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THC-Hydra 8.2 - Network Logon Cracker

 A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services.

See feature sets and services coverage page - incl. a speed comparison against ncrack and medusa.Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows.

This tool is a proof of concept code, to give researchers and security consultants the possiblity to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system.

There are already several login hacker tools available, however none does either support more than one protocol to attack or support parallized connects.

It was tested to compile cleanly on Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris, FreeBSD/OpenBSD, QNX (Blackberry 10) and OSX.

Currently this tool supports the following protocols:
Asterisk, AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, HTTP-FORM-POST, HTTP-GET, HTTP-HEAD, HTTP-PROXY, HTTPS-FORM-GET, HTTPS-FORM-POST, HTTPS-GET, HTTPS-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MYSQL, NCP, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, Oracle, PC-Anywhere, PCNFS, POP3, POSTGRES, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, SAP/R3, SIP, SMB, SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP v1+v2+v3, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), SSHKEY, Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP.

 ! Development moved to a public github repository: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra

* Added RTSP module, thanks to jjavi89 for supplying!
* Added patch for ssh that fixes hyra stopping to connect, thanks to ShantonRU for the patch
* Added new -O option to hydra to support SSL servers that do not suport TLS
* Added xhydra gtk patche by Petar Kaleychev to support modules that do not use usernames
* Added patch to redis for initial service checking by Petar Kaleychev - thanks a lot!
* Added support in hydra-http for http-post (content length 0)
* Fixed important bug in http-*://server/url command line processing
* Added SSL SNI support
* Fixed bug in HTTP Form redirection following - thanks for everyone who reported and especially to Hayden Young for setting up a test page for debugging
* Better library finding in ./configure for SVN + support for Darwin Homebrew (and further enhanced)
* Fixed http-form module crash that only occurs on *BSD/OSX systems. Thanks to zdk for reporting!
* Fixed for SSL connection to support TLSv1.2 etc.
* Support for different RSA keylengths, thanks to fann95 for the patch
* Fixed a bug where the cisco-enable module was not working with the password-only logon mode
* Fixed an out of memory bug in http-form
* Fixed imap PLAIN method
* Fixed -x option to bail if it would generate too many passwords (more than 4 billion)
* Added warning if HYDRA_PROXY_CONNECT environment is detected, that is an outdated setting
* Added --fhs switch to configure (for Linux distribution usage)

Pythem - Python Network/Pentesting Tool


PytheM is a python network/pentesting tool. Same has been developed in the hope that it will be useful and i don't take responsabillity of any misapplication of it. Only for GNU/Linux OS.

$sudo git clone https://github.com/m4n3dw0lf/PytheM/ 
$cd PytheM
$sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$sudo ./pythem

  • [Brute-Force]
  • [Man-In-The-Middle]:
  • [Remote]:
  • [Sniffing]:
  • [Scanning]:
  • [Web]:
  • [Wireless]:

lisa.py - An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife


An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife.

Copy lisa.py and .lldbinit to ~/ Use the following commands:
ant4g0nist$ cp lisa.py ~/lisa.py

ant4g0nist$ cp lldbinit ~/.lldbinit

ant4g0nist$ lldb

lllllll iiii
l:::::l i::::i
l:::::l iiii
l::::l iiiiiii ssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaa
l::::l i:::::i ss::::::::::s a::::::::::::a
l::::l i::::i ss:::::::::::::s aaaaaaaaa:::::a
l::::l i::::i s::::::ssss:::::s a::::a
l::::l i::::i s:::::s ssssss aaaaaaa:::::a
l::::l i::::i s::::::s aa::::::::::::a
l::::l i::::i s::::::s a::::aaaa::::::a
l::::l i::::i ssssss s:::::s a::::a a:::::a
l::::::li::::::is:::::ssss::::::sa::::a a:::::a
l::::::li::::::is::::::::::::::s a:::::aaaa::::::a
l::::::li::::::i s:::::::::::ss a::::::::::aa:::a
lllllllliiiiiiii sssssssssss aaaaaaaaaa aaaa

-An Exploit Dev Swiss Army Knife. Version: v-ni

(lisa)target create tests/binaries/abort
(lisa)process launch -s
Process 1660 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x10801, 0x00007fff5fc01000 dyld`_dyld_start, stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x00007fff5fc01000 dyld`_dyld_start
-> 0x7fff5fc01000 <+0>: pop rdi
0x7fff5fc01001 <+1>: push 0x0
0x7fff5fc01003 <+3>: mov rbp, rsp
0x7fff5fc01006 <+6>: and rsp, -0x10
Process 1660 launched: '/Users/v0id/Documents/Research/lisa.py/tests/binaries/abort' (x86_64)

Commands Available:
**exploitable** : checks if the crash is exploitable
<!-- run this when the process stops cause of an exception -->


**shellcode**: Searches shell-storm for shellcode

Syntax: shellcode <option> <arg>

Options: -search <keyword>
-display <shellcode id>
-save <shellcode id>
(lisa)shellcode -search osx
Connecting to shell-storm.org...
Found 17 shellcodes
ScId Size Title
[312] 300 Osx/ppc - Bind Shell PORT TCP/8000 - encoder OSXPPCLongXOR - 300 bytes
[127] 222 Osx/ppc - add inetd backdoor - 222 bytes
[128] 219 Osx/ppc - Add user r00t - 219 bytes
[761] 131 Osx/x86-64 - reverse tcp shellcode - 131 bytes
[126] 122 Osx/ppc - create /tmp/suid - 122 bytes
[129] 72 Osx/ppc - execve(/bin/sh,[/bin/sh],NULL)& exit() - 72 bytes
[736] 51 Osx/x86-64 - setuid shell x86_64 - 51 bytes
[130] 32 Osx/ppc - sync(), reboot() - 32 bytes
[692] 24 Osx/x86 - execve(/bin/sh) - 24 byte
[121] n/a Osx/ppc - remote findsock by recv() key shellcode
[122] n/a Osx/ppc - Single Reverse TCP
[123] n/a Osx/ppc - stager sock find peek
[124] n/a Osx/ppc - stager sock find
[125] n/a Osx/ppc - stager sock reverse
[120] n/a Osx/ppc - shellcode execve(/bin/sh)
[777] n/a Osx/x86-64 - universal ROP shellcode
[786] n/a Osx/x86-64 - universal OSX dyld ROP shellcode

**extract**: Extract a given architecture from a Universal binary

Syntax: extract x86_64 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib ./libsystem_kernel.dylib
(lisa)extract x86_64 /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib ./libsystem_kernel.dylib

**pattern_create**: Creates a cyclic pattern of given length

(lisa)pattern_create 100

**pattern_offset**: Finds the offset of a given pattern in cyclic pattern of n length

(lisa)pattern_offset 100 Ad2A
offsets: [96]

**ct**: Prints the context of execution

[*] Disassembly :

-> 0x7fff8f6a4f06 <+10>: jae 0x7fff8f6a4f10 ; <+20>
0x7fff8f6a4f08 <+12>: mov rdi, rax

[*] Stack :

0x7fff5fbff788: 0x8d36b4ec 0x00007fff 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff798: 0x5fbff7d0 0x00000307 0x5fbff7d0 0x00007fff
0x7fff5fbff7a8: 0x00000000 0x00000000

[*] Registers :
rax = 0x0000000000000000
rbx = 0x0000000000000006
rcx = 0x00007fff5fbff788
rdx = 0x0000000000000000
rdi = 0x0000000000000307
rsi = 0x0000000000000006
rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff7b0
rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff788
r8 = 0x0000000000000000
r9 = 0x00007fff782e90c8 atexit_mutex + 24
r10 = 0x0000000008000000
r11 = 0x0000000000000206
r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x00007fff76fb8000 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_thread
r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007fff8f6a4f06 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 10
rflags = 0x0000000000000206
cs = 0x0000000000000007
fs = 0x0000000000000000
gs = 0x0000000000000000

[*] Jumping to :0x7fff8f6a4f10

**s**: thread step-in

[*] Disassembly :

-> 0x7fff5fc0102d <+45>: lea r9, [rbp - 0x8]
0x7fff5fc01031 <+49>: call 0x7fff5fc01076 ; dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*)

[*] Stack :

0x7fff5fbff800: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff810: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff820: 0x5fbff9f8 0x00007fff

[*] Registers :
rax = 0x0000000000000000
rbx = 0x0000000000000000
rcx = 0x0000000000000000
rdx = 0x00007fff5fbff820
rdi = 0x0000000100000000
rsi = 0x0000000000000001
rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff810
rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff800
r8 = 0x00007fff5fc00000
r9 = 0x0000000000000000
r10 = 0x0000000000000000
r11 = 0x0000000000000000
r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x0000000000000000
r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007fff5fc0102d dyld`_dyld_start + 45
rflags = 0x0000000000000246
cs = 0x000000000000002b
fs = 0x0000000000000000
gs = 0x0000000000000000

**si**: thread step-into

[*] Disassembly :

-> 0x7fff5fc01031 <+49>: call 0x7fff5fc01076 ; dyldbootstrap::start(macho_header const*, int, char const**, long, macho_header const*, unsigned long*)
0x7fff5fc01036 <+54>: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 0x8]

[*] Stack :

0x7fff5fbff800: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff810: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff820: 0x5fbff9f8 0x00007fff

[*] Registers :
rax = 0x0000000000000000
rbx = 0x0000000000000000
rcx = 0x0000000000000000
rdx = 0x00007fff5fbff820
rdi = 0x0000000100000000
rsi = 0x0000000000000001
rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff810
rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff800
r8 = 0x00007fff5fc00000
r9 = 0x00007fff5fbff808
r10 = 0x0000000000000000
r11 = 0x0000000000000000
r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x0000000000000000
r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007fff5fc01031 dyld`_dyld_start + 49
rflags = 0x0000000000000246
cs = 0x000000000000002b
fs = 0x0000000000000000
gs = 0x0000000000000000

**so**: thread step-over

[*] Disassembly :

-> 0x7fff5fc01036 <+54>: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbp - 0x8]
0x7fff5fc0103a <+58>: cmp rdi, 0x0

[*] Stack :

0x7fff5fbff800: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x8e8765ad 0x00007fff
0x7fff5fbff810: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff820: 0x5fbff9f8 0x00007fff

[*] Registers :
rax = 0x0000000100000f80 abort`main
rbx = 0x0000000000000000
rcx = 0x00007fff8e8765ad libdyld.dylib`start + 1
rdx = 0x00007fff5fbff808
rdi = 0x00007fff5fc406a8 dyld`initialPoolContent + 2264
rsi = 0x0000000000000001
rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff810
rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff800
r8 = 0x00000000fffffffc
r9 = 0x00007fff782e90c8 atexit_mutex + 24
r10 = 0x00000000ffffffff
r11 = 0xffffffff00000000
r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x0000000000000000
r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007fff5fc01036 dyld`_dyld_start + 54
rflags = 0x0000000000000202
cs = 0x000000000000002b
fs = 0x0000000000000000
gs = 0x0000000000000000

**sf**: thread step-in 'n' number of times

(lisa)sf 4
[*] Disassembly :

-> 0x7fff5fc0100a <+10>: sub rsp, 0x10
0x7fff5fc0100e <+14>: mov esi, dword ptr [rbp + 0x8]

[*] Stack :

0x7fff5fbff810: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff820: 0x5fbff9f8 0x00007fff 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x7fff5fbff830: 0x5fbffa34 0x00007fff

[*] Registers :
rax = 0x0000000000000000
rbx = 0x0000000000000000
rcx = 0x0000000000000000
rdx = 0x0000000000000000
rdi = 0x0000000100000000
rsi = 0x0000000000000000
rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff810
rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff810
r8 = 0x0000000000000000
r9 = 0x0000000000000000
r10 = 0x0000000000000000
r11 = 0x0000000000000000
r12 = 0x0000000000000000
r13 = 0x0000000000000000
r14 = 0x0000000000000000
r15 = 0x0000000000000000
rip = 0x00007fff5fc0100a dyld`_dyld_start + 10
rflags = 0x0000000000000202
cs = 0x000000000000002b
fs = 0x0000000000000000
gs = 0x0000000000000000

**dump**: Dump's Memory of the process in a given address range

Syntax: dump outfile 0x6080000fe680 0x6080000fe680+1000
(lisa)dump memorydump.bin 0x00007fff8e8765ad 0x00007fff8e8765ad+100
100 bytes written to 'memorydump.bin'

rop(ROPgadget) lets you search your gadgets on a binary. It supports several
file formats and architectures and uses the Capstone disassembler for
the search engine.

ROPgadget lets you search your gadgets on a binary. It supports several
file formats and architectures and uses the Capstone disassembler for
the search engine.

formats supported:
- PE
- Mach-O
- Raw

architectures supported:
- x86
- x86-64
- ARM64
- PowerPC
- Sparc
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --ropchain
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --depth 3
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --string "main"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --string "m..n"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --opcode c9c3
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --only "mov|ret"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --only "mov|pop|xor|ret"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --filter "xchg|add|sub"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --norop --nosys
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --range 0x08041000-0x08042000
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --string main --range 0x080c9aaa-0x080c9aba
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --memstr "/bin/sh"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --console
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-Linux-x86 --badbytes "00|7f|42"
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/Linux_lib64.so --offset 0xdeadbeef00000000
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-ARMv7-ls --depth 5
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/elf-ARM64-bash --depth 5
rop --binary ./test-suite-binaries/raw-x86.raw --rawArch=x86 --rawMode=32

(As of now, commiting exploitable command. Have to test the remaining code.)
You can test lisa.py against CrashWranglers's test cases
ant4g0nist$ cp lisa.py ~/lisa.py

ant4g0nist$ cp lldbinit ~/.lldbinit

ant4g0nist$ python test.py
- Mona.py : https://github.com/corelan/mona

- Crashwrangler : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn2334/_index.html

- Metasploit : https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

- PEDA : https://github.com/longld/peda

- Phillips : https://www.phillips321.co.uk/2013/04/02/recreating-pattern_create-rb-in-python/

- Jonathan Salwan : http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/
TODO: add support for macho in ropmaker

Scansploit - Tool for Injecting Malicious Payloads Into Barcodes (code128, QRCodes, DataMatrix and EAN13)


Tool for Injecting Malicious Payloads Into Barcodes
  • Barcodes (code128)
  • QRCodes
  • DataMatrix
  • EAN13

  • Python3
  • PyStrich
    • pip3 install pystrich
    • Incase of jpeg error: sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk
  • Pillow
    • pip3 install pillow

SimpleEmailSpoofer - A simple Python CLI to Spoof Emails (SPF/DMARC checking)


A few Python programs designed to help penetration testers with email spoofing.

A program that spoofs emails. Currently in development

A program that checks if a domain can be spoofed from. The program checks SPF and DMARC records for weak configurations that allow spoofing.
Additionally it will alert if the domain has DMARC configuration that sends mail or HTTP requests on failed SPF/DKIM emails.
./spoofcheck.py [DOMAIN]

  • dnspython
  • colorama

Faraday v1.0.21 - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform

Faraday is the Integrated Multiuser Risk Environment you were looking for! It maps and leverages all the knowledge you generate in real time, letting you track and understand your audits. Our dashboard for CISOs and managers uncovers the impact and risk being assessed by the audit in real-time without the need for a single email. Developed with a specialized set of functionalities that help users improve their own work, the main purpose is to re-use the available tools in the community taking advantage of them in a collaborative way!

Now you can view all your Hosts within the sidebar, each with its OS and number of vulnerabilities found. But that's not all - if you click one of the hosts the Hosts detail window will be displayed showing host data and all of its Interfaces and Services will be listed in a tree structure, along with all the vulnerabilities found in each of them. On the rightmost part of the window, you'll have all the information about your selected objects, like ports and protocol for your Services or severity for your Vulnerabilities.

Hosts detail window

Say goodbye to manually copying your reports to the report folder and waiting for Faraday to detect the file. Just click on the import report button on the rightmost top corner of Faraday GTK, select a plugin to parse your report and then choose the report. As easy as that.

Import report button and dialog

Some actions take a while to load and that's a part of handling great amounts of data, regardless you should know what's happening backstage while the program is unresponsive. That's why we added a Loading dialog for some critical operations, like changing workspaces. Never again wonder what Faraday is doing!

Loading dialog

Pro & Corp changes:

  • Fixed the title color for all vulns in the Executive Report -  all vuln titles were painted as critical due to a problem with the template, but not anymore!

Community, Pro & Corp changes:

  • Added Import Report dialog to Faraday GTK
  • Added a 'Loading workspace...' dialog to Faraday GTK
  • Added host sidebar to Faraday GTK
  • Added host information dialog to Faraday GTK with the full data about a host, its interfaces, services and vulnerabilities
  • Added support for run Faraday from other directories - supported in all interfaces
  • Fixed log reappearing after being disabled if user created a new tab
  • Fixed bug regarding exception handling in Faraday GTK
  • Now Faraday GTK supports Ctrl+Shift+C / Ctrl+Shift+V to Copy/Paste
  • Faraday will now not crash if you suddenly lose connection to your CouchDB

We hope you enjoy it, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Suricata 3.1 - Open Source IDS / IPS / NSM engine


Suricata is a high performance Network IDS, IPS and Network Security Monitoring engine. Open Source and owned by a community run non-profit foundation, the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF). Suricata is developed by the OISF and its supporting vendors.

Top 3 Reasons You Should Try Suricata:

1. Highly Scalable
Suricata is multi threaded. This means you can run one instance and it will balance the load of processing across every processor on a sensor Suricata is configured to use. This allows commodity hardware to achieve 10 gigabit speeds on real life traffic without sacrificing ruleset coverage.
2. Protocol Identification
The most common protocols are automatically recognized by Suricata as the stream starts, thus allowing rule writers to write a rule to the protocol, not to the port expected. This makes Suricata a Malware Command and Control Channel hunter like no other. Off port HTTP CnC channels, which normally slide right by most IDS systems, are child’s play for Suricata! Furthermore, thanks to dedicated keywords you can match on protocol fields which range from http URI to a SSL certificate identifier.
3. File Identification, MD5 Checksums, and File Extraction

Suricata can identify thousands of file types while crossing your network! Not only can you identify it, but should you decide you want to look at it further you can tag it for extraction and the file will be written to disk with a meta data file describing the capture situation and flow. The file’s MD5 checksum is calculated on the fly, so if you have a list of md5 hashes you want to keep in your network, or want to keep out, Suricata can find it.

3.1 -- 2016-06-20

Bug #1589: Cannot run nfq in workers mode
Bug #1804: yaml: legacy detect-engine parsing custom values broken

3.1RC1 -- 2016-06-07

Feature #681: Implement TPACKET_V3 support in AF_PACKET
Feature #1134: tls: server name rule keyword
Feature #1343: OOBE -1- increasing the default stream.memcap and stream.reassembly.memcap values
Feature #1344: OOBE -2- decreasing the default flow-timeouts (at least for TCP)
Feature #1563: dns: log sshfp records
Feature #1760: Unit tests: Don't register return value, use 1 for success, 0 for failure.
Feature #1761: Unit tests: Provide macros for clean test failures.
Feature #1762: default to AF_PACKET for -i if available
Feature #1785: hyperscan spm integration
Feature #1789: hyperscan mpm: enable by default
Feature #1797: netmap: implement 'threads: auto'
Feature #1798: netmap: warn about NIC offloading on FreeBSD
Feature #1800: update bundled libhtp to 0.5.20
Feature #1801: reduce info level verbosity
Feature #1802: yaml: improve default layout
Feature #1803: reimplement rule grouping
Bug #1078: 'Not" operator (!) in Variable causes extremely slow loading of Suricata
Bug #1202: detect-engine profile medium consumes more memory than detect-engine profile high
Bug #1289: MPM b2gm matcher has questionable code
Bug #1487: Configuration parser depends on key ordering
Bug #1524: Potential Thread Name issues due to RHEL7 Interface Naming Contentions
Bug #1584: Rule keywords conflict will cause Suricata restart itself in loop
Bug #1606: [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_SYSCALL(50)] - Failure when trying to get MTU via ioctl: 6
Bug #1665: Default maximum packet size is insufficient when VLAN tags are present (and not stripped)
Bug #1714: Kernel panic on application exit with netmap Suricata 3.0 stable
Bug #1746: deadlock with autofp and --disable-detection
Bug #1764: app-layer-modbus: AddressSanitizer error (segmentation fault)
Bug #1768: packet processing threads doubled
Bug #1771: tls store memory leak
Bug #1773: smtp: not all attachments inspected in all cases
Bug #1786: spm crash on rule reload
Bug #1792: dns-json-log produces no output
Bug #1795: Remove unused CPU affinity settings from suricata.yaml
Optimization #563: pmq optimization -- remove patter_id_array
Optimization #1037: Optimize TCP Option storage
Optimization #1418: lockless flow handling during capture (autofp)
Optimization #1784: reduce storage size of IPv4 options and IPv6 ext hdrs

Whonix 13 - Anonymous Operating System


Whonix is a desktop operating system designed for advanced security and privacy. It realistically addresses attacks while maintaining usability. It makes online anonymity possible via fail-safe, automatic, and desktop-wide use of the Tor network. A heavily reconfigured Debian base is run inside multiple virtual machines, providing a substantial layer of protection from malware and IP leaks. Pre-installed applications, pre-configured with safe defaults are ready for use. Additionally, installing custom applications or personalizing the desktop will in no way jeopardize the user. Whonix is the only actively developed OS designed to be run inside a VM and paired with Tor.

Whonix consists of two parts: One solely runs Tor and acts as a gateway, which we call Whonix-Gateway. The other, which we call Whonix-Workstation, is on a completely isolated network. Only connections through Tor are possible. With Whonix, you can use applications and run servers anonymously over the internet. DNS leaks are impossible, and not even malware with root privileges can find out the user's real IP.

 Whonix benefits anyone who does sensitive work on their desktop or online. This includes:
  • Investigators and whistleblowers whose work threatens the powerful.
    • Within an isolated environment, research and evidence can be gathered without accidental exposure.
  • Researchers, government officials, or businesspeople who may be targets of espionage.
    • Anti-malware and anti-exploit modifications lower the threat of trojans and backdoors.
  • Journalists who endanger themselves and their families by reporting on organized crime.
    • Compartmentalized, anonymous internet use prevents identity correlation between social media (and other) logins.
  • Political activists under targeted surveillance and attack.
    • The usefulness of threatening the ISP in order to analyze a target's internet use will be severely limited. The cost of targeting a Whonix user is greatly increased.
  • Average computer users in a repressive or censored environment.
    • Easy Tor setup (and options for advanced setups) gives users in repressive countries full internet access desktop-wide, not just in their browser.
  • Average computer users who simply don’t want all or some aspect of their private lives uploaded, saved, and analyzed.
    • Whonix does not silently upload identifying information in the background.

Either start with fresh templates. I.e. uninstall qubes-template-whonix-gw and qubes-template-whonix-ws. Then, to install, run in dom0:
sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-tempates-community qubes-template-whonix-gw qubes-template-whonix-ws

Or you can also upgrade from Whonix’s repository. Please refer to the following instructions:


Or you can also upgrade from Whonix’s repository. Please refer to the following instructions:

Whonix 12 -> 13 changes:

Katastrophe - Command Line Tool to download torrents from Kickass Torrents


A Command-Line Interface for scraping Kickass torrents (kat.cr). Provides options to scrape top torrents in given categories, or searching for specific torrents. The user can select single, multiple or even specify a range for the torrent to download from any category.


Using pip
    $ pip install katastrophe   

Get the latest build from the Source



katastrophe [-m | -t | -a | -s | -l | -g | -p | -b | -x | -M | -T | -A | -S | -B | -G | -P | -X]
katastrophe -h | --help
katastrophe --version

Multi Download:
i,j From Serial No. i to Serial No. j
,i From Serial No. 1 to Serial No. i
i, From Serial No. i to serial no 25
i,j,... Multiple Serial Numbers

Arguments Description
-h, --help Show this screen
--version Show version
-m, --newmovies Show latest Movie Torrents
-t, --newtv Show latest TV Torrents
-a, --newanime Show latest Anime Torrents
-s, --newsongs Show latest Music Torrents
-l, --newlosslessmusic Show latest Lossless Music Torrents
-g, --newgames Show latest Game Torrents
-p, --newapplications Shoe latest Application Torrents
-b, --newbooks Show latest Book Torrents
-x, --xxx Show latest XXX Torrents
-M, --movies Search by Movie Category
-T, --tv Search by TV Category
-A, --anime Search by Anime Category
-S, --songs Search by Music Category
-B, --books Search by Book Category
-G, --games Search by Games Category
-P, --applications Search by Applications Category
-X, --XXX Search by XXX Category


Latest Movies
    $ katastrophe -m   

Latest TV Shows
    $ katastrophe -t   

Latest Games and Applications
    $ katastrophe -g   

Latest Music
    $ katastrophe -s   

Latest Anime
    $ katastrophe -a

Latest Books
    $ katastrophe -b   

Latest Lossless Music
    $ katastrophe -l   

Multiple Downloads
$ Starting and Ending Torrent

$ Starting Torrent

$ Ending Torrent

pytbull - Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS) Testing Framework


pytbull is an Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS) Testing Framework for Snort, Suricata and any IDS/IPS that generates an alert file. It can be used to test the detection and blocking capabilities of an IDS/IPS, to compare IDS/IPS, to compare configuration modifications and to check/validate configurations.

The framework is shipped with about 300 tests grouped in 11 testing modules:
  1. badTraffic: Non RFC compliant packets are sent to the server to test how packets are processed.
  2. bruteForce: tests the ability of the server to track brute force attacks (e.g. FTP). Makes use of custom rules on Snort and Suricata.
  3. clientSideAttacks: this module uses a reverse shell to provide the server with instructions to download remote malicious files. This module tests the ability of the IDS/IPS to protect against client-side attacks.
  4. denialOfService: tests the ability of the IDS/IPS to protect against DoS attempts
  5. evasionTechniques: various evasion techniques are used to check if the IDS/IPS can detect them.
  6. fragmentedPackets: various fragmented payloads are sent to server to test its ability to recompose them and detect the attacks.
  7. ipReputation: tests the ability of the server to detect traffic from/to low reputation servers.
  8. normalUsage: Payloads that correspond to a normal usage.
  9. pcapReplay: enables to replay pcap files
  10. shellCodes: send various shellcodes to the server on port 21/tcp to test the ability of the server to detect/reject shellcodes.
  11. testRules: basic rules testing. These attacks are supposed to be detected by the rules sets shipped with the IDS/IPS.
It is easily configurable and could integrate new modules in the future.
There are basically 5 types of tests:
  1. socket: open a socket on a given port and send the payloads to the remote target on that port.
  2. command: send command to the remote target with the subprocess.call() python function.
  3. scapy: send special crafted payloads based on the Scapy syntax
  4. client side attacks: use a reverse shell on the remote target and send commands to it to make them processed by the server (typically wget commands).
  5. pcap replay: enables to replay traffic based on pcap files


Remote mode

In this mode, the IDS is plugged on the span port (or port mirroring) of the core switch and is configured in promiscuous mode. The IDS analyzes all traffic that goes through the core switch. Malicious files can be downloaded either by pytbull or by the server. This mode is called "remote".

Local mode

In this mode, files are downloaded on the client pytbull is started from.

IDS mode with attacked server in DMZ

In this configuration, a firewall splits the network into 3 parts (lan, wan, dmz). The IDS is plugged in a span port (or port mirroring) of the switch with its interface configured in promiscuous mode. It will analyze every traffic that is sent to the LAN interface of the firewall.

IPS mode

In this configuration, a firewall splits the network into 3 parts (lan, wan, dmz). The IDS is plugged between pytbull and the firewall. To give the IDS a chance to detect the malicious files, pytbull has to download the infected files itself.

IPS mode with attacked server in DMZ

In this configuration, a firewall splits the network into 3 parts (lan, wan, dmz). The IDS is plugged between pytbull and the firewall. Malicious files have to be downloaded by pytbull directly to give the IDS a chance to detect them.


If you have selected the clientSideAttacks module (see configuration file section for more information), you will need to start the reverse shell on the server. Following command uses port 34567/tcp:
$ ./pytbull-server.py -p 34567
Since the files are downloaded in the current directory, you can create a pdf/ directory and start pytbull from the parent location:
$ mkdir pdf/
$ cd pdf/
$ ../pytbull-server.py -p 34567
Then start pytbull (on the client side). An example to start pytbull tests against, running Snort:
$ sudo ./pytbull -t

Notice that you will need to adapt (config.cfg) the port used by the reverse shell if you use the optional parameter -p on remote side.

Pulsar - Protocol Learning, Simulation and Stateful Fuzzer


Protocol Learning, Simulation and Stateful Fuzzer

Pulsar is a network fuzzer with automatic protocol learning and simulation capabilites. The tool allows to model a protocol through machine learning techniques, such as clustering and hidden Markov models. These models can be used to simulate communication between Pulsar and a real client or server thanks to semantically correct messages which, in combination with a series of fuzzing primitives, allow to test the implementation of an unknown protocol for errors in deeper states of its protocol state machine.

For detailed information about the method implemented by Pulsar, you can read the following publications:

Hugo Gascon, Christian Wressnegger, Fabian Yamaguchi, Daniel Arp and Konrad Rieck 

Proc. of 11th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SECURECOMM) October 2015

Tammo Krueger, Hugo Gascon, Nicole Krämer and Konrad Rieck 

ACM Workshop on Security and Artificial Intelligence (AISEC) October 2012
_ __ _ _| |___ __ _ _ __
| '_ \| | | | / __|/ _` | '__|
| |_) | |_| | \__ \ (_| | |
| .__/ \__,_|_|___/\__,_|_| v0.1-dev

usage: pulsar.py [-h] [-c CONF] [-l] [-p PCAP] [-b BINARIES] [-a] [-x]
[-o OUT] [-d DIMENSION] [-s] [-z] [-m MODEL]

Protocol Learning and Stateful Fuzzing

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONF, --conf CONF Change default directory for configuration files. If
no directory is given, the files from 'pulsar/conf'
will be read.

-l, --learner Learn a model from a set of network traces.
-p PCAP, --pcap PCAP tcpdump output file (pcap) or list of files separated
by commas to use as input data for a new model.
-b BINARIES, --binaries BINARIES
Name of binaries to process from the cuckoo storage
dir separated with commas.
-a, --all-binaries Generate models for all binaries from the cuckoo
storage dir (cuckoo/storage/binaries).
-x, --process Process derrick files through the functions defined in
-o OUT, --out OUT Change output directory for generated models. If no
directory is given, the model will be written to the
'models' directory.
Number of components to be used for NMF clustering.

-s, --simulate Simulate communication based on a given model.
-z, --fuzzer Start a fuzzing session based on a given model.
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Path of the dir containing the model files to be
loaded for simulation or fuzzing.

The directory pulsar/conf contains a series of configuration files that define the parameters required for certain operations in each one of the Pulsar methods for automatic learning, simulation and fuzzing.

sudo pip install progressbar
sudo pip install python-levenshtein

Generate the model of a communication channel from individual PCAP files or the recorded traces of one or more binaries run by cuckoo sandbox:
$> pulsar.py -l -p file.pcap (1 pcap file)
$> pulsar.py -b 016169EBEBF1CEC2AAD6C7F0D0EE9026 (1 or more binaries from cuckoo storage)
$> pulsar.py -a (all binaries from cuckoo storage)
Simulate a communication channel based on a learnt model:
$> pulsar.py -s -m model_file
Initiate a fuzzing session against a target given the model of its communication channel:
$> pulsar.py -z -m model_file

Waybackpack - Download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL


Waybackpack is a command-line tool that lets you download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL.

For instance, to download every copy of the Department of Labor's homepage through 1996 (which happens to be the first year the site was archived), you'd run:
waybackpack dol.gov -d ~/Downloads/dol-wayback --to-date 1996
├── 19961102145216
│   └── dol.gov
│   └── index.html
├── 19961103063843
│   └── dol.gov
│   └── index.html
├── 19961222171647
│   └── dol.gov
│   └── index.html
└── 19961223193614
└── dol.gov
└── index.html
Or, just to print the URLs of all archived snapshots:
waybackpack dol.gov --list

pip install waybackpack

usage: waybackpack [-h] (-d DIR | --list) [--raw] [--root ROOT]
[--from-date FROM_DATE] [--to-date TO_DATE]
[--user-agent USER_AGENT] [--follow-redirects]
[--uniques-only] [--collapse COLLAPSE] [--quiet]

positional arguments:
url The URL of the resource you want to download.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to save the files. Will create this
directory if it doesn't already exist.
--list Instead of downloading the files, only print the list
of snapshots.
--raw Fetch file in its original state, without any
processing by the Wayback Machine or waybackpack.
--root ROOT The root URL from which to serve snapshotted
resources. Default: 'https://web.archive.org'
--from-date FROM_DATE
Timestamp-string indicating the earliest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., '201501' is valid.
--to-date TO_DATE Timestamp-string indicating the latest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., '201604' is valid.
--user-agent USER_AGENT
The User-Agent header to send along with your requests
to the Wayback Machine. If possible, please include
the phrase 'waybackpack' and your email address. That
way, if you're battering their servers, they know who
to contact. Default: 'waybackpack'.
--follow-redirects Follow redirects.
--uniques-only Download only the first version of duplicate files.
--collapse COLLAPSE An archive.org `collapse` parameter. Cf.:
--quiet Don't log progress to stderr.

Waypackback is written in pure Python, depends only on requests , and should work wherever Python works. Should be compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.

Many thanks to the following users for catching bugs, fixing typos, and proposing useful features:

Peach Fuzz - Vulnerability Scanning Framework


This tool aims to look through files in a given directory to detect any unsafe, vulnerable, or dangerous function calls. It is designed to be extensible and easy to understand; you can "plug-and-play" modules that specify criteria on which types of files will trigger what 'scans,' in which you determine what action it should take to find and report dangerous content within each file.

Also, it may be run as an experimental automated fuzzing tool. Given effective modules, the framework can be adapted to automatically fuzz executables. You may implement fuzzers using the generic fuzz.fuzzer.Fuzzer class. WARNING: this is a subclass of scan.scanner.Scanner , but will EXECUTE all files with executable permission! Be careful!

$ ./peach.py -h
usage: peach.py [-h] [-s] [-f] [--follow] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT] [-sh] [-nh]
paths [paths ...]

positional arguments:
paths files and directories to scan

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --scan use configuration file for vulnerability scanning
-f, --fuzz use configuration file for automated fuzzing
--follow follow symbolic links when scanning directories
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
specify a custom configuration file (default:
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output results to the specified JSON file
-sh, --scan-hidden Scan hidden files and directories (default)
-nh, --no-hidden Do not scan hidden files and directories

File & Directory Information
  • peach.py
    This is the core of the utility; the Python script that kickstarts all threads and scans from the given command-line arguments .
  • scan
    This directory hosts all the classes that can be duplicated and extended for specific file "scans," in which you could do pretty much anything you want. They are just housed in this folder to keep things clean.
  • vulnscan.json
    This acts like the global configuation; in this JSON file you specify what scans you want to run for all of the files processed, and determine whatever criteria you want to use to identify those files (file extension, MIME type , or executable). All scanners listed in this configuration should be merely that: scanners. No fuzzers should be listed here!
  • fuzzing.json
    This file is similar to vulnscan.json except that it contains references to fuzzers and can be used to start automatically fuzzing a directory or file. WARNING: using this config will execute ALL files with executable permissions! Be careful using it!
  • test
    This directory holds anything that has been often used to test some of the scanners. You can add to it as you please.
  • colors.py
    This small module acts as a wrapper for colorama , in an effort to supply some shorthand function calls.
That's it! The idea behind the tool is simple; the real power comes from building scanners to detect and report any mischievous content or code in large amounts of unknown data. So add your own scanner!

sudo pip install pwn

NetBox - IP Address Management (IPAM) and Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Tool


NetBox is an IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool. Initially conceived by the network engineering team at DigitalOcean , NetBox was developed specifically to address the needs of network and infrastructure engineers.

NetBox runs as a web application atop the Django Python framework with a PostgreSQL database. For a complete list of requirements, see requirements.txt . The code is available on GitHub .

Questions? Comments? Please join us on IRC in #netbox on irc.freenode.net !


Please see docs/getting-started.md for instructions on installing NetBox.
To upgrade NetBox, please download the latest release and run upgrade.sh .

NetBox understands all of the physical and logical building blocks that comprise network infrastructure, and the manners in which they are all related.

DCIM comprises all the physical installations and connections which comprise a network. NetBox tracks where devices are installed, as well as their individual power, console, and network connections.
Site: A physical location (typically a building) where network devices are installed. Devices in different sites cannot be directly connected to one another.
Rack: An equipment rack into which devices are installed. Each rack belongs to a site.
Device: Any type of rack-mounted device. For example, routers, switches, servers, console servers, PDUs, etc. 0U (non-rack-mounted) devices are supported.

IPAM deals with the IP addressing and VLANs in use on a network. NetBox makes a distinction between IP prefixes (networks) and individual IP addresses.
Because NetBox is a combined DCIM/IPAM system, IP addresses can be assigned to device interfaces in the application just as they are in the real world.
Aggregate: A top-level aggregate of IP address space; for example, or 2001:db8::/32. Each aggregate belongs to a regional Internet registry (RIR) like ARIN or RIPE, or to an authoritative standard such as RFC 1918.
VRF: A virtual routing table. VRF support is currently still under development.
Prefix: An IPv4 or IPv6 network. A prefix can be assigned to a VRF; if not, it is considered to belong to the global table. Prefixes are grouped by aggregates automatically and can optionally be assigned to sites.
IP Address: An individual IPv4 or IPv6 address (with CIDR mask). IP address can be assigned to device interfaces.
VLAN: VLANs are assigned to sites, and can optionally have one or more IP prefixes assigned to them. VLAN IDs are unique only within the scope of a site.

Long-distance data connections are typically referred to as circuits . NetBox provides a method for managing circuits and their providers. Individual circuits can be terminated to device interfaces.
Provider: An entity to which a network connects to. This can be a transit provider, peer, or some other organization.
Circuit: A data circuit which connects to a provider. The local end of a circuit can be assigned to a device interface.

NetBox provides encrypted storage of sensitive data it calls secrets . Each user may be issued an encryption key with which stored secrets can be retrieved.
Note that NetBox does not merely hash secrets, a function which is only useful for validation. It employs fully reversible AES-256 encryption so that secret data can be retrieved and consumed by other services.
Secrets Any piece of confidential data which must be retrievable. For example: passwords, SNMP communities, RADIUS shared secrets, etc.
User Key: An individual user's encrypted copy of the master key, which can be used to retrieve secret data.

Fierce - A DNS Reconnaissance Tool for Locating Non-Contiguous IP Space


First, credit where credit is due, fierce was originally written by RSnake along with others at http://ha.ckers.org/ . This is simply a conversion to Python 3 to simplify and modernize the codebase.
The original description was very apt, so I'll include it here:
Fierce is a semi-lightweight scanner that helps locate non-contiguous IP space and hostnames against specified domains. It's really meant as a pre-cursor to nmap, unicornscan, nessus, nikto, etc, since all of those require that you already know what IP space you are looking for. This does not perform exploitation and does not scan the whole internet indiscriminately. It is meant specifically to locate likely targets both inside and outside a corporate network. Because it uses DNS primarily you will often find mis-configured networks that leak internal address space. That's especially useful in targeted malware.

$ pip3 install fierce
$ fierce -h
$ git clone https://github.com/mschwager/fierce.git
$ cd fierce
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 fierce.py -h

Let's start with something basic:
$ fierce --domain google.com --subdomains accounts admin ads
Traverse IPs near discovered domains to search for contiguous blocks with the --traverse flag:
$ fierce --domain facebook.com --subdomains admin --traverse 10
Limit nearby IP traversal to certain domains with the --search flag:
$ fierce --domain facebook.com --subdomains admin --search fb.com fb.net
Attempt an HTTP connection on domains discovered with the --connect flag:
$ fierce --domain stackoverflow.com --subdomains mail --connect
Exchange speed for breadth with the --wide flag, which looks for nearby domains on all IPs of the /24 of a discovered domain:
$ fierce --domain facebook.com --wide
Zone transfers are rare these days, but they give us the keys to the DNS castle. zonetransfer.me is a very useful service for testing for and learning about zone transfers:
$ fierce --domain zonetransfer.me
To save the results to a file for later use we can simply redirect output:
$ fierce --domain zonetransfer.me > output.txt
Internal networks will often have large blocks of contiguous IP space assigned. We can scan those as well:
$ fierce --dns-servers --range
Check out --help for further information:
$ fierce --help

Androguard - Reverse engineering, Malware and goodware analysis of Android applications


Reverse engineering, Malware and goodware analysis of Android applications ... and more (ninja !)

Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
  •  Map and manipulate DEX/ODEX/APK/AXML/ARSC format into full Python objects, 
  •  Diassemble/Decompilation/Modification of DEX/ODEX/APK format, 
  •  Decompilation with the first native (directly from dalvik bytecodes to java source codes) dalvik decompiler (DAD), 
  •  Access to the static analysis of the code (basic blocks, instructions, permissions (with database from http://www.android-permissions.org/) ...) and create your own static analysis tool, 
  •  Analysis a bunch of android apps, 
  •  Analysis with ipython/Sublime Text Editor, 
  •  Diffing of android applications, 
  •  Measure the efficiency of obfuscators (proguard, ...), 
  •  Determine if your application has been pirated (plagiarism/similarities/rip-off indicator), 
  •  Check if an android application is present in a database (malwares, goodwares ?), 
  •  Open source database of android malware (this opensource database is done on my free time, of course my free time is limited, so if you want to help, you are welcome !), 
  •  Detection of ad/open source librairies (WIP), 
  •  Risk indicator of malicious application, 
  •  Reverse engineering of applications (goodwares, malwares), 
  •  Transform Android's binary xml (like AndroidManifest.xml) into classic xml, 
  •  Visualize your application with gephi (gexf format), or with cytoscape (xgmml format), or PNG/DOT output, 
  •  Integration with external decompilers (JAD+dex2jar/DED/fernflower/jd-gui...) 

1. ScreenShots

2. Download Stable release
See the stable release here: https://github.com/androguard/androguard/releases

Mimikittenz - Post-Exploitation Powershell Tool for Extracting Juicy info from Memory


mimikittenz is a post-exploitation powershell tool that utilizes the Windows function ReadProcessMemory() in order to extract plain-text passwords from various target processes.

mimikittenz can also easily extract other kinds of juicy info from target processes using regex patterns including but not limited to:
  • TRACK2 (CreditCard) data from merchant/POS processes
  • PII data
  • Encryption Keys & All the other goodstuff
note : This tool is targeting running process memory address space, once a process is killed it's memory 'should' be cleaned up and inaccessible however there are some edge cases in which this does not happen.

The aim of mimikittenz is to provide user-level (non-admin privileged) sensitive data extraction in order to maximise post exploitation efforts and increase value of information gathered per target.
Currently mimikittenz is able to extract the following credentials from memory:

  • Gmail
  • Office365
  • Outlook Web

  • Xero
  • MYOB

Remote Access
  • Juniper SSL-VPN
  • Citrix NetScaler
  • Remote Desktop Web Access 2012

  • Jira
  • Github
  • Bugzilla
  • Zendesk
  • Cpanel

  • Malwr
  • VirusTotal
  • AnubisLabs

  • Dropbox
  • Microsoft Onedrive
  • AWS Web Services
  • Slack
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

  • Custom regex - The syntax for adding custom regex is as follows:

  • Custom target process - Just append your target proccess name into the array:

AntiRansom - Fighting against Ransomware using Honeypots


AntiRansom is a tool capable of detect and stop attacks of Ransomware using honeypots.

First, Anti Ransom creates a random decoy folder with many useless random documents (Excel, PDF) and then it monitors the folder waiting for changes. When a change is detected, AntiRansom tries to identify wich process is the responsible of such change and then stops it and dump the memory process (hopefully the key or password that is being used by the ransomware is inside)



If you have direct connection to Internet:
execute setup.exe

Choose 'Install'
If you don't have direct connection to Internet:
First, download procdump from sysinternals and copy the zip file to the AntiRansom folder
And execute 'setup.exe'

To uninstall Anti Ransom, you MUST save the folder contents because uninstall instructions are inside it. So, AntiRansom will go unnoticed without using native install facilities from Windows. To uninstall Anti Ransom, use setup.exe and then press Uninstall.

MARA Framework - Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework


MARA is a Mobile Application Reverse engineering and Analysis Framework. It is a tool that puts together commonly used mobile application reverse engineering tools, in order to make the task or reverse engineering and analysis easier and friendly to mobile application developers and security professionals.

Features supported
  • Reverse engineer apk files to smali, java jar files, java source code and dalvik bytecode (jadx format)
  • Reverse engineer dex, jar and class files into java source code and dalvik bytecode (jadx format)
  • Statically Analyze java source code and dalvik bytecode
  • Scan for apk vulnerabilities via androbugs
  • Scan ssl domains found in the app via the standalone SSL scanner that makes use of pyssltest and testssl
Additional information about the framework, prerequisites and the installation guide is available on the wiki

T50 - The Fastest Packet Injector


T50 (f.k.a. F22 Raptor) is a tool designed to perform "Stress Testing". The concept started on 2001, right after release 'nb-isakmp.c', and the main goal was:
  •  Having a tool to perform TCP/IP protocol fuzzer,  covering common regular protocols, such as: ICMP, TCP and UDP.

Things  have  changed,  and the  T50 became a good unique resource capable to perform "Stress Testing". And, after checking the "/usr/include/linux",  some protocols were chosen to be part of its coverage:
  1. ICMP   - Internet Control Message Protocol
  2. IGMP   - Internet Group Management Protocol
  3. TCP    - Transmission Control Protocol
  4. UDP    - User Datagram Protocol

Why "Stress Testing"?  Well, because when people are  designing a new network infra-structure (eg. Datacenter serving to Cloud Computing) they think about:
  1. High-Availability
  2. Load Balancing
  3. Backup Sites (Cold Sites, Hot Sites, and Warm Sites)
  4. Disaster Recovery
  5. Data Redundancy
  6. Service Level Agreements
  7. Etc...

But almost nobody thinks about "Stress Testing", or even performs any test to check how the networks infra-structure behaves under stress,  under overload, and under attack.  Even during a Penetration Test,  people prefer not running any kind of Denial-of-Service testing.  Even worse,  those people are missing one of the three key concepts of security that are common to risk management:
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity

T50 was designed to perform “Stress Testing”  on a variety of infra-structure network devices (Version 2.45), using widely implemented protocols, and after some requests it was was re-designed to extend the tests (as of Version 5.3), covering some regular protocols (ICMP,  TCP  and  UDP),  some infra-structure specific protocols (GRE,  IPSec  and  RSVP), and some routing protocols (RIP,

This new version (Version 5.3) is focused on internal infra-structure,  which allows people to test the availability of its resources, and cobering:
  1. Interior Gateway Protocols (Distance Vector Algorithm):
    1. Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
    2. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
  2. Interior Gateway Protocols (Link State Algorithm): 
    1. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
  3. Quality-of-Service Protocols: 
    1. Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP).
  4. Tunneling/Encapsulation Protocols:  
    1. Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE).

T50 is a powerful and unique packet injector tool, which is capable to:
  1. Send sequentially the following fifteen (15) protocols: 
    1. ICMP   - Internet Control Message Protocol 
    2. IGMPv1 - Internet Group Management Protocol v1 
    3. IGMPv3 - Internet Group Management Protocol v3  
    4. TCP    - Transmission Control Protocol 
    5. EGP    - Exterior Gateway Protocol 
    6. UDP    - User Datagram Protocol 
    7. RIPv1  - Routing Information Protocol v1  
    8. RIPv2  - Routing Information Protocol v2 
    9. DCCP   - Datagram Congestion Control Protocol 
    10. RSVP   - Resource ReSerVation Protocol 
    11. GRE    - Generic Routing Encapsulation  
    12. IPSec  - Internet Protocol Security (AH/ESP) 
    13. EIGRP  - Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol  
    14. OSPF   - Open Shortest Path First
  2. It is the only tool capable to encapsulate the protocols  (listed above) within Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE).
  3. Send an (quite) incredible amount of  packets per second,  making  it  a "second to none" tool:  
  • More than 1,000,000 pps of SYN Flood  (+50% of the network uplink)  in  a 1000BASE-T Network (Gigabit Ethernet). 
  • More than 120,000 pps of SYN Flood  (+60% of the network uplink)  in a  100BASE-TX Network (Fast Ethernet).
  • Perform "Stress Testing" on a variety of network infrastructure, network devices and security solutions in place.
  • Simulate "Distributed Denial-of-Service" & "Denial-of-Service"  attacks, validating Firewall rules,  Router ACLs,  Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention System policies.

  • The main differentiator of the T50 is that it is able to send  all protocols, sequentially,  using one single SOCKET,   besides it is capable to be used to modify network routes,  letting IT Security Professionals performing advanced "Penetration Test".

    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    git clone https://github.com/fredericopissarra/t50
    cd t50
    sudo make install

    $ t50 --help
    T50 Experimental Mixed Packet Injector Tool 5.6.3
    Originally created by Nelson Brito
    Previously maintained by Fernando Mercês
    Maintained by Frederico Lamberti Pissarra

    Usage: t50 [options]
    Common Options:
    --threshold NUM Threshold of packets to send (default 1000)
    --flood This option supersedes the 'threshold'
    --encapsulated Encapsulated protocol (GRE) (default OFF)
    -B,--bogus-csum Bogus checksum (default OFF)
    --turbo Extend the performance (default OFF)
    -l,--list-protocols List all available protocols
    -v,--version Print version and exit
    -h,--help Display this help and exit

    GRE Options:
    --gre-seq-present GRE sequence # present (default OFF)
    --gre-key-present GRE key present (default OFF)
    --gre-sum-present GRE checksum present (default OFF)
    --gre-key NUM GRE key (default RANDOM)
    --gre-sequence NUM GRE sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --gre-saddr ADDR GRE IP source IP address (default RANDOM)
    --gre-daddr ADDR GRE IP destination IP address (default RANDOM)

    DCCP/TCP/UDP Options:
    --sport NUM DCCP|TCP|UDP source port (default RANDOM)
    --dport NUM DCCP|TCP|UDP destination port (default RANDOM)

    TCP Options:
    --acknowledge NUM TCP ACK sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --sequence NUM TCP SYN sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --data-offset NUM TCP data offset (default 5)
    -F,--fin TCP FIN flag (default OFF)
    -S,--syn TCP SYN flag (default OFF)
    -R,--rst TCP RST flag (default OFF)
    -P,--psh TCP PSH flag (default OFF)
    -A,--ack TCP ACK flag (default OFF)
    -U,--urg TCP URG flag (default OFF)
    -E,--ece TCP ECE flag (default OFF)
    -C,--cwr TCP CWR flag (default OFF)
    -W,--window NUM TCP Window size (default NONE)
    --urg-pointer NUM TCP URG pointer (default NONE)
    --mss NUM TCP Maximum Segment Size (default NONE)
    --wscale NUM TCP Window Scale (default NONE)
    --tstamp NUM:NUM TCP Timestamp (TSval:TSecr) (default NONE)
    --sack-ok TCP SACK-Permitted (default OFF)
    --ttcp-cc NUM T/TCP Connection Count (CC) (default NONE)
    --ccnew NUM T/TCP Connection Count (CC.NEW) (default NONE)
    --ccecho NUM T/TCP Connection Count (CC.ECHO) (default NONE)
    --sack NUM:NUM TCP SACK Edges (Left:Right) (default NONE)
    --md5-signature TCP MD5 signature included (default OFF)
    --authentication TCP-AO authentication included (default OFF)
    --auth-key-id NUM TCP-AO authentication key ID (default 1)
    --auth-next-key NUM TCP-AO authentication next key (default 1)
    --nop TCP No-Operation (default EOL)

    IP Options:
    -s,--saddr ADDR IP source IP address (default RANDOM)
    --tos NUM IP type of service (default 0x40)
    --id NUM IP identification (default RANDOM)
    --frag-offset NUM IP fragmentation offset (default 0)
    --ttl NUM IP time to live (default 255)
    --protocol PROTO IP protocol (default TCP)

    ICMP Options:
    --icmp-type NUM ICMP type (default 8)
    --icmp-code NUM ICMP code (default 0)
    --icmp-gateway ADDR ICMP redirect gateway (default RANDOM)
    --icmp-id NUM ICMP identification (default RANDOM)
    --icmp-sequence NUM ICMP sequence # (default RANDOM)

    EGP Options:
    --egp-type NUM EGP type (default 3)
    --egp-code NUM EGP code (default 3)
    --egp-status NUM EGP status (default 1)
    --egp-as NUM EGP autonomous system (default RANDOM)
    --egp-sequence NUM EGP sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --egp-hello NUM EGP hello interval (default RANDOM)
    --egp-poll NUM EGP poll interval (default RANDOM)

    RIP Options:
    --rip-command NUM RIPv1/v2 command (default 2)
    --rip-family NUM RIPv1/v2 address family (default 2)
    --rip-address ADDR RIPv1/v2 router address (default RANDOM)
    --rip-metric NUM RIPv1/v2 router metric (default RANDOM)
    --rip-domain NUM RIPv2 router domain (default RANDOM)
    --rip-tag NUM RIPv2 router tag (default RANDOM)
    --rip-netmask ADDR RIPv2 router subnet mask (default RANDOM)
    --rip-next-hop ADDR RIPv2 router next hop (default RANDOM)
    --rip-authentication RIPv2 authentication included (default OFF)
    --rip-auth-key-id NUM RIPv2 authentication key ID (default 1)
    --rip-auth-sequence NUM RIPv2 authentication sequence # (default RANDOM)

    DCCP Options:
    --dccp-data-offset NUM DCCP data offset (default VARY)
    --dccp-cscov NUM DCCP checksum coverage (default 0)
    --dccp-ccval NUM DCCP HC-Sender CCID (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-type NUM DCCP type (default 0)
    --dccp-extended DCCP extend for sequence # (default OFF)
    --dccp-sequence-1 NUM DCCP sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-sequence-2 NUM DCCP extended sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-sequence-3 NUM DCCP sequence # low (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-service NUM DCCP service code (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-acknowledge-1 NUM DCCP acknowledgment # high (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-acknowledge-2 NUM DCCP acknowledgment # low (default RANDOM)
    --dccp-reset-code NUM DCCP reset code (default RANDOM)

    RSVP Options:
    --rsvp-flags NUM RSVP flags (default 1)
    --rsvp-type NUM RSVP message type (default 1)
    --rsvp-ttl NUM RSVP time to live (default 254)
    --rsvp-session-addr ADDR RSVP SESSION destination address (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-session-proto NUM RSVP SESSION protocol ID (default 1)
    --rsvp-session-flags NUM RSVP SESSION flags (default 1)
    --rsvp-session-port NUM RSVP SESSION destination port (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-hop-addr ADDR RSVP HOP neighbor address (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-hop-iface NUM RSVP HOP logical interface (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-time-refresh NUM RSVP TIME refresh interval (default 360)
    --rsvp-error-addr ADDR RSVP ERROR node address (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-error-flags NUM RSVP ERROR flags (default 2)
    --rsvp-error-code NUM RSVP ERROR code (default 2)
    --rsvp-error-value NUM RSVP ERROR value (default 8)
    --rsvp-scope NUM RSVP SCOPE # of address(es) (default 1)
    --rsvp-address ADDR,... RSVP SCOPE address(es) (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-style-option NUM RSVP STYLE option vector (default 18)
    --rsvp-sender-addr ADDR RSVP SENDER TEMPLATE address (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-sender-port NUM RSVP SENDER TEMPLATE port (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-tspec-traffic RSVP TSPEC service traffic (default OFF)
    --rsvp-tspec-guaranteed RSVP TSPEC service guaranteed (default OFF)
    --rsvp-tspec-r NUM RSVP TSPEC token bucket rate (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-tspec-b NUM RSVP TSPEC token bucket size (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-tspec-p NUM RSVP TSPEC peak data rate (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-tspec-m NUM RSVP TSPEC minimum policed unit (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-tspec-M NUM RSVP TSPEC maximum packet size (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-ishop NUM RSVP ADSPEC IS HOP count (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-path NUM RSVP ADSPEC path b/w estimate (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-m NUM RSVP ADSPEC minimum path latency (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-mtu NUM RSVP ADSPEC composed MTU (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-guaranteed RSVP ADSPEC service guaranteed (default OFF)
    --rsvp-adspec-Ctot NUM RSVP ADSPEC ETE composed value C (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-Dtot NUM RSVP ADSPEC ETE composed value D (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-Csum NUM RSVP ADSPEC SLR point composed C (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-Dsum NUM RSVP ADSPEC SLR point composed D (default RANDOM)
    --rsvp-adspec-controlled RSVP ADSPEC service controlled (default OFF)
    --rsvp-confirm-addr ADDR RSVP CONFIRM receiver address (default RANDOM)

    IPSEC Options:
    --ipsec-ah-length NUM IPSec AH header length (default NONE)
    --ipsec-ah-spi NUM IPSec AH SPI (default RANDOM)
    --ipsec-ah-sequence NUM IPSec AH sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --ipsec-esp-spi NUM IPSec ESP SPI (default RANDOM)
    --ipsec-esp-sequence NUM IPSec ESP sequence # (default RANDOM)

    EIGRP Options:
    --eigrp-opcode NUM EIGRP opcode (default 1)
    --eigrp-flags NUM EIGRP flags (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-sequence NUM EIGRP sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-acknowledge NUM EIGRP acknowledgment # (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-as NUM EIGRP autonomous system (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-type NUM EIGRP type (default 258)
    --eigrp-length NUM EIGRP length (default NONE)
    --eigrp-k1 NUM EIGRP parameter K1 value (default 1)
    --eigrp-k2 NUM EIGRP parameter K2 value (default 0)
    --eigrp-k3 NUM EIGRP parameter K3 value (default 1)
    --eigrp-k4 NUM EIGRP parameter K4 value (default 0)
    --eigrp-k5 NUM EIGRP parameter K5 value (default 0)
    --eigrp-hold NUM EIGRP parameter hold time (default 360)
    --eigrp-ios-ver NUM.NUM EIGRP IOS release version (default 12.4)
    --eigrp-rel-ver NUM.NUM EIGRP PROTO release version (default 1.2)
    --eigrp-next-hop ADDR EIGRP [in|ex]ternal next-hop (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-delay NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal delay (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-bandwidth NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal bandwidth (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-mtu NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal MTU (default 1500)
    --eigrp-hop-count NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal hop count (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-load NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal load (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-reliability NUM EIGRP [in|ex]ternal reliability (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-daddr ADDR/CIDR EIGRP [in|ex]ternal address(es) (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-src-router ADDR EIGRP external source router (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-src-as NUM EIGRP external autonomous system (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-tag NUM EIGRP external arbitrary tag (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-proto-metric NUM EIGRP external protocol metric (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-proto-id NUM EIGRP external protocol ID (default 2)
    --eigrp-ext-flags NUM EIGRP external flags (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-address ADDR EIGRP multicast sequence address (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-multicast NUM EIGRP multicast sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --eigrp-authentication EIGRP authentication included (default OFF)
    --eigrp-auth-key-id NUM EIGRP authentication key ID (default 1)

    OSPF Options:
    --ospf-type NUM OSPF type (default 1)
    --ospf-length NUM OSPF length (default NONE)
    --ospf-router-id ADDR OSPF router ID (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-area-id ADDR OSPF area ID (default
    -1,--ospf-option-MT OSPF multi-topology / TOS-based (default RANDOM)
    -2,--ospf-option-E OSPF external routing capability (default RANDOM)
    -3,--ospf-option-MC OSPF multicast capable (default RANDOM)
    -4,--ospf-option-NP OSPF NSSA supported (default RANDOM)
    -5,--ospf-option-L OSPF LLS data block contained (default RANDOM)
    -6,--ospf-option-DC OSPF demand circuits supported (default RANDOM)
    -7,--ospf-option-O OSPF Opaque-LSA (default RANDOM)
    -8,--ospf-option-DN OSPF DOWN bit (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-netmask ADDR OSPF router subnet mask (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-hello-interval NUM OSPF HELLO interval (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-hello-priority NUM OSPF HELLO router priority (default 1)
    --ospf-hello-dead NUM OSPF HELLO router dead interval (default 360)
    --ospf-hello-design ADDR OSPF HELLO designated router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-hello-backup ADDR OSPF HELLO backup designated (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-neighbor NUM OSPF HELLO # of neighbor(s) (default NONE)
    --ospf-address ADDR,... OSPF HELLO neighbor address(es) (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-mtu NUM OSPF DD MTU (default 1500)
    --ospf-dd-dbdesc-MS OSPF DD master/slave bit option (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-dbdesc-M OSPF DD more bit option (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-dbdesc-I OSPF DD init bit option (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-dbdesc-R OSPF DD out-of-band resync (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-sequence NUM OSPF DD sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-dd-include-lsa OSPF DD include LSA header (default OFF)
    --ospf-lsa-age NUM OSPF LSA age (default 360)
    --ospf-lsa-do-not-age OSPF LSA do not age (default OFF)
    --ospf-lsa-type NUM OSPF LSA type (default 1)
    --ospf-lsa-id ADDR OSPF LSA ID address (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-router ADDR OSPF LSA advertising router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-sequence NUM OSPF LSA sequence # (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-metric NUM OSPF LSA metric (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-flag-B OSPF Router-LSA border router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-flag-E OSPF Router-LSA external router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-flag-V OSPF Router-LSA virtual router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-flag-W OSPF Router-LSA wild router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-flag-NT OSPF Router-LSA NSSA translation (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-link-id ADDR OSPF Router-LSA link ID (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-link-data ADDR OSPF Router-LSA link data (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-link-type NUM OSPF Router-LSA link type (default 1)
    --ospf-lsa-attached ADDR OSPF Network-LSA attached router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-larger OSPF ASBR/NSSA-LSA ext. larger (default OFF)
    --ospf-lsa-forward ADDR OSPF ASBR/NSSA-LSA forward (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lsa-external ADDR OSPF ASBR/NSSA-LSA external (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-vertex-router OSPF Group-LSA type router (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-vertex-network OSPF Group-LSA type network (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-vertex-id ADDR OSPF Group-LSA vertex ID (default RANDOM)
    --ospf-lls-extended-LR OSPF LLS Extended option LR (default OFF)
    --ospf-lls-extended-RS OSPF LLS Extended option RS (default OFF)
    --ospf-authentication OSPF authentication included (default OFF)
    --ospf-auth-key-id NUM OSPF authentication key ID (default 1)
    --ospf-auth-sequence NUM OSPF authentication sequence # (default RANDOM)

    Some considerations while running this program:
    1. There is no limitation of using as many options as possible.
    2. Report t50 bugs at https://github.com/fredericopissarra/t50.git.
    3. Some header fields with default values MUST be set to '0' for RANDOM.
    4. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
    5. Be nice when using t50, the author DENIES its use for DoS/DDoS purposes.
    6. Running t50 with '--protocol T50' option sends ALL protocols sequentially.

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