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massExpConsole - Collection of Tools and Exploits with a CLI UI


Collection of Tools and Exploits with a CLI UI

What does it do?
  • an easy-to-use user interface (cli)
  • execute any adapted exploit with process-level concurrency
  • crawler for baidu and zoomeye
  • a simple webshell manager
  • some built-in exploits (automated)
  • more to come...

  • GNU/Linux or MacOS, WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux), fully tested under Kali Linux (Rolling, 2017), Ubuntu Linux (16.04 LTS) and Fedora 25 (it will work on other distros too as long as you have dealt with all deps)
  • proxychains4 (in $PATH), used by exploiter, requires a working socks5 proxy (you can modify its config in mec.py)
  • Java is required when using Java deserialization exploits, you might want to install openjdk-8-jre if you haven't installed it yet
  • python packages (not complete, as some third-party scripts might need other deps as well):
    • requests
    • bs4
    • beautifulsoup4
    • html5lib
    • docopt
    • pip3 install on the go
  • note that you have to install all the deps of your exploits or tools as well

  • just run mec.py, if it complains about missing modules, install them
  • if you want to add your own exploit script (or binary file, whatever):
    • cd exploits, mkdir <yourExploitDir>
    • your exploit should take the last argument passed to it as its target, dig into mec.py to know more
    • chmod 755 <exploitBin> to make sure it can be executed by current user
    • use attack command then m to select your custom exploit
  • type help in the console to see all available features

explo - Human And Machine Readable Web Vulnerability Testing Format

explo is a simple tool to describe web security issues in a human and machine readable format. By defining a request/condition workflow, explo is able to exploit security issues without the need of writing a script. This allows to share complex vulnerabilities in a simple readable and executable format.

Example for extracting a csrf token and using this in a form:
name: get_csrf
description: extract csrf token
module: http
url: http://example.com/contact
method: GET
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0
csrf: [CSS, "#csrf"]
name: exploit
description: exploits sql injection vulnerability with valid csrf token
module: http
url: http://example.com/contact
method: POST
csrf: "{{get_csrf.extracted.csrf}}"
username: "' SQL INJECTION"
find: You have an error in your SQL syntax

In this example definition file the security issue is tested by executing two steps which are run from top to bottom. The last step returns a success or failure, depending on the string 'You have an error in your SQL syntax' to be found.


Install via PyPI
pip install explo

Install via source
git clone https://github.com/dtag-dev-sec/explo
cd explo
python setup.py install

explo [--verbose|-v] testcase.yaml
explo [--verbose|-v] examples/*.yaml
There are a few example testcases in the examples/ folder.
$ explo examples/SQLI_simple_testphp.vulnweb.com.yaml
You can also include explo as a python lib:
from explo.core import from_content as explo_from_content
from explo.core import ExploException, ProxyException

def save_log(msg):

result = explo_from_content(explo_yaml_file, save_log)
except ExploException as err:

Modules can be added to improve functionality and classes of security issues.

http (basic)
The http modules allows to make a http request, extract content and search/verify content.
The following data is made available for following steps:
  • the http response body: stepname.response.content
  • the http response cookies: stepname.response.cookies
  • extracted content: response.extracted.variable_name
If a find_regex parameter is set, a regular expression match is executed on the response body. If this fails, this module returns a failure and thus stopping the executing of the current workflow (and all steps).
When extracting by regular expressions, use the match group extract to mark the value to extract (view below for an example).
For referencing cookies, reference the name of the previous step where cookies should be taken from (cookies: the_other_step.response.cookies).
Parameter examples:
url: http://example.com
method: GET
allow_redirects: True
User-Agent: explo
Content-Type: abc
cookies: stepname.response.cookies
key: value
find: search for string
find_regex: search for (reg|ular)expression
find_in_headers: searchstring in headers
variable1: [CSS, '#csrf']
variable2: [REGEX, '<input(.*?)value="(?P<extract>.*?)"']

The http header module allows to check if a response misses a specified set of headers (and values). All other parameters are identical to the http module.
The following data is made available for other modules:
  • the http response body: stepname.response.content
  • the http response cookies: stepname.response.cookies
Parameter examples:
url: http://example.com
method: GET
allow_redirects: True
User-Agent: explo
Content-Type: abc
key: value
X-XSS-Protection: 1
Server: . # all values are valid

The sqli_blind module is able to identify time based blind sql injections.
The following data is made available for other modules:
  • the http response body: stepname.response.content
  • the http response cookies: stepname.response.cookies
Parameter examples:
url: http://example.com/vulnerable.php?id=1' waitfor delay '00:00:5'--
method: GET
delay_seconds: 5
If the threshold of 5 seconds (delay_seconds) is exceeded, the check returns true (and thus resulting in a success).

Faraday v2.5 - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform

Faraday is the Integrated Multiuser Risk Environment you were looking for! It maps and leverages all the knowledge you generate in real time, letting you track and understand your audits. Our dashboard for CISOs and managers uncovers the impact and risk being assessed by the audit in real-time without the need for a single email. Developed with a specialized set of functionalities that helps users improve their own work, the main purpose is to re-use the available tools in the community taking advantage of them in a collaborative way!

Data Analysis tools

Since Faraday allows you to keep all of your pentests in one place, we thought it would be interesting to add the possibility to see your assessments come to life, so we added new data analysis reports to the Web UI: 
  • Tools findings by severity and targets 
  • Vulnerability severity cluster
  •  Severity timeline
  •  Service vulnerability timeline
  •  Target severity pie charts
  •  OS severity pie charts
  •  Severity by tool boxplot
  •  Total vulnerability correlation with price by each OS
  •  Vulnerability by type chart, ease of resolution and OS
  •  Vulnerability by year tree

These charts allow you to find new relations between your data and clarify the state of an assessment.
We will also add new charts in the future, and the possibility to customize them as well!
As an example, this is how some of the current reports look

Target severity

Vuln severity price vs creator

Target severity cluster map

Tools findings by severity and targets alluvial chart

You can also download the charts as PNG or SVG format to include them in your custom reports.

Download charts as PNG

Credentials CRUD

One of the big goals in every internal pentest is gathering service credentials to log in to a host, escalate privileges and pivot. Wouldn’t it be great if you could store all your credentials in one place? Now you can! Save all the found creds in Faraday’s DB, query it using the Faraday Plugin and feed other tools to keep hacking!

Vuln templates CRUD

Manually creating vulnerabilities has always been a nuisance, from getting evidence to wording the descriptions - no one likes it. And also, explanations vary between testers, so what sounds perfectly understandable to one person can be gibberish to another.

Knowing this is a continuous issue when reporting, we added the Vulnerability Templates Database in version 1.0.12. We knew back then that editing a CSV and uploading it every time a change was needed wasn’t the best approach, but other features came first when prioritizing.

An improvement on this feature was long overdue so we created a brand new view in the Web UI just to manage these templates. You can now upload a CSV file from the Web UI and then edit the templates as desired.

Vuln templates view

But wait! The plot thickens! You can also create a template from an existing vulnerability!
Write your vulns once, and use them forever.

Hosts revamp

When users wanted to edit or create hosts in previous Faraday versions, the only options was through a modal dialog. This was especially annoying in small screens, when scrolling and cluttered information became a hassle.

Deprecated modal view

Keeping in mind that managing hosts is a very important task to pentesters and managers alike we decided to update the hosts manager. As of this version you can examine, create and edit hosts from the same full view. Since it is no longer a modal dialog, the whole browser window is used, allowing to have all of the host details, along with its services in plain sight. No more scrolling, no more three clicks to get the host info!

Improved host view

Host creation view

Host edition view

Plugins Core Improvements

Faraday’s Plugin System is a core piece of the platform and that is why we constantly work on adding new tools and improving the ones we already support. In this iteration we improved the system itself so that plugins can access the error console and communicate with the user in a simplified manner.

Plugin output

On the maintenance side, we fixed a bug in the Nessus plugin which locked the vuln edition after processing and added support for SQLmap‘s -r argument that allows adding an HTTP request file instead of manually loading the URL and headers. We also modified a few other plugins (Core Impact, Netsparker, Nikto, Propecia, Qualysguard, SQLmap, Telnet and Wapiti) to improve the content of the vulnerabilities that are added to the platform, creating better Executive Reports.


It’s not uncommon for our users to switch between versions (for example, when upgrading from Community to Pro) and some issues arose in that process. Keeping that use case in mind, we improved how the Faraday Client verifies its version against the Server to avoid further issues in the future.

Also, we did some improvements in GTK’s link to the Web UI and corrected a bug that prevented the Web UI from saving changes to workspaces created using the GTK Client.

Some of our Pro and Corp users had troubles starting the Server with no internet connection. We changed its behavior when bootstrapping without an active internet access, allowing users to run it even with limited connectivity.

Regarding the Executive Report, we fixed a minor bug that generated inconsistent reports when grouping regular vulns with web vulns.

Target, website, param name and path are grouped correctly

With the new additions to the Web UI, the left navigation bar was overloaded so we removed the administrative links (Workspaces, Users and Licenses) and added them to a new admin menu on the top right, along with a link to the Help page and an about dialog.

About Faraday

A special config for our Corp Customers

Because of a refactor in the auth system made in the last Corporate Version Release we need to ask the users to setup CouchDB correctly to avoid constantly losing the session.
To avoid headaches, follow this step-by-step guide:
  1. Turn off Faraday Server (./faraday-server.pyc –stop)
  1. Turn off CouchDB (systemctl stop couchdb)
  1. Modify the file “local.ini” usually located in the path /etc/couch/local.ini
  1. Add the following lines to the [couch_httpd_auth] part of that file
    allow_persistent_cookies = true
    timeout = 9999999
  1. Initialize CouchDB and Faraday Server again and you are all set

Changes and fixes

Corp changes

  • Added a Data Analysis component to the Web UI

Pro & Corp changes

  • Fixed a bug in the GTK interface when trying to configure an non-existent URL 
  • Always redirect to login page when user is not logged in 
  • Prevent users with role client to login using GTK 
  • Disable host and vuln edit buttons when logged in as client 
  • Fixed the server, which was refusing some valid licenses 
  • Improved grouping in Executive Reports 
  • Redirect to home page when a logged user visits login page

Community, Pro & Corp changes

  • Fixed bug when editing workspaces created in GTK 
  • Improved host search in the WEB UI 
  • Extended the config to support different searching engines in the WEB UI 
  • Check that client and server versions match when connecting 
  • Adds the 'v’ and 'version’ argument for both the server and the client 
  • Fixed “refresh” button in the Web UI 
  • Fix API on /ws/<workspace> with duration object None 
  • Added a CRUD for Credentials to the Web UI 
  • Bug fixes on the Burp Online Plugin 
  • Added a script to connect with Reposify 
  • Fixed Hostname import in Nessus Plugin 
  • Make plugin methods log() and devlog() work again 
  • Fixed bug in SQLMap plugin that made the client freeze 
  • Improved SQLMap plugin to support more options and to show errors in GTK log console 
  • Fixed bug when creating/updating Credentials 
  • Improve plugins usage of vulnweb URL fields 
  • Fixed order of Report Plugins in the GTK import list

WPSeku v0.2 - Wordpress Security Scanner


WPSeku is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues.


probeSniffer - A Tool for Sniffing Unencrypted Wireless Probe Requests from Devices


 ____  ____   ___  ____    ___ _________  ____ _____ _____  ___ ____    
| \| \ / \| \ / _/ ___| \| | | |/ _| \
| o | D | | o )/ [( \_| _ || || __| __/ [_| D )
| _/| /| O | | _\__ | | || || |_ | |_| _| /
| | | \| | O | [_/ \ | | || || _]| _| [_| \
| | | . | | | \ | | || || | | | | | . \
|__| |__|\_|\___/|_____|_____|\___|__|__|____|__| |__| |_____|__|\__|
v2.1 by David SchĂźtz (@xdavidhu)

A tool for sniffing unencrypted wireless probe requests from devices:

new in 2.1:
  • Displaying the number of hosts
  • Logging to SQLite database file
  • Settable nickname for mac addresses
  • Options to filter output by mac address
  • Capturing 'boradcast' probe requests (without ssid)

  • Kali Linux / Raspbian with root privileges
  • Python3 & PIP3 (probeSniffer will install the dependenices)
  • A wireless card (capable for monitor mode) and one other internet connected interface (for vendor resolve)

  • -d / do not show duplicate requests
  • -b / do not show broadcast requests
  • -f / only show requests from the specified mac address
  • --addnicks / add nicknames to mac addresses
  • --flushnicks / flush nickname database
  • --nosql / disable SQL logging completely
  • --debug / turn debug mode on
  • -h / display help menu


Kali Linux / Raspbian:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y

$ git clone https://github.com/xdavidhu/probeSniffer

$ cd probeSniffer/

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
WARNING: probeSniffer is only compatible with Python 3.3 & 3.4 & 3.5 & 3.6

Make sure to put your interface into monitor mode before!
$ sudo python3 probeSniffer.py [monitor-mode-interface] [options]

pwned - A command-line tool for querying the 'Have I been pwned?' service


A command-line tool for querying Troy Hunt's Have I been pwned? service using the hibp Node.js module.

npm install pwned -g

Usage: pwned [option | command]


ba [options] <account> get all breaches for an account (username or email address)
breaches [options] get all breaches in the system
breach [options] <name> get a single breached site by breach name
dc [options] get all data classes in the system
pa [options] <email> get all pastes for an account (email address)

Each command has its own -h (--help) option.


-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number

Get all breaches for an account:
$ pwned ba pleasebeclean@fingerscrossed.tld
Good news — no pwnage found!
Get all breaches in the system, filtering results to just the 'adobe.com' domain:
$ pwned breaches -d adobe.com
Title: Adobe
Name: Adobe
Domain: adobe.com
BreachDate: 2013-10-04
AddedDate: 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z
PwnCount: 152445165
Description: In October 2013, 153 million Adobe accounts were breached with each containing an internal ID, username, email, <em>encrypted</em> password and a password hint in plain text. The password cryptography was poorly done and <a href="http://stricture-group.com/files/adobe-top100.txt" target="_blank">many were quickly resolved back to plain text</a>. The unencrypted hints also <a href="http://www.troyhunt.com/2013/11/adobe-credentials-and-serious.html" target="_blank">disclosed much about the passwords</a> adding further to the risk that hundreds of millions of Adobe customers already faced.
- Email addresses
- Password hints
- Passwords
- Usernames
IsVerified: true
IsSensitive: false
IsActive: true
IsRetired: false
LogoType: svg
Get a single breached site by breach name:
$ pwned breach MyCompany
No breach found by that name.
Get all the data classes in the system, returning raw JSON results for external/chained consumption:
$ pwned dc --raw
["Account balances","Age groups","Astrological signs","Avatars","Bank account numbers","Banking PINs","Beauty ratings","Biometric data","Car ownership statuses","Career levels","Chat logs","Credit cards","Customer feedback","Customer interactions","Dates of birth","Device information","Device usage tracking data","Drinking habits","Drug habits","Education levels","Email addresses","Email messages","Employers","Ethnicities","Family members' names","Family plans","Financial transactions","Fitness levels","Genders","Geographic locations","Government issued IDs","Historical passwords","Home ownership statuses","Homepage URLs","Income levels","Instant messenger identities","IP addresses","Job titles","MAC addresses","Marital statuses","Names","Nicknames","Parenting plans","Partial credit card data","Passport numbers","Password hints","Passwords","Payment histories","Personal descriptions","Personal interests","Phone numbers","Physical addresses","Physical attributes","Political views","Private messages","Purchases","Races","Recovery email addresses","Relationship statuses","Religions","Reward program balances","Salutations","Security questions and answers","Sexual fetishes","Sexual orientations","Smoking habits","SMS messages","Social connections","Spoken languages","Time zones","Travel habits","User agent details","User statuses","User website URLs","Usernames","Website activity","Work habits","Years of birth"]
Get all pastes for an email address:
$ pwned pa nobody@nowhere.com
Source: Pastebin
Id: xyb8vavK
Title: null
Date: 2015-06-01T00:16:46Z
EmailCount: 8
Source: Pastebin
Id: DaaFj8Be
Title: CrackingCore - Redder04
Date: 2015-04-05T22:22:39Z
EmailCount: 116
Source: Pastebin
Id: 9MAAgecd
Title: IPTV YabancÄą Combolist
Date: 2015-02-07T15:21:00Z
EmailCount: 244
Source: Pastebin
Id: QMx1dPUT
Title: null
Date: 2015-02-02T20:45:00Z
EmailCount: 6607
Source: Pastebin
Id: zUFSee4n
Title: nethingoez
Date: 2015-01-21T15:13:00Z
EmailCount: 312
Source: AdHocUrl
Id: http://siph0n.in/exploits.php?id=4560
Title: BuzzMachines.com 40k+
Date: null
EmailCount: 36959
Source: AdHocUrl
Id: http://siph0n.in/exploits.php?id=4737
Title: PayPalSucks Database 102k
Date: null
EmailCount: 82071

InjectProc - InjectProc - Process Injection Techniques


Process injection is a very popular method to hide malicious behavior of code and are heavily used by malware authors.

There are several techniques, which are commonly used: DLL injection, process replacement (a.k.a process hollowing), hook injection and APC injection.

Most of them use same Windows API functions: OpenProcess, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, for detailed information about those functions, use MSDN.

DLL injection:
  • Open target process.
  • Allocate space.
  • Write code into the remote process.
  • Execute the remote code.

Process replacement:
  • Create target process and suspend it.
  • Unmap from memory.
  • Allocate space.
  • Write headers and sections into the remote process.
  • Resume remote thread.

Hook injection:
  • Find/Create process.
  • Set hook

APC injection:
  • Open process.
  • Allocate space.
  • Write code into remote threads.
  • "Execute" threads using QueueUserAPC.

Windows x64 binary - x64 bit DEMO

vc_redist.x64 - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable


portSpider - A Lightning Fast Multithreaded Network Scanner Framework With Modules


A lightning fast multithreaded network scanner framework with modules.

  • http - Scan for open HTTP ports, and get the the titles.
  • mysql - Scan for open MySQL servers, and try to log in with the default credentials.
  • mongodb - Scan for open MongoDB instances, and check if they are password protected.
  • ssh - Scan for open SSH ports.
  • printer - Scan for open printer ports and websites.
  • gameserver - Scan for open game server ports.
  • manual - Scan custom ports.

  • modules - List all modules.
  • use - Use a module.
  • options - Show a module's options.
  • set - Set an option.
  • run - Run the selected module.
  • back - Go back to menu.
  • exit - Shut down portSpider.


Debian based systems:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y

$ git clone https://github.com/xdavidhu/portSpider

$ cd portSpider/

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

macOS / OSX:
$ brew install python3

$ git clone https://github.com/xdavidhu/portSpider

$ cd portSpider/

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: You need to have Homebrew installed before running the macOS/OSX installation.
WARNING: portSpider is only compatible with Python 3.3 & 3.4 & 3.5 & 3.6


PRET - Printer Exploitation Toolkit


PRET is a new tool for printer security testing developed in the scope of a Master's Thesis at Ruhr University Bochum. It connects to a device via network or USB and exploits the features of a given printer language. Currently PostScript, PJL and PCL are supported which are spoken by most laser printers. This allows cool stuff like capturing or manipulating print jobs, accessing the printer's file system and memory or even causing physical damage to the device. All attacks are documented in detail in the Hacking Printers Wiki.

The main idea of PRET is to facilitate the communication between the end-user and the printer. Thus, after entering a UNIX-like command, PRET translates it to PostScript, PJL or PCL, sends it to the printer, evaluates the result and translates it back to a user-friendly format. PRET offers a whole bunch of commands useful for printer attacks and fuzzing.

PRET only requires a Python2 interpreter. For colored output and SNMP support however, third party party modules need to be installed:
# pip install colorama pysnmp
If running on a Windows console and Unicode characters are not displayed correctly, install the win_unicode_console module:
# pip install win_unicode_console
For experimental, ‘driverless’ printing (see print command), ImageMagick and GhostScript need to be installed:
# apt-get install imagemagick ghostscript

usage: pret.py [-h] [-s] [-q] [-d] [-i file] [-o file] target {ps,pjl,pcl}

positional arguments:
target printer device or hostname
{ps,pjl,pcl} printing language to abuse

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --safe verify if language is supported
-q, --quiet suppress warnings and chit-chat
-d, --debug enter debug mode (show traffic)
-i file, --load file load and run commands from file
-o file, --log file log raw data sent to the target

Example usage:
$ ./pret.py laserjet.lan ps
$ ./pret.py /dev/usb/lp0 pjl

Positional Arguments:
PRET requires a valid target and a printer language as arguments. The target can either be the IP address/hostname of a network printer (with port 9100/tcp open) or a device like /dev/usb/lp0 for a local USB printer. To quickly discover all network printers in your subnet using SNMP broadcast, simply run PRET without arguments:
No target given, discovering local printers

address device uptime status
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── hp LaserJet 4250 10:21:49 Ready HP LaserJet M3027 MFP 13 days Paper jam Lexmark X792 153 days Ready Brother MFC-7860DW 16:31:17 Sleep mode
The printer language to be abused must be one of ps, pjl or pcl. Not all languages are supported by every printer, so you may wan't to switch languages if you don't receive any feedback. Each printer language is mapped to a different set of PRET commands and has different capabilities to exploit.

Optional Arguments:
--safe tries to check via IPP, HTTP and SNMP if the selected printing language (PS/PJL/PCL) is actually supported by the device before connecting. On non-networked printers (USB, parallel cable) this test will fail.
--quit suppresses printer model determination, intro message and some other chit-chat.
--debug shows the datastream actually sent to the device and the feedback received. Note that header data and other overhead is filtered. The see the whole traffic, use wireshark. Debugging can also be switched on/off within a PRET session using the debug command
--load filename reads and executes PRET commands from a text file. This is usefull for automation. Command files can also be invoked later within a PRET session via the load command.
--log filename writes a copy of the raw datastream sent to the printer into a file. This can be useful to build a malicious print job file which can be deployed on another printer not directly reachable, for example by printing it from USB drive.

Generic Commands
After connecting to a printer device, you will see the PRET shell and can execute various commands:
$ ./pret.py laserjet.lan pjl
/___________/___//|| PRET | Printer Exploitation Toolkit v0.25
|=== |----| || by Jens Mueller <jens.a.mueller@rub.de>
| | ô| ||
|___________| ô| ||
| ||/.´---.|| | || 「 cause your device can be
|-||/_____\||-. | |´ more fun than paper jams 」

(ASCII art by
Jan Foerster)

Connection to laserjet.lan established
Device: hp LaserJet 4250

Welcome to the pret shell. Type help or ? to list commands.
laserjet.lan:/> help

Available commands (type help <topic>):
append debug edit free id ls open restart timeout
cat delete env fuzz info mirror printenv selftest touch
cd df exit get load mkdir put set traversal
chvol disable find help lock nvram pwd site unlock
close display format hold loop offline reset status version

laserjet.lan:/> ls ../../
- 834 .profile
d - bin
d - dev
d - etc
d - hp
d - hpmnt
- 1276 init
d - lib
d - pipe
d - tmp
laserjet.lan:/> exit
A list of generic PRET commands is given below:
help      List available commands or get detailed help with 'help cmd'.
debug Enter debug mode. Use 'hex' for hexdump: debug [hex]
load Run commands from file: load cmd.txt
loop Run command for multiple arguments: loop <cmd> <arg1> <arg2> …
open Connect to remote device: open <target>
close Disconnect from device.
timeout Set connection timeout: timeout <seconds>
discover Discover local printer devices via SNMP.
print Print image file or raw text: print <file>|"text"
site Execute custom command on printer: site <command>
exit Exit the interpreter.
Generic file system operations with a PS/PJL/PCL specific implementation are:
│ Command │ PS │ PJL │ PCL │ Description │
│ ls │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ List contents of remote directory. │
│ get │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Receive file: get <file> │
│ put │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Send file: put <local file> │
│ append │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Append to file: append <file> <str> │
│ delete │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Delete remote file: delete <file> │
│ rename │ ✓ │ │ │ Rename remote file: rename <old> <new> │
│ find │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Recursively list directory contents. │
│ mirror │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Mirror remote filesystem to local dir. │
│ cat │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Output remote file to stdout. │
│ edit │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Edit remote files with vim. │
│ touch │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Update file timestamps: touch <file> │
│ mkdir │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Create remote directory: mkdir <path> │
│ cd │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Change remote working directory. │
│ pwd │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Show working directory on device. │
│ chvol │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Change remote volume: chvol <volume> │
│ traversal │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Set path traversal: traversal <path> │
│ format │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Initialize printer's file system. │
│ fuzz │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ File system fuzzing: fuzz <category> │
├─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┴─ ─ ─┴─ ─ ─┴─ ─ ─┴─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤
│ path - Explore fs structure with path traversal strategies. │
│ write - First put/append file, then check for its existence. │
│ blind - Read-only tests for existing files like /etc/passwd. │
│ df │ ✓ │ ✓ │ │ Show volume information. │
│ free │ ✓ │ ✓ │ ✓ │ Show available memory. │

Commands in PS mode
id         Show device information.
version Show PostScript interpreter version.
devices Show available I/O devices.
uptime Show system uptime (might be random).
date Show printer's system date and time.
pagecount Show printer's page counter.

lock Set startjob and system parameters password.
unlock Unset startjob and system parameters password.
restart Restart PostScript interpreter.
reset Reset PostScript settings to factory defaults.
disable Disable printing functionality.
destroy Cause physical damage to printer's NVRAM.
hang Execute PostScript infinite loop.

overlay Put overlay eps file on all hardcopies: overlay <file.eps>
cross Put printer graffiti on all hardcopies: cross <font> <text>
replace Replace string in documents to be printed: replace <old> <new>
capture Capture further jobs to be printed on this device.
hold Enable job retention.

set Set key to value in topmost dictionary: set <key=value>
known List supported PostScript operators: known <operator>
search Search all dictionaries by key: search <key>
dicts Return a list of dictionaries and their permissions.
resource List or dump PostScript resource: resource <category> [dump]

dump Dump dictionary: dump <dict>
Dictionaries: - systemdict - statusdict - userdict
- globaldict - serverdict - errordict
- internaldict - currentsystemparams
- currentuserparams - currentpagedevice

config Change printer settings: config <setting>
duplex - Set duplex printing.
copies # - Set number of copies.
economode - Set economic mode.
negative - Set negative print.
mirror - Set mirror inversion.
Not all commands are supported by every printer. Especially Brother and Kyocera devices use their own PostScript clones – Br-Script and KPDL – instead of licensing original ‘Adobe PostScript’. Such flavours of the PostScript language may not be 100% compatible, especially concerning security sensitive features like capturing print jobs. Access to the file system is supported by most printers, however usually limited to a certain, sandboxed directory.

Commands in PJL mode
id         Show device information.
status Enable status messages.
version Show firmware version or serial number (from 'info config').
pagecount Manipulate printer's page counter: pagecount <number>
printenv Show printer environment variable: printenv <VAR>
env Show environment variables (alias for 'info variables').
set Set printer environment variable: set <VAR=VALUE>

display Set printer's display message: display <message>
offline Take printer offline and display message: offline <message>
restart Restart printer.
reset Reset to factory defaults.
selftest Perform various printer self-tests.
disable Disable printing functionality.
destroy Cause physical damage to printer's NVRAM.
flood Flood user input, may reveal buffer overflows.

lock Lock control panel settings and disk write access.
unlock Unlock control panel settings and disk write access.
hold Enable job retention.

nvram NVRAM operations: nvram <operation>
nvram dump [all] - Dump (all) NVRAM to local file.
nvram read addr - Read single byte from address.
nvram write addr value - Write single byte to address.

info Show information: info <category>
info config - Provides configuration information.
info filesys - Returns PJL file system information.
info id - Provides the printer model number.
info memory - Identifies amount of memory available.
info pagecount - Returns the number of pages printed.
info status - Provides the current printer status.
info ustatus - Lists the unsolicited status variables.
info variables - Lists printer's environment variables.
Some commands are supported exclusively by HP printers, because other vendors have only implemented a subset of the PJL standard. This is especially true for PML based commands like restartor reset. Enabling long-term job retention via the hold command seems to be possible for some Epson devices only. NVRAM access via the nvram command is a proprietary feature of Brother printers. Limited access to the file system is supported by various HP, OKI, Konica, Xerox, Epson and Ricoh devices.

Commands in PCL mode
selftest   Perform printer self-test.
info Show information: info <category>
info fonts - Show installed fonts.
info macros - Show installed macros.
info patterns - Show user-defined patterns.
info symbols - Show symbol sets.
info extended - Show extended fonts.
PCL is a very limited page description language without access to the file system. The get/put/ls commands therefore use a virtual file system based on PCL macros, implemented mostly for the hack value. This proof-of-concept shows that even a device which supports only minimalist languages like PCL can be used to store arbitrary files like copyright infringing material. Although such a file sharing service is not a security vulnerability per se, it might apply as ‘misuse of service’ depending on the corporate policy

File Listing
  • pret.py - Executable main program
  • capabilities.py - Routines to check for printer langauge support
  • discovery.py - Routines to list printers using SNMP broadcast
  • printer.py - Generic code to describe a printing device
  • postscript.py - PS spezific code (inherits from class printer)
  • pjl.py - PJL spezific code (inherits from class printer)
  • pcl.py - PCL spezific code (inherits from class printer)
  • helper.py - Help functions for output, logging, sockets, etc.
  • codebook.py - Static table of PJL status/error codes
  • fuzzer.py - Constants for file system fuzzing
  • mibs/* - Printer specific SNMP MIBs
  • db/* - database of supported models
  • lpd/* - Scripts for LPD fuzzing

Getting Started
Given the features and various proprietary extensions in printing languages like PostScript and PJL, conducting a pentest on printers is not a trivial job. PRET can help to assist and verify known issues in the language. Once you have played around with the tool, you may wan't to perform a systematic printer security analysis. A good starting point is the Printer Security Testing Cheat Sheet.

BruteSploit - Collection Of Method For Automated Generate, Bruteforce And Manipulation Wordlist


BruteSploit is a collection of method for automated Generate, Bruteforce and Manipulation wordlist with interactive shell. That can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and can be used in CTF for manipulation,combine,transform and permutation some words or file text.

Check in this video :

  • v.1.1.1 Added Brute Instagram
  • v.1.1.0 Fixed Bugs
  • v.1.0.0 Release Brutsploit

Getting Started
  1. git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutesploit.git
  2. cd Brutesploit
  3. chmod +x Brutesploit
  4. sudo ./Brutesploit or sudo su ./Brutesploit

A linux operating system. We recommend :
  • Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling
  • Cyborg
  • Parrot
  • BackTrack
  • Backbox


DATA - Credential Phish Analysis and Automation


Credential Phish Analysis and Automation

  • Given a suspected phishing url or file of line separated urls, visit, screenshot, and scrape for interesting files.
  • Requirements can be installed by running or reviewing install_bucklegripper_deps.sh
usage: bucklegripper.py [-h] [-u URL] [-s SOURCE] [-r READFILE] [-a USERAGENT]

Visit a suspected phishing page, screenshot it and pillage it for phishing

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Url to visit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
Apply a source to where this url came from
-r READFILE, --readfile READFILE
Read in a file of URLs one per line
Custom User-Agent
Example of reading in a single url
$ python bucklegripper.py -s openphish -u http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html 

.: BUCKLEGRIPPER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Processing http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html
[+] Screencapped http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/Login.html as 20170503-032950-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com.png
[+] Found Zip file at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip
[+] Saved http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip as 20170503-032950-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com-optusnet.com.au.zip
[+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/
[+] Found php file: http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au/post.php
[+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/
[+] Saved http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/safe/optusnet.com.au.zip as 20170503-032951-openphish-www.govwebsearch.com-optusnet.com.au.zip
[+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/pdp/
[+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/opc/
[+] Found Opendir at http://www.govwebsearch.com/apc/
Example of reading in a file of line separated urls
$ python bucklegripper.py -s openphish -r ../../test_urls.txt

.: BUCKLEGRIPPER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Beginning processing of ../../test_urls.txt

[+] Processing http://onjasela.net/DB/fr/
[+] Screencapped http://onjasela.net/DB/fr/ as 20170503-010034-openphish-onjasela.net.png

[+] Processing http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php
[+] Screencapped http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php as 20170503-010053-openphish-suesschool.com.png
[+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/login.php
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/data.php
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/clients/block.php
[+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/login.php
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/data.php
[+] Found php file: http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/yahoologin/block.php
[+] Found Zip file at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin.zip
[+] Saved http://suesschool.com/yahoologin.zip as 20170503-010125-openphish-suesschool.com-yahoologin.zip
[+] Found Opendir at http://suesschool.com/yahoologin/

[+] Processing http://communitypartnersjc.org/wp-admin/js/index
[+] Screencapped http://communitypartnersjc.org/wp-admin/js/index as 20170503-010138-openphish-communitypartnersjc.org.png

[+] Processing http://ytrdesh.com/info/
[+] Screencapped http://ytrdesh.com/info/ as 20170503-010148-openphish-ytrdesh.com.png


  • While capturing a pcap visit a suspected phishing page. Handle redirectors and obfuscation to find a web form. Scrape the form and make educated guesses at what should be entered into the fields. Submit the form and repeat.
  • Requirements can be installed by running or reviewing install_bullyblinder_deps.sh
usage: bullyblinder.py [-h] -u URL [-a USERAGENT] -i INTERFACE

Visit a suspected phishing page and attempt form filling while getting a pcap

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Url to visit
Custom User-Agent to use
Interface to tell tshark to listen on
Example Usage
$ python bullyblinder.py -i eth0 -u http://www.justpropertydevelopers.com/scanned

.: BULLYBLINDER v0.1 https://github.com/hadojae/DATA/ :.

[+] Preparing pcap: 20170503-033243-www.justpropertydevelopers.com.pcap

[+] Processing http://www.justpropertydevelopers.com/scanned

[+] Submitting POST
[+] Control: <HiddenControl(hidCflag=1)>, Control.Type: hidden, Control.Name: hidCflag, Control.ID: hidCflag
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[*0])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[*1])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[*2])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[*3])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <SelectControl(<None>=[*4])>, Control.Type: select, Control.Name: None, Control.ID: None
[+] Control: <TextControl(Email=shannonjudith@gmail.com)>, Control.Type: email, Control.Name: Email, Control.ID: Email
[+] Control: <PasswordControl(Passwd=696969)>, Control.Type: password, Control.Name: Passwd, Control.ID: Passwd
[+] Control: <SubmitControl(signIn=Sign in to view attachment) (readonly)>, Control.Type: submit, Control.Name: signIn, Control.ID: signIn
[+] Control: <CheckboxControl(PersistentCookie=[yes])>, Control.Type: checkbox, Control.Name: PersistentCookie, Control.ID: PersistentCookie
[+] Control: <HiddenControl(rmShown=1) (readonly)>, Control.Type: hidden, Control.Name: rmShown, Control.ID: None

[-] No form found, checking for redirectors and obfuscation.

[+] Found js window.location or document.location, processing the redir

[+] https://drive.google.com/#my-drive appears to be a legitimate website.

[+] Complete! Submitted 1 form(s)

[+] Url Request Chain:

  • A basic bash script that pulls urls out of pdfs in streams or in clear view.
  • The only argument to the script is the path to a folder containing the pdfs you want to process.
  • REQUIRES pdf-parser.py from https://blog.didierstevens.com/programs/pdf-tools/ location to be set in first line of script
Example Usage
$ ./slickshoes.sh ~/PDFs/
DATA scripts are a constant work in progress. Feedback, issues, and additions are welcomed.
Proper python packages will be created once suffecient testing and features have been added and more bugs have been squashed.

If you have pcap writing issues, use this to fixup dumpcap perms, observed when using some VPS
sudo chgrp YOUR_USER /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip /usr/bin/dumpcap
Be sure to disable NIC features when capturing traffic run this as root. Checksum errors will cause all sorts of nightmares.
# for i in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro; do ethtool -K eth0 $i off; done

kwetza - Python script to inject existing Android applications with a Meterpreter payload


Kwetza is a tool that allows you to infect an existing Android application with a Meterpreter payload.

What does it do?
Kwetza infects an existing Android application with either custom or default payload templates to avoid detection by antivirus. Kwetza allows you to infect Android applications using the target application's default permissions or inject additional permissions to gain additional functionality.

Getting the code
Firstly get the code:
git clone https://github.com/sensepost/kwetza.git
Kwetza is written in Python and requires BeautifulSoup which can be installed using Pip:
pip install beautifulsoup4
Kwetza requires Apktool to be install and accessible via your PATH. This can be setup using the install instructions located here: https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/install

python kwetza.py nameOfTheApkToInfect.apk LHOST LPORT yes/no
  • nameOfTheApkToInfect.apk =name of the APK you wish to infect.
  • LHOST =IP of your listener.
  • LPORT =Port of your listener.
  • yes =include "yes" to inject additional evil perms into the app, "no" to utilize the default permissions of the app.
python kwetza.py hackme.apk 4444 yes
[+] TARGET ACTIVITY: com.foo.moo.gui.MainActivity
I: Using APktool 2.2.0
I: Checking whether source shas changed...
I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
I: Copying libs ...(/lib)
I: Building apk file...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...
Enter Passphrase for keystore: password
jar signed.


[+] L00t located at hackme/dist/hackme.apk

Kwetza has been developed to work with Python 2.
Kwetza by default will use the template and keystore located in the folder "payload" to inject and sign the infected apk.
If you would like to sign the infected application with your own certificate, generate a new keystore and place it in the "payload" folder and rename to the existing keystore or change the reference in the kwetza.py.
The same can be done for payload templates.
The password for the default keystore is, well, "password".

Domain Hunter - Checks Expired Domains, Bluecoat Categorization, And Archive.Org History To Determine Good Candidates For Phishing


Domain name selection is an important aspect of preparation for penetration tests and especially Red Team engagements. Commonly, domains that were used previously for benign purposes and were properly categorized can be purchased for only a few dollars. Such domains can allow a team to bypass reputation based web filters and network egress restrictions for phishing and C2 related tasks.
This Python based tool was written to quickly query the Expireddomains.net search engine for expired/available domains with a previous history of use. It then optionally queries for domain reputation against services like BlueCoat and IBM X-Force. The primary tool output is a timestamped HTML table style report.

- June 6 2017
+ Added python 3 support
+ Code cleanup and bug fixes
+ Added Status column (Available, Make Offer, Price,Backorder,etc)

  • Retrieves specified number of recently expired and deleted domains (.com, .net, .org primarily)
  • Retrieves available domains based on keyword search
  • Reads line delimited input file of potential domains names to check against reputation services
  • Performs reputation checks against the Blue Coat Site Review and IBM x-Force services
  • Sorts results by domain age (if known)
  • Text-based table and HTML report output with links to reputation sources and Archive.org entry

Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install requests texttable beautifulsoup4 lxml
List DomainHunter options
python ./domainhunter.py
usage: domainhunter.py [-h] [-q QUERY] [-c] [-r MAXRESULTS] [-w MAXWIDTH]

Checks expired domains, bluecoat categorization, and Archive.org history to
determine good candidates for C2 and phishing domains

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
Optional keyword used to refine search results
-c, --check Perform slow reputation checks
Number of results to return when querying latest
expired/deleted domains (min. 100)
Use defaults to check for most recent 100 domains and check reputation
python ./domainhunter.py
Search for 1000 most recently expired/deleted domains, but don't check reputation against Bluecoat or IBM xForce
python ./domainhunter.py -r 1000 -n
Retreive reputation information from domains in an input file
python ./domainhunter.py -f <filename>
Search for available domains with search term of "dog" and max results of 100
./domainhunter.py -q dog -r 100 -c
____ ___ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _____ ____
| _ \ / _ \| \/ | / \ |_ _| \ | | | | | | | | | \ | |_ _| ____| _ \
| | | | | | | |\/| | / _ \ | || \| | | |_| | | | | \| | | | | _| | |_) |
| |_| | |_| | | | |/ ___ \ | || |\ | | _ | |_| | |\ | | | | |___| _ <
|____/ \___/|_| |_/_/ \_\___|_| \_| |_| |_|\___/|_| \_| |_| |_____|_| \_\

Expired Domains Reputation Checker

This is for educational purposes only!
It is designed to promote education and the improvement of computer/cyber security.
The authors or employers are not liable for any illegal act or misuse performed by any user of this tool.
If you plan to use this content for illegal purpose, don't. Have a nice day :)

Start Time: 20170301_113226
TextTable Column Width: 400
Checking Reputation: True
Number Domains Checked: 100
Estimated Max Run Time: 33 minutes

[*] Downloading malware domain list from http://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains
[*] Fetching expired or deleted domains containing "dog"...
[*] https://www.expireddomains.net/domain-name-search/?q=dog
[*] BlueCoat Check: Dog.org.au
[+] Dog.org.au is categorized as: Uncategorized
[*] IBM xForce Check: Dog.org.au
[+] Dog.org.au is categorized as: Not found.
[*] BlueCoat Check: Dog.asia
[+] Dog.asia is categorized as: Uncategorized
[*] IBM xForce Check: Dog.asia
[+] Dog.asia is categorized as: Not found.
[*] BlueCoat Check: HomeDog.net
[+] HomeDog.net is categorized as: Uncategorized
[*] IBM xForce Check: HomeDog.net
[+] HomeDog.net is categorized as: Not found.
[*] BlueCoat Check: PolyDogs.com
[+] PolyDogs.com is categorized as: Uncategorized
[*] IBM xForce Check: PolyDogs.com
[+] PolyDogs.com is categorized as: Not found.
[*] BlueCoat Check: SaltyDog.it
[+] SaltyDog.it is categorized as: Uncategorized
[*] IBM xForce Check: SaltyDog.it
[+] SaltyDog.it is categorized as: Not found.
[*] https://www.expireddomains.net/domain-name-search/?start=25&q=dog
[*] BlueCoat Check: FetchDoggieStore.com
[+] FetchDoggieStore.com is categorized as: Society/Daily Living
[*] IBM xForce Check: FetchDoggieStore.com
[+] FetchDoggieStore.com is categorized as: {u'General Business': True}

Report Header Reference
  • Domain: Target Domain
  • Birth: First seen on Archive.org
  • Entries: Number of entries in Archive.org
  • TLDs Available: Top level top available
  • Bluecoat Categorization: Bluecoat category
  • IBM-xForce Categorization: IBM-xForce category
  • WatchGuard: Watchguard reputation
  • Namecheap: Link to namecheap.com
  • Archive.org: Link to archive.org

Heimdall - Manage Vulnerables Packages in your *nix Servers (in a centralized way)


It's a tool to manage vulnerables packages in your *nix servers, in a centralized way.

How to install
git clone https://github.com/mthbernardes/heimdall_webserver.git
cd heimdall_webserver
chmod +x install.sh
python manage.py runserver
The default credentials are
heimdall:heimdall (CHANGE THAT)

How it works
1. Install and configure the Heimdall web platform(heimdall_webserver) on a server where you will manage all your other clients(servers)
2. Install and configure the Heimdall agent on your clients(heimdall_agent)
3. The client get all packages installed and consult on vulners.com, to find wich package is vulnerable.
4. The client report the vulnerables packages to heimdall_webserver
5. Now you can upgrade the packages in all your server using just the Heimdall Web Platform

Groups privilegies
admin - Can do everything
infra - Just can't create users
security,dev - Can only see informations about the servers

How to register a client
got to http://localhost:1337/cliente/cadastrar
First insert the client name (just to know what server is, this information is not used in anyway)
Set the server ip addres and the client port, the defaul port is 5000
Select the distro
Click in register
It's done

How upgrade the packages
After you have installed the packages on your client, it start to communicate with the server, and send the vulnerable packages, so when a vulnerable package appear, just click in update.
after the upgrade finish, you can see the upgrade response, clicking on view.
It's done

Project ScreenShots

Project installation and configuration video

pymultitor - Python Multi Threaded Tor Proxy


Did you ever want to be at two different places at the same time?
While performing penetration tests there are often problems caused by security devices that block the "attacking" IP.
With a large number of IP addresses performing the attacks, better results are guaranteed - especially when attempting attacks to bypass Web Application Firewalls, Brute-Force type attacks and many more.

[Blackhat Asia] https://www.blackhat.com/asia-17/arsenal.html#pymultitor
[Owasp-IL Presentation] https://www.owasp.org/images/3/3d/OWASPIL-2016-02-02_PyMultiTor_TomerZait.pdf
[DigitalWhisper Article (Hebrew)] http://www.digitalwhisper.co.il/files/Zines/0x2E/DW46-3-PyMultitor.pdf


  • Python 2.7+.
  • A C compiler, Python headers, etc. (are needed to compile several dependencies).
    • On Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-wheel python-dev
    • On Fedora, sudo dnf install -y redhat-rpm-config gcc gcc-c++ make openssl-devel python-setuptools python-pip python-wheel python-devel
    • On Windows, install http://aka.ms/vcpython27
    • On MacOS,
      • install xcode command line tools: xcode-select --install
      • install homebrew(brew): $(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  • mitmproxy dependencies.
    • On Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
    • On Fedora, sudo dnf install -y libffi-devel openssl-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-devel
    • On Windows,
    • On MacOS, brew install mitmproxy
  • tor.
    • On Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install -y tor
    • On Fedora, sudo dnf install -y tor
    • On Windows,
      • download tor expert bundle: https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en
      • insert tor to your path environment: {tor-win32-*_path}\Tor
      • if you don't know how remember tor.exe path and use --tor-cmd argument on pymultitor (for example: pymultitor --tor-cmd "c:\Pentest\Web\tor-win32-\Tor\tor.exe")
    • On MacOS, brew install tor

From pip
pip install pymultitor
# On MacOs (it's Easier To Use Python 3):
# pip3 install pymultitor
You may need to use sudo, depending on your Python installation.

From Source
git clone https://github.com/realgam3/pymultitor.git
cd pymultitor

# Install python dependencies.
# Depending on your setup, one or both of these may require sudo.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

# On MacOs (it's Easier To Use Python 3):
# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# python3 setup.py install

# Confirm that everything works
pymultitor --help
Bug reports on installation issues are welcome!


Basic Usage
  1. Run pymultitor --on-string "Your IP Address Blocked".
  2. On your script use proxy (
    When the string Your IP Address Blocked will present in the response content, you will exit from another IP address.

Command Line Flags
See --help for the complete list, but in short:
Usage: pymultitor [-h] [-v] [-lh LISTEN_HOST] [-lp LISTEN_PORT] [-s] [-i] [-d]
[-p PROCESSES] [-c CMD] [--on-count ON_COUNT]
[--on-string ON_STRING] [--on-regex ON_REGEX] [--on-rst]

# When To Change IP Address
--on-count Change IP Every x Requests (Resources Also Counted).
--on-string Change IP When String Found On The Response Content.
--on-regex Change IP When Regex Found On The Response Content.
--on-rst Change IP When Connection Closed With TCP RST.

hackerbot - Chat With Hacker Assistant


Chat with your assistant and enjoy hacking
This bot is a combination of chatbot and hacking tools
  • Chatting
  • Twitter account analysis
  • Url scan
  • File scan
  • Ip scan
  • Linux enumeration
  • Linux priv escalation checker
  • Shellshock
  • Mimipenguin

git clone https://github.com/omergunal/hackerbot
chmod +x install.sh
Update your api keys in modules/virustotal-api.py and modules/twittersecrets.py To get API keys go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and https://www.virustotal.com

Python v2.7 required
python hackbot.py

arguments in chat:
!help show what you can do


Belati - The Traditional Swiss Army Knife for OSINT


Belati is tool for Collecting Public Data & Public Document from Website and other service for OSINT purpose. This tools is inspired by Foca and Datasploit for OSINT.

What Belati can do?
  • Whois(Indonesian TLD Support)
  • Banner Grabbing
  • Subdomain Enumeration
  • Service Scanning for all Subdomain Machine
  • Web Appalyzer Support
  • DNS mapping / Zone Scanning
  • Mail Harvester from Website & Search Engine
  • Mail Harvester from MIT PGP Public Key Server
  • Scrapping Public Document for Domain from Search Engine
  • Fake and Random User Agent ( Prevent from blocking )
  • Proxy Support for Harvesting Emails and Documents
  • Public Git Finder in domain/subdomain
  • Public SVN Finder in domain/subdomain
  • Robot.txt Scraper in domain/subdomain
  • Gather Public Company Info & Employee
  • SQLite3 Database Support for storing Belati Results
  • Setup Wizard/Configuration for Belati

  • Automatic OSINT with Username and Email support
  • Organization or Company OSINT Support
  • Collecting Data from Public service with Username and Email for LinkedIn and other service.
  • Setup Wizard for Token and setting up Belati
  • Token Support
  • Email Harvesting with multiple content(github, linkedin, etc)
  • Scrapping Public Document with multiple search engine(yahoo, yandex, bing etc)
  • Metadata Extractor
  • Web version with Django
  • Scanning Report export to PDF
  • domain or subdomain reputation checker
  • Reporting Support to JSON, PDF
  • Belati Updater

git clone https://github.com/aancw/Belati.git
cd Belati
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
pip install -r requirements.txt #please use pip with python v2
sudo su
python Belati.py --help

Tested On
Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 Arch Linux x86_64 CentOS 7

Python Requirements
This tool not compatible with Python 3. So use python v2.7 instead!

Why Need Root Privilege?
Nmap need Root Privilege. You can add sudo or other way to run nmap without root privilege. It's your choice ;)
Reference -> https://secwiki.org/w/Running_nmap_as_an_unprivileged_user
Don't worry. Belati still running when you are run with normal user ;)

  • urllib2
  • dnspython
  • requests
  • argparse
  • texttable
  • python-geoip-geolite2
  • python-geoip
  • dnsknife
  • termcolor
  • colorama
  • validators
  • tqdm
  • tldextract
  • fake-useragent

System Dependencies
For CentOS/Fedora user, please install this:
yum install gcc gmp gmp-devel python-devel

  • python-whois
  • Sublist3r
  • Subbrute
  • nmap
  • git
  • sqlite3

This tool is for educational purposes only. Any damage you make will not affect the author. Do It With Your Own Risk!

Aan Wahyu a.k.a Petruknisme(https://petruknisme.com)

tcconfig - A Simple Tc Command Wrapper Tool


A Simple tc command wrapper tool. Easy to set up traffic control of network bandwidth/latency/packet-loss to a network interface.

Traffic control features

Trafic shaping target
Apply traffic shaping rules to specific target:
  • Outgoing/Incoming packets
  • Certain IP address/network or port

Available parameters
The following parameters can be set to network interfaces.
  • Network bandwidth rate [G/M/K bps]
  • Network latency [milliseconds]
  • Packet loss rate [%]
  • Packet corruption rate [%]


Set traffic control (tcset command)
tcset is a command to add traffic control rule to a network interface (device).

e.g. Set a limit on bandwidth up to 100Kbps
# tcset --device eth0 --rate 100k

e.g. Set 100ms network latency
# tcset --device eth0 --delay 100

e.g. Set 0.1% packet loss
# tcset --device eth0 --loss 0.1

e.g. All of the above at once
# tcset --device eth0 --rate 100k --delay 100 --loss 0.1

e.g. Specify the IP address of traffic control
# tcset --device eth0 --delay 100 --network

e.g. Specify the IP network and port of traffic control
# tcset --device eth0 --delay 100 --network --port 80

Delete traffic control (tcdel command)
tcdel is a command to delete traffic shaping rules from a network interface (device).

e.g. Delete traffic control of eth0
# tcdel --device eth0

Display traffic control configurations (tcshow command)
tcshow is a command to display traffic control to network interface(s).

# tcset --device eth0 --delay 10 --delay-distro 2  --loss 0.01 --rate 0.25M --network --port 8080
# tcset --device eth0 --delay 1 --loss 0.02 --rate 500K --direction incoming
# tcshow --device eth0
"eth0": {
"outgoing": {
"network=, dst-port=8080": {
"delay": "10.0",
"loss": "0.01",
"rate": "250K",
"delay-distro": "2.0"
"network=": {}
"incoming": {
"network=": {
"delay": "1.0",
"loss": "0.02",
"rate": "500K"

For more information
More examples are available at http://tcconfig.rtfd.io/en/latest/pages/usage/index.html


Installing from PyPI
tcconfig can be installed from PyPI via pip (Python package manager) command.
sudo pip install tcconfig

Installing from files
The following package include tcconfig and dependency packages. Tshi package is for environments which cannot access to PyPI directly.
How to install:
  1. Navigate to https://github.com/thombashi/tcconfig/releases/
  2. Download the latest version of tcconfig_wheel.tar.gz
  3. Copy tcconfig_wheel.tar.gz to installation target
  4. tar xvf tcconfig_wheel.tar.gz
  5. cd tcconfig_wheel/
  6. ./install.sh


Linux packages
  • iproute/iproute2 (mandatory: required for tc command)
  • iptables (optional: required to when you use --iptables option)

Linux kernel module
  • sch_netem

Python packages
Dependency python packages are automatically installed during tcconfig installation via pip.

  • netifaces
    • Suppress excessive error messages if this package is installed

Test dependencies



Hashcat v3.6.0 - World's Fastest and Most Advanced Password Recovery Utility


hashcat is the world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 200 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, and other hardware accelerators on Linux, Windows, and OSX, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking.

Download the latest release and unpack it in the desired location. Please remember to use 7z x when unpacking the archive from the command line to ensure full file paths remain intact.

GPU Driver requirements:
  • AMD GPUs on Windows require "AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition" (15.12 or later)
  • AMD GPUs on Linux require "AMDGPU-PRO Driver" (16.40 or later)
  • Intel CPUs require "OpenCL Runtime for Intel Core and Intel Xeon Processors" (16.1.1 or later)
  • Intel GPUs on Windows require "OpenCL Driver for Intel Iris and Intel HD Graphics"
  • Intel GPUs on Linux require "OpenCL 2.0 GPU Driver Package for Linux" (2.0 or later)
  • NVIDIA GPUs require "NVIDIA Driver" (367.x or later)


  • World's fastest password cracker
  • World's first and only in-kernel rule engine
  • Free
  • Open-Source (MIT License)
  • Multi-OS (Linux, Windows and OSX)
  • Multi-Platform (CPU, GPU, DSP, FPGA, etc., everything that comes with an OpenCL runtime)
  • Multi-Hash (Cracking multiple hashes at the same time)
  • Multi-Devices (Utilizing multiple devices in same system)
  • Multi-Device-Types (Utilizing mixed device types in same system)
  • Supports distributed cracking networks (using overlay)
  • Supports interactive pause / resume
  • Supports sessions
  • Supports restore
  • Supports reading password candidates from file and stdin
  • Supports hex-salt and hex-charset
  • Supports automatic performance tuning
  • Supports automatic keyspace ordering markov-chains
  • Built-in benchmarking system
  • Integrated thermal watchdog
  • 200+ Hash-types implemented with performance in mind
  • ... and much more


  • MD4
  • MD5
  • Half MD5 (left, mid, right)
  • SHA1
  • SHA-224
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
  • SHA-3 (Keccak)
  • BLAKE2b-512
  • SipHash
  • Skip32
  • RIPEMD-160
  • Whirlpool
  • DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
  • 3DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)
  • ChaCha20
  • GOST R 34.11-94
  • GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit
  • GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit
  • md5($pass.$salt)
  • md5($salt.$pass)
  • md5(unicode($pass).$salt)
  • md5($salt.unicode($pass))
  • md5($salt.$pass.$salt)
  • md5($salt.md5($pass))
  • md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))
  • md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))
  • md5(md5($pass))
  • md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))
  • md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))
  • md5(sha1($pass))
  • sha1($pass.$salt)
  • sha1($salt.$pass)
  • sha1(unicode($pass).$salt)
  • sha1($salt.unicode($pass))
  • sha1(sha1($pass))
  • sha1($salt.sha1($pass))
  • sha1(md5($pass))
  • sha1($salt.$pass.$salt)
  • sha1(CX)
  • sha256($pass.$salt)
  • sha256($salt.$pass)
  • sha256(unicode($pass).$salt)
  • sha256($salt.unicode($pass))
  • sha512($pass.$salt)
  • sha512($salt.$pass)
  • sha512(unicode($pass).$salt)
  • sha512($salt.unicode($pass))
  • HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)
  • HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)
  • HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)
  • HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)
  • HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)
  • HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)
  • HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)
  • HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)
  • MyBB
  • phpBB3
  • SMF (Simple Machines Forum)
  • vBulletin
  • IPB (Invision Power Board)
  • WBB (Woltlab Burning Board)
  • osCommerce
  • xt:Commerce
  • PrestaShop
  • MediaWiki B type
  • WordPress
  • Drupal 7
  • Joomla
  • PHPS
  • Django (SHA-1)
  • Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)
  • Episerver
  • ColdFusion 10+
  • Apache MD5-APR
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)
  • Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)
  • Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)
  • Sybase
  • hMailServer
  • CRAM-MD5
  • PostgreSQL CRAM (MD5)
  • SIP digest authentication (MD5)
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • NetNTLMv1
  • NetNTLMv1+ESS
  • NetNTLMv2
  • Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23
  • Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23
  • Netscape LDAP SHA/SSHA
  • FileZilla Server
  • LM
  • NTLM
  • Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache
  • Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2
  • DPAPI masterkey file v1 and v2
  • MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
  • descrypt
  • bsdicrypt
  • md5crypt
  • sha256crypt
  • sha512crypt
  • bcrypt
  • scrypt
  • OSX v10.4
  • OSX v10.5
  • OSX v10.6
  • OSX v10.7
  • OSX v10.8
  • OSX v10.9
  • OSX v10.10
  • iTunes backup < 10.0
  • iTunes backup >= 10.0
  • AIX {smd5}
  • AIX {ssha1}
  • AIX {ssha256}
  • AIX {ssha512}
  • Cisco-ASA MD5
  • Cisco-PIX MD5
  • Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5)
  • Cisco-IOS type 4 (SHA256)
  • Cisco $8$ (PBKDF2-SHA256)
  • Cisco $9$ (scrypt)
  • Juniper IVE
  • Juniper NetScreen/SSG (ScreenOS)
  • Juniper/NetBSD sha1crypt
  • Fortigate (FortiOS)
  • Samsung Android Password/PIN
  • Windows Phone 8+ PIN/password
  • GRUB 2
  • CRC32
  • RACF
  • Radmin2
  • Redmine
  • PunBB
  • OpenCart
  • Atlassian (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1)
  • Citrix NetScaler
  • PeopleSoft
  • PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN
  • Skype
  • WinZip
  • 7-Zip
  • RAR3-hp
  • RAR5
  • AxCrypt
  • AxCrypt in-memory SHA1
  • PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)
  • PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)
  • PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)
  • PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)
  • MS Office <= 2003 MD5
  • MS Office <= 2003 SHA1
  • MS Office 2007
  • MS Office 2010
  • MS Office 2013
  • Lotus Notes/Domino 5
  • Lotus Notes/Domino 6
  • Lotus Notes/Domino 8
  • Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat
  • Blockchain, My Wallet
  • Blockchain, My Wallet, V2
  • 1Password, agilekeychain
  • 1Password, cloudkeychain
  • LastPass
  • Password Safe v2
  • Password Safe v3
  • KeePass 1 (AES/Twofish) and KeePass 2 (AES)
  • JKS Java Key Store Private Keys (SHA1)
  • Ethereum Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
  • Ethereum Wallet, SCRYPT
  • eCryptfs
  • Android FDE <= 4.3
  • Android FDE (Samsung DEK)
  • TrueCrypt
  • VeraCrypt
  • LUKS
  • Plaintext


  • Straight *
  • Combination
  • Brute-force
  • Hybrid dict + mask
  • Hybrid mask + dict
* accept Rules

Supported OpenCL runtimes

  • AMD
  • Apple
  • Intel
  • Mesa (Gallium)
  • NVidia
  • pocl

Supported OpenCL device types

  • GPU
  • CPU
  • APU
  • DSP
  • FPGA
  • Coprocessor

    Tails 3.0 - Live System to Preserve Your Privacy and Anonymity


    Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

    It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer's original operating system.

    Tails 3.0 is the first version of Tails based on Debian 9 (Stretch). It brings a completely new startup and shutdown experience, a lot of polishing to the desktop, security improvements in depth, and major upgrades to a lot of the included software.


    New features

    New startup and shutdown experience

    • Tails Greeter, the application to configure Tails at startup, has been completely redesigned for ease of use:
      • All options are available from a single window.
      • Language and region settings are displayed first to benefit our international audience.
      • Accessibility features can be enabled from the start
    • The shutdown experience has also been redesigned in order to be:
      • More reliable. It was crashing on various computers with unpredictable results.
      • More discrete. The screen is now totally black to look less suspicious.

    Polishing the desktop

    • Switch to the default black theme of GNOME which has a more modern and discrete look.
    • Tails 3.0 benefits from many other small improvements to the GNOME desktop
      • Files has been redesigned to reduce clutter and make the interface easier to use. Several new features have been added, such as the ability to rename multiple files at the same time and the ability to extract compressed files without needing a separate application. 
    • The notification area has been improved to allow easy access to previous notifications. Notification popups have also been repositioned to make them more noticeable. 
    • Shortcut windows have been added to help you discover keyboard shortcuts in GNOME applications.

    Security improvements in depth

    • Tails 3.0 works on 64-bit computers only and not on 32-bit computers anymore. Dropping hardware support, even for a small portion of our user base, is always a hard decision to make but being 64-bit only has important security and reliability benefits. For example, to protect against some types of security exploits, support for the NX bit is compulsory and most binaries are hardened with PIE which allows ASLR.
    • Update Tor Browser to 7.0 (based on Firefox 52 ESR) which is multiprocess and paves the way to content sandboxing. This should make it harder to exploit security vulnerabilities in the browser.

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