKeysHunter - A Script to Test an RDP Host for Sticky Keys and Utilman Backdoor

This bash script tests for sticky keys and utilman backdoors. The script will connect to an RDP server, send both the sticky keys and utilman triggers and screenshot the result.

How does it work?
  1. Connects to RDP using rdesktop
  2. Sends shift 5 times using xdotool to trigger sethc.exe backdoors
  3. Sends Windows+u using xdotool to trigger utilman.exe backdoors
  4. Takes screenshot
  5. Kills RDP connection

  1. Linux host running an X server
  2. The following packages: xdotool imagemagick rdesktop bc
    1. Debian/Ubuntu/Kali install: apt-get install xdotool imagemagick rdesktop bc
  3. Screen cannot be locked during this process or all of the screenshots will turn out black

Scan a single host: ./stickyKeysHunter.sh
Scan Multiple hosts: for i in $(cat list.txt); do ./stickyKeysHunter.sh "${i}"; done

  1. Automatically analyze screenshots with OCR or image processing to identify backdoors.
  2. Speed up/multithread the tool.

WarBerryPi - Turn your Raspberry Pi into a War Machine


The WarBerry was built with one goal in mind; to be used in red teaming engagement where we want to obtain as much information as possible in a short period of time with being as stealth as possible. Just find a network port and plug it in. The scripts have been designed in a way that the approach is targeted to avoid noise in the network that could lead to detection and to be as efficient as possible. The WarBerry script is a collection of scanning tools put together to provide that functionality.

To get a list of all options and switches use:

sudo python warberry.py -h

-h, --help [*] Print this help banner
-m, --man [*] Prints WarBerry's Man Page
-A, --attack [*] Run All Enumeration Scripts
-S, --sniffer [*] Run Sniffing Modules Only
-C, --clear [*] Clear Output Directories
-F, --fulltcp [*] Full TCP Port Scan
-T, --toptcp [*] Top Port Scan
-U, --topudp [*] Top UDP Port Scan

example usage: sudo python warberry.py -A
sudo python warberry.py --attack
sudo python warberry.py -C

Optional: Change the hostname of the RaspberryPi to WarBerry
sudo nano /etc/hosts
sudo nano /etc/hostname
Reboot the WarBerry for the changes to take effect
Create a directory under /home/pi
sudo mkdir WarBerry
Create the Results subdirectory in /WarBerry
sudo mkdir Results
Download WarBerry by cloning the Git repository:
sudo git clone https://github.com/secgroundzero/warberry.git

The tool in case of MAC address filtering enumerates by default the subnets specified under /home/pi/WarBerry/warberry/discover . This is done for the tool to run quicker. If you want to enumerate more subnets either add the subnets in that file or change line 154 in rest_bypass.py so that it does not read from the file.

  • sudo apt-get install nbtscan
  • sudo apt-get install python-scapy
  • sudo apt-get install tcpdump
  • sudo apt-get install nmap
  • sudo pip install python-nmap
  • sudo pip install ipaddress
  • sudo apt-get install ppp
  • sudo apt-get install sg3-utils
  • sudo apt-get install netdiscover
  • sudo apt-get install macchanger
  • sudo git clone https://github.com/DanMcInerney/net-creds.git #install in /home/pi/WarBerry/Tools/

Extra Tools for Post Exploitation. Best to install in /home/pi/WarBerry/Tools/ directory

Aircrack Installation


Running the tool with a switch

Connect to GND and port 23 pins on the RPi.

Script for autorunning with a switch

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import subprocess

# GPIO 23 set up as input. It is pulled up to stop false signals
GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

print "it will connect GPIO port 23 (pin 16) to GND (pin 6)\n"

print "Waiting for falling edge on port 23"

GPIO.wait_for_edge(23, GPIO.FALLING)
subprocess.call(["python /home/pi/WarBerry/warberry/warberry.py -A"])

except KeyboardInterrupt:
GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on CTRL+C exit
GPIO.cleanup() # clean up GPIO on normal exit

Faraday v1.0.20 - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform

Faraday introduces a new concept - IPE (Integrated Penetration-Test Environment) a multiuser Penetration test IDE. Designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit.

A brand new Faraday version is ready! Faraday v1.0.20 (Community, Pro & Corp) is here, bringing more functionality to our GTK interface and other cool new features.

You will probably notice the most our new conflict resolution dialog, which improves on our design for QT and highlights the differences between the two conflicting objects, not to mention it requires one less click from you when fixing a conflict.

Conflict resolution dialog in Faraday's GTK interface
Also, you will notice the status bar now displays relevant information about your workspace, so you know exactly where you stand regarding the number of hosts, services and vulnerabilities. Your workflow will also be improved by the new exit command support, which now behaves as you'd expect - if you exit from a tab inside Faraday, the tab will close.

Big new features are exciting, but bug fixes and small add-ons are important too. The terminal now features infinite scrolling and scroll bars, there are more descriptive labels, the sidebar is resizable and you can search for specific workspaces by name.

However, our web UI wasn't left behind, including fixes and improvements in the hosts and services views. Also, in this version we added the report import event to the commands history, so it can be viewed in the dashboard. We believe this feature will enable you to keep track of all the movements in the workspace, so we hope you enjoy it!

Pro & Corp changes:

  • Fixed a bug in report creation - removed relative paths in the generation script so it can be run from another directory

Community, Pro & Corp changes:

    • Fixed bugs in plugins: Acunetix - Nmap - Nikto 
    • Removed description from Hosts list in web UI
    • Fixed sort in Hosts list in web UI
    • Fixed ports sorting in Host view in web UI
    • Added search link for OS in Hosts list in web UI
    • Removed description from Services list in web UI
    • Added version to Services list in web UI
    • Modified false values in Hosts list in web UI
    • Added search links in Services list in web UI
    • Added scrollbar in Gtk Terminal
    • Added workspace status in Gtk interface
    • Added conflict resolution support for the Gtk interface
    • Added search entry for workspaces in Gtk
    • Added support for 'exit' command inside Faraday's Gtk terminal
    • Improved handling of uncaught exceptions in Gtk interface
    • Improved text formatting in Gtk's log console
    • Fixed several small bugs in Faraday GTK
    • Added support for resize workspace bar
    • Added a quote for imported reports in web UI
    • Added support for a new type of report in Qualysguard plugin

    Bt2 - Blaze Telegram Backdoor Toolkit


    bt2 is a Python-based backdoor in form of a IM bot that uses the infrastructure and the feature-rich bot API provided by Telegram, slightly repurposing its communication platform to act as a C&C.


    $ sudo pip install telepot
    $ sudo pip install requests
    PS: Telepot requires minimum of requests 2.9.1 to work properly.

    Currently the shellcode execution component is dependent on ctypes and works only on Windows platforms.

    Before using this code one has to register a bot with Telegram. This can be done by talking to Botfather - after setting up the name for the bot and username you will get a key that will be used to interact with the bot API.
    For more information see Telegram bots: an introduction for developers
    Also, it is highly advisable to replace 'botmaster ID' with the ID of the master, locking the communication between the bot to the specific ID of the botmaster to avoid abuse from unauthorized parties.
    $ python bt2.py

    We published a blog post with a few more details on command and control platforms and how to use the tool: https://blog.blazeinfosec.com/bt2-leveraging-telegram-as-a-command-control-platform/

    Known bugs
    • After launching a reverse shell and exiting from it, all commands sent to the bot have duplicate responses.
    • The 'kill' functionality is not working as it should.
    • After successful execution of shellcode, the bot dies. Upon return it fetches the previous messages from the server and executes the shellcode again. Need to find a way to avoid fetching of previous messages.

    • Julio Cesar Fort - julio at blazeinfosec dot com
    • Twitter: @juliocesarfort / @blazeinfosec

    BurpSuiteJSBeautifier - Burp Suite JavaScript Beautifier

    Most of the websites compress their resources such as JS files in order to increase the loading speed. However, security testing and debugging a compressed resource is not an easy task. This is a Burp Suite open source extension which makes it possible to beautify most of the resources properly. Therefore, it will help the web application security researchers to view the compressed resources easier. It also helps them to have the decompressed versions of the resources (such as JS, CSS, HTML, XML, and so on) inside the browsers to debug them without any problem.

    Using the application:
    Step 0- (Downloading) Download "jsbeautifier.jar" file and "libs" directory.
    Step 1- (Adding Libraries) Now under "Extender" tab, click on the "Options" tab; in "Java Environment" section, click on "Select folder ..." button and select the "libs" folder that contains "js.jar" and "rsyntaxtextarea.jar".
    Step 2- (Adding Extension) In Burp Suite, click on the "Extender" tab, then click on "Add" button and select "jsbeautifier.jar" file.
    Step 3- (Testing Extension) Now you should be able to see "JSBeautifier Settings" tab in burp suite. You can also manually beautify requests/responses by using right click and selecting the "Beautify This!" option. If it cannot beautify anything, check your Burp Suite extension settings and make sure that you have added the requested libraries; Unload/Load the extension and try again.

    • Works with the latest version of Burp Suite (tested on 1.5.21)
    • Manual beautifying the requests/responses
    • Automatic beautifying the responses in proxy
    • Automatic beautifying the responses in all tabs
    • Can support Burp suite scope
    • Mimicking exact behaviour of JSBeautifier.org website by using Rhino library
    • Supporting multiple file types (JS, CSS, HTML, and so on)
    • Detecting packers and obfuscators (based on JSBeautifier.org)
    • Syntax highlighter in the read-only editor by using Fifesoft RSyntaxTextArea library
    • Open Source
    This extension is based on the following modules/libraries (included in repository):
    • Limitations of jsbeautifier.org
    • Only support UTF-8 for texts
    Reporting bugs:
    If you have found an issue, please use “Debug Mode” option and attach the extension's Output and Error files to your report. I may not be able to replicate the issue without having this information.

    Tested on:
    This extension has been tested on Burp Suite Pro v1.5.21 with Java v7ux. If you are using an older version of Burp Suite, you may be able to use version 0.1a of this extension which is located at https://code.google.com/p/burp-suite-beautifier-extension/

    Some screenshots:

    Intercepter-NG v1.9 - Multifunctional Network Toolkit for Android


    Intercepter-NG is a multifunctional network toolkit for various types of IT specialists. It has functionality of several famous separate tools and more over offers a good and unique alternative of Wireshark for android.

    The main features are:

    • Network discovery with OS detection
    • Network traffic analysis
    • Passwords recovery
    • Files recovery

    WARNING! You need ROOT access (SUPERSU ONLY) and BUSYBOX to use this application. Please you Google to learn how to get it on your device!
    Also, if you face any problems reinstall busybox and supersu!

    What's New

    1.9 New:

    • + Port Scanner (long click on IP)
    • + DNS Spoofing
    • + Improvements and fixes
    1.8b New:

    • + 'Gateway not found' fixed
    • + Support for intel\arm x32\x64 devices
    • + Clipboard usage for Cookies
    • + Improvements and fixes
    1.7 New:

    • + Netmask bug fixed
    • + Subnet scanning improved
    • + Address bar in Cookie Viewer
    • + Data view in Raw Mode
    1.6 New:

    • + Updated scanning engine
    • + Android 5 support
    • + Portrait mode compatibility
    • + Fixed sdcard issues
    • + Cookie Killer
    • + Forced Download
    • + Fast poisoning


    WifiChannelMonitor - Monitor APs and Wifi clients on selected channel (Monitor Mode) for Window


    WifiChannelMonitor is a utility for Windows that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver in monitor mode, and displays extensive information about access points and the wifi clients connected to them. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs (network names) that they are trying to connect.

    For every access point, the following information is displayed: SSID, MAC Address, Device Manufacturer , PHY Type, Channel, RSSI, Security, Beacons Count, Probe Responses Count, Data Bytes, Retransmitted Data Bytes, and more...

    For every client, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Device Manufacturer, SSID list that the client tries to connect, Sent Data Bytes, Received Data Bytes, Probe Requests Count, and more...

    System Requirements

    • Windows 10/Vista/7/8/2012 - 32-bit or 64-bit. (In previous version of Windows , there is no support for wifi monitor mode)
    • Microsoft Network Monitor 3.x - You can download and install it from this Web page or from this Web page .
    • Wireless network adapter and a driver that works properly in 'monitor mode' under Windows. See the remarks about that in the 'Known Problems' section below, it's very important !!
    You can also use WifiChannelMonitor to watch wifi information offline by importing a capture pcap file created under Linux with airodump-ng or wireshark. In this case, there is no need for capture driver and you can also use it under Windows XP.

    WifiChannelMonitor vs Other Tools

    Capturing data using monitor mode allows WifiChannelMonitor to show information that other wifi tools cannot get:
    • Detect and show all wifi clients (Tablets, Smartphones, computers with wifi adapter, and so on... ), Including wifi clients that are not connected to any access point, but only tries to connect...
    • For wifi clients that try to connect to one or more APs - WifiChannelMonitor displays the list of network names (SSIDs) that the wifi client tries to connect.
    • WifiChannelMonitor can also detect clients with a wired connection to the router.
    • WifiChannelMonitor shows the number of sent/received data bytes for every access point and for every wifi client connected to the access point.
    • WifiChannelMonitor can show the name of hidden network. (The name is detected only when somebody connects this wireless network)

    Start Using WifiChannelMonitor

    Before you start capturing wifi data with WifiChannelMonitor, you have to install the Microsoft Network Monitor 3.x from this Web page or from this Web page. Except of the Microsoft Network Monitor driver, there is no need for any installation process or additional dll files.
    In order to start using WifiChannelMonitor, simply run the executable file - WifiChannelMonitor.exe
    After running WifiChannelMonitor, press F6 to start capturing in wifi monitor mode. On the 'Capture Options' window, you have to choose the correct wireless network adapter and the channel number you want to monitor. It's recommended to start monitoring with one of the 3 major wifi channels - 1, 6, or 11.
    After choosing the channel and adapter, click the Ok button to start monitoring. After a few seconds, you should see the access points information in the upper pane. If you don't see any information , stop the capture (F7) , go to the 'Capture Options' window (F9) and try to change from 802.11n to 802.11g. After that press F6 to start the capture again.

    Wifi Clients Modes (Lower Pane)

    There are 3 different modes that you can view the wifi clients in the lower pane:
    • Show Clients Of Selected AP:In this mode, WifiChannelMonitor only displays the wifi clients that are connected to the access point you select in the upper pane.
    • Show All Clients:In this mode, WifiChannelMonitor displays all detected clients.
    • Show All Clients Without AP:In this mode, WifiChannelMonitor displays all clients that are not connected to any access point.
    • Show All Clients With AP:In this mode, WifiChannelMonitor displays all clients that are connected to access point.
    • Show Only Clients+APs In My List:In this mode, WifiChannelMonitor displays only the clients and APs that appear in the MAC Addresses List (Ctrl+F8)

    AP Columns Description

    • SSID:The name of the wireless network
    • MAC Address:MAC address of the access point.
    • Company:Company that manufactured this access point, determined according to the MAC address.
    • PHY Type:802.11g, 802.11n, and so on...
    • Frequency:Channel frequency in MHz.
    • Channel:Channel number.
    • RSSI:Specifies the signal strength, in dBm. Some drivers don't provide the correct RSSI values in monitor mode.
    • Security:None, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK + WPA2-PSK, WPA-EAP, WPA2-EAP, WPA-EAP + WPA2-EAP, or WEP.
    • Cipher:None, WEP, TKIP, CCMP, TKIP+CCMP.
    • Beacons:The total number of beacons sent by the access point. Beacon is a packet sent frequently by the access point and contains essential information that the wifi client need to identify and connect it.
    • Probe Responses:The total number of times that the access point responded to a probe request sent by a wifi client.
    • Data Bytes:Total number of data bytes sent and received by this access point.
    • Retransmitted Data:Total number of retransmitted data bytes sent and received by this access point.
    • Device Name:The name of the device. This value is displayed only for devices that support WPS.
    • Device Model:The device model. This value is displayed only for devices that support WPS.
    • WPS:Specifies the WPS status: No (No WPS Support), Configured, Not Configured, or Locked.
    • Start Time:Displays the last time that access point was possibly started/restarted/rebooted. Be aware that some access points reset their timestamp periodically without restart/reboot action, and thus for these APs, the time value displayed on this column doesn't represent the correct start time.
    • First Data Detected On:The first time that sent/received data was detected for this AP.
    • Last Data Detected On:The last time that sent/received data was detected for this AP.

    Wifi Client Columns Description

    • MAC Address:MAC address of the wifi client.
    • Company:Company that manufactured this wifi client, determined according to the MAC address. For example, if the wifi client is iPhone or iPad, you'll see 'Apple' in this column.
    • RSSI:Specifies the signal strength, in dBm. Some drivers don't provide the correct RSSI values in monitor mode.
    • SSID List:When wifi client tries to connect one or more access points, this field will display the list of network names (SSIDs) that this client tries to connect.
    • Sent Data Bytes:Total number of data bytes sent by the client.
    • Received Data Bytes:Total number of data bytes received by the client.
    • Retransmitted Sent:Total number of retransmitted data bytes sent by the client.
    • Retransmitted Received:Total number of retransmitted data bytes received by the client.
    • Client Type:Wifi Client, Router, or Unknown. 
      Wifi Client means that this client uses wireless connection. 
      Router means that this client is the router (Yes... the router is also displayed as a client in the network). 
      Unknown means that this client uses wired connection or wireless connection.
    • Device Name:The name of the device. This value is displayed only for devices that support WPS.
    • Device Model:The device model. This value is displayed only for devices that support WPS.
    • WPS:Specifies the WPS status: No (No WPS Support), Configured, Not Configured, or Locked.
    • PHY Type:802.11g, 802.11n, and so on...
    • Security:None, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA-EAP, WPA2-EAP, or WEP. This field is filled only when the client tries to connect the access point.
    • Cipher:None, WEP, TKIP, CCMP, TKIP+CCMP. This field is filled only when the client tries to connect the access point.
    • Probe Requests:Total number of probe requests sent by this client.
    • First Detected On:The first date/time that this client was detected.
    • Last Detected On:The last date/time that this client was detected.
    • Association Status Code:Specifies the last Association Status Code that might be useful to disgnose wifi connection problems. You can find the meaning of these codes in this Web page.
    • Deauthentication Code:Specifies the last Deauthentication Code that might be useful to disgnose wifi connection problems. You can find the meaning of these codes in this Web page.
    • Association Requests:Specifies the number of association requests sent by the client.
    • Device DescriptionIf the MAC address of the device is identical a MAC address in your MAC Addresses List (Ctrl+F8), then the description of the device in this list is displayed in this column.

    Meaning of Icons

    • Green Icon - The AP or wifi client sent or received data in the last 10 seconds. (You can change the number of seconds in the 'Advanced Options' window)
    • Orange Icon - The AP or wifi client sent or received data in the last 60 seconds. (You can change the number of seconds in the 'Advanced Options' window)
    • Red Icon - No sent/received data in the last 60 seconds.

    Command-Line Options

    /cfg <Filename> Start WifiChannelMonitor with the specified configuration file. For example:
    WifiChannelMonitor.exe /cfg "c:\config\wf.cfg"
    WifiChannelMonitor.exe /cfg "%AppData%\WifiChannelMonitor.cfg"    

    Npcap - the Nmap Project's packet sniffing library for Windows


    Npcap is an update of WinPcap to NDIS 6 Light-Weight Filter (LWF) technique. It supports Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 . It is sponsored by the Nmap Project and developed by Yang Luo under Google Summer of Code 2013 and 2015 . It also received many helpful tests from Wireshark and NetScanTools .

    1. NDIS 6 Support : Npcap makes use of new NDIS 6 Light-Weight Filter (LWF) API in Windows Vista and later (the legacy driver is used on XP). It's faster than the deprecated NDIS 5 API, which Microsoft could remove at any time.
    2. Extra Security : Npcap can be restricted so that only Administrators can sniff packets. If a non-Admin user tries to utilize Npcap through software such as Nmap or Wireshark, the user will have to pass a User Account Control (UAC) dialog to utilize the driver. This is conceptually similar to UNIX, where root access is generally required to capture packets.
    3. WinPcap Compatibility : If you choose WinPcap Compatible Mode at install-time, Npcap will use the WinPcap-style DLL directories c:\Windows\System32 and servcie name npf , allowing software built with WinPcap in mind to transparently use Npcap instead. If compatability mode is not selected, Npcap is installed in a different location C:\Windows\System32\Npcap with a different service name npcap so that both drivers can coexist on the same system. In this case, applications which only know about WinPcap will continue using that, while other applications can choose to use the newer and faster Npcap driver instead.
    4. Loopback Packet Capture : Npcap is able to sniff loopback packets (transmissions between services on the same machine) by using the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) . After installation, Npcap will create an adapter named Npcap Loopback Adapter for you. If you are a Wireshark user, choose this adapter to capture, you will see all loopback traffic the same way as other non-loopback adapters. Try it by typing in commands like ping (IPv4) or ping ::1 (IPv6).
    5. Loopback Packet Injection : Npcap is also able to send loopback packets using the Winsock Kernel (WSK) technique. User-level software such as Nping can just send the packets out using Npcap Loopback Adapter just like any other adapter. Npcap then does the magic of removing the packet's Ethernet header and injecting the payload into the Windows TCP/IP stack.
    6. Raw 802.11 Packet Capture : Npcap is able to see 802.11 packets instead of fake Ethernet packets on ordinary wireless adapters. You need to select the Support raw 802.11 traffic (and monitor mode) for wireless adapters option in the installation wizard to enable this feature. When your adapter is in Monitor Mode , Npcap will supply all 802.11 data + control + management packets with radiotap headers. When your adapter is in Managed Mode , Npcap will only supply 802.11 data packets with radiotap headers. Moreover, Npcap provides the WlanHelper.exe tool to help you switch to Monitor Mode on Windows. See more details about this feature in section For softwares that use Npcap raw 802.11 feature . See more details about radiotap here: http://www.radiotap.org/


    Run installer\Build.bat : build all DLLs and the driver. The DLLs need to be built using Visual Studio 2013 . And the driver needs to be built using Visual Studio 2015 with Windows SDK 10 10586 & Windows Driver Kit 10 10586 .

    Run installer\Deploy.bat : copy the files from build directories to deployment directories and sign the files. Generate an installer named npcap-nmap-%VERSION%.exe using NSIS large strings build with the SysRestore plug-in (special build for Npcap) and sign the installer.

    Generating debug symbols (optional)
    Run installer\Deploy_Symbols.bat : copy the debug symbol files (.PDB) from build directories to deployment directories and package them into a zip file named npcap-nmap-<VERSION>-DebugSymbols.zip using 7-Zip .

    WAFW00F - Identifies and Fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) Products


    WAFW00F allows one to identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website.

    How does it work?
    To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following:
    • Sends a normal HTTP request and analyses the response; this identifies a number of WAF solutions
    • If that is not successful, it sends a number of (potentially malicious) HTTP requests and uses simple logic to deduce which WAF it is
    • If that is also not successful, it analyses the responses previously returned and uses another simple algorithm to guess if a WAF or security solution is actively responding to our attacks
    For further details, check out the source code on the main site, github.com/sandrogauci/wafw00f .

    What does it detect?
    It detects a number of WAFs. To view which WAFs it is able to detect run WAFW00F with the -l option. At the time of writing the output is as follows:
    $ ./wafw00f -l

    ^ ^
    _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ____
    ///7/ /.' \ / __////7/ /,' \ ,' \ / __/
    | V V // o // _/ | V V // 0 // 0 // _/
    |_n_,'/_n_//_/ |_n_,' \_,' \_,'/_/

    WAFW00F - Web Application Firewall Detection Tool

    By Sandro Gauci && Wendel G. Henrique

    Can test for these WAFs:

    Juniper WebApp Secure
    IBM Web Application Security
    Cisco ACE XML Gateway
    ModSecurity (OWASP CRS)
    F5 FirePass
    DenyALL WAF
    Trustwave ModSecurity
    Imperva SecureSphere
    Incapsula WAF
    Citrix NetScaler
    Art of Defence HyperGuard
    Aqtronix WebKnight
    Teros WAF
    eEye Digital Security SecureIIS
    IBM DataPower
    Microsoft ISA Server
    InfoGuard Airlock
    Barracuda Application Firewall
    Mission Control Application Shield
    Microsoft URLScan
    Applicure dotDefender
    USP Secure Entry Server
    F5 Trafficshield

    How do I use it?
    For help please make use of the --help option. The basic usage is to pass it a URL as an argument. Example:
    $./wafw00f https://www.ibm.com/

    ^ ^
    _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ____
    ///7/ /.' \ / __////7/ /,' \ ,' \ / __/
    | V V // o // _/ | V V // 0 // 0 // _/
    |_n_,'/_n_//_/ |_n_,' \_,' \_,'/_/

    WAFW00F - Web Application Firewall Detection Tool

    By Sandro Gauci && Wendel G. Henrique

    Checking https://www.ibm.com/
    The site https://www.ibm.com/ is behind a Citrix NetScaler
    Number of requests: 6

    How do I install it?
    The following should do the trick:
    python setup.py install
    pip install wafw00f

    Parrot OS 3.0 (Lithium) - Friendly OS designed for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Hacking, Cloud pentesting, Privacy/Anonimity and Cryptography


    Parrot Security OS is a cloud friendly operating system designed for Pentesting, Computer Forensic, Reverse engineering, Hacking, Cloud pentesting, privacy/anonimity and cryptography. Based on Debian and developed by Frozenbox network.

    Who can use it

    Parrot is designed for everyone, from the Pro pentester to the newbie, because it provides the most professional tools combined in a easy to use, fast and lightweight pentesting environment, and it can be used also for an everyday use.


    System Specs
    • Debian jessie core
    • Custom hardened linux 4.5 kernel
    • Rolling release upgrade line
    • MATE desktop environment
    • Lightdm Dislpay Manager
    • Custom themes, icons and wallpapers
    System Requirements
    • CPU: at least 1Ghz dual core cpu
    • ARCH: 32bit, 64bit and ARMhf
    • RAM: 256Mb - 512Mb suggested
    • GPU: No graphic acceleration required
    • HDD Standard: 6Gb used - 8Gb suggested
    • HDD Full: 8Gb used - 16Gb suggested
    • BOOT: Legacy bios or UEFI (testing)
      • Parrot Server Edition
      • Parrot Cloud Controller
      • Parrot VPS Service
      • Custom installation script for Debian VPS
      Digital Forensic
      • "Forensic" boot option to avoid boot automounts
      • Most famous Digital Forensic tools and frameworks out of the box
      • Reliable acquisition and imaging tools
      • Top class analysis softwares
      • Evidence management and reporting tools
      • Disabled automount
      • Software blockdev write protection system
      • Custom Anti Forensic tools
      • Custom interfaces for GPG
      • Custom interfaces for cryptsetup
      • Support for LUKS, Truecrypt and VeraCrypt
      • NUKE patch for cryptsetup LUKS disks
      • Encrypted system installation
      • AnonSurf
      • Entire system anonymization
      • TOR and I2P out of the box
      • DNS requests anonymization
      • "Change Identity" function for AnonSurf
      • BleachBit system cleaner
      • NoScript plugin
      • UserAgentOverrider plugin
      • Browser profile manager
      • RAM-only browser profile
      • Pandora's Box - RAM cleaner
      • Hardened system behaviour
      • FALCON Programming Language (1.0)
      • System editor tuned for programming
      • Many compilers and debuggers available
      • Reverse Engineering Tools
      • Programming Template Files
      • Pre-installed most-used libs
      • Full Qt5 development framework
      • Full .net/mono development framework
      • Development frameworks for embedded devices

        Tor Browser 6.0 - Everything you Need to Safely Browse the Internet


        The Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked.

        The Tor Browser lets you use Tor on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software. It can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web browser to protect your anonymity, and is self-contained.

        The Tor Browser Team is proud to announce the first stable release in the 6.0 series. This release is available from the Tor Browser Project page and also from our distribution directory.

        This release brings us up to date with Firefox 45-ESR, which should mean a better support for HTML5 video on Youtube, as well as a host of other improvements.

        Beginning with the 6.0 series code-signing for OS X systems is introduced. This should help our users who had trouble with getting Tor Browser to work on their Mac due to Gatekeeper interference. There were bundle layout changes necessary to adhere to code signing requirements but the transition to the new Tor Browser layout on disk should go smoothly.

        The release also features new privacy enhancements and disables features where we either did not have the time to write a proper fix or where we decided they are rather potentially harmful in a Tor Browser context.

        On the security side this release makes sure that SHA1 certificate support is disabled and our updater is not only relying on the signature alone but is checking the hash of the downloaded update file as well before applying it. Moreover, we provide a fix for a Windows installer related DLL hijacking vulnerability.

        The full changelog since Tor Browser 5.5.5 is
        Tor Browser 6.0 
        • All Platforms
          • Update Firefox to 45.1.1esr
          • Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1t
          • Update Torbutton to
            • Bug 18466: Make Torbutton compatible with Firefox ESR 45
            • Bug 18743: Pref to hide 'Sign in to Sync' button in hamburger menu
            • Bug 18905: Hide unusable items from help menu
            • Bug 16017: Allow users to more easily set a non-tor SSH proxy
            • Bug 17599: Provide shortcuts for New Identity and New Circuit
            • Translation updates
            • Code clean-up
          • Update Tor Launcher to
            • Bug 13252: Do not store data in the application bundle
            • Bug 18947: Tor Browser is not starting on OS X if put into /Applications
            • Bug 11773: Setup wizard UI flow improvements
            • Translation updates
          • Update HTTPS-Everywhere to 5.1.9
          • Update meek to 0.22 (tag 0.22-18371-3)
            • Bug 18371: Symlinks are incompatible with Gatekeeper signing
            • Bug 18904: Mac OS: meek-http-helper profile not updated
          • Bug 15197 and child tickets: Rebase Tor Browser patches to ESR 45
          • Bug 18900: Fix broken updater on Linux
          • Bug 19121: The update.xml hash should get checked during update
          • Bug 18042: Disable SHA1 certificate support
          • Bug 18821: Disable libmdns support for desktop and mobile
          • Bug 18848: Disable additional welcome URL shown on first start
          • Bug 14970: Exempt our extensions from signing requirement
          • Bug 16328: Disable MediaDevices.enumerateDevices
          • Bug 16673: Disable HTTP Alternative-Services
          • Bug 17167: Disable Mozilla's tracking protection
          • Bug 18603: Disable performance-based WebGL fingerprinting option
          • Bug 18738: Disable Selfsupport and Unified Telemetry
          • Bug 18799: Disable Network Tickler
          • Bug 18800: Remove DNS lookup in lockfile code
          • Bug 18801: Disable dom.push preferences
          • Bug 18802: Remove the JS-based Flash VM (Shumway)
          • Bug 18863: Disable MozTCPSocket explicitly
          • Bug 15640: Place Canvas MediaStream behind site permission
          • Bug 16326: Verify cache isolation for Request and Fetch APIs
          • Bug 18741: Fix OCSP and favicon isolation for ESR 45
          • Bug 16998: Disable <link rel="preconnect"> for now
          • Bug 18898: Exempt the meek extension from the signing requirement as well
          • Bug 18899: Don't copy Torbutton, TorLauncher, etc. into meek profile
          • Bug 18890: Test importScripts() for cache and network isolation
          • Bug 18886: Hide pocket menu items when Pocket is disabled
          • Bug 18703: Fix circuit isolation issues on Page Info dialog
          • Bug 19115: Tor Browser should not fall back to Bing as its search engine
          • Bug 18915+19065: Use our search plugins in localized builds
          • Bug 19176: Zip our language packs deterministically
          • Bug 18811: Fix first-party isolation for blobs URLs in Workers
          • Bug 18950: Disable or audit Reader View
          • Bug 18886: Remove Pocket
          • Bug 18619: Tor Browser reports "InvalidStateError" in browser console
          • Bug 18945: Disable monitoring the connected state of Tor Browser users
          • Bug 18855: Don't show error after add-on directory clean-up
          • Bug 18885: Disable the option of logging TLS/SSL key material
          • Bug 18770: SVGs should not show up on Page Info dialog when disabled
          • Bug 18958: Spoof screen.orientation values
          • Bug 19047: Disable Heartbeat prompts
          • Bug 18914: Use English-only label in <isindex/> tags
          • Bug 18996: Investigate server logging in esr45-based Tor Browser
          • Bug 17790: Add unit tests for keyboard fingerprinting defenses
          • Bug 18995: Regression test to ensure CacheStorage is disabled
          • Bug 18912: Add automated tests for updater cert pinning
          • Bug 16728: Add test cases for favicon isolation
          • Bug 18976: Remove some FTE bridges
        • Windows
        • OS X
          • Bug 6540: Support OS X Gatekeeper
          • Bug 13252: Tor Browser should not store data in the application bundle
          • Bug 18951: HTTPS-E is missing after update
          • Bug 18904: meek-http-helper profile not updated
          • Bug 18928: Upgrade is not smooth (requires another restart)
        • Build System
          • All Platforms
            • Bug 18127: Add LXC support for building with Debian guest VMs
            • Bug 16224: Don't use BUILD_HOSTNAME anymore in Firefox builds
            • Bug 18919: Remove unused keys and unused dependencies
          • Windows
            • Bug 17895: Use NSIS 2.51 for installer to avoid DLL hijacking
            • Bug 18290: Bump mingw-w64 commit we use
          • OS X
            • Bug 18331: Update toolchain for Firefox 45 ESR
            • Bug 18690: Switch to Debian Wheezy guest VMs
          • Linux
            • Bug 18699: Stripping fails due to obsolete Browser/components directory
            • Bug 18698: Include libgconf2-dev for our Linux builds
            • Bug 15578: Switch to Debian Wheezy guest VMs (10.04 LTS is EOL)

        Tails 2.4 - The Amnesic Incognito Live System


        Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

        It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer's original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux.

        Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc.

        New features

        • We enabled the automatic account configuration of Icedove which discovers the correct parameters to connect to your email provider based on your email address. We improved it to rely only on secure protocol and we are working on sharing these improvements with Mozilla so that users of Thunderbird outside Tails can benefit from them as well.

        Upgrades and changes

        • Update Tor Browser to 6.0.1, based on Firefox 45.
        • Remove the preconfigured #tails IRC channel. Join us on XMPP instead!
        • Always display minimize and maximize buttons in titlebars. (#11270)
        • Remove GNOME Tweak Tool and hledger. You can add them back using the Additional software packages persistence feature.
        • Use secure HKPS OpenPGP key server in Enigmail.
        • Harden our firewall by rejecting RELATED packets and restricting Tor to only send NEW TCP syn packets. (#11391)
        • Harden our kernel by:
          • Setting various security-related kernel options: slab_nomerge slub_debug=FZ mce=0 vsyscall=none. (#11143)
          • Removing the .map files of the kernel. (#10951)

        Fixed problems

        • Update the DRM and Mesa graphical libraries. This should fix recent problems with starting Tails on some hardware. (#11303)
        • Some printers that stopped working in Tails 2.0 should work again. (#10965)
        • Enable Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery for IPv4. This should make the connections to obfs4 Tor bridges more reliable. (#9268)
        • Remove our custom ciphers and MACs settings for SSH. This should fix connectivity issues with other distributions such as OpenBSD. (##7315)
        • Fix the translations of Tails Upgrader. (#10221)
        • Fix displaying the details of a circuit in Onion Circuits when using Tor bridges. (#11195)
        For more details, read our changelog.

        Known issues

        • The automatic account configuration of Icedove freezes when connecting to some email providers. (#11486)
        • In some cases sending an email with Icedove results in the error: "The message could not be sent using Outgoing server (SMTP) mail.riseup.net for an unknown reason." When this happens, simply click "Ok" and try again and it should work. (#10933)
        • The update of the Mesa graphical library introduce new problems at least on AMD HD 7770 and nVidia GT 930M.

        See the list of long-standing issues.

        ArchStrike - Security Layer for Arch Linux


        An Arch Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts.

        Done the Arch Way and optimized for i686, x86_64, ARMv6, and ARMv7.

        ArchStrike is a penetration testing and security layer on top of Arch Linux. We follow the Arch Linux standards very closely in order to keep our packages clean, proper and easy to maintain.

        The team is working very hard to maintain the repository and give you the best ArchStrike experience.

        Q: What difference does ArchStrike have from other penetration distributions?
        A: We are a layer on top of ArchLinux that you can install and remove easily. We try and follow the Arch Linux standards when making our packages.
        Q: Do you have an ISO?
        A: As of yet, we do not have an ISO, although our team is working on an ISO to be released as you are reading this. Updates on the ISO will be made on twitter and our website.

        Firefox Security Toolkit - A Tool that Transforms Firefox Browsers into a Penetration Testing Suite


        A tool that transforms Firefox Browsers into a penetration testing suite

        It downloads the most important extensions, and install it on your browser. The used extensions has been chosen by a survey among the information security community. Based on it's results, Firefox Security Toolkit was made. Also, it allows you to download Burp Suite certificate and a large user-agent list for User-Agent Switcher. Making it one-click away to prepare your web-application testing browser.

        How does it differs from well-known projects, such as OWASP Mantra and Hcon STF ?
        OWASP Mantra and Hcon STF are not regularly updated, and needs a lot of work in order to develop and maintain. Meanwhile, Firefox Security Toolkit does not need a additional maintaining, although I would be maintaining it for any issues/bugs if needed. The used extensions are downloaded from Mozilla Addons Store with its latest version, to ensure the best testing experience for the penetration tester.

        Who can use Firefox Security Toolkit ?
        Web-Application Penetration Testers, Information Security Learners, and basically anyone interested in web-application security.

        The project currently supports Linux/Unix environments.

        bash ./firefox_security_toolkit.sh

        Demo Video:

        Available Addons:-
        • Cookie Export/Import
        • Cookie Manager
        • Copy as Plain Text
        • Crypto Fox
        • CSRF-Finder
        • Disable WebRTC
        • FireBug
        • Fireforce
        • FlagFox
        • Foxy Proxy
        • HackBar
        • Live HTTP Headers
        • Multi Fox
        • PassiveRecon
        • Right-Click XSS
        • Tamper Data
        • User Agent Switcher
        • Wappalyzer
        • Web Developer

        Additional Features:-
        • Downloading Burp Suite Certificate
        • Downloading a large user-agent list for User-Agent Swithcer

        Detux - The Multiplatform Linux Sandbox


        Detux is a sandbox developed to do traffic analysis of the Linux malwares and capture the IOCs by doing so. QEMU hypervisor is used to emulate Linux (Debian) for various CPU architectures.
        The following CPUs are currently supported:
        • x86
        • x86-64
        • ARM
        • MIPS
        • MIPSEL
        Use the Live version now: http://detux.org

        What's in this release?
        This release of Detux contains the script for executing a Linux binary/script in a specified CPU arch. Don't worry if you don't know what platform, it's in the script, the Magic package helps picking up the CPU arch in an automated way. x86 is the default CPU version, this can be tuned to a different one in the config file.
        This release gives the analysis report in a DICT format, which can be easily customized to be inserted in to NOSQL dbs.
        An example script has been provided which demonstrates the usage of the sandbox library.

        What's in the report?
        - Static Analysis
        -- Basic strings extracted from binary
        -- ELF information generated by readelf commands
        -- the report.py can be modified to add more 3rd party commands to analyse the binary and add the result to DICT.

        - Dynamic Analysis
        -- The captured pcaps are parsed with DPKT to extract the IOC's and readable info from the packets.

        • System packages
          • python 2.7
          • qemu
          • pcaputils
          • sudo
          • libcap2-bin
          • bridge-utils
        • Python libraries (Preferable to use virtual environment)
          • pexpect
          • paramiko
          • python-magic
        Kindly make sure that the above requirements are met before using Detux. A few dependencies may vary from OS to OS.

        • Host ( The host itself can be a VM or a baremetal machine)
          • QEMU
          • dumpcap
          • DETUX Scripts

        Network Arch
        - NIC1 : This interface is for accessing the Host
        - NIC2 : Interface bridged with the the QEMU Sandbox VMs. One can redirect the traffic from the interface to WHONIX or REMNUX or a custom Gateway to filter/allow internet access for the Sandboxed VMs.

        VM Setup:

        Downloading Linux VM Images
        Special thanks to aurel who has uploaded pre built QEMU Debian VM images for all possible CPU architectures. The VM images are located at : https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/ , the same link contains the command examples for invoking the vm images.
        You can use the following script to automatically download the VM images to the "qemu" folder of Detux.
        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/i386/debian_wheezy_i386_standard.qcow2 -P qemu/x86/1/

        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/amd64/debian_wheezy_amd64_standard.qcow2 -P qemu/x86-64/1/

        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/armel/debian_wheezy_armel_standard.qcow2 -P qemu/arm/1/
        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/armel/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-versatile -P qemu/arm/1/
        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/armel/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-versatile -P qemu/arm/1/

        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/mips/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -P qemu/mips/1/
        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/mips/debian_wheezy_mips_standard.qcow2 -P qemu/mips/1/

        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/mipsel/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -P qemu/mipsel/1/
        wget https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/mipsel/debian_wheezy_mipsel_standard.qcow2 -P qemu/mipsel/1/

        Setting sudoers for qemu execution
        Detux uses SSH to communicate with the VMs and so, this is currently required for the VMs to have networking capability. Considering that the listed binaries are in the same path, you may add the following lines to to /etc/sudoers (only if you are a non-root user):
        Cmnd_Alias  QEMU_CMD    =   /usr/bin/qemu-*, /sbin/ip, /sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/brctl
        <your detux username here> ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: QEMU_CMD
        Change the paths to the binaries if they differ for you.

        Network setup
        Add the following config to /etc/qemu-ifup, backup the original if you already have one:
        #! /bin/sh
        # Script to bring a network (tap) device for qemu up.
        # The idea is to add the tap device to the same bridge
        # as we have default routing to.

        # in order to be able to find brctl
        ip=$(which ip)
        ifconfig=$(which ifconfig)

        echo "Starting" $1
        if [ -n "$ip" ]; then
        ip link set "$1" up
        brctl=$(which brctl)
        if [ ! "$ip" -o ! "$brctl" ]; then
        echo "W: $0: not doing any bridge processing: neither ip nor brctl utility not found" >&2
        exit 0
        ifconfig "$1" up

        switch=$(ip route ls | \
        awk '/^default / {
        for(i=0;i<NF;i++) { if ($i == "dev") { print $(i+1); next; } }
        if [ -d /sys/class/net/br0/bridge/. ]; then
        if [ -n "$ip" ]; then
        ip link set "$1" master br0
        brctl addif br0 "$1"
        exit # exit with status of the previous command

        echo "W: $0: no bridge for guest interface found" >&2
        Considering that eth0 is the interface you want your VMs to be bridged with, you may remove the configs for eth0 and use the following configs in /etc/network/interfaces:
        auto br0
        iface br0 inet dhcp
        bridge_ports eth0
        bridge_maxwait 0
        You can also specify a static address you used for eth0.

        Setting up your VMs
        Traverse to the folder in which your VM images are located for each QEMU Images e.g. for ARM is :
        <your detux folder>/qemu/arm/1/
        For each image, follow the VM boot instructions given at " https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/ ", to start the VM. However, if you are a non-root user, you will have to use sudo.
        Comands for Booting the VMs (Replace with the MAC you desire):
        sudo qemu-system-i386 -hda qemu/x86/1/debian_wheezy_i386_standard.qcow2 -vnc -net nic,macaddr=<MACADDR> -net tap -monitor stdio

        sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qemu/x86-64/1/debian_wheezy_amd64_standard.qcow2 -vnc -net nic,macaddr=<MACADDR> -net tap -monitor stdio

        sudo qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel qemu/arm/1/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-versatile -initrd qemu/arm/1/initrd.img-3.2.0-4-versatile -hda qemu/arm/1/debian_wheezy_armel_standard.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1" -vnc -net nic,macaddr=<MACADDR> -net tap -monitor stdio

        sudo qemu-system-mips -M malta -kernel qemu/mips/1/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -hda qemu/mips/1/debian_wheezy_mips_standard.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=tty0" -vnc -net nic,macaddr=<MACADDR> -net tap -monitor stdio

        sudo qemu-system-mipsel -M malta -kernel qemu/mipsel/1/vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -hda qemu/mipsel/1/debian_wheezy_mipsel_standard.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=tty0" -vnc -net nic,macaddr=<MACADDR> -net tap -monitor stdio
        Detux requires a preconfigured VM snapshot with IP addresses and ssh setup.

        Steps for setting up your snapshot:
        • Choose an unconfigured VM image and start it using the above listed command in a Terminal.
        • Connect VM monitor. Connect a VNC client to and wait for the VM to boot completely.
        • Login with the default root credentials (root/root).
        • Configure the VM's network interface such that it reachable/ accessible to the host.
        • Setup SSH server on the VM and anyother configuration if required for you.
        • Once configured, boot to a running state that accepts network connection.
        • Switch back to terminal with qemu console on, which should look like:
        • Save the VM state typing the following qemu commands in the qemu console:
        (qemu) savevm init
        • Quit the QEMU console:
        (qemu) q
        -- Repeat through step 1 for all the VMs

        Setting capture permisisons
        In order for a non-root user to be able to capture packets, Dumpcap needs capture privileges. ( https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/CapturePrivileges ).
        The following command may enable the same for you:
        sudo groupadd -g wireshark
        sudo usermod -a -G wireshark <your user name>
        sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/dumpcap
        sudo etcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/bin/dumpcap
        If you are unable to capture packets, you need to check if permisions for your users are set correctly and the dumpcap path is right.

        Detux Config
        The detux.cfg files in the main directory needs to be configured. Each VM section has to be configured with correct Network Params and SSH credentials. You can choose root/non-root user depending on your need.

        Running Detux
        The Detux library located in "core" directory can be used to suit your need of analysis. The repo contains "detux.py" which analyses the given binary and saves pcap in pcap folder and writes JSON output to a specified filepath.

        usage: detux.py [-h] --sample SAMPLE [--cpu {x86,x86-64,arm,mips,mipsel}]
        [--int {python,perl,sh,bash}] --report REPORT

        optional arguments:
        -h, --help show this help message and exit
        --sample SAMPLE Sample path (default: None)
        --cpu {x86,x86-64,arm,mips,mipsel}
        CPU type (default: auto)
        --int {python,perl,sh,bash}
        Architecture type (default: None)
        --report REPORT JSON report output path (default: None)
        python detux.py --sample test_script/example_binary1 --report reports/example_report1.json

        XssPy - Web Application XSS Scanner


        XssPy is a python tool for finding Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities in websites. This tool is the first of its kind. Instead of just checking one page as most of the tools do, this tool traverses the website and find all the links and subdomains first. After that, it starts scanning each and every input on each and every page that it found while its traversal. It uses small yet effective payloads to search for XSS vulnerabilities.

        The tool has been tested parallel with paid Vulnerability Scanners and most of the scanners failed to detect the vulnerabilities that the tool was able to find. Moreover, most paid tools scan only one site whereas XSSPY first finds a lot of subdomains and then scan all the links altogether. The tool comes with:
        • Short Scanning
        • Comprehensive Scanning
        • Finding subdomains
        • Checking every input on every page

        With this tool, Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities have been found in the websites of MIT, Stanford, Duke University, Informatica, Formassembly, ActiveCompaign, Volcanicpixels, Oxford, Motorola, Berkeley and many more.

        Lalin - Hackpack & Kali Linux Tools


        Lalin is a remake of Lazykali by bradfreda with fixed bugs , added new features and uptodate tools . It's compatible with the latest release of Kali (Rolling)

        Lalin gets updated weekly with new features, improvements and bugfixes. Be sure to check out the [Changelog]

        How it works
        • Extract The lalin-master to your home or another folder
        • chmod +x Lalin.sh
        • And run the tools
        • Easy to Use just input your number

        How to start a script?
        $ sudo chmod +x Lalin.sh
        $ sudo ./Lalin.sh


        1. Miffly @Edo -m- main developer of Lalin
        2. Bradfrea @Lazykali main developer of Lazykali
        3. Daniel for lazynmap www.commonexploits.com
        4. Uptodate new tools hacking visit http://www.kitploit.com
        5. https://github.com/mazen160/Firefox-Security-Toolkit
        6. http://www.linuxsec.org/ ( Jack Wilder )
        7. Offensive Secuirty for the awesome os
        8. http://www.kali.org
        9. http://www.offensive-security.com

        Note: modifications, changes, or alterations to this sourcecode is acceptable, however,any public releases utilizing this code must be approved by writen this tool ( Edo -m- ).

        RITM - Ruby In The Middle (HTTP/HTTPS Interception Proxy)


        Ruby in the middle (RITM) is an HTTP/HTTPS interception proxy with on-the-fly certificate generation and signing, which leaves the user with the full power of the Ruby language to intercept and even modify requests and responses as she pleases.

            gem install ritm   

        Basic usage
        1. Write your interception handlers
          require 'ritm'

          # A single answer for all your google searches
          Ritm.on_request do |req|
          if req.request_uri.host.start_with? 'www.google.'
          new_query_string = req.request_uri.query.gsub(/(?<=^q=|&q=)(((?!&|$).)*)(?=&|$)/, 'RubyInTheMiddle')
          req.request_uri.query = new_query_string

          my_picture = File.read('i_am_famous.jpg')

          # Replaces every picture on the web with my pretty face
          Ritm.on_response do |_req, res|
          if res.header['content-type'] && res.header['content-type'].start_with?('image/')
          res.header['content-type'] = 'image/jpeg'
          res.body = my_picture
        2. Start the proxy server
          proxy = Ritm::Proxy::Launcher.new

          puts 'Hit enter to finish'

        3. Configure your browser
          Or whatever HTTP client you want to intercept traffic from, to connect to the proxy in localhost:8080
        4. Browse the web!
          For the examples above, search anything in google and also visit your favorite newspaper website.

        Trusting self-signed certificates generated by RITM
        With the previous example your client might have encountered issues when trying to access HTTPS resources. In some cases you can add an exception to your browser (or instruct your http client not to verify certificates) but in some other cases you won't be able to add exceptions. The reason for this is that in order to decrypt and to be able to modify SSL traffic, RITM will have to be the one doing the SSL negotiatiation with the client (using its own set of certificates) and then it will establish a separate SSL session towards the server. I.e.:
        Client <--- SSL session ---> RITM <--- SSL session ---> Server

        For every different server's hostname your client tries to communicate with, RITM will generate a certificate on the fly and sign it with a pre-configured Certificate Authority (CA). So, in order to be able to establish a secure connection you will need to configure your client (e.g. browser) to trust RITM's CA.

        For security reasons, every time you start RITM's proxy with the default settings it will generate a new internal Certificate Authority. To use your own CA instead (so it can be loaded and trusted by your browser) perform the following steps:
        1. Generate a Certificate Authority PEM and Private Key files
          You can use OpenSSL or RITM to generate these two files. With OpenSSL:
          openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -days 365 -extensions v3_ca -keyout insecure_ca.key -out insecure_ca.crt
          Or with RITM:
          require 'ritm/certs/ca'

          ca = Ritm::CA.create common_name: 'InsecureCA'

          File.write('insecure_ca.crt', ca.pem)
          File.write('insecure_ca.key', ca.private_key.to_s)
        2. Repeat step 2 from the previous example, this time indicating what CA should be used to sign certificates
          proxy = Ritm::Proxy::Launcher.new(ca_crt_path: 'path/to/insecure_ca.crt',
          ca_key_path: 'path/to/insecure_ca.key')

          puts 'Hit enter to finish'

        3. Trust the CA certificate into your browser or client
          I'll leave it to you to figure out how this is done in your browser or client.
        4. Surf the web!
        5. When you are done Remove the CA from your trusted authorities!
          Or take really good care of the CA private key since anyone in possession of that key will be capable of decrypting all your traffic! Also notice that when using the proxy every server will be automatically trusted even if the end server certificate is not valid.

        BrowserBackdoor - Secure JavaScript WebSocket Backdoor and a Ruby Command-Line Listener

        BrowserBackdoor is an Electron application that uses a JavaScript WebSocket Backdoor to connect to the listener.

        BrowserBackdoorServer is a WebSocket server that listens for incoming WebSocket connections and creates a command-line interface for sending commands to the remote system.

        The JavaScript backdoor in BrowserBackdoor can be used on all browsers that support WebSockets. It will not have access to the Electron API of the host computer unless the BrowserBackdoor Client application is used.

        Some things you can do if you have access to the Electron API:

        The client application will run in the background and provide no user interface while running. To check that it's running, quit it, or enable/disable system startup press Command (OS X) OR Control (Windows/Linux) + Alt + \ or whatever you configured the shortcut as in client/main.js.
        The server application's usage can be accessed by typing help in the command line.

        NodeJS and NPM are required for BrowserBackdoor.
        Ruby 2.1+ and the gems in the Gemfile are required for BrowserBackdoorServer.
        BrowserBackdoor is supported on all devices supported by Electron. Currently that is Windows 32/64, OS X 64, and Linux 32/64 .
        BrowserBackdoorServer has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 8, and Kali Linux. It should work on any similar Linux operating system.
        To install anything, first, clone the repository. All the rest of the commands shown assume you are in the root of the repository.
        git clone https://github.com/IMcPwn/browser-backdoor
        cd browser-backdoor
        How to install and run the BrowserBackdoor Electron application.
        cd client
        npm install
        # Configure index.html and main.js before the next command
        npm start
        Building executables for all platforms. (see here for more information)
        cd client
        npm install electron-packager -g
        electron-packager . --all
        How to install and run BrowserBackdoorServer.
        cd server
        gem install bundler
        bundle install
        # Configure config.yml before the next command
        ruby bbsconsole.rb

        Screenshots of the console
        The blank space in the pictures where it looks like there is missing text are redacted unique identifiers for sessions.
        • The command line console with default configuration. 

        • The help screen (text will change over time). 

        • What it looks like when a session is opened (3 in this case).

        • Sending a command to all sessions (as seen by session ID -1). 

        • Targeting a specific session then taking a screenshot of the client.

        The screenshot will be saved as a base64 encoded string in a .txt file as shown because it it so large (over 190,000 characters). To view the image you will need to delete everything in front of the one comma in the text file, then base64 decode the result. Save that as a .png file and you will have a screenshot at the maximum resolution of the client! 

        Shadowd - Collection Of Tools To Detect, Record And Prevent Attacks On Web Applications


        Shadow Daemon is a collection of tools to detect , record and prevent attacks on web application. Technically speaking, Shadow Daemon is a web application firewall that intercepts requests and filters out malicious parameters. It is a modular system that separates web application, analysis and interface to increase security, flexibility and expandability.

        This is the main component that handles the analysis and storage of requests.

        For the full documentation please refer to shadowd.zecure.org .


        Use cmake to configure and prepare the project. It is a good idea to create a separate directory for this. A typical installation might look like this.
        mkdir build
        cd build

        If cmake is successful it creates a makefile. Use it to compile and install the project.
        make shadowd
        make install

        Install and configure a database server. At the moment shadowd officially supports PostgreSQL and MySQL. Afterwards create a new user and database for shadowd and import the correct layout.
        If you are using PostgreSQL you can use psql to import the layout.
        psql -Ushadowd shadowd < /usr/share/shadowd/pgsql_layout.sql
        If you are using MySQL you can use mysql to import the layout. The user requires the CREATE ROUTINE privilege.
        mysql -ushadowd -p shadowd < /usr/share/shadowd/mysql_layout.sql

        The installer copies the configuration file to /etc/shadowd/shadowd.ini . The file is annotated and should be self-explanatory.

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